Before the Crusades - Kafaraka (original) (raw)

The Roman architecture of the ancient monastery of Saint Nouhra in Kafaraka, the crusade architecture of the monastery of saint Georges, the existence of the Palace of Nawous, the largest Roman temple in Mount Lebanon, on the neighboring hill and the mentioning of the name of Amioun village in the letters of “Tel Amarna” give solid evidences that the area has been inhabited since very long time.

Kafaraka gained strategic importance over the history because of its location at the entrance of the Qadisha Valley linking the Lebanese coast to Cedar forest in Bsharri.

Before the crusade era, no available historical books clearly mentioned Kafaraka. However, historical events were carried out on its land. According to the historians Al-Dweihi and the Al Samaani, the division of the Oriental Christians between “Romans” and “Maronite” around 694 started in Kafaraka. The dispute was political rather than ideological. It began in Constantinople between the king Justinian and his rival, Commander Leon; following the signing of an agreement between the Byzantine king Justinian and the Umayyad Kalifa Abdul Malik bin Marwan. The agreement consisted of total retreat of the Christian fighters from the mountains of Lebanon to Byzantium land. Part of the fighters withdrew upon the order of the king. The remaining fighters held up to their position upon the orders of king rival Commander Leon.

Prompting the paramilitary, the king, directed an army led by Mouric and Mourician to discipline the rebels. Around 694 a battle took place among the bordering suburb of Amioun and Nawous (at that time it included Kousba, Ain Ekrin and Rushdbin) between the Byzantium army and rebels led by Youhanna Maroun.

After the battle, the eastern Christians were divided between a pro-king known as the ” Romans” and rebels known as the “Marada” – the rebels against the king or “Maronites” – followers of Youhanna Maroun.

Kafaraka was not identified by its name in the books but the Geographical description of the Battle’s location proved that it took place in the current location of the village.