Minutes 4Sep from Jeremy Carroll on 2003-09-05 (www-webont-wg@w3.org from September 2003) (original) (raw)
Executive Summary: no decisions routine business discussion most animated for item 9 concerning Full nonentailments
Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Sep/0033 IRC: http://www.w3.org/2003/09/04-webont-irc (Dan/Sandro please fix permissions)
--- 1. convene, take roll, assign scribe, review record scribe: Jeremy
Present: DanC, Jeff_Heflin, Sandro, Evan_Wallace, JeremyC, JeromeE, HermanT, Jos, ChrisW
regrets: Hendler, Schreiber, Hori, McGuinness, Dean, Gibbins, Patel-Schneider
Mike Smith, Obrst, Sabbouh, White
PROPOSED: to accept
MINUTES Teleconference Web Ontology Working Group - August 21 20 03 Smith, Michael K (Thursday, 21 August) http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Aug/0096.html
as a true record.
So carried.
--- 2. Review agenda and misc actions, plan next meeting
consider outreach telcons
PROPOSED: to resume weekly schedule, starting Thu 11 Sep at noon Boston time
So agreed, agenda at discretion of chairs (i.e. no decision about outreach telecons)
Scribe still needed.
Continued ACTIONS:
ACTION: Jim will report back on status of Gene Ontology Consortium re OWL.
--- 3. Comment handling
Jeremy asked about the change log in the editors' draft. DanC advised that the change log should reflect changes against the CR version.
--- 4. DL Syntax, B1/B2
Completed action:
ACTION: Peter Patel-Schneider: to look over Jeremy's B1 B2 proof revision. Continued until next week.
Continued action:
ACTION: Dan C. - Add links to implementation report describing Guus' summary from editors meeting and Jeremy email.
The proof attempt was: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Jun/0017 as modified by: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Jun/0294
The refuting example was: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Aug/0142 and thread.
Jeremy reported that:
- Peter's action as complete
- Peter had found a significant flaw with the proof.
- Jeremy still believes the result is correct.
- Peter believes the result to be incorrect.
- Neither belief is proven. (note Peter was absent with regrets)
Jeremy offered to take an action to attempt to fix the proof (but noted that the fix and review would take time). No action was assigned, and further discussion was postponed to item 10.
--- 5. RDF Internationalization
Completed actions:
ACTION: Jeremy to send his discussion of some of the issues re xml:lang and literals to WG.
ACTION: Guus S. will review.
ACTION: Guus Schreiber will send some examples of use of xml:lang to webont mailing list.
RDF Core WD will be published 5th September, and will specifically ask for comments on this issue. Informally Jeremy indicated that a consensus comment from WebOnt would be useful.
A brief discussion as to whether Guus' msg: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Sep/0027
could constitute such a comment, but there was insufficient informed debate. Jeremy noted that specifically discussing the wrapper solutions in the comment would be helpful to RDF Core.
--- 6. Test review
Completed action:
ACTION: Jeremy C. to study DL 909 and report back.
Jeremy indicated that a new version of the editors draft with the fix (10billion to 1billion) would be available next week.
Jos has changed some proposed test by the character # (as reported: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Aug/0113 )
--- 7. Exit criterion: two complete OWL Lite consistency checkers http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/WebOnt/impls#exit
Continued actions:
ACTION: Jim Hendler - Report PELLET status re complete OWL Lite consistency checkers
ACTION: Ian Horrocks - Report Cerebra and Racer status re complete OWL Lite consistency checkers
--- 8. Exit criterion: Each test (except the extra credit tests) is demonstrated to be passed by some implementation
Continued action:
ACTION: Charles White will collect data on test detail. Send him lists of test you have passed.
--- 9. Exit Criterion: two reasoners implementing useful subsets of OWL Full ...
Completed actions:
ACTION: Sandro - Report reasoning status re useful subsets of OWL Full.
ACTION: Joss de Roo - Sandro will ask him to report reasoning status of Euler.
ACTION: Jeremy - Will ask Dave Reynolds re reasoner status over useful subsets of OWL Full.
Extended dicussion of pass/fail/incomplete for non-entailment and consistency tests.
Some classes of reasoners, particularly those by OWL Full implementors cannot prove nonentailments, but merely fail to prove entailments in these cases. Sandro wished these to be reported as incomplete (but see after telecon e-mail traffic)
There was discussion as to whether our exit criteria should be changed, DanC suggested that it would be cheaper to make all these tests extra credit (well at least proving all these tests as extra credit)
Discussion continues.
-- 10. exit criterion: two owl syntax checkers passing all tests
Completed actions:
ACTION: Sean B. - Report officially on species validation syntactic checks.
ACTION: Peter Patel-Schneider - Will report on DL once problem with Galex fixed (exp. in a week).
Continued actions:
ACTION: Ian Horrocks - Confirm that Network Inference passes all owl syntax checks.
ACTION: Jim Hendler - Check with Bijan re owl syntax checkers passing all tests
It was noted that Sean has not yet fully implemented the feature at risk, whereas Peter has. e.g. http://www.w3.org/2002/03owlt/disjointWith/consistent004
Scribe note the discussion drifted, without a formal change of agenda item. Topic: names for tests.
Sandro and DanC noted that the syntax tests were one two or more per test case depending on the number of files. It was also noted that the semantic tests are often two per test case (one using the DL semantics and one using the Full semantics)
DanC argued that it would be helpful if we had each individual test individually named. There was significant resistance from the test editors against duplicating tests to give new names.
ACTION jeremy To think about test naming and report back.
--- 11. ontologies in the web: MIME types, file extensions, etc.
Agendum dropped, and meeting adjourned.
Received on Friday, 5 September 2003 07:16:32 UTC