Minutes telcon May 1, 2003 from Dan Connolly on 2003-05-01 (www-webont-wg@w3.org from May 2003) (original) (raw)

On Thu, 2003-05-01 at 10:11, Jim Hendler wrote:


1200 US East Coast 0900 US West Coast 1700 London

Duration: 60-90 minutes

CHAT INFO Simultaneous IRC Chat irc:irc.w3.org (port 6665) #webont

log: http://www.w3.org/2003/05/01-webont-irc

Chair: Hendler

Scribe: Connolly

  1. ADMIN (15-20 min)

1.1 Roll call

    -Mike Smith

regrets: DeRoo, Stanton, Sabbouh, Obrst, Carroll (in part) Patel-Schneider (post-hoc)

1.2 Minutes previous telecon

Proposed to accept as a true record of the April 24,2003 telcon: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Apr/0165.html (plus addition of Leo Obrst in attendance)


1.3 Agenda amendments


1.4 Telecon schedule

Wallace to scribe 8May.

1.5 ACTION Item Review

ACTION: Patel-Schneider to work on proof for issue 5.26 B1,B2 (target completion date: not before May 1)


ACTION Hendler Ask for some pre-LC comments to be resent. DONE

ACTION Jeff Heflin to add reference section to requirements document


  1. Test document (10-15 min)

ACTION IanH: report on running Lite tests (less datatypes) thru some implementation, e.g. racer

CONTINUES, though substantial progress reported:

From: Ian Horrocks (horrocks@cs.man.ac.uk) Date: Tue, Apr 29 2003 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Apr/0193.html

RESOLVED to approve <cardinality/Manifest001#test> <cardinality/Manifest002#test> <cardinality/Manifest003#test> <cardinality/Manifest004#test>

RESOLVED to approve <equivalentClass/Manifest006#test> <I5.2/Manifest001#test> <I5.2/Manifest002#test>

RESOLVED to approve <description-logic/Manifest001#test> <description-logic/Manifest002#test> <description-logic/Manifest003#test> <description-logic/Manifest004#test> <description-logic/Manifest005#test> <description-logic/Manifest105#test> <description-logic/Manifest106#test> <description-logic/Manifest901#test> <description-logic/Manifest902#test> <description-logic/Manifest903#test> <description-logic/Manifest904#test>

jjc: pls unapprove cardinality/005 so RESOLVED.

status review from Jeremy, any requests he has for approval/deapproval

  1. LC Comments (30-40 min)

ACTION JJC: point the commentor at 4.x in the test doc and see if that satisfies the comment on reference.


3,1 add owl:Nothing to OWL Lite Proposal by Ian http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Apr/0191.html

see also:

changes in Moving owl:Nothing from DL to Lite Ian Horrocks (Mon, Apr 28 2003) http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Apr/0184.html

and on tests: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Apr/0186.html

RESOLVED: to add owl:Nothing to owl lite Hayes abstaining ACTION Dean/ref, Horrocks/semantics, Deb/overview, Connolly/test

ACTION Guus: keep the commentor up to date on discussion of Nothing in Lite


3.2 qualified cardinality restrictions Timing issues brought up by Hendler http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Apr/0179.html

Possible approach suggested by White/Horrocks http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Apr/0192.html http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Apr/0196.html

ACTION JJC: propose RDF/XML syntax


ACTION PatH: propose RDF/XML syntax


ACTION JJC: get real data about the complexity of italian banquet

WITHDRAWN (though it's still welcome)

JimH: doesn't look like something we can do without another last call. ... and in DAML it looks like there's not a lot of implementation

IanH: oiled fully supports it ... which is, in a way, how we got here...

JimH: does that mean fact supports it? IanH: yes. JimH: ah.

JonB: I wonder if some parts of the community already thinks this is part of OWL

DanC: example? "a baseball team has 9 players"? that's not it... "a baseball team has 9 players, 3 of whom are outfielders"

IanH: it's an expressivity change, because of [... details missed...]

DanC: we could talk about proposals to add it; I haven't seen a "soup to nuts" proposal yet

JimH: proposals in email so far are not just "do what DAML did"

JonB: these *Q things have never been quite clear to me.

IanH: recent syntax proposals might make it easier to do...

JimH: we could reopen [this issue] and postpone it... ... and work on proposals after this version

PatH: keep in mind that if it's not in this version, it won't go out for a long time

Guus: it does seem important, but it didn't come up in lots of DAML apps, so perhaps not that important. Note we didn't do stuff like defaults, which are also important... ... and note that someValuesFrom can help [?] ... personally, I'd like to see it in, but I see more reasons not to.

Jeremy: I'm sorta the other way around: I personally am still comfortable leaving it out, but the arguments against putting it in aren't compelling to me. ... what's going to slow us down is reasoning with individuals. [??] I expect a non-trivial CR while the community learns to deal with it.

DanC: I don't like the idea of sorta tacking it on after, though I admit that's possible. Let's decide to put it in or not... ... I think the case that they're needed is well made, but I'll need to see text for the guide and implemented tests before I agree.

DanC: let's reopen the issue, in any case JimH/Guus: we did that.


DanC: how many want to postpone? could we strawpoll?

Chris: I'm prepared to do the guide; how many implementors are there? can we just ask them?

JimH: how many OK to postpone? straw poll shows: yes: several no: several

JimH: FYI, I phoned Alan R (the commentor) about the time cost... ... he'd probably consider postponing (with acknowledgement that this is important) acceptable

[... discussion of post-WG stuff... building user community, demand for new features...]

GuusS: regarding the medical community, protoge supports the medical community without QCRs, and would not like to add it

JimH: ... appleon toolkit... no QCRs... [?]

PatH: have they [protoge] decided not to have this?

DebM: yes; I went to a recent meeting.

DanC, suggested taking up Welty's offer to write guide text and perhaps his "ask the implementors" suggestion

ACTION GuusS: write proposal to add QCRs to OWL, including text for the guide.

ACTION JimH: notify the SemWeb CG that Richter's comment has introduced a schedule risk

Path: which costs more, more tokens in the namespace or more complex triple syntax?

DanC: what costs is changing the meaning of existing documents.

[... technical discussion, discussion of impact on NCI ontology... folks that want this recorded in detail will please send mail...]

GuusS: so keep the existing thing, but add something more general too... is that the way to go? [... some support...]

IanH: in 0176, I gave a pretty detailed proposal... Qualified Cardinality Restrictions From: Ian Horrocks (horrocks@cs.man.ac.uk) Date: Mon, Apr 28 2003 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Apr/0176.html

[...some support...]

  1. Presentation Syntax Documents (5-10 min)

status of current efforts? TR timing issues

Hori: current version is from end of March...

Update: XML Presentation Syntax [draft for W3C Note] Masahiro Hori

(Thu, Mar 27 2003) http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Mar/0241.html

Guus: propose to publish ... with SOTD that says "updates expected"

RESOLVED to publish the 27Mar version Connolly, Hayes abstaining

ACTION Hori: deliver pubrules-happy draft ACTION Connolly: publish XML syntax

  1. RDF response (0-5 min)

Reply from RDFCore on XMLLiiteral http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Apr/0031.html

ACTION: Guus to prepare note to RDF regarding PFPS08 and its relation to the above resolution.


ACTION DanC: try to develop test cases that clarify this XML literals stuff for WebOnt and RDFCore


6.0 Are datatypes correct in our docs? (5-10 min) COncern Raised by Dan COnnolly: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003May/0005.html

ACTION: DanC request review by internationalisation board of decision on datatypes.


ACTION: jjc change SHOULD to MUST for xsd:itneger and xsd:string

  1. A.O.B (0-5 min)

MikeS: pls help with http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003May/0008.html on rdf:about="" and xml:base and all that

-- Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/

Received on Thursday, 1 May 2003 17:51:28 UTC