Minutes of January 23rd telecon from Jim Hendler on 2003-01-23 (www-webont-wg@w3.org from January 2003) (original) (raw)
The meeting log for today is found at http://www.w3.org/2003/01/23-webont-irc
A summary of actions/resolutions:
======NEW ACTIONS Jan 23 ===========
ACTION: Guus/Jim to pursue the still missing presentations from f2f5 to link in later
ACTION: Jeremy to propose a change to remove complete class definitions from Owl Lite.
ACTION: Jeremy to create test based on January 0376 email example of "ugly" way to enumerate datatype in a oneOf
ACTION: Guus to put words in reference w/respect to January 0376 email example of "ugly" way to enumerate datatype in a oneOf
=====CONTINUED ACTIONS ===========
ACTION: Guus - to get roadmap done and into every document soon - 1 paragraph about each doc -- action transfered to Frank van Harmelen, may not go in every document - see log below.
ACTION: Connolly re: security - CONT.
ACTION: Welty, Horan: review Overview by Jan30 - Continued
ACTION: Horrocks to review AS & S Appendices - CONT
ACTION: Pan to do another review of AS&S document - CONTINUED
======Completed Action========
ACTION: McGuinness, van Harmelen: OWL Overview draft by Jan20 - DONE
ACTION: Hendler to send msg to SemWeb CG about RDF model theory - DONE
ACTION: Carroll to review AS & S Section 4 - DONE
ACTION: AllDifferent to semantics editor (Patel-Schneider) DONE
=======Withdrawn Actions ==========
All actions on Dan Connolly to publish LC docs have been withdrawn (but let's hope not for long :->)
==== RESOLUTIONS =============
RESOLVED: Accept meeting minutes as record of the Manchester face to face. record is at: http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/WebOnt/ftf5.html
RESOLVED: by consensus to approve the test cases Jos mentioned in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Jan/0325.html
-- Professor James Hendler hendler@cs.umd.edu Director, Semantic Web and Agent Technologies 301-405-2696 Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab. 301-405-6707 (Fax) Univ of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 240-731-3822 (Cell) http://www.cs.umd.edu/users/hendler
Received on Thursday, 23 January 2003 17:03:04 UTC