proposed minutes for 7 August from Peter F. Patel-Schneider on 2003-08-07 ( from August 2003) (original) (raw)

PROPOSED MINUTES Teleconference Web Ontology Working Group 7 August 2003

Continued and new ACTIONS

ACTION: Peter Patel-Schneider: to look over Jeremy's B1 B2 proof revision.

ACTION: Guus Schreiber: to reply to Dave Reynolds saying we have added the above [B1 B2] to the "at risk["] list.

ACTION: Deborah McGuinness, Mike Smith, Mike Dean, Peter Patel-Schneider, Jos de Roo: fix all links and references to other OWL documents to point to 18 August CR versions (subsequently modified so that links in the text of non-normative documents can be to the latest version instead)

Edited IRC Log follows at bottom.


Present: Sandro, Jeff Heflin, Mike Smith, Peter Patel-Schneider, Ian_Horrocks, Dan Connolly, Deborah McGuinness, Marwan Sabbouh, Sean Bechhofer, Mike Dean, Chris Welty, Guus Schreiber

Approved without the amendment.



Target date for CR is 18 August, but there are lots of risks still, due to people-scheduling issues. Press release is possible and now somewhat likely.

Extra CR exit conditions that come out of W3C will be shown to Guus who will determine if they are acceptable to the working group.

Tentatively 18 August 2003.

Documents MUST link to date-specific versions of other documents.

ACTION: Deborah McGuinness, Mike Smith, Mike Dean, Peter Patel-Schneider, Jos de Roo: fix all links and references to other OWL documents to point to 18 August CR versions (subsequently modified so that links in the text of non-normative documents can be to the latest version instead)

[From Mike Smith:

Change all [pointers] to match:


Change citations to incorporate the above and modify 
status and published date to

 W3C Candidate Recommendation 18 August 2003

My updated OWL reference list is as follows:

[OWL Guide]
OWL Web Ontology Language Guide. Michael K. Smith, and Chris Welty, and Deborah L. McGuinness. W3C Candidate Recommendation 18 August 2003. Latest version is available at [](
[OWL Issues]
Web Ontology Issue Status. Michael K. Smith, ed. 27 June 2003.
[OWL Overview]
OWL Web Ontology Language Overview. Deborah L. McGuinness and Frank van Harmelen. W3C Candidate Recommendation 18 August 2003. Latest version is available at [](
[OWL Reference]
OWL Web Ontology Language Reference. Mike Dean, Guus Schreiber, Sean Bechhofer, Frank van Harmelen, Jim Hendler, Ian Horrocks, Deborah L. McGuinness, Peter F. Patel-Schneider, and Lynn Andrea Stein. W3C Candidate Recommendation 18 August 2003. Latest version is available at [](

Need to point to real versions, which are the last-call versions. If desirable, could also point to editor's draft. Whereever the OWL document depends on post-last-call changes this should be so indicated.

Change lists should be kept, but could be purged of typo changes, etc.

Each document editor will send email to the working group when their final version is available at the usual place. They will notify Dan Connolly by sending mail to if they cannot meet their target completion time (given below).

Acknowledgment sections should include the three new members: Charles White, Natasha Kravtsova, [and some other which I can't determine]. Note: My version was missng Jeremy Carroll, Dan Connolly, and Jonathan Dale I don't think that any of these are the missing member.

Note: This action was not accepted at the last telecon.

Deborah McGuinness will point to requirements doc and make other changes by 8 August.

DOCTYPE has been fixed. Pointers to food and wine ontologies will be fixed. Mike Smith will be done by noon on 8 August.

No changes to owl. It will be referred to as owl (without the extension) and stored as owl.rdf (as it is an RDF document). Guus will be done by noon on 8 August.

Peter will be done by noon on 8 August.

All changes have been made. Test will be changing as new tests are designed and approved. Jos will be done by 8 August.

Jeff will be done tomorrow.

Dan Connolly needs to be notified if the documents will not be ready on time. See above for more details.



Zakim <irc://,isnick> +Ian_Horrocks Zakim <irc://,isnick> + +1.514.878.aaaa Zakim <irc://,isnick> +Deb_Mcguinness DanC_jam <irc://,isnick> Zakim, aaaa is DanC Zakim <irc://,isnick> +DanC; got it Zakim <irc://,isnick> +Marwan_Sabbouh DanC_jam <irc://,isnick> agenda? Zakim <irc://,isnick> sees 1 item remaining on the agenda: Zakim <irc://,isnick> 1. 7Aug <> [from DanC_jam] -->| DeborahMc (dlm@ mailto:[dlm@]( has joined #webont <irc://> Zakim <irc://,isnick> +??P16 guus <irc://,isnick> zakim, pick a scibe Zakim <irc://,isnick> I don't understand 'pick a scibe', guus sandro <irc://,isnick> RRSAgent, poitner? RRSAgent <irc://,isnick> I'm logging. Sorry, nothing found for 'poitner' DanC_jam <irc://,isnick> Zakim, pick a scribe Zakim <irc://,isnick> Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose ??P16 sandro <irc://,isnick> zakim, ??P16 is Sean Zakim <irc://,isnick> +Sean; got it Zakim <irc://,isnick> +Mike_Dean pfps zakim, pfps is pfps-scribe Zakim <irc://,isnick> sorry, pfps, I do not recognize a party named 'pfps' =-= danc_jam has changed the topic to "7Aug <> ; chair: guus. scribe: PFPS" sandro <irc://,isnick> zakim, who is here? Zakim <irc://,isnick> On the phone I see GuusS, Sandro, Jeff_Heflin, [EDS], Peter_PS, Ian_Horrocks, DanC, Deb_Mcguinness, Marwan_Sabbouh, Sean, Mike_Dean Zakim <irc://,isnick> On IRC I see DeborahMc, pfps, IanH, seanb, sandro, RRSAgent, Zakim, DanC_jam, guus, logger pfps zakim, pfps is pfps_scribe Zakim <irc://,isnick> sorry, pfps, I do not recognize a party named 'pfps' DanC_jam <irc://,isnick> wonders if pfps means: /nick pfps_scribe sandro <irc://,isnick> or maybe: zakim, Peter_PS is pfps_scribe pfps Roll call, see above and regrets pfps 1. Administration pfps Approve minutes (without amendment) - approved pfps 2. Action Item Review pfps (request for meeting next week of editors if any is needed) - most editors available (not Mike Dean) pfps ACTION Ian to draft a response for Dave Reynolds on the issue of named Zakim <irc://,isnick> +[IBM] -->| ChrisW (welty@ mailto:[welty@]( has joined #webont <irc://> pfps Action Ian - DONE pfps Action Jeremy - DONE pfps Action Peter - continued pfps Action Jim - taken over by Guus pfps Action Jeremy - DONE pfps Action Jeremy - DONE pfps 3. STATUS CR REQUEST pfps DanC - targetting 18 August for CR pfps DanC - lots of risks, because lots of schedules need to be impacted pfps DanC - press release is possible, but not too likely ChrisW <irc://,isnick> zakim, who is here? Zakim <irc://,isnick> On the phone I see GuusS, Sandro, Jeff_Heflin, [EDS], Peter_PS, Ian_Horrocks, DanC, Deb_Mcguinness, Marwan_Sabbouh, Sean, Mike_Dean, [IBM] Zakim <irc://,isnick> On IRC I see ChrisW, DeborahMc, pfps, IanH, seanb, sandro, RRSAgent, Zakim, DanC_jam, guus, logger ChrisW <irc://,isnick> zakim, [IBM] is temporarily ChrisW Zakim <irc://,isnick> +ChrisW; got it ChrisW <irc://,isnick> zakim, [EDS] is temporarily MikeS Zakim <irc://,isnick> +MikeS; got it pfps DanC - what to do about extra CR conditions -->| JosD (chatzilla@ mailto:[chatzilla@]( has joined #webont <irc://> pfps DanC - let Guus decide for the WG gets general consensus Zakim <irc://,isnick> +??P11 guus <irc://,isnick> zakim, ??p11 is Jos Zakim <irc://,isnick> +Jos; got it pfps DanC - press release - needs lots of work - can it be done pfps Guus - press release is a good idea pfps DanC - can ChrisW do some of the talking? pfps ChrisW - Yes, with the usual IBM conditions pfps DanC - press release chance is 45% pfps IanH - Network Inference would be (more than) willing to talk to the press pfps DebM - press release is a very good idea pfps DanC - would you like to write one pfps DebM - no sandro <irc://,isnick> See <> for models pfps DanC - press release chance is 60% (due to better availability of Guus) DanC_jam <irc://,isnick> (and encouragement from several) pfps ACTION Guus - send message soliciting stuff for CR to the WG pfps Sandro - target finish date - 15 September? pfps DanC - sometime between 15 and 30 September pfps 4. STATUS CR DOCUMENTS pfps 4.1 General issues pfps CR date is tenatively 18 August pfps Guus - cross referencing between documents - sandro <irc://,isnick> DanC: this is a nightmare. you MUST link to the date-specific versions of documents. pfps DanC - would like to see versions that point to 18 August versions pfps Mike S - also the references section should mention 18 August versions pfps MikeS - see message from Mike Smith .../0009.html DanC_jam <irc://,isnick> "The identifier of the particular publication is determined by the shortname, the status, and the date: <>." -- <> pfps ACTION - DebM, MikeS, MikeD, Peter, Jos - fix all pointers and references to 18 August versions of documents pfps pfps will try to include an example in the meeting minutes pfps - cross reference to RDF documents pfps Guus - can't point to editors drafts pfps Pfps - S&AS really needs to point to editor's drafts pfps Jos - test also has a problem pfps DanC - cite last call working drafts - (could add separate pointer to drafts in reference sections) pfps DanC - editorial note could fix this pfps Jos - test has five or so links pfps DanC - ideal is to have a caveat whereever there is a dependance on the post-last-call changes pfps Mike - what about changes from last call pfps Peter - get rid of typo changes, etc pfps DanC - keep the others - they probably will stay even after recommendation pfps 4.2 Document-specific pfps NB ACTION here was not accepted pfps OWL Overview - pfps Sandro - done - more or less - no pointer to requirements document pfps Guus - Overview should be comprehensive, so include in list pfps DebM - to put in list requires removing the "technical detail" quote pfps DebM - will be done pfps DebM - links to guide are to latest version sandro <irc://,isnick> DanC: that's okay for these #fragment <irc://> links on each term. DanC_jam <irc://,isnick> (in a non-normative document) pfps DanC - that is OK, there MUST be a pointer to a dated version somewhere pfps ACTION Deb - change Overview to add pointer to req pfps Deb - done today pfps Deb - done tomorrow - need to see minutes first pfps OWL Guide pfps Mike - DOCTYPE should be rdf:RDF pfps Mike - where should the references to the ontologies (wine and food) point to pfps DanC - can it be relative pfps Mike - no - need a pointer in wine and food ontology pfps DanC - point to .../TR/... pfps Mike - done by tomorrow morning pfps OWL Reference pfps Guus - dam:item added pfps Guus - dc date fixed pfps Jos - owl.owl could use some extra stuff (e.g., cardinality a sub of mnCardinality) pfps Guus - keep it as is pfps DanC - let's not change anything pfps Guus - name should be owl.rdf pfps DanC - the pointers should be just owl, not sandro <irc://,isnick> Dan: but that shouldn't be visible unless you're on that machine pfps Guus - done tomorrow DanC_jam <irc://,isnick> (or you peek/guess in HTTP space) pfps OWL S&AS pfps Peter - done tomorrow morning pfps OWL Test pfps Jos - Aug 6 version needed some changes - done pfps Jos - references need to be fixed pfps Jos - done today pfps Guss - change to language tags done? pfps Jos - not done? pfps Sandro - something changed here, so all might be OK pfps OWL Use Cases and Requirements pfps Jeff - only pointers to be fixed pfps Jeff - done tomorrow DanC_jam <irc://,isnick> q+ to ask that anybody who can't make the deadline tomorrow to page me; send mail to mailto:[]( Zakim <irc://,isnick> sees DanC_jam on the speaker queue pfps DanC - please put CR versions at the editors' draft location pfps Deb - what about ACKs? pfps Guus - three new members - Charles White, [phillips], [see home page] pfps DanC - not critical to fix, but try pfps AOB DanC_jam <irc://,isnick> ack danc Zakim <irc://,isnick> DanC_jam, you wanted to ask that anybody who can't make the deadline tomorrow to page me; send mail to mailto:[]( Zakim <irc://,isnick> sees no one on the speaker queue pfps DanC - please mail when editor is done (to WG) sandro <irc://,isnick> DanC: I expect mail to the WG from each of the 6 people/drafts by close of business tomorrow. If you wont make it, page me. sandro <irc://,isnick> (mail claiming victory, that you're done with the draft) pfps DONE pfps ADJOURN Zakim <irc://,isnick> -ChrisW Zakim <irc://,isnick> -MikeS Zakim <irc://,isnick> -Jos Zakim <irc://,isnick> -Jeff_Heflin Zakim <irc://,isnick> -Deb_Mcguinness Zakim <irc://,isnick> -Ian_Horrocks Zakim <irc://,isnick> -Sean DanC_jam <irc://,isnick> (feel free to include things like md5sums, bytecounts, dates down to the second in your victory claim) Zakim <irc://,isnick> -Mike_Dean Zakim <irc://,isnick> -Marwan_Sabbouh |<-- IanH has left (Quit: [x]chat) <--| seanb has left #webont <irc://> sandro <irc://,isnick> zakim, who is here? Zakim <irc://,isnick> On the phone I see GuusS, Sandro, Peter_PS, DanC Zakim <irc://,isnick> On IRC I see JosD, ChrisW, DeborahMc, pfps, sandro, RRSAgent, Zakim, DanC_jam, guus, log

Received on Thursday, 7 August 2003 13:54:54 UTC