how to address RDF fragment from Ralph R. Swick on 2000-04-19 ( from April to June 2000) (original) (raw)
At 11:48 AM 4/19/2000 -0400, Hidetaka Ohto wrote: ->
I am working on CC/PP WG which plans to use RDF for describing device capabilities.
Statements about physical devices and their capabilities fit very well within the sorts of applications that we envisioned for RDF, so I am especially interested in your feedback as you work through the details of applying RDF to CC/PP.
I would like to know how a RDF resource which is created in a document should be annotated by another RDF description which is in another document.
By way of preface, after writing most of this reply to you I went back and scanned some of Tim Berners-Lee's musings on this subject: -> "Identifiers - what is identified?". I think that Tim and I may have reached slightly different conclusions about some of the details. I might post a followup to this.
Q1: For example, is it possible to do that? (As far as I know, there is no DTD(or XML Schema?) for RDF.
I am a little concerned about the phrasing of the question as "resource which is created in a document" and I think that there could be a sublety here which may affect the interpretation of the question. I will come back to this, but first let me share a little background from the RDF Model and Syntax Working Group discussions.
The question of what, exactly, a URI fragment designates in the case of an XML document that uses the RDF namespace is indeed an area that is murky in the spec, I have recently realized. Part of your question has, I claim, a single consistent answer and part has several feasible answers.
Some background:
RDF is not specified with a DTD because by its very nature it wants to facilitate the sort of modularity that DTD technology makes extremely difficult. We wanted metadata communities to be able to freely mix RDF statements using any RDF property sets they wished to combine. As demonstrated by the XHTML modularization work the effort to combine this free combination of property vocabularies with DTD validation takes a significant effort and requires a certain amount of prior arrangement and agreement between different communities. In the RDF/XML syntax discussions we felt that XML Namespace technology was a much more practical direction for the future and we placed our faith in the XML community to eventually deliver technology that would support validation with the kind of modularity that XML Namespaces promises. XML Schema might fulfil that promise. I haven't absorbed enough of the last call specification yet to be sure. Questions like yours are very timely during this last call review of the XML Schema specification.
In several Working Drafts of RDF Model and Syntax the bagID and ID attributes were specified to be XML AttType ID. As late as we were still under the impression that we would be able to specify this and remain compliant with XML 1.0. Then Tim Bray pointed out to the Working Group that XML 1.0 forbids an element from having more than one attribute of type ID. Since the bagID and ID attributes name different RDF objects it was evident from the point of view of the RDF model that they could appear together. Rather than contort the syntax more, we chose to drop the normative reference to XML AttType ID and copy some words from the XML spec; thus in and in the final Recommendation the language is
The values for each ID and bagID attribute must not appear in more than one such attribute within a document nor may the same value be used in an ID and a bagID within a single document.
Note that this all preceeded the XPointer specification which tells us exactly how to interpret URI fragment syntax in documents of content type text/xml. The RDF Model and Syntax Recommendation is silent on the question of content type.
End of Background.
The RDF Schema Candidate Recommendation clearly thinks that
were meant to be two ways of saying exactly the same thing, provided that the base URI in the first case is
That is, the expectation of the Working Group was to say that the full URI of a resource named in a Description element using the ID attribute is formed by concatenating the base URI of the XML document (however that may be determined, including the new XBase specification, a "#" character, and the ID attribute value. I now think that this is wrong.
Therefore it seems to me that we could not resolve a URI fragment ID using the knowledge of attribute types in DTD(ID), and need to use RDF specific resolution rules. However I do not know what it is.)
I could argue that RDF does not presume that all URIs will be resolvable, but that would be avoiding the really interesting part of your question so I will reserve this observation for an escape hatch later :-).
Since RDF does not specify a DTD and since it also failed (forgot?) to specify that ID should be processed for purposes of fragment resolution as if it were XML AttType ID and since RDF does not specify a content type you are quite right to be perplexed. I confess that I did not fully appreciate all this as we were drafting the RDF Model and Syntax specification. I cannot recall that anyone else raised this question at the time, though we did briefly discuss content type in a different context.
But in retrospect, I conclude that we would likely have gotten it terribly wrong if we had specified fragment resolution before letting things like XML Schema and XML Pointer mature, so I am just as happy that we have left the opportunity to discuss this now.
In fact, the RDF Model and Syntax specification does not tell you how to construct a full URI for the resource named by an ID or bagID. The resources are addressable at best only locally within the same RDF/XML expression.
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://" xmlns="http://xxx/xxx"> <rdf:Description ID="a"> v1
This says there is a resource whose name is "a". The name "a" can only be resolved within the context of the document http://aaa/a.rdf.
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://" xmlns="http://xxx/xxx"> <rdf:Description about="http://aaa/a.rdf#a"> v2
This refers to the resource whose URI is http://aaa/a.rdf#a but we do not have any way of knowing the relationship between this resource and the one named above. I admit that this is likely to be a surprising conclusion to some.
Q2: Can "bagID" and "ID" within one document have the same value(URI)? (As far as I know, there is no restrictions in the RDF M&S spec but I guess the answer is No.)
This, at least, does have a clear answer. The English wording is unambiguous but it could have been made more accessible to non-English speakers. The same value must not be used in both an ID and a bagID within a single document.
The values for each ID and bagID attribute must not appear in more than one such attribute within a document nor may the same value be used in an ID and a bagID within a single document.
For example, <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://" xmlns="http://xxx/xxx"> <rdf:Description ID="a"> v1 <rdf:Description bagID="a"> v2
From the RDF model perspective, there is no trouble in stating that an instance of a Bag named "a" also has a p1 property with the value "v1". This is how I would wish to interpret the above if it had been allowed. That is, a resource named "a" has rdf:Type rdf:Bag and has a http://xxx/xxxp1 property "v1". Allowing the syntax is not really necessary, then, as my proposed interpretation is the same as having said <rdf:Description about="#a">v1.
Q3: When a RDF description is embedded in an XML application document using name space, how should the RDF resource described by the RDF description be annotated by another RDF description which is in another document?
For example, (assuming the type of attribute "ccpp:ID" is ID in DTD.)
<ccpp:Profile ccpp:ID="a" xmlns:ccpp="http://ccpp/ccpp" > <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://" xmlns=http://xxx/xxx> <rdf:Description ID="a"> v1
I think you can not refer to the RDF resource named "a" outside of http://aaa/a.xml. If you wanted to declare that the "a" resource had an external name you might write something like
<ccpp:Profile ccpp:ID="a" xmlns:ccpp="http://ccpp/ccpp" > <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://" xmlns=http://xxx/xxx> <rdf:Description about="http://aaa/a.xml#b"> v1
Now you have to be careful that if http://aaa/a.xml has content type text/xml then it does not also have a ccpp:ID attribute with the value "b" unless it really does mean that the RDF Resource and the XML Fragment are one and the same thing.
When you wrote this question you did not use the phrasing "RDF resource created by the RDF description". I said above that I would come back to this. The RDF Model and Syntax specification does use the phrasing "creating ... new resource" when referring to the ID attribute. It is a philosophical question whether a resource exists before you know either its name or any relationships it may have to other resources in your world. But even if you decide that the instant of creation is the time the name is uttered, it is important to distinguish the RDF resource as a separate entity from the XML markup in which the name is given. The XML fragment and the RDF Resource are in general not the same object. One could declare content type that made them the same, I suppose, but I'm not sure of what advantage that would be. Tim noted in
"To have a different interpretation of a URI as a function of the notional type of the document belies the fact the point of using XML syntax for RDF was that RDF documents should be XML documents! Of course we embed RDF in regular XML documents."
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://" xmlns="http://xxx/xxx"> <rdf:Description about=http://aaa/a.xml#a>
If http://aaa/a.xml has content type text/xml or application/xml then by the rules of XPointer this must be referring to the XML element ccpp:Profile above.
<!-- when I want to address the RDF resource "a" in a.xml, how
to do that? -->
sorry, there appears to be no way to do this at the moment. Use the rdf:about attribute instead.
<!-- I guess the answer is the RDF description in a.xml needs to have ccpp:ID? -->
That could help, if you really mean to say that the resource you are describing is the specific instance of the XML element. I doubt that is what you mean, though.
Q4: It seems to me that it would be nice if I had "xml:id". I vaguely remember there was a discussion whether we should have "xml:id" or not in somewhere... Could you let me know what is wrong with "xml:id"?
I agree that many namespaces are likely to create an attribute of XML AttType ID called "id" or "ID". It would seem to be a convenience to have such an attribute in the xml namespace so it can be easily shared by everyone. This would allow those namespace applications to perform bare XPointer processing without requiring access to the Schema or DTD. I think this would be a big win. But such an attribute has a very different interpretation than rdf:ID.
The RDF Interest Group has touched on some of these questions; see and also browse around the thread via
There was also a thread that is loosely related to this question of identifying RDF resources, but this specific question was not raised there.
Received on Wednesday, 19 April 2000 16:19:34 UTC