Jamming of Granular Flow in a Two-Dimensional Hopper (original) (raw)


We study experimentally the jamming phenomenon of granular flow of monodisperse disks of D=5mm diameter in a two-dimensional hopper with opening R. The jamming probability J(d) is measured where d≡R/D. We found that J(d) decreases from 1 to zero when d increases from 2 to 5. From observing the disk configurations of the arch in the jamming events, the jamming probability can be explained quantitatively by treating the arch as the trajectory of a restricted random walker.


©2001 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Kiwing To1, Pik-Yin Lai2, and H. K. Pak3

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See Also

Anatomy of a Jam

Steve Nadis
Phys. Rev. Focus 6, 29 (2000)

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References (Subscription Required)

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