Camp Hammond (original) (raw)

Prior to the opening of Camp/Fort Hammond, the superhuman training facility was located at a S.H.I.E.L.D. base in Arizona.[4] Camp Hammond, located on the site of the Stamford tragedy that started the Civil War. The camp is considered the Initiative HQ and also serves the dual function of being the Initiative team for Connecticut.

The camp is primarily used to train drafted super powered young people in the United States who have to be registered with the federal government. However, many respected and established superheroes have also attended training to brush up and further their skills.

New recruits are put through Avengers basic training, which includes combat, first aid, and superhuman ethics. If passed the recruits' registration card will be upgraded to a full heroes license with some being offered places in one of the fifty nationwide teams.

During the Skrull Invasion, the base was set to be used by the Skrull invaders as a homebase for their regime. It is revealed the Chief Administrator, Hank Pym, was a Skrull impostor Criti Noll (who later died from the hands of Crusader). The whole idea of the Initiative was created by Skrull agents to place Skrull impostors all over the country. Skrulls took the place of many graduates.

After the invasion, an incident with the Thor clone Ragnarok, and the revelation to the MVP cloning experiments to the media gives Norman Osborn, head of national security and director of, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s replacement agency H.A.M.M.E.R., justification to shut down Camp Hammond.[5]

While working in administration, Richard Gilmore (Aka Prodigy) confirmed the act of demolition of Camp Hammond.[6]

However, it was later used again as the S.H.I.E.L.D. Base Designation 4201 to store the Future Foundation children during the Fantastic Four trial. The base was administered by the one who gave its name: Jim Hammond, agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Human Torch.[7]



There were an undetermined number of recruits at Camp Hammond before its closer, according to Henry Peter Gyrich,[8][9] Yellowjacket,[10] and War Machine,[11] there are over sixty superhumans at Camp Hammond including staff. Thus far the recruits shown to be located at the camp include:


Shadow Initiative[]





  1. Avengers: The Initiative Annual #1
  2. Fantastic Four (Vol. 5) #5
  3. Avengers: The Initiative #18
  4. Civil War #6
  5. Avengers: The Initiative #23
  6. Fear Itself: Youth in Revolt #1
  7. Fantastic Four (Vol. 5) #56
  8. Avengers: The Initiative #9
  9. Avengers: The Initiative #11
  10. Avengers: The Initiative #8
  11. Avengers: The Initiative #16