An Introduction to Kolmogorov Complexity and Its Applications (original) (raw)

Ming Li and Paul Vitanyi

Third Edition Springer Verlag 2008; xxiii+790pp 50 Illustrations ISBN 987-0-387-49820-1 Hardcover $84.95 as of December 2008 (maybe cheaper from Amazon) Preface 3nd Edition. Preface 2nd Edition. Contents 2nd Edition. Chinese Translation <align="right"> Quick-Click Buying from Amazon (often with a rebate):


Chinese translation by Cheng Qi: ``Description Complexity and Applications,'' China Science Press, Beijing, December 1998 (1999 National 1st Prize for Excellent Books in Science and Technology published in the Peoples Republic of China.) Translation of parts in Russian by A.K. Shen and N.K. Vereshchagin in ``Uspekhi Mat. Nauk'' and in Japanese by O. Watanabe in ``Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science.''

Achievements of the area:

A comprehensive as well as introductory treatment is given in the (text)bookMing Li and Paul Vitanyi, An Introduction to Kolmogorov Complexity and Its Applications, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1993; Revised and Expanded Second Edition 1997.See Preface 2nd Edition andContents 2nd Edition.

Click here for thean utterly simple computation modelfor ``hands-on'' experience with concrete Kolmogorov complexity.

See also some of ourpapers on Kolmogorov Complexity and Its Applications.
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