telecon 17Oct 02 from Jeremy Carroll on 2002-10-18 ( from October 2002) (original) (raw)

SUMMARY: Welcome to new member - Hori'san dialing in from Tokyo.

No decisions.

New Actions:

ACTION: DanC Write rationale for postponing 4.3. ACTION: Jeremy liase with Mike about updating the OWL RDFS namespace doc ACTION MikeSmith Add indication that classes as instances are part of Large OWL in Guide. ACTION: Jeremy send message showing how rdfs fits into liite/fast/large layering ACTION: frank work with guus to formulate proposal close classes-as-instances incl lite/fast/large




Chair: Hendler Scribe: Carroll

This meeting reviewed actions and the f2f. Under each agenda I list:

I star those few lines in the midst of action lists which have not simply been copied from the agenda

The only other item of note was the welcome to the new member.

1a: Roll call

Too many regrets to list.

Present: Hori, Mike Smith, Hendler, Sabbouh, Horrocks, Welty, Carroll, Gibbons, Wallace, Klein, De Roo, Eshelman, ter Horst, Connolly, Borden, van Harmelen

Chair: Welcome to new member - Hori dialing in from Tokyo.

1b: action item review

New actions

None under this item.

Completed actions

ACTION: Jeff Heflin - produce a test case/use case for versioning feature and send it to the list. - DONE ACTION: Pat Hayes - update embedded semantics document and provide an appendix to point out the position that the semantics takes on Issues. - DONE ACTION: Authors of Working Drafts - summarize document changes to WOWG list. -DONE ACTION: Carroll - update WG on networking for f2f - DONE ACTION: Hendler - Prepare talking points for press release - DONE ACTION: Schreiber - review guide - DONE ACTION: Hendler produce test for issue 4.2 DONE (by DeRoo) ACTION: Pat to create a sketch of an idea, for Issue 5.19 by next Tuesday. - DONE ACTION JEFF: Update semantic layering (should be imports/versioning) directions doc in prep of FTF discussion - DONE ACTION: van Harmelen - send e-mail about foreign properties and issue 5.6 - DONE ACTION: Guus to update UML document to reflect new Owl Lite - DONE ACTION: Mike Dean: will document how he's using RDF statement tags, and how to solve this. Does his solution satisfy the requirements in the requirements document? - DONE

Continued actions

ACTION: Thompson - review guide

  1. F2f 4 action review (excluding editorial actions)

Discussion: Borden is unhappy that issue 4.3 structured datatypes got postponed before he had a chance to speak to it. Jeremy was unhappy with the wording of the sameXXX action on MikeD. Meeting record is deficient in that it does not record Enrico's attendance. No decision to approve record was made, partly because of the low numbers at this telecon.

New actions arising

ACTION: DanC Write rationale for postponing 4.3. ACTION: Jeremy liase with Mike about updating the OWL RDFS namespace doc

Completed actions

ACTION Deb McGuiness: send OWL Lite issues presentation materials to W3C for the meeting record - DONE

ACTION Chris Welty: write rationale re 5.16 (sent 10Oct) - DONE

ACTION Brian McBride: provide slides, summary for the record. (DONE 8 Oct)

ACTION Frank: to address issue of class as instance (5.19) in OWL Lite - DONE

Continued actions

ACTION Peter Patel-Schneider/Pat Hayes: draft OWL semantics, including the "2 technical bits" [should also address issues 4.6, 5.9, 5.22] (Status update - see PFPS mail of Oct 16, 2002 - not yet in archive)

ACTION JeremyC: produce test cases (for semantics)

ACTION Volz: send OWL Lite in Datalog to W3C for the meeting record

ACTION Ian Horrocks: send www-webont-wg a brief description of results of rules work on DAML.

ACTION DebM: raise hasValue issue.

ACTION Frank: collect suggestions for replacement name (for owl lite, large, and fast)

ACTION Mike Dean: update reference to remove constraint that inversefunctional is objectproperty.

ACTION Dan Connolly: test case ACTION Jos DeRoo: test case

ACTION Pat Hayes: be sure upcoming semantics draft addresses 5.22 ACTION: 4.6 EquivalentTo - suggested that Peter and Pat look at it, issue to remain OPEN

ACTION Jeremy Carroll: will move issue (5.5 List syntax or semantics) forward

ACTION Chairs: see if Ziv wishes to push this issue (5.7 Range restrictions should not be separate URIs) or Postpone

ACTION Connolly: to move issue 5.13 Internet Media Type for OWL forward

ACTION Peter Patel-Schneider: to move issue 5.17 XML presentation syntax forward

ACTION Hendler: to move this one [5.18 support for unique names assumption] forward

ACTION Chairs: will ask Raphael if we want to bring this (5.19 Classes as Instances) forward

ACTION Jeremy: to do test case for 5.19

ACTION: Mike to remove the sameXXX statements from owl reference

ACTION: Peter to generate test case to show disjointUnionOf can be rephrased w/existing constructs [and propose to close 5.21 by removing disjointUnionOf]

  1. Document review (including end of 2) (out of order)


Thanks to Mike Smith for rapid updates to Issues.

New actions arising

none here.

Completed actions

ACTION: Jeremy Carroll to add an editorial comment to the document on errata process. - DONE ACTION: Jeremy Carroll to add editorial comments like: OWL Lite tests may be flagged. Imports tests may be flagged. Conformance is not yet addressed. - DONE

Continued actions

ACTION: Dan Connolly will fix 403 errors arising from the document. ACTION MikeD catch ref up with issues, publish reference. ACTION Deb M: publish synopsis

  1. Status of Semantic Layering

No one wished Frank to summarise his e-mail:

New actions: ACTION MikeSmith Add indication that classes as instances are part of Large OWL in Guide. ACTION: Jeremy send message showing how rdfs fits into liite/fast/large layering ACTION: frank work with guus to formulate proposal close classes-as-instances incl lite/fast/large

Received on Friday, 18 October 2002 12:34:19 UTC