“Top-10 Ambassadors in Ukraine and Abroad” – Institute of world policy (original) (raw)

Institute of World Policy has released “Top-10 Foreign Ambassadors in Ukraine” and “Top-10 Ukrainian Ambassadors Abroad” rankings.According to the results of the expert survey, in which 30 experts on foreign policy issues took part, in 2010 the most efficient Ukrainian high-rank diplomat was Kostiantyn Yelisieiev, Head of Mission of Ukraine to the European Union. Hans-Jürgen Heimsoeth was named the most efficient among foreign ambassadors in Ukraine. {2}
Presentation of the survey was attended by heads of the foreign diplomatic missions in Ukraine, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Slovak Republic to Ukraine Pavol Hamzik and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Georgia to Ukraine Grigol Katamadze. {3}
You can download the catalogue with the results of the rating and commentaries here.

Top-10 foreign ambassadors in Ukraine:
1. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Heimsoeth, Ambassador of Federal Republic of Germany to Ukraine, 178 points
2. John F. Tefft, U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, 175 points
3. Jacek Kluczkowski, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Ukraine, 159 points
4. Grigol Katamadze, Ambassador of Georgia to Ukraine, 154 points
5. Jacques Faure, Ambassador of France to Ukraine, 109 points
6. Leigh Turner, Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Ukraine, 85 points
7. Mikhail Zurabov, Ambassador of the Russian Federation, 46 points
8. Christer Michelsson, Ambassador of Finland to Ukraine, 35 points.
9.-10. Petras Vaitiekunas, Ambassador of Lithuanian Republic to Ukraine, 34 points
9.-10. Pavol Hamzik, Ambassador of Slovak Republic to Ukraine, 34 points.

ТОП-10 Ukrainian ambassadors abroad:
1. Kostiantyn Yelisieiev Head of Mission of Ukraine to the European Union, 168 points
2. Ihor Dolgov, Ambassador to Belgium Head of Mission of Ukraine to NATO, 104 points
3. Oleksandr Motsik, Ambassador to USA, 92 points
4. Volodymyr Handogiy, Ambassador in Great Britain, 82 points
5. Natalia Zarudna, Ambassador to Germany, 77 points
6. Volodymyr Elchenko, Ambassador to Russia, 72 points
7. Andriy Deshchytsia, Ambassador to Finland, 49 points
8. Roman Bezsmertnyy, Ambassador to Belarus, 46 points
9. Yurii Kostenko, Ambassador to China, 44 points
10. Mykola Kulinich, Ambassador to Japan, 36 points

Експерти рейтингового опитування Інституту світової політики, що визначали Топ-10 українських послів та Топ-10 іноземних послів в Україні за 2010 рік:
1. Balanutsa Oleksandr, Deputy Director, United World Foundation
2. Bystrytsky Evhen, Executive director, International Renaissance Foundation
3. Buhriy Maksym, Expert, Ukrainian Institute of Public Policy
4. Getmanchuk Alyona, Director, Institute of World Policy
5. Honchar Mykhailo, Expert of Energy Programs, NOMOS Center
6. Zhdanov Ihor, President, Analytical Center “Open Politics”
7. Zhovkva Ihor, Director of Department, State Agency of Ukraine for National Projects’ Management.
8. Zhovnirenko Pavlo, Chairman of the Board, Center for Strategic Studies
9. Zhuk Serhiy Project manager, Globalistic Center “Strategy XXI”
10. Karasov Vadym, Director, Institute of Global Strategies (Ukraine)
11. Kryzhanivskiy Volodymyr, First Ambassador of Ukraine to Russian Federation
12. Kulyk Serhiy, Director, Center “NOMOS”
13. Lutsenko Anatoliy, Director, GMT Group (Ukraine)
14. Melnyk Oleksiy Leading expert, Razumkov Center for Political and Economical Studies(Ukraine)
15. Paliy Oleksandr, Expert, PhD (Ukraine)
16. Peiter Ruslan, Expert,“DIPCORPUS” League
17. Petriv Taras, Deputy Director on International Cooperation, Institute of Journalistic, Taras Shevchenko National University, PhD.
18. Savin Kyryl Director, Kyiv Office of Heinrich Boell Foundation
19. Sylina Tetiana, international observer, “Weekly Mirror” Newspaper
20. Skoryk Mychailyna, editor-in-chief, Tochka.net
21. Sokolovskyy Bohdan , ex-Representative of the President of Ukraine on International Energy Security Issues
22. Solodkyy Serhiy, Deputy Director, Institute of World Policy (Ukraine)
23. Sushko Iryna, Head of the Civic Initiative “Europe without borders”
24. Tarasiuk Borys, ex-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Head of the Parliamentary Committee for European Intagration (Ukraine)
25. Todorov Ihor, Deputy Director, International Security and Euro-Atlantic Cooperation Center, Donetsk National University, PhD (Ukraine)
26. Tymchuk Dmytro, editor-in-chief “Flot – 2017”
27. Udovenko Hennadiy Ex-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
28. Chaliy Valeriy, Deputy director, Razumkov Center for Political and Economical Studies(Ukraine)
29. Shlinchak Viktor, Chair of the Supervisory Board, Institute of World Policy
30. Shcherba Oleksandr, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Photo by Natalia Sagalata