Indyfan Reality Check (original) (raw)


[+] => A Good Bet [?] => Outlook Cloudy [-] => No Way!

Release Date

The Cast and Crew

[-]- Indy's brother
- Many of the rumors involving a brother of Indy mention a specific actor, Kevin Costner or Tom Selleck. This early in the process, if a brother is in the script, we certainly wouldn't know who would be playing him. ( Source: Corona's Coming Attractions ) An anonymous Paramount source in late 1997 told of an unknown actor who had already been cast as Indy's younger brother. ( Source: ) If either of these turn out to be true, I will be quite disappointed. With the Young Indy Chronicles and father-son chats in Crusade between Henry and Henry, Sr., we certainly should have heard about a brother by now if one exists.

The Script

[-]- Lost Continent
- Some think that Indy IV will involve the search for the lost continent of Atlantis. I have a hard time believing they'd retread the ground already covered so admirably in Fate of Atlantis, the LucasArts adventure game. Also, Drew Babcock, a freelance writer for the Washington Post, is said to have interviewed Spielberg early in 1996. At that time, Spielberg assured him that Atlantis had not been considered as part of the scripting process. ( Source: Corona's Coming Attractions ) In May 1998, Mr. Showbiz spoke with Jeffrey Boam about the rumored Lost Continent script. He said that he hadn't heard of anything called that, in fact, he was told not to place a name on the script he turned in two years prior and had not heard anything about it since. ( Source: Mr. Showbiz )
[?]- Garden of Life
- Also, in the 1996 Drew Babcock interview, Spielberg mentioned that the script had to do with Adam and Eve. After some digging, a source at Paramount told Babcock that the title "Indiana Jones and the Garden of Life" was being tossed around. ( Source: Corona's Coming Attractions ) In late 1997, Corona got word about a minister and theologian who was asked to do some historical accuracy checking on the Indy IV script. Apparently, the script he had read dealt with the Garden of Eden and was very religious in tone. ( Source: Corona's Coming Attractions ) Rick McCallum told Cinescape contributor Cindy Pearlman in May 1999 that the confirmed Boam script was completed three years prior, putting it in play at roughly the same time as Spielberg's Eden discussion. Note: Marion is rumored to make an appearance in Boam's script. ( Source: Cinescape Insider )
[?]- Law of One
- In March 1998, a mysterious script arrived on Cinescape's doorstep. It is said to take place in 1953 (i.e. no Nazis) and involve a "race to harness the power of the ancient device which was responsible for the destruction of Atlantis." Although Cinescape has publicly revealed only sketchy details, the similarities between them and descriptions of the game, Infernal Machine, strike me as similar. Both involve a post-Nazi time period, and a powerful ancient device. ( Source: Cinescape Insider ) We know that Infernal Machine's device is the Tower of Babel, but until someone comes forward with a description of Law of One's device, all we have is a vague resemblance. Note: Willie Scott appears in this script, but in what capacity has not been detailed.
[-]- Sword of Arthur
- In January 1999, Cinescape reported that a source had uncovered what appeared to be a genuine script entitled Indiana Jones and the Sword of Arthur. Months before, however, walker had told us of his possession of a script by the same name. Apparently, anyone can pick up this treatment wherever fine bootleg scripts are sold. ( Source: Cinescape ) Later, with the help of walker's synopsis, Cinescape confirmed that the script was, in fact, not the work of Jeffrey Boam, but rather an aspiring screenwriter. For those who remember the Sons of Darkness script, it's like "deja vu all over again." However, this time is wasn't the fault of the authors. Someone took the script from them under the pretext that someone important would have a look at it. This duplicitous individual proceeded to pass it off as an authentic Indy IV script. Here's the full scoop from one of the authors, Mike Prentice. As further proof, they offer the full script.
[-]- Saucer Men from Mars
- In early 1996, Corona's Coming Attractions relayed an odd Indy storyline involving a UFO crash-landing in Roswell, NM in 1947. Why Indy is looking into this bit of modern mythology is anyone's guess. ( Source: Corona's Coming Attractions ) Thanks to walker, we have a synopsis of Jeb Stuart's script called Indiana Jones and the Saucer Men from Mars. It appears to be a genuine, if failed, Indy IV script. The script, labelled as the final draft and dated 1995, involves an alien artifact which continuously changes possession between Indy, Russian baddies, and saucer men. Besides being convoluted and unbelievable, the storyline ends in indulgent sappiness, with Indy marrying the lady linguist who accompanied him throughout the adventure. The ceremony is witnessed by Sallah, Marion, Willie, Short Round, and Henry Jones, Sr.