Assembly Chief Clerks | Wisconsin State Legislature (original) (raw)
The Assembly Chief Clerk and staff produce the official record of all Assembly action; make the required entries in the histories of legislation; direct the engrossing and enrolling of Assembly proposals; certify to the Secretary of State all Assembly proposals that have passed the legislature; present to the governor for action all Assembly proposals that have passed the legislature; and deposit documents and records with the appropriate state agencies.
The Clerk is responsible for all proposals while they are on the floor of the legislature or going to or coming from committee; maintains custody of all Assembly records and documents and is the certifying agent of these records. The Clerk advises the members of the Assembly on parliamentary procedure. The Assembly Chief Clerk, through the Assembly Committee on Organization, administers the Wisconsin State Assembly and procurement functions.
Elected by the members, the Chief Clerk is the chief administrative officer and supervises a staff that is responsible for duties prescribed by law and legislative rule; publication and distribution of the following documents:
Assembly Journals
Assembly Proposals
Assembly Bill Histories
Assembly Amendments