Minutes from 2/13/2003 Telecon from Jeff Heflin on 2003-02-13 (www-webont-wg@w3.org from February 2003) (original) (raw)
Chair: Guus Schreiber Scribe: Jeff Heflin
Chat Log: http://www.w3.org/2003/02/13-webont-irc#T19-00-40
- ADMIN (10-15 min)
1.1 Role Call
Present: NickG, DanC, PeterFPS, JeffHeflin, IanH, LeoObrst, ChrisW, Marwan_Sabbouh, Yassar, Baget, PatH, M_Smith, Evan_Wallace, DeborahMcG, MikeDean
Joined Late: ZivH, Guus, Jeremy, JosD
Regrets: Dale, Hendler, Klein, van Harmelen, Hori
1.2 Approval of Minutes of last telecon
ACCEPTED the following as a true record of Feb 6 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Feb/0126.html
1.3 Agenda Amendments
1.4 Telecon Schedule
Next telecon: February 20 Scribe: Leo Orbst
1.5 Tech plenary
Tech plenary page: http://www.w3.org/2002/10/allgroupoverview.html
- Mar 4: editor's meeting on Tuesday
Deb would like to have speaker phone at meeting
- Mar 6-7: Initial Tech Plenary Semantic Web Architecture page - http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/meetings/tech-200303/
- STATUS RDFCore LC REVIEWS (15-20 min.)
2.1 RDF Schema
Review by Volz: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Feb/0064.html
Discussion about "social meaning." Although, WG members disagree on this topic, most feel the wording should at least be clarified
ACTION: Guus will do summary review of this doc
2.2 RDF Semantics
Agenda item postponed
2.3 RDF Concepts
baget's review of concepts, plus a couple other messages http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2003Feb/0056.html
Jeremey suggested that social meaning be discussed at tech plenary
3 ISSUETTES (60-75 min)
3.1 Annotations
See: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Jan/0490.html
RESOLVED: to adopt Peter's Proposal 2 (from http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Feb/0128.html) with an explcit type label for annotation properties (e.g. owl:AnnotationProperty) (abstains: Ian, Jos DeRoo, Mike Dean, Mike Smith)
ACTION: Jeremy to add 0542 case to test suite
ACTION Schreiber: explain AnnototationProperty in ref
ACTION Schreiber: specify in owl.owl that label, seeAlso, isDefinedBy
ACTION: Mike will update guide to discuss annotations
3.2 Imports and entailments
ACTION: Ian to get Sean to generate syntax checker test case for imports (i.e., on failure assume doc is OWL-FULL)
ACTION Jos: send negative experience on imports to list
3.3 rdf:XMLLiteral, xml:lang in OWL Lite
Dan: Use case for XML literals and cardinality constraints: A product has XML descriptions in different files, but can only have one description. Are the two files consistent?
RESOLVED: abstract syntax uses same syntax as RDF for literals (abstains: Connolly)
ACTION Jeremy: to produce test case for XML literal
3.4 RDF compatibility
Item not discussed
3.5 OWL DL syntax
Item not discussed
3.6 Relation OWL Lite with RDF(S)
Item not discussed
- DOCUMENT STATUS (10-15 min.)
RESOLVED: rename AS&S to S&AS (Semantics & Abstract Syntax). (Abstain: Pat)
ACTION: Massimo publish reference (continued) ACTION: Connolly get Tests published
Received on Thursday, 13 February 2003 14:35:59 UTC