agenda/logistics Nov 21 telecon from Guus Schreiber on 2002-11-20 ( from November 2002) (original) (raw)
1200 US East Coast 0900 US West Coast 1700 London 0200 Tokyo (next day)
Duration: 90 minutes
PHONE INFORMATION To use Zakim: Dial +1.617.761.6200 At the "enter your passcode followed by the pound key" message, enter 9326#. Note: When you join the telecon please state your name
CHAT INFO Simultaneous IRC Chat (port 6665) #webont
Chair: Guus Schreiber Scribe: Jim Hendler
- ADMIN (15 min)
1.1 Role Call
Regrets: Connolly, Marchiori, Obrst, Wallace
1.2 Approval of Minutes of Nov 14 call
PROPOSED to resolve the following as a true record of the Nov 14 telecon (Dan's update of the minutes): Amendments:
- add McGuinness to regrets list
- action Carroll under Issue 4.3 should read: "ACTION: Jeremy fwd notes about RDF datatyping to WG"
1.3 Agenda Amendments
1.4 Telecon Schedule
No telecon on Nov 28 (Americans thanking that Europeans came to their continent).
Next telecon: December 5 (Dutch "Sinterklaas" eve, ancestor of Santa Claus).
Scribe: TBD
1.5 Upcoming F2F Meetings
Short update, if needed
1.6 Reminder: Web Ontology Working Group Extension
[from Nov 14 telecon]
IMPORTANT - all WOWG members are required to "reup" - make sure your AC member signs you back up. Contact me and Guus if there are problems AC members must read and reply to:
- OWL name (5 min)
Decision of Jan 3:
Chair's decision to revisit Jan 3 decision:
PROPOSAL to resolve this naming issue as follows: We call our language "the Web Ontology Language OWL". Rationale:
- "Web Ontology Language" is a much better term than "Ontology Web Language"
- the WDs have used the name "The Web Ontology Language OWL" for some time now and no serious objections have been recorded
- those wanting a rationale for the relation between the full name and the acronym may be referred to Winnie the Pooh:
- ISSUES (60 min)
Link to issues list:
2.1 Pending updates:
ISSUE 5.5; Resolved at Nov 14 telecon ISSUE 5.6: resolved at Nov 14 telecon ISSUE 5.7: should be marked as "POSTPONED" ISSUE 5.19: should be marked as OPEN (see this agenda)
2.2 ACTIONS wrt. resolved issues
ACTION Chris Welty will work on getting "The meaning of owl:ontology" explained better in Guide, other editors will see if their documents need changing (not obvious they do).
ACTION Jeremy to generate test Cases for 5.5. List Syntax or Semantics
ACTION Jeff Heflin will produce test cases for owl:imports See also message from Jeremy Carroll:
ACTION DanC to provide wording [Concerns Issue 5.9 - malformed D+O restrictions (closed) Dan would like to amend the proposal with some clear instructions to the guide that says "Don't do that". Dan was actioned to write up a few sentences for the guide.]
3.2 OPEN issues
** Issue 4.3 - Structured Datatypes
Proposal from Jonathan Borden.
ACTION: Jeremy fwd notes about RDF datatyping to WG. Done. See:
** Issue 5.14 - Ontology versioning
Jeff's proposal to close:
** Issue 5.19 - Classes as Instances
Status: WG is prepared to close this issue iff wording in GUIDE improves. See Dan's message: plus follow-up thread
ACTION: Guus will write proposed wording changes for GUIDE and will write a message proposing the official closing of this issue.
** Issue 15.24 if or iff properties
Jeremy's proposal to close: plus follow-up thread
** Issue 5.8 - datatypes
See also Jeremy's summary of RDF datatyping:
** Issue 5.13 - Internet media type for OWL
** Issue 5.17 - XML presentation syntax
** Issue 5.18 - Unique names assumption
ACTION: Dan Connolly to write up the 'all different' proposal for Issue 5.18.
** Issue 15.23: add hasValue to Owl Lite
- DOCUMENT STATUS (5-10 min)
ACTION: Jim H to contact Web Services Desc, soliciting feedback on OWL WDs.
** OWL reference Updated version has been published:
** Feature synopsis ACTION Deb M: publish synopsis"
ACTION: chairs and team contact will think about how to proceed wrt. UML/XML presentation syntax doc status (Technical Note or non-normative appendix).
** UML Syntax Appendix Action Guus: update and redistribute
A. Th. Schreiber, SWI, University of Amsterdam, AOB (0-5 min.)
Received on Wednesday, 20 November 2002 10:53:44 UTC