Israel Scholar Works (original) (raw)

Israel Scholar Works (ISW) is a digital archive ( repository ) for creative work by the faculty, staff and students of Israel Academic Institutions and Jewish scholars all around the world. Israel Scholar Works aims to facilitate innovation in the production and dissemination of Israel scholarship, to unite Israel and Jewish scholarship, to make it available to a wider audience, and to help assure its long-term preservation.

While Israel Scholar Works presently focuses on postscripts (or postprints) of articles published in peer-reviewed journals and on thesis by scientists and students working in Israel, Israeli scientists on Sabbatical and postdoctoral fellows working abroad (as well as those who identify him/herself as an Israeli scientist), in future the Repository will offer direct control over creation and dissemination of the full range of scholarly output, including pre-publication materials, conference proceedings and book chapters.

For The Public

Beginning September, 2006, Israel and/or Jewish scholars are asked to submit voluntarily to Israel Scholar Works the author’s final manuscript upon acceptance for publication. Israel Scholar Works is the digital repository of full-text, peer-reviewed articles and other creative scholarly works such as advanced professional degree thesis. It is publicly-accessible and searchable electronic archive available on the Internet at

The author’s final manuscript is defined as the final version accepted for journal publication, and includes all modifications from the peer review process. At the time of voluntary submission to Israel Scholar Works, the authors will specify the timing of the posting of their final manuscript for public accessibility through Israel Scholar Works. As the archive grows, global scholarship and the public will be more readily able to access an increasing number of Israel scholar research publications in a single source.

For Funding Institutions

Israel Scholar will gladly consider grant support by any interested party and cooperation proposals to help developing Israel Scholar Works

Beginning September, 2006, Israel and/or Jewish scholars are asked to submit voluntarily to Israel Scholar Works the author’s final manuscript upon acceptance for publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.

Israel Scholar Works thus provides another way for Israel and/or Global Jewish scholar community to disseminate their scholarship. It also allows the general public to freely access previously published peer-reviewed articles authored by Israel/Jewish scholars.

The Israel Scholar Works STM Repository is hosted by the Israel Scholar, a web based independent non-profit educational organization. Run by scholars, Israel Scholar aims to promote and unite global Israel Scholarship. Israel Scholar, its partners in Israel and across the global academic world are reshaping scholarly communication. Taking advantage of the modern Internet technology and its’ end-user availability, Israel Scholar took the responsibility to run Israel Scholar Archive, where every Israel and/or Jewish scholar could personally permanently archive his or her creative work, and make it freely available for peers and for the public.

It is widely accepted that current scholar publishing models are not economically sound and do not serve the public interest. Academic researchers, faculty and students have access to a decreasing fraction of relevant scholarship. But new software tools and technologies are being developed, tested and implemented. Israel Scholar Works offers the tools to make Israel Scholarship dissemination quick and efficient. Such digital archive therefores provide a platform to have Israel scholars rights to regain control over their scholarship realised easily.

Additionally, Israel Scholar is running Israel Scholar Communication Scrolls, an awareness service that helps scholars to learn more about the global crisis in scholarly communication, and to realise that the responsibility and rights of regaining control of scholarly communication rests with scholars.

For Submitting Authors

Beginning September 2006, Israel scholars are asked to submit to Israel Scholar Works an electronic version of the author’s final manuscript upon acceptance for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. The author’s final manuscript is defined as the final version accepted for journal publication, and includes all modifications from the publishing peer review process.

Israel Scholar Works is the Israel Scholar’s digital repository of full-text, peer-reviewed articles published in scholar journals, thesis and other scholarly works. It is a publicly-accessible, permanent, and searchable electronic archive available on the Internet at: . In case of an interest, an author, or his or her designee, may submit voluntarily his or her final, peer-reviewed manuscripts to a secure web-based submission system within Israel Scholar web site. The system collects certain identifying information, including journal title, author contact information, article citation details and abstract. The system also asks submitters to review and acknowledge the terms and conditions of their submission. Authors and/or their institutions should ensure that their Israel Scholar Works submissions are consistent with any other agreements, including copyright assignments that they may have, or enter into, with publishers or other third parties. For a list of publisher policies as they relate to postprints, visit the SHERPA web site.

To submit their articles authors will do minimal typing, as well as a series of the article text copy-and-paste operations using simple “Israel Scholar Works Submit Now” web form page. An on-screen confirmation will be generated to verify that the text content has been received by Israel Scholar. An additional receipt will be emailed to submitting author to verify that all supporting materials (such as image files, as well as original manuscript text file) have been received.

As authors might well aware, the formatting of journal articles may vary significantly among different journals. Israel Scholar Works addresses this deficiency in that all articles in Scholar Works archive, regardless of their original format, will be converted into a single, explicit, and well-specified data format. Israel Scholar intends to use the Article Archiving Extensible Markup Language (XML) Document Type Definition (DTD) developed by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) USA.

Corrections of content errors and other necessary revisions of authors’ final manuscripts will be accommodated. Also, special arrangements will be in place for lengthy thesis submission.

At the time of voluntary submission to Israel Scholar Works, the author will specify when their final manuscript will become publicly accessible through ISW.

Though the Israel Scholar anticipates that investigators will use this opportunity to submit their manuscripts, sending electronic copies is absolutely voluntary. Israel Scholar, however, will not add manuscripts to Israel Scholar Works that are submitted in hard copy.

As additional details and instructions on the use of the Israel Scholar Works manuscript submission system become available, these will be posted on the Israel Scholar Works website at

Further information will be posted here as soon as it becomes available. Be the first to know about Israel Scholar Works developments by subscribing to Israel Scholar News Alerts.