Worlds of Alfonso the Learned and James the Conqueror (original) (raw)

1261 Valencian Furs code revised, confirmed
1262 Astronomy researches at Toledo, for Alfonso; Prince Peter of Aragon marries Hohenstaufen heiress Costanza
1263-65 Muslim revolts in Andalusia, Murcia, Valencia
1265 Islamic Cádiz falls
1266 Granada an Islamic tributary of Castile; James helps Alfonso reconquer Murcia
1269 James's abortive Crusade to the Holy Land; Baronial revolt in Castile

1260 Mamluks stop Mongols: battle of Goliath Springs; Meister Eckhart, mystic, born; Chartres cathedral consecrated
1260-94 Kublai Khan rules Mongols
1261 Genoese power entrenches on Black Sea and in Constantinople
1261-73 Aquinas's Summa theologica
1261-80 Michael Paleologos rules restored Byzantium
1262, 1268 Battles of Benevento and Tagliacozzo seal Hohenstaufen fate, give Charles of Anjou victory in Italy
1264 Vincent of Beauvais dies
1265 Dante born