Collection: Chauncey Mitchell Depew papers (original) (raw)

1. Abbatt, William, 1851-1935 (author)

2. Abbott, Lyman, 1835-1922 (clergyman; editor)

3. Adair, Ward William, 1870-

4. Adams, Charles Francis, 1866-1954 (Secretary of the Navy)

5. Adams, Whittlesey, 1829-1916 (Yale 1857)

6. Adee, Alvey Augustus, 1842-1924 (Acting Secretary of State)

7. Ainsworth, Fred Crayton, 1852-1934 (Adjustant General)

8. Aldrich, Nelson Wilmarth, 1841-1915

9. A1drich, Winthrop Williams, 1885-(Ambassador to Great Britain)

10. Aldridge, George Washington, d. 1922 (Mayor: Rochester, New York)

11. Alexander, Charles Beatty, 1849-1927 (lawyer)

12. Alexander, DeAlva Stanwood, 1846-1925 (United States Representative)

13. Alexander, James Waddell, 1839-1915 (lawyer)

14. Alexander, John White, 1856-1915

15. Alexander, Lucien Hugh, 1866- (Lawyer)

16. Alexander, Robert Carter, 1857-1899 (editor)

17. Alger, Russell Alexander, 1836-1907 (United States Senator; Secretary of war; Governor: Michigan)

18. Allen, Edward Lisle, 1868- (editor)

19. Allen, Frederick Innis, 1859-1938 (United States Patents Commissioner)

20. Allen, George Hersey, 1876-1950 (Educator)

21. Allen, George Whiting, 1854-1922 (Lawyer; Banker)

22. Allen, Henry Justin, 1868-1950 (United States Senator; Governor: Kansas)

23. Allis, George C.

24. Alte, Jose de Horta Machada de France, Visconde de (Portugese Ambassador)

25. Andrew, Henry, Hersey, 1858-1934 (lawyer)

26. Andrews, Avery Delano, 1864-1959 (General)

27. Angel1, James Rowland, 1869-1949 (President: Yale)

28. Anthony, Benjamin Harris, 1863-1932 (Yale 1886)

29. Appleton, Daniel, 1852-1929 (publisher)

30. Appleton, Francis Randall, 1854-1929(Lawyer)

31. Archbold, John Dustin 1848-1914 (capitalist)

32. Atterbury, Grosvenor, 1869-1956 (architect)

33. Atwood, Charles Edwin, 1861-1930 (neurologist)

34. Austin, Oscar Phelps, d. 1933 (educator)

35. Babst, Earl D., 1870- (lawyer)

36. Bacon, Robert, 1860-1919 (Secretary of State; Ambassador to France)

37. Baer, George Frederick, 1842-1914

38. Bagby, Albert Morris, 1859-1941 (musician)

39. Bailey, Elijah Prentiss, 1834-1913 (editor)

40. Bailey, Joseph Woldon, 1862-1929 (United States Senator & Representative)

41. Baker, George Fisher, 1840-1931 (Banker)

42. Baker, James Marion, 1861-1940 (Secretary to the United States Senate)

43. Baker, Newton Diehl, 1871-1937 (Secretary of War)

44. Baker, Samuel A., 1874-1933 (Governor: Missouri)

45. Baldwin, Sherman, 1897- (Yale 1919)

46. Baldwin, Simeon Eben, 1840-1927 (Governor: Connecticut)

47. Ball, Lewis Heisler, 1861-1932 (United States Senator & Representative)

48. Ballard, Harlan Hoge, 1853-1934 (librarian)

49. Bannard, Otto Tremont, 1854-1929 (Yale 1876)

50. Barnes, Henry Elbert, 1832-1910 (Yale 1860)

51. Barnes, Thurlow Weed, 1853-1918 (Businessman)

52. Barnes, William 1866-1930 (Publisher)

53. Barnum, Malvern-Hill, 1863-1942 (General)

54. Barrows, John Henry, 1847-1902

55. Batcheller, George Sherman, 1837-1908 (Minister to Portugal)

56. Bates, Arthur Laban, 1859-1934 (United States Representative)

57. Belasco, David, 1854-1931 (producer)

58. Benedict, Russell, 1859-1936 (jurist)

59. Bennett, William Stiles, 1870- (United States Representative)

60. Bertron, Samuel Reading, 1865-1938 (Yale 1885)

61. Betts, Charles Henry, 1863-1929 (editor)

62. Beveridge, Albert Jeramiah, 1862-1927 (United States Senator)

63. Bilbo, Thodore Gilmore, 1877-1947 (United States Senator)

64. Bingham, Hiram, 1875-1956(United States Senator; Governor: Connecticut)

65. Black, Frank Swett, 1853-913 (United States Representative)

66. Blakeslee, Howard Walter, 1880-1952 (editor)

67. Bliss, Cornelius Newton, 1874-1949

68. Booth, Evangeline Cory, 1865-1950

69. Booth, William Stone, 1864-1926 (author)

70. Borah, William Edgar, 1865-1940 (United States Senator)

71. Bourne, Jonathan, Jr., 1855-1940

72. Bowen, Clarence Winthr p, 1852-1935 (Yale 1873)

73. Bowen, Herbert Wolcott, 1856-1927 (Yale 1878; Consul: Spain; Minister to Persia; Minister to Venesuela)

74. Bowman, Roland Claude, 1870- (cartoonist)

75. Boyle, Emmet Derby, 1879-1926 (Governor: Nevada)

76. Bradley, Thomas Wilson, 1844-1920 (United States Representative)

77. Bradley, William O'Connell, 1847-1914 (United States senator; Governors: Kentucky)

78. Bradstreet, Edward Payson, 1830-1931 (Yale 1853)

79. Brandegee, Frank Bosworth, 1864-1924 (United States Senator & Representative)

80. Bridges, Robert, 1858-1941 (editor)

81. Bridgman, Frederie Arthur, 1847-1928 (artist)

82. Bridgman, Herbert Lawrence, 1844-1924 (journalist)

83. Briggs, George E.

84. Brown, Norris, 1863- (United States Senator)

85. Brown, William C., 1853-1924 (Railroadman)

86. Brumbaugh, Martin Crove, 1862-1930 (Governor: Pennsylvania)

87. Bryan, George Sand, 1879-1943 (writer)

88. Buehler, Huber Gray, 1864-1924

89. Bullitt, William Christian, 1891-1967(Yale 1912)

90. Bumstead, Horace, 1841-1919 (educator)

91. Bunnell, A.O.

92. Burbank, Elizabeth J. (Waters) (Mrs. Luther)

93. Burkett, Elmer Jacob, 1867-1935 (United States Senator & Representative)

94. Butler, Edward Hubert, 1850-1914 (editor)

95. Butler, Edward Hubert, Jr. (editor)

96. Butler, Joseph Green, Jr., 1840-1927 (manufacturer)

97. Butler, Nicholas Murray, 1862-1947 (President: Columbia University)

98. Butler, William Allen, 1853-1923 (lawyer)

99. Byng, Julian Hedworth George, 1862-1935 (1st viscount Byng of Vimy)

100. Cable, Benjamin Stickney, 1872-1915 (Ass't Secretary of Commerce & Labor)

101. Cadman, Samuel Parkes, 1864-1936 (clergyman)

102. Calder, William Musgrave, 1869-1945 (United States Senator & Representative)

103. Calkins, Walcott, 1831-1924 (clergyman)

104. Camp, Walter Chauncey, 1859-1925 (Yale 1880)

105. Cannon, Joseph Gurney 1836-1926 (United States Representative; speaker of the House)

106. Capper, Arthur, 1865- (United States Senator)

107. Cardozo, Benjamin Nathan, 1870-1938 (jurist)

108. Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919 (Philanthropist)

109. Carry, Edward Francis, 1867-1929 (manufacturer)

110. Catlin, Charles Taylor, 1835-1912 (Yale 1856)

111. Chamberlain, Sir (Joseph) Austen, 1863-1937 (Prime Minister; Great Britain)

112. Chambers, Julius, 1850-1920 (editor)

113. Champlin, John Denison, 1834-1915 (Yale 1856)

114. Chandler, William Eaton, 1835-1917 (United States Senator)

115. Chapple, Joseph Mitchell, 1867-

116. Clapp, Moses Edwin, 1851-1931 (United States Senator)

117. Clark, Champ (James Beauchamp) 1850-1921 (United States Representative; Speaker of the House)

118. Clark, Genevieve (Bennett)

119. Clarke, John Davenport, 1873-1933 (United States Representative)

120. Clarke, John Hessin, 1857-1945

121. Clearwater, Alphonso Trumpbour, 1848-1933 (judge)

122. Clement, Pareival Wood, 1846-1927

123. Coit, Joseph Howland, 1831-1906 (educator)

124. Cole, Cyrenus, 1863-1939 (United States Representative)

125. Collier, William Miller, 1867-1956 (Ambassador to Chile & Spain)

126. Colt, LeBaron Bradford, 1846-1924 (United States Senator)

127. Colton, George Radcliffe, 1866-1916 (Governor: Puerto Rico)

128. Colvin, Addison Beecher, 1858- (Treasurer of New York State)

129. Coolidge, Calvin, 1872-1933 (President of the United States)

130. Copeland, Royal Samuel, 1868-1938 (United States Senator)

131. Cornish, Leslie Colby, 1854-1925 (judge)

132. Cornwell, John J., 1867-1953 (Governor: West Virginia)

133. Cortelyou, George Bruce, 1862-1940 (Secretary of the Treasury)

134. Coudert, Frederic Rene, 1871-1955 (lawyer)

135. Coxe, Macgrane, 1859-1923 (Yale 1879; lawyer)

136. Crane, Winthrop Murray, 1853-1920 (United States Senator; Governor: Massachusetts)

137. Cromwell, George, 1860-(New York State Senator)

138. Cromwell, William Nelson, 1854-1948

139. Crowley, Patrick Edwar, 1864-1953 (President:N.Y. (Central Railroad)

140. Cummins, Albert Baird, 1850-1926 (United States Senator; Governor: Iowa)

141. Cunliffe, Owen, (Philip) Frederick, 1855-1926 (editor)

142. Curtis, Charles, 1860-1936 (Vice-president of the United States)

143. Curtis, James Freeman, 1878-1952 (Acting Secretary of the Treasury)

144. Daugherty, Harry Micajah, 1860-1941 (United States Attorney General)

145. Davis, Dwight Filley, 1879-1945 (Secretary of War)

146. Davis, George Breckinridge, 1847-1914 (Judge Advocate General)

147. Davis, James John, 1873-1947 (United States Senator; Secretary of Labor)

148. Davis, John William 1873-1955 (United States Representative; Ambassador to Great Britain; Democratic Nominee 1924)

149. Davy, John Madison, 1835-1909 (United States Representative)

150. Dawes, Charles Gates, 1865- (Vice-president of the United States)

151. Day, George Parmly, 1876-1959 (Yale 1897)

152. deForest, Lee, 1873-1961 (Yale 1896s)

153. Depew, Ganson, 1866- (nephew)

154. Desborough, William Henry Grenfell, 1st Baron of Taplon, 1855-1945

155. Dick, Charles William Frederick, 1858-1945 (United States Senator)

156. Dickinson, Jacob, McGavock, 1851-1928 (Secretary of War)

157. Dillingham, William Paul, 1843-1923 (United States Senator; Governor: Vermont)

158. Dorsey, Hugh Manson, 1871-1948 (Governor: Georgia)

159. Draper, Andrew Sloan, 1848-1913 (N.Y. State Commissioner of Education)

160. Draper, William Henry, 1841-1921

161. Dreiser, Theodore, 1871-1945. (author)

162. Driscoll, Michael Edward, 1851-1929 (United States Representative)

163. Dunwell, James Winslow, 1849-1907 (judge)

164. Edison, Thomas Alva, 1847-1931 (inventor)

165. Edwards, John Homer, 1869-1945. (Acting Secretary of the Treasury) Chauncey Mitchell Depew Papers (MS 0180) - 12

166. Emery Henry Crosby, 1872-1924 (economist)

167. Evart, William Maxwell, 1818-1901 (Secretary of State; Attorney General) (United States Senator)

168. Fassett, Jacob Sloat, 1853-1924 (United States Representative)

169. Fernald, Bert Manfred, 1858-1926 (United States Senator)

170. Fields, William Jason, 1874- (United States Representative; Gov: Kentucky)

171. Fish, Stuyvesant, 1851-1923 (banker)

172. Fitch, Shbel Parmelee, 1848-1904 (United States Representative)

173. Fitzgerald, Roy Gerald, 1875- (United States Representative)

174. Fletcher, Duncan Upshaw, 1859-1936 (United States Senator)

175. Flint, Frank Putnam, 1862-1929 (United States Senator)

176. Foraker, Joseph Benson, 1846-1917 (United States Senator; Governor: Ohio)

177. Fordney, Joseph Warren, 1853-1932. (United States Representative)

178. Francis, Charles Spencer, 1853-1911 (Ambassador to Austria; Minister to Greece)

179. Francis, John Morgan, 1879-1925 (editor)

180. French, Burton Lee. 1875- (United States Representative)

181. French, Joseph Richardson, 1836-1913 (Yale 1856)

182. Gallatin, Albert Eugene, 1881-1952. (painter)

183. Gallinger, Jacob Harold, 1837-1918 (United States Senator & Representative)

184. Gardiner, Asa Bird, 1839-1919.

185. Gardner, Frederick Dozier, 1869-1933 (Governor: Missouri)

186. Gary, Elbert Henry, d. 1927. (financier)

187. Gates, Merrill Edwards, 1848-1922 (President: Amherst)

188. Gilder, Joseph B., 1858-1936 (publisher)

189. Gildersleeve, Henry Alger, 1840-1923 (judge)

190. Gillett, Frederick Huntington, 1851-1935 (United States Senator & Representative; Speaker of the House)

191. Gleason, Lafayette Blanchard, 1863-1937 (New York politician)

192. Goodykoonts, Wells, 1872-1944 (United States Representative)

193. Gore, Howard Mason, 1887-1947 (Governor: West Virginia)

194. Grant, Ulysses S. Jr., 1852-1929 (lawyer)

195. Guthrie, William Dameron, 1859-1935 (lawyer)

196. Hadley, Arthur Twining, 1856-1930 (President: Yale)

197. Hale, Frederick, 1874- (United States Senator)

198. Hammond, John Hays, 1855-1936 (Ambassador to Great Britain)

199. Hanna, Marcus Alonzo, 1837-1904 (United States Senator)

200. Harding, Warren Gamaliel, 1864-1923 (President of the United States)

201. Harriman, Edward Henry, 1848-1909 (financier)

202. Harrison, Russell Benjamin, d. 1936 (lawyer)

203. Hart, William Octave, 1857-1929 (lawyer)

204. Hasbrouck, Gilbert D.B., 1860-1942 (lawyer)

205. Hawthorne, Julian, 1846-1934 (author)

206. Hay, John, 1838-1905 (Secretary of State)

207. Haynes, George Henry, 1866-1947 (historian)

208. Hays, Will H. 1879-1954

209. Haselton, Gerry Whiting, 1829-1920 (United States Representative)

210. Hedges, Job Elmer, 1862-1925 (New York Gubernatorial Candidate)

211. Hemphill, Joseph Newton, 1847-1931 (admiral)

212. Hepburn, Alonzo Barton, 1846-1922 (banker)

213. Hewitt, Abram Stevens, 1822-1903 (United States Representative)

214. Hicks, Frederick Cocks, 1872-1925 (United States Representative)

215. Higgins, Frank Wayland, 1856-1907 (Governor: New York)

216. Hill, Henry Warner, 1858-1934 (New York State Senator)

217. Hilles, Charles Dewey, 1867-1949 (Republican National Committee)

218. Hinman, Harvey DeForest, 1864-1954 (New York State Representative)

219. Hinshaw, Edmund Howard, 1860-1932 (United States Representative)

220. Hirschberg, Michael Henry, 1847-1929 (judge)

221. Hiscock, Frank, 1834-1914 (United States Senator & Representative)

222. Hitchcock, Elizur, 1832-1899 (Yale 1854)

223. Hitchcocke, Ethan Allen, 1835-1909 (Secretary of the Interiror)

224. Hitchcock, Frank Harris, 1869-1935 (Postmaster General)

225. Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1841-1935 (Supreme Court Justice)

226. Hopkins, Archibald,1842-1926

227. Horton, Edward Augustus, 1843-1931 (clergyman)

228. Hoyt, Wayland, 1838-1910 (clergyman)

229. Hughitt, Mervin, 1837-1928 (Railroad official)

230. Hunt, George wylie Paul, 1859-1934 (Governor: Arizona)

231. Huntington-Wilson, Francis Mairs, 1875-1946 (Yale 1897; diplomat)

232. Husted, James William, 1870-1925 (United States Representative)

233. Iglehart, Ferdinand Cowle, 1845-1922 (clergyman)

234. Ingalsbe, Grenville Mellen, 1846-1918 (lawyer)

235. James Thomas Lemuel, 1831-1916(Postmaster General)

236. Jerome, william Travers, 1859-1934 (New York District Attorney)

237. Johnson, Robert Underwood, 1853-1937 (Director: Hall of Fame)

238. Jones, Wesley Livsey, 1863-1932 (United States Senator & Representative)

239. Joslyn, J.R. (editor)

240. Judson, Henry Pratt, 1849-1927 (President: University of Chicago)

241. Jusserand, Jean Adrian Antoine Jules, 1855-1932 (French Ambassador)

242. Kahn, Julius, 1861-1924 (United States Representative)

243. Keeler, Seneca McNeil, 1835-1912 (Yale 1856)

244. Kellogg, Abraham Lincoln 1860-1946 (judge)

245. Kellogg, Frank Billings, 1856-1937 (United States Senator; Secretary of State)

246. Kendrick, W. Freeland, 1874-1935 (Mayor: Phi1adelphia)

247. Keogh, Andrew, 1869-1953 (Librarian: Yale)

248. Kerr, Daniel, 1836-1916 (United States Representative)

249. King, Horatio Collins, 1837-1918 (lawyer)

250. King, William Lyon Mackenzie, 1874-1950 (Prime Minister; Canada)

251. Kingsley, William Lathrop, 1824-1896, (Yale 1843)

252. Kirkland, James Hampton, 1859-1939 (Chancellor: Vandarbilt)

253. Knapp, Charles Luman, 1847-1929 (United States Representative)

254. Kneeland, Stillman Foster, 1845-1926 (general)

255. Knox, Philander Chase, 1853-1921 (Secretary of State; Attorney General; United States Senator)

256. Lane, Franklin Knight, 1864-1921 (Secretary of the Interior)

257. Lansing, Robert, 1864-1928 (Secretary of State)

258. Lee, Ivy Ledbetter, 1877-1934

259. Lenroot, Irvine Luther, 1869-1949 (United States Senator & Representative)

260. Loeb, William 1866-1937 (Sedretary to Theodore Roosevelt)

261. Low, Seth, 1850-1916 (President: Columbia University)

262. Lowden, Frank Orren, 1861-1943 (United States Representative. Governor: Illinois)

263. Lyman, Hart, 1851-1927 (Yale 1873; editor)

264. MacArthur, Arthur, 1850-1914 (editor)

265. MacDougall, Clinton Dugald, 1839-1914 (United states Representative)

275. McClung, (Thomas) Lee, 1870-1914 (United States Treasurer)

276. McCumber, Porter James, 1858-1933 (United States Senator)

277. McElroy, Robert, 1872-1959 (historian)

278. McLennan, Peter Baillie, 1850-1913 (judge)

279. Meloy, William Augustus, 1832-1905 (Yale 1854)

280. Merrill, William Henry, 1840-1907 (editor)

281. Merritt, Edwin Albert, 1860-1914 (United States Representative)

282. Merritt, Edwin Atkins, 1828-1916

283. Matcalf, Vidtor Howard, 1853-193 (Yale 1876)

284. Metcalfe, James Stetson, 1858-1927 (Yale 1879)

285. Meyer, George vonLengerke, 1858-1918 (Secretary of the Navy)

286. Miller, Charles Ransom, 1849-1922 (newspaperman)

287. Miller, Charles Sumner, 1856-1932 (Yale 1877)

288. Miller, George Douglas, 1847-1932 (Yale 1870)

289. Mills, Ogden Livingstonk 1844-1937 (Secretary of the Treasury)

290. Mitchell, Edward Page, 1852-1927 (editor)

291. Moody, william Henry, 1853-1917 (United States Representative; Secretary of the Navy; Attorney General; Supreme Ct. Justice)

292. Moore, Charles Arthur, d.1914 (merchant)

293. Moot, Adelbert, 1854-1929 (lawyer)

294. Morgan, Harry Hays, 1860-1933 (consul)

295. Morgan, Thomas J., 1839-1902 (Commissioner of Indian Affairs)

296. Morris, Robert Clark, 1864-1938 (Yale 1890; lawyer)

297. Morrow, Dwight Whitney, 1873-1931 (U.S. Senator; Ambassador to Mexico)

298. Morse, Sidney Edward, 1835-1908 (Yale 1856)

299. Morton, Levl Parsons, 1824-1920 (Vice-President of the United States; United States Representative; Ambassador to France; Governor: New York)

300. Moses, George Higgins, 1869-1944 (United States Senator)

301. Mullaly, John, 1835- (writer)

302. Muller-Ury, Adolfo, 1864-1947 (painter)

303. Munsey, Frank Andrew, 1854-1925 (editor)

304. Murray, Charles H. 1855-1916 (judge)

305. Nagel, Cahrles, 1849-1940 (Secretary of Commerce & Labor)

306. Nelson, Knute, 1843-1923 (United States Senator & Representative)

307. New, Harry Stewart, 1858-1937 (United States Senator; Postmaster General)

308. Newcomb, Josiah Turner, 1868-1944

309. Newlands, Francis Griffith, 1848-1917 (United States Senator)

310. Nicho1son, Reginald Fairfax, 1852-1939 (Acting Secretary of the Navy)

311. O'Brien, John F., d. 1939 (New York Secretary of State)

312. Ochs, Adolph S., 1858-1935 (editor)

313. Odell, Benjamin Baker, Jr., 1854-1926 (United States Representative; Governor: New York)

314. O'Gorman, James Aloysius, 1860-1943 (United States Senator)

315. Olcott, Jacob Van Vechten, 1856-1940 (United States Representative)

316. Olcott, William Morrow Knox, 1862-1933 (New York District Attorney)

317. O1iver, George Tener, 1848-1919 (United States Senator)

318. Oliver, Robert Shaw, 1847-1935 (Secretary of War)

319. Osborn, Chase salmon, 1860-1949 (Governor: Michigan)

320. Overman, Lee Slater, 1854-1930 (United States Senator)

321. Overmyer, Arthur Warren, 1879- (United States Senator) (Representative)

322. Page, Carroll Smalley, 1843-1925 (United States Senator)

323. Paige, Calvin DeWitt, 1848-1930 (United States Representative)

324. Paris, William Francklyn, 1871-1954 (architect)

325. Parker, Alton Brooks, 1852-1926 (Democratic Nominee 1908)

326. Parsons, Charles Baldwin, 1835-1910 (ship broker)

327. Parsons, Herbert, 1869-1925 (United States Representative)

328. Patterson, Robert Wilson, 1850-1910 (editor)

329. Paxson, Frederic Logan, 1877-1948 (author)

330. Payne, Sereno Edwards, 1843-1914 (United States Representative)

331. Peck, Theodore Safford, 1843-1918 (general)

332. Peet, Isaac, Lewis, 1824-1898 (Yale 1845)

333. Penrose, Boies, 1860-1921 (United States Senator)

334. Phelps, William Lyon, 1865-1943 (Yale 1887)

335. Phillips, Andrew wheeler, 1844-1915 (yale 1873s)

336. Phipps, Lawrence Cowle, 1862- (United States Senator)

337. Pinchot, Gifford, 1865-1946 (Yale 1889)

338. Pitney, Mahlon, 1858-1924 (United States Representative; Governor: New Jersey; Supreme Court Justice)

339. Platt, Edmund, 1865-1939 (United States Representative)

340. Platt, Frank Hinchman, 1856-1920 (Yale 1877)

341. Platt, Orville Hitchcoke, 1827-1905 (United States Senator)

342. Platt, Thomas Collier, 1833-1910 (United States Senator & Representative)

343. Pond, James Burton, 1838-1903

344. Porter, J.A. (Secretary to William McKinley)

345. Post, Regis Henri, 1870-1944 (Governor: Puerto Rico)

346. Pratt, Harry Hayt, 1864-1932 (United States Representative)

347. Pugsley, Cornelius Amory, 1850-1936 (United States Representative)

348. Pulitzer, Joseph, 1847-1911 (editor; United States Representative)

349. Putnam, George Haven, 1844-1930 (publisher)

350. Raines, John, 1840-1909 (United States Representative)

351. Ransde11, Joseph Eugene, 1858- (United States Senator & Representative)

352. Rayner, Isidor, 1850-1912 (United States Senator & Representative)

353. Reed, Stuart Felix, 1866-1935 (United States Representative)

354. Reid, Ogden Mills, 1882-1947 (Yale 1904)

355. Riggs, Edward Gridley, 1856-1924 (editor)

356. Robbins, Edward Wright, 1822-1899 (Yale 1843)

357. Robinson, Sir Harry Perry, 1859-1930 (London Times editor)

358. Robinson, Henry Cornelius, 1832-1900 (Yale 1853)

359. Rockefeller, John Davison, Jr., 1874- (financier)

360. Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919 (President of the United States)

361. Root, Elihu, 1845-1937 (United States Senator; Secretary of State: Secretary of War)

362. Rothschild, Alonzo, 1862-1915 (author)

363. Rudd, William Platt, 1851-1929 (judge)

364. Runnells, Clive, 1877-1935 (President Pullman Co.)

365. Rye, Thomas C. (Governor: Tennessee)

366. Sanders, Everett, 1882-1950 (United States Representative)

367. Sanderson, George Andrew, 1850-1925 (Secretary to the United States Senate)

368. Sanford, A.B.

369. Satterles, Herbert Livingston, 1863-1947

370. Saxton, Charles T., 1846-1903 (New York State Representative)

371. Scott, Nathan Bay, 1842-1924 (United States Senator)

372. Scripture, William Ellis, 1843-1933 (judge)

373. Seward, William Henry, 1839-1920 (banker)

374. Sharp, William Graves, 1859-1922 (United States Representative; Ambassador to France)

375. Shaw, Leslie Montier, 1848-1932 (Secretary of the Treasury)

376. Sheffield, James Rockwell, 1864-1938 (Yale 1887)

377. Sheldon, George Rumsey, 1857-1919

378. Shepard, Charles Sidney, 1856-1934 (Yale 1878)

379. Sherman, James Schoolcraft, 1855-1912 (Vice-president of the United States)

380. Sherrill, Charles Hitchcock, 1867-1936 (Yale 1889)

381. Sibley, Joseph crocker, 1850-1926. (United States Representative)

382. Skinner, Charles Rufus, 1844-1928 (United States Representative)

383. Skinner, Otis 1858-1942 (actor)

384. Sleicher, John A., 1848-1921 (editor)

385. Slocum, Clarence Rice, 1868-1912 (consul)

386. Smith, Alfred Emanuel, 1873-1944 (Governor: New York; Democratic Nominee 1928)

387. Smith Alfred H., d. 1924 (President: New York Central Railroad)

388. Smith, John Merlin Powis, 1866-1932 (editor)

389. Smith, William Alden, 1859-1932 (United States Senator & Representative)

390. Smoot, Read, 1862-1941 (United States Senator)

391. Southwick, George Newell, 1863-1912 (United States Representative)

392. Spencer, Selden Palmer, 1862-1925 (United States Senator; Yale 1884)

393. Sprague, Henry Harrison, 1841-1920 (lawyer)

394. Stamfordham, Arthur John Bigge, 1st Baron, 1849-1931

395. Stedman Edmund Clarence, 1833-1908 (Yale 1853)

396. Sterling, Thomas, 1851-1930 (United States Senator)

397. Stetson, Francis Lynde, 1846-1920 (lawyer)

398. Stewart, John Appleton, 1865-1928 (manufacturer)

399. Stimson, Henry Lewis, 1866-1950 (Yale 1888, Secretary of state; Secretary of War)

400. Stoddard, Henry Luther, 1861-1947 (newspaperman)

401. Stokes, Anson Phelps, 1874-1958 (Secretary: Yale)

402. Stokes, William Earl Dodge, 1852-1926 (Yale 1874)

403. Strong, Theron George, 1846-1924 (lawyer)

404. Stryker, Melanchton Woolsey, 1851-1929 (educator)

405. Studley, Elmer Ebenezer, 1869-1942 (United States Representative)

406. Sullivan, Mark, 1874-1952 (writer)

407. Sutherland, Howard, 1865-1950 (United States Senator & Representative)

409. Sweet, Thaddeus C., 1872-1928 (United States Representative)

410. Taft, William Howard, 1857-1930 (President of the United States)

411. Taylor, James Monroe, 1848-1916 (Yale 1871)

412. Thacher, Thomas, 1850-1919 (Yale 1871)

413. Thompson, Carml Alderman, 1870-1942 (United States Treasurer)

414. Townsend, Charles Elroy, 1856-1924 (United States Senator & Representative)

415. Tracy, Evarts, 1868-1922 (Yale 1890)

416. Treadway, Allen Towner, 1867-1947 (United States Representative)

417. Treat, charles Henry, 1841-1910 (united States Treasurer)

418. Tremain, Henry Edwin, 1840-1910

419. Twombly, Hamilton McKown, d. 1910

420. Utley, Joseph Simeon, 1876-1943 (politician)

421. Vedder, Commodore Perry, 1838-1910 (lawyer)

422. Vreeland, Edward Butterfield, 1856-1936 (United States Representative)

423. Vrooman, John Wright, 1844-1929 (banker)

424. Wadhams, Frederick Eugene, 1848-1926 (lawyer)

425. Wadsworth, James Wolcott, Jr. 1877- (United States Senator & Representative)

426. Wainwright, Jonehan Mayhew, 1864-1945 (United States Representative)

427. Walcott, Frederic Collin, 1869- (Yale 1891)

428. Walker, James J., 1881-1946 (Mayor: New York)

429. Wallace, Huge Campbell, 1863-1931 (Ambassador to France)

43O. Ward, William Lukens, 1856-1933 (United States Representative)

431. warner, william, 1840-1916 (United States Senator & Representative)

432. Warren, Francis Emroy, 1844-1929 (United States Senator; Governor: Wyoming)

433. Watson, James Eli, 1863-1948 (United States Senator & Representative)

434. Weinberger, John shelly, 1832-1917 (Yale 1859)

435. Welch, Lewis Sheldon, 1867-1940 (Yale 1889)

436. Wheeler, Joseph, 1836-1906 (United States Representative)

437. White, Andrew Jackson, 1832-1918 (Yale 1853; Ambassador to Germany)

438. White, Horace, 1834-1916

439. White, John Stuart, 1847-1922 (Yale)

440. Whitehouse, William FitzHugh, 1877-1909

441. Whitlock, Brand, 1869-1934

442. Whitman, Charles Seymour, 1868-1947 (Governor: New York)

443. Whitney, James Lyman, 1835-1910 (Yale 1856)

444. Wickersham, George Woodward, 1858-1936 (Attorney General)

445. Wilder, Amos Parker,1862-1936 (Yale 1884)

446. Wiley, Louis, 1869-1935 (editor)

447. Wilkinson, Ahab George, 1834-1922 (Yale 1856)

448. Williams, Edward Franklin, 1832-1919 (Yale 1856)

449. Willson, Augustus Everett,1846-1931 (Governor: Kentucky)

450. Wilson, James 1835-1920 (United States Representative; Secretary of Agriculture)

451. Winthrop, Bronson, 1863-1944 (lawyer)

452. Wood, William Robert, 1861-1933 (United States Representative)

453. Woodford, Stewart, Lyndon, 1835-1913 (United States Representative; Minister to Spain)

454. Woodruff, Timothy Lester, 1858-1913 (Yale 1879; Lt. Governor: New York)

455. Worcester, Edwin Dean, Jr., 1856-1929 (Yale 1876)

456. Young, Richard, 1846-1935 (United States Representative)

457. Young, Thomas, 1840-1918 (Yale 1863)