Update 3 of Minutes of July 25 Telecon from Leo Obrst on 2002-07-30 (www-webont-wg@w3.org from July 2002) (original) (raw)
Updated attendance list. Does anyone know the url for the IRC log?
Chair: Jim Hendler Scribe: Leo Obrst
Borden Buswell Carroll Connolly De Roo De Roure Dean Finin Gibbins Heflin Hellman Hendler Klein Marchiori McGuinness Obrst Patel-Schneider Michael Smith Stanton Stein Thompson
Jonathan Dale Larry Eshelman Pat Hayes Libby Miller Marwan Sabbouh Guus Schrieber Frank van Harmelen Evan Wallace Chris Welty
ACTION: DanC to raise an issue wrt rdfs:subclassof and owl:subclassoff STATUS: DONE
ACTION: Connoly to get the OK'd for the OWL URI by the W3C webmaster/director; STATUS: DONE
ACTION: Pat will attempt to take abstract syntax, and Peter's MT and the mapping into RDF and will write a model theory in the Connolly style (i.e. as an extension to RDF MT) and see if he can identify the exact issues. Target deadline: three weeks (July 25). - change of due date to Aug 1. STATUS: CONTINUED
ACTION: Guus will generate a structure in which the examples should appear by July 11. Done
This will also include one example. Evan Wallace and Larry Eshelman: contribute examples STATUS: CONTINUED
ACTION: Evan will writeup a description of a recent OMG meeting that concerned UML and OWL, and the process he is running at OMG, and will post that to the WG. STATUS: CONTINUED
ACTION (all): send to WebOnt mailing list a short description of the tools you have available. or that you will use to help tools. STATUS: WITHDRAWN
ACTION (Raphael): will make a large ontology available to test readers. STATUS: CONTINUED.
ACTION: Hendler produce test for issue 4.2 STATUS: CONTINUED
ACTION: ChrisW to propose resolution of 3.4 and 4.1 STATUS: CONTINUED
ACTION: connolly review abstract syntax STATUS: DONE
ACTION: chairs - find photo of face to face example from the discussion of model theory. STATUS: CONTINUED
ACTION: Dan C. to work with Pat H to reconcile the issues of missing discussion of model theory in the log STATUS: CONTINUED
ACTION: Jim H will set up a straw poll based on the offers - this will include choices of Dec/Jan and place STATUS: CONTINUED
ACTION: Deb - add "property" to make sure we are using same terms. STATUS: DONE
ACTION: Deb to make sure names are same between her document and Mike's.
ACTION: DanC to review Deb's final edits of feature document. STATUS: CONTINUED
ACTION: Mike will summarize changes in email to the list. (by next week)
ACTION: Peter - will review appendix C. STATUS: DONE
ACTION: JimH to draft press release - solicits input ASAP from WG members. STATUS: WITHDRAWN. Maybe around next f2f. W3C needs 1 month notice.
f2f4 update (Jeremy)
Jeremy will give updates about hotels, etc. in 2 weeks. Web page: Dan will coordinate. F2F host will put up local web page.
ACTION: Dan Connolly will set up F2F registering. ACTION: Jeremy will put up a web page by next telecon.
f2f5 update (REMEMBER BIDS DUE BY THURS.) Bids: U. Manchester US NY region (IBM) US DC region (DARPA/UMCP/UMBC - not confirmed) US FL region (U W. Fl) NEW: US DC/Boston region (MITRE) straw poll to be held date: Mid Jan (poss late Dec)
Lynn: if we have 4 choices equally, would like to have eastern US as one choice. ACTION: Lynn and Dan to get on phone for details of straw poll. Jeremy: alternate between Europe and US? Jim: Jan is looking better than Dec. Will put on straw poll.
DOCUMENT UPDATE: Status of three WDs
Features – Deb
Deb: Action from f2f, all other actions done, don’t want to drop section 2 (per Peter’s request), did some other reorganization that Peter had requested. All edits are final. Formatting status: not validated fully yet. Dan is allowed to do edit markup.
Reference – Mike Dean Mike: ready to publish. A few comments yet to address, no text for class
expressions. OWL link, examples. Latest RDF core decisions not yet made.
Dan: XML syntax? Mike will leave these in. Maybe change to editorial note (Mike will do).
Mike: will do final edits, will be done in next day or so. Cross-links not yet done, and status.
Abst Syntax – Peter Peter: No change since last Thurs. No IP policy yet for the WG (Dan will do?) Any resolutions made today will be incorporated. Dan: tomorrow is best guess for all 3 publications to be published. ACTION: Dan will send mail to the WG when W3C publishes the documents. ACTION: Jim will solicit reviews for appropriate working groups. By Aug. 15
Process issues (if any) – Dan
Dan: has to point to patent disclosures, but since none yet, will point to nothing, but make sure if you have a patent in the works, notify DAN.
- PROPOSAL TO CLOSE ISSUES 3.4 AND 4.1 (UniqueProperty and UnambiguousProperty) Welty
Proposal: OWL FunctionalProperty OWL InverseFunctionalProperty
Many: Welty’s proposal is good. Jim: add 1-1 property? Peter: later Jim: straw poll: any objections? Mike: but can be 0-0 or 1-1. Resolution: unanimous. Adopted Chris Welty’s proposal. So, will go with what we have, not yet include 1-1. STATUS: RESOLVED.
See Chris Welty’s proposals: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2002Jul/0170.html http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2002Jul/0169.html
See Mike Smith’s Issues document: http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/WebOnt/webont-issues.html#I3.4-UnambiguousProperty
ACTION: Mike Smith will close this out. Jim: someone has to do the TEST case. ACTION: Jeremy to do TEST case. ACTION: Deb, Mike, Peter to reflect this change in their documents, prior to release.
Ian was invited to discuss this, but nothing much showed up yet. Deb: he is still working on this. Dan: cardinality and oneOf interaction test case? Has anyone else seen this? Jeremy: has seen some, look hairy. Jim: no one has suggested we don’t have oneOf. Should we remove? It’s currently heavily used.
Straw Poll: No objections. No abstentions. PROPOSAL PASSES. Issue is CLOSED. STATUS: RESOLVED.
ACTION: Jim to write up a test case.
Should we have oneOf in OWL-Lite? Jeremy: Feature vs. Issue driven test cases? Dan: just use of oneOf. Entailment test. Jeremy: test cases to be in a hierarchy structure? Prefer to see feature-based test cases higher view. Jim: today we are closing everything that could affect the 3 docs. Next week, talk about next documents. August 15th: semantic issues. Probable cancel of Aug. 8th.
- PROPOSAL TO CLOSE ISSUE 4.6 (equivalentTo)
Jim: email looks like other opinions. Is there a consensus? Peter: 2 issues: 1) same individual as (2 names denote same) implies same class as and same property as (follows RDF view). Same property does not denote same individual. Dan: doesn’t affect the documents. ACTION: Peter will send out longer note and people to reply. Peter: by next week. ACTION: Jim will REMOVE proposal to close issue.
Class as instance discussion. Peter: model theory has a weak view of class as instance. Property defined-by attached to class. Average price property? First is not a property of the extension. Jim: can we close 4.6 because it’s subsumed by this issue (classes as instances). No, so just leave separate.
Jim: opening this issue, discuss, get feedback, send to email. Peter: nothing substantive; legalistic: D+O pulls into D+O namespace, but RDF will not pull into the RDF/S namespace (but RDF/S does not have capability).
OWL:PROPERTY: same denotation? RDFS:PROPERTY? Not to have the former in the OWL namespace when they’re both equivalent. Issue: will RDF tool understand what OWL:PROPERTY is?
Jim: at the last F2F, no resolution. Namespace of the identifier should be the definitive identifier. If we have a different model theory (different from RDF), then have a different namespace (i.e., OWL namespace). Do we need a separate model theory for OWL? Yes, for things not in the other language. If we extend RDF/s, need to have a model theory for this. Much discussion.
- AOB next telecon: Aug. 1 next scribe: Mike Smith
Aug. 8 meeting: cancelled.
Dr. Leo Obrst The MITRE Corporation mailto:lobrst@mitre.org Intelligent Information Management/Exploitation Voice: 703-883-6770 7515 Colshire Drive, M/S W640 Fax: 703-883-1379 McLean, VA 22102-7508, USA
Received on Tuesday, 30 July 2002 13:19:55 UTC