Sweden: 80-90% of Muslims vote for the Left (original) (raw)

Sweden: 80-90% of Muslims vote for the Left

Magnus Hagevi, a university lecturer in political science at Växjö University, wrote an opinion article blaming the Swedish right-wing for failing to politically integrate Muslims. In the article he brings the conclusions of his research: Swedish Muslims overwhelmingly vote for the Left, but do not hold Leftist views.



Swedish Muslims are a small voting group. To study them, I use 6 questionnaire surveys carried out by the SOM Institute at Gothenburg University all over the country, Västra Götaland County and the Bergsjön, Gårdsten, Hjällbo and Norra Biskopsgården districts in Gothenburg. They represent a population of Swedish and foreign citizenship 15-85 years old. The responders identified themselves as Muslim by answering "I am Muslim" with either a 'yes' or a 'no'. In total 747 Muslims answered the questions on party sympathies.

The results are clear. Swedish Muslims are a homogeneous political-party voting group. 70-75% of Swedish Muslims sympathize with the Social Democrats. In total the Red-Green Block [ed: Socialists/Green] gets 80-90% of Swedish Muslim sympathies. The right-wing parties together get just 10-20% of the Muslim vote.

Class can not explain the support of Swedish Muslims for the Social Democrats. Though many Swedish Muslims are workers there remains an independent effect of religious identity. The same is true for all other background factors taken into account.

In my recent book "Political opinion and religiosity in Västra Götaland", where, despite the book's title, I also analyze the entire Swedish population, it is clear that Swedish Muslims are not characterized by having leftist views, notwithstanding the strong sympathies for the Social Democrats and the Red-Green Block. Instead Swedish Muslims show that they are not a unified group.


Source: Aftonbladet (Swedish)