GTK+ 3.0.0 released (original) (raw)

GTK+ 3.0.0 is now available for download at:

sha256 sums: ec0729bf28f09a16e0b0a6a588556c7cee091f40426505b3694a9488bf6cbf67 gtk +-3.0.0.tar.bz2 d294155389c9ba4765c0b26805967f2dae1d84565f5d4095d489f94619406df9 gtk +-3.0.0.tar.gz

What is GTK+

GTK+ is a multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces. Offering a complete set of widgets, GTK+ is suitable for projects ranging from small one-off tools to complete application suites.

GTK+ has been designed from the ground up to support a range of languages, not only C/C++. Using GTK+ from languages such as Perl and Python (especially in combination with the Glade GUI builder) provides an effective method of rapid application development.

GTK+ is free software and part of the GNU Project. However, the licensing terms for GTK+, the GNU LGPL, allow it to be used by all developers, including those developing proprietary software, without any license fees or royalties. GTK+ is a 100% free-of-cost, open source, industrial-strength GUI toolkit available today.

Since its origins as the toolkit for the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), GTK+ has been used in a wide range of software. Notably, GTK+ is the foundation of the GNOME desktop; GTK+ 3 will be incorporated into version 3 of the GNOME desktop.

What's new in GTK+ 3

GTK+ 3 is a major new version of GTK+, containing far too many changes to list them all here. The major highlights include:

Where to get more information about GTK+

Information about GTK+ including links to documentation can be found at:

An installation guide for GTK+ 3 is found at:

Common questions:

GTK+ 3 is a major new version of GTK+, changing the ABI and the API compared to GTK+ 2.x. This means that GTK+ 2.x applications will need some adjustments before they can be used with GTK+ 3. The migration guide at

gives an overview of what is involved in porting to GTK+ 3.


GTK+ is a large project and relies on voluntary contributions. We are actively searching for new contributors in various areas and invite everyone to help project development. If you are willing to participate, please subscribe to the project mailing lists to offer your help and read over our list of vacant project tasks:


GTK+ is the work of hundreds of contributors, far too many to list them all here. But I want to take the time to thank some people who contributed in a major way:

February 10, 2011 Matthias Clasen

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