Don Bosco's Writings (original) (raw)


1. Announcements for Catholics (pp. 32)

2. The Instructed Catholic (6 leaflets, pp. 452)

3. Historial notes on the miracle of the Blessed Sacrament at Turin (pp. 48)

4. Fact of our times (pp. 48)

  1. A dispute between a lawyer and a Protestant minister (pp. 68)

  2. Notes on the life of the youth, Luigi Comollo (pp. 100)

  3. The conversion of a Waldensian (pp.108)

  4. A collection of strange contemporary happenings (pp. 108)

  5. The six Sundays in honour of St Aloysius Gonzaga

  6. The Jubilee (pp. 64)


I1. An easy method of learning Sacred History (pp. 96)

  1. Talks on Confession (pp. 128)

  2. Life of St Martin, Bishop of Tours (pp. 96)

  3. The value of a good upbringing (pp. 112)


  1. Life of St Pancras (pp. 96)


  1. Life of St Peter (pp. 182)

  2. Two conferences on Purgatory (pp. 128)

  3. Life of St Paul (pp. 168)

  4. Lives of the Sovereign Pontiffs, Linus, Cletus and Clement (pp. 108)

  5. Lives of the Sovereign Pontiffs, Anacletus, Evaristus and Alexander I (pp. 80)

  6. Lives of the Sovereign Pontiffs, Sixtus, Telesphorus and Hyginus (pp. 96)


  1. Lives of the Sovereign Pontiffs, Anicetus, Soter, Eleutherus, Victor and Zephirinus(pp. 88)

  2. The month of May, consecrated to Mary Immaculate (pp. 192)

  3. The Christian's 'Porta Tecum' (pp. 72)

  4. Life of the Sovereign Pontiff, Callistus I (pp.64)


  1. Life of the youth, Dominic Savio (pp. 144)

  2. Life of the Sovereign Pontiff, Urban I (pp. 122)

  3. Lives of the Sovereign Pontiffs, Pontian, Anterus and Fabian (pp. 100)

  4. The persecution of Decius and the pontificate of St Cornelius I (pp. 112)


  1. Lives of the Sovereign Pontiffs, St Lucian I and St Stephen I (pp. 120)

  2. The pontificate of St Sixtus II and the glories of St Laurence (pp. 80)

  3. Biography of Fr Joseph Cafasso (pp. 144)


  1. A family of martyrs (pp. 96)

  2. Biographical note on Michael Magone (pp. 96)

  3. The pontificate of St Dionysius (pp. 64)

  4. Biography of Silvio Pellico


  1. The pontificates of St Felix I and St Eutichian (pp. 96)

  2. The new charm of an old soldier of Napoleon (pp. 64)


  1. Historical notes on BI. Catherine De-Mattei (pp. 192)

  2. The pontificate of St Caius (pp. 120)


  1. The pontificates of SS Marcellinus and Marcellus (pp. 120)

  2. Episodes pleasant and contemporary (pp. 112)

  3. The little shepherd of the Alps (pp. 192)


  1. The house of fortune (pp. 96)

  2. Dialogues on the jubilee (pp. 96)

  3. The peace of the Church (pp. 80)

  4. Life of BI. Mary of the Angels c. s. (pp. 192)


  1. Valentine or the opposed vocation (pp. 64)


  1. The centenary of St Peter the Apostle (pp. 224)

  2. Life of St Joseph (pp. 112)

  3. News and stories (pp. 64)


  1. Severino, or the adventures of a young alpinist (pp. 192)

53_. Marvels of the Mother of God_ (pp. 184)

54_. Life of St John the Baptist_ (pp. 64)

  1. Remembrance of a solemnity (pp. 172)


  1. The Catholic Church and its Hierarchy (pp 152)

  2. The Association of the devotees of Mary, Help of Christians (pp. 96)

58 The General Councils and the Catholic Church (pp. 168)

  1. Angelina, or the little orphan Girl of the Appenines (pp. 70)


  1. Nine days consecrated to the august Mother of our Saviour (pp. 104)

  2. Church History (pp. 464)


  1. The Apparition of the Blessed Virgin at La Salette (pp. 98)

  2. Pleasing facts from the life Pius IX (pp. 356)


  1. The centenary of St Eusebius the Great (pp. 28)


  1. Massimino, or the encounter of a boy with a protestant (pp. 108)


  1. The Jubilee of 1875 (pp. 120)

  2. Mary, Help of Christians (pp. 320)


  1. The little cloud of Carmel (pp. 120)


  1. The loveliest flower of the apostolic college (pp. 288)


  1. The Catholic in the world (pp. 464)


  1. New stories of Luig Comollo (pp. 120)

–This list of Don Bosco's writings is taken from_Don Bosco in the World_, Salesian Press, Turin 1968, p. 55.