Eyes on Final Fantasy - Kingdom Hearts (original) (raw)

Kingdom Hearts is a game that needs no introduction. It seems even the most jaded of fans still hold very much respect for this little gem that has, against all odds, remained as one of the PS2�s most beloved classics. This was a time when SE was still doing tons of risky, experimental stuff rather than trying to capitalize on the thing that was big at the time. I think it should come as no surprise that I really miss those times.

Though Kingdom Hearts may be the last of its kind - that being a quirky, experimental title - it�s still a shining example of a simple joy of creating new and exciting things that used to be SE�s M.O. I�d argue it�s also one of the last bastions of such creative joy within the company, but I guess I�ll be elaborating more on this in later pieces.

But what is it that makes KH so risky and experimental? Why, it�s the unique combination of Disney and Final Fantasy, of course. As if that needs to be stated. Much like the mythical encounter Sakaguchi had with a Disney exec, it�s just one of those things that we treat as a given nowadays, but were just a wild concept back in the day. The result? A game that exceeded all expectations and exploded into the gargantuan franchise it is today.

Though the game was originally meant to star Mickey Mouse, Disney was a bit reluctant to let SE use their characters just right of the bat. And so we got Sora, aided by Donald and Goofy, among various other classic Disney characters, on a very straightforward quest to save his friends and prevent the worlds from falling into Darkness. You know, the regular stuff.

The one thing that really makes this game stand out, if you ask me, is the fact that the Disney worlds, for the most part, have stories that are actually tied to the main plot. The Disney villains, not just Maleficent, are actually very active agents until they get hijacked by Xehanort (as you do; more on that later). I love how Monstro and Captain Hook�s Castle just straight up float between the worlds and move the plot forward. It also helps, that the further they are along the game�s storyline, the more involved they are, culminating in the sublime segment of the game that is Hollow Bastion which, though it may not be a Disney world on its own, has enough of Beast and Belle�s presence in the main plot to count.

Speaking of the events of Hollow Bastion, though Kingdom Hearts I�s story may be a very simple start, with a fairy tale quality to it (compared to later titles, which are far more shounen manga-y in their execution), the characters are quite deftly handled from the very beginning. Sora may remain pure-hearted throughout, but I love how he gradually shifts from just wanting to save his friends to basically considering everyone his friend and selflessly striving to protect the worlds from devastation. Riku�s journey is far more complex and though I feel he really grows into the most fascinating character in the series in later installments, you can definitely appreciate the dark personality traits planted in him in this game just for the sheer, teen drama that it causes between him and Sora. Both of their character arcs culminate in the Hollow Bastion segment, again solidifying it as the best portion of the game, no contest.

Finally, the last large bit I want to touch on in this part of the retrospective is the atmosphere. Sadly, this is the one element the series has lost after the first game. Kingdom Hearts may be pure Disney joy and one of the lightest storylines in the series, but the atmosphere can be downright dreary at times. From the spooky Halloween Town with all its nooks and crannies, to the harrowing Night of Fate at the beginning segment at Destiny Islands, the quiet loneliness of Traverse Town and, of course, the oppressive Hollow Bastion and eerie End of the World, the various worlds of Kingdom Hearts keep you hooked in not just through their involvement in the main plot, but sheer aesthetic value and amazing ambiance. This, of course, is achieved in part thanks to the mesmerizing soundtrack by Yoko Shimomura who has since scored every single game, providing consistently outstanding music. Even if you�ve become disillusioned with the series, you can never deny that the music has never stopped being excellent.

Kingdom Hearts is a game that I hold in very high regard, even if there are many more entries in the series that I enjoyed more. I�ve spent a lot of time with it, beating all of the optional bosses - and let me tell you, when you�re 13, it�s hard. The game may not really be that challenging by today�s standards, but it�s definitely a slower ARPG that can be downright brutal if you don�t swing your Keyblade methodically. As button mashy as these games get, over here you really needed to take things slow if you wanted to make it out alive.

What else can I add? I�m glad that at least this game still gets the credit it deserves after all these years and has provided the people who played it with enough nostalgia to last them until today, so that they�re hyped for KHIII even if they hadn�t played every game in the series up to this point. Big mistake, if you ask me

Alright, so let�s recap this baby!

Important story bits

Favorite story segment
It�d be a cop-out to say �all of Hollow Bastion�, though that�s what it would be for me, if I�m being honest. If I had to pick one moment, though, I�d have to pick Sora�s fight with a Xehanort-possessed Riku. Everything leading up to that fight is epic, their showdown is incredibly important to both of their arcs, and the fight itself is intense and gave me quite a bit of trouble when I was a kid. 10/10 would get my ass kicked by this dude again.

Gameplay highlights

What are your thoughts on Kingdom Hearts? Favorite moments, worlds? What do you like about this game? Feel free to take part in the discussion!

~Play order~
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