... (original) (raw)

How is everyone [Saturday October 1st]
So how is everyone!!I'm terribly sorry I haven't been here in a while. I have tennis practice EVERY night and I get home late, plus homework and all.I still want to know how you are though!!Do share.
[Monday August 22nd]
this makes me sad.does anyone even look at this anymore to see if anyone posts?i still do but nobody posts.and i have nothing interesting to post, so i dont post. =(
hi [Tuesday July 26th]
hey everyone...I don't know if any of you guys remember me or if this community is even alive anymore but it's katie...(old username=sanepsycho08) yeah, that's me. I was the head mod here once upon a time.I don't remember if I ever posted that I was leaving, but I quit the whole rating community deal a long time ago. they're harsh and they're not good for you.k so anyway if you want to know how i'm doing now (which you probably don't care but I'm going to tell you anyway), i'm grreat. bored but satisfied.this is me now:yay. k.if you want to keep in touch, use my myspace: herei love you guys & have a great life.♥ katie
Mod//work time [Wednesday July 6th]
I did a LITTLE bit of work on the info page. YES. You know when people delete their journal, the strikeout goes through the user name? Well, I deleted all of the usernames that were struck out from the member list. EL OH EL. It was bugging me...
[Saturday June 18th]
STAMPED//LEAVING [Thursday June 16th]
[ mood | calm ] I'm outty.Better things to do now that summer is here.
[Friday June 10th]
im going to the beach and then to camp the day after we get back, so i wont be on here for a couple of weeks.but im going to do the theme right now!!!(this is animated so watch it for a little while..)its from my FAVORITE online comic, questionable content.Image hosted by Photobucket.com
[Thursday June 2nd]
[ mood | worried ] is this community still alive??? hmm, i have nooo idea, but anyways i jsut wanted to say that i am no longer pink_roxy15, I am now xso_contagiousx... hopefully this community will be ok:S
[Monday May 30th]
Apply Today!
tis been so long [Sunday May 29th]
[ mood | ecstatic ] It has been so long since I've seen the little rocket light up on my browser window. I miss you all so much. Father is out setting up the party we are having, so I snuck on. I haven't read any of the posts, but I shall be able to get on this summer...since I don't have to keep up with school. I'll be back!!! I promise :(<3 Leanni
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