Imagine the Universe! (original) (raw)

Ask an Astrophysicist

This is the "Ask an Astrophysicist" service of the Imagine the Universe! web site. We are a small group of volunteers who work on space-based astronomical observations, including cosmic-ray, gamma-ray, and X-ray astrophysics. Our research subjects are often exotic, like black holes, dark matter, and the origin of the universe.

We have already answered many questions, and have an extensive archive of past questions and answers. Please consult the archive first to see if your question has already been answered. We attempt to answer as many questions as possible, but we are a small group of volunteers and cannot afford the time to answer all the incoming questions.

We will not respond to questions whose answers may be found in our archive or on our site, or questions unrelated to space-based astrophysics.

Which topic area are you interested in?

(Please select one to search for the answer to your question)

General Astronomy & Astrophysics *

Astronomy as a Profession Binary Star Systems Black Holes Cosmic Rays Cosmology Dark Matter and Dark Energy Earth and Moon (also calendars) * Exoplanets Gamma-ray Bursts Milky Way and other Galaxies Neutron Stars/Pulsars Night Sky (stars, planets & more)* Physics of Stars Quasars & Active Galaxies Relativity Satellites & Space Technology * Solar System * Space Travel & Exploration * Supernovae and Their Remnants X-ray/Gamma-ray Astronomy

Please Note: Topic links with * next to them take you to an archive of questions & answers and other resources, but will not allow you to submit new questions.

Not sure where your question fits in? If so,

If your question does not fall onto one of the above areas, it means we are not the appropriate resource for your question.