Introduction from Michael Sintek on 2001-11-08 ( from November 2001) (original) (raw)
I am serving as the alternate participant for DFKI GmbH (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, ). Here's my bio sketch:
I studied computer science and economics at the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, and received the Diplom (master's degree) in 1996. Since then, I am working as a research scientist at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH) Kaiserslautern. In the research department for Intelligent Engineering Systems I investigated in the VEGA project logic programming and machine learning approaches for the maintenance of knowledge-bases. Currently, I'm project leader of the FRODO project ( ) where we develop a framework for building distributed organizational memories. In this framework we make intensive use of (distributed) RDF-based ontologies. (Collaborative) acquisition of these ontologies is based on Protege-2000 which we have extended to support RDF messaging in a Jade-based agent framework. To do inferencing and transformations on these ontologies, I am developing, together with Stefan Decker from the Stanford DB Group, the (Horn-logics-based) RDF query, inference, and transformation language TRIPLE ( ).
(For a full CV, see: )
Nearest airport:
<apt:Airport rdf:about=""> apt:icaoEDDR apt:nameSaarbruecken / Ensheim, Germany apt:latitude49-13N apt:longitude007-07E apt:elevation320M
In TRIPLE syntax:
rdfs := "". apt := "". aptid := "".
aptid:EDDR[ rdfs:type -> apt:Airport; apt:icao -> EDDR; apt:name -> "Saarbruecken / Ensheim, Germany"; apt:latitude -> "49-13N"; apt:longitude -> "007-07E"; apt:elevation -> "320M" ]
| Michael Sintek | email: | | DFKI GmbH Bldg. 57 | WWW : | | Kaiserslautern Room 375 | phone: +49 631 205-3460 or +49 631 91242 |
Received on Thursday, 8 November 2001 11:41:08 UTC