APS -2009 APS April Meeting - Session Index APR09 (original) (raw)

Session A

A1. Plenary Session I

Session B

B2. The State of the Standard Model and Higgs Searches

B3. Science with Intense Beams of Rare Isotopes: On the way to FRIB

B4. Frontiers in Computational Astrophysics

B5. The Scientific Legacy of John Wheeler

B6. Applications of Accelerators

B7. Physics in Latin America

B8. Galactic Gamma Rays

B9. Instrumentation for High Energy Physics

B10. Mini-Symposium on New Results in Heavy Ion Physics

B11. LIGO Progress and Plans

B12. Neutrino Physics I

B13. Physics Education

B14. Planetary Science

B15. High Energy Neutrinos

Session C

C2. The State of Neutrino Physics

C3. Lattice QCD for Nuclear Physics

C4. Plasma Astrophysics of Intracluster Media

C5. Searches for Gravitational Waves with LIGO, GEO and Virgo

C6. History of Telescopes

C7. Teaching Physics of Energy I

C8. Instrumentation for Astrophysics

C9. Charm and Kaon Physics

C10. Nuclear Theory II: Structure and Reactions

C11. Numerical Analysis of Black Hole Binary Systems

C12. Cosmic Microwave Background and Cosmology

C13. W and Z Physics I

C14. Ultracold Neutrons and Fundamental Symmetries

Session D

D2. The State of HEP Theory

D3. Few Body Physics I

D4. Panel Discussion: Global Physics Projects

D5. Spanning the Gravitational Wave Spectrum

D6. Ion Heating in Turbulent Plasmas

D7. Teaching Physics of Energy II

D8. Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray Instruments

D9. Mini-Symposium on Standard Model and Higgs Physics

D10. Neutrino Physics II

D11. Theoretical and Quantum Gravity

D12. Hadronic Physics

D13. Nuclear Astrophysics Modelling

D14. Undergraduate Research (including SPS) I

Session E

E1. Poster Session I (4:30-6:45pm)

E2. FEd Business Meeting

E3. Welcome Reception and Poster Session I

Session F

F1. Town Meeting on the DOE/NASA Joint Dark Energy Mission (JDEM)

F2. Town Hall Meeting on Science and Society

Session G

G2. The State of the Top Quark

G3. Few Body Physics II

G4. New Eyes on the Universe I

G5. Developments in Quantum Gravity

G6. Physics on the Road Conference : A follow-up to the World Year of Physics 2005

G7. Science Policy: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

G8. Plasma Astrophysics of Clusters of Galaxies

G9. Running and Near Term Neutrino Experiments

G10. Nuclear Instrumentation

G11. Gravitational Collapse and Theoretical Relativity

G12. Higgs II

G13. B Physics I

G14. Future HEP Experiments

G15. Sherwood I

Session H

H2. The State of QCD

H3. Nucleon Structure and Fundamental Symmetries

H4. Nobel Prize Session

H6. Women in Experimental High Energy Physics: Science and Career Paths

H7. Managing Nuclear Fuels: An International Perspective

H8. Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays

H9. Mini-Symposium on Single Top

H10. Ultra-Relativistic Collisions


H12. Mini-symposium on Nuclear Structure at Short Distances I

H13. Focus Session: Professional Preparation of Teachers of Physics

H14. History and Philosophy of Science

H15. Sherwood II

H20. GFB Business Meeting

Session J

J2. The State of Heavy Flavor

J3. Puzzles and Challenges Near Doubly Magic 100Sn, the Heaviest Self-Conjugate Nucleus

J4. Merging Galaxies

J5. Heinemann Prize Session

J6. Precision Measurements Impacting Cosmology

J7. Physics Contributions to the Intelligence Community

J8. APS Editorial Question and Answer

J9. Top Mass

J10. Electroweak Interactions

J11. Theoretical Gravity

J12. Mini-Symposium on Nuclear Structure at Short Distances. II

J13. Few Body Physics III

J14. Undergraduate Research (including SPS) II

J15. Windows to Burning Plasmas

Session K

K1. Plasma/Sherwood Poster Session I (2:00pm - 5:00pm)

Session L

L2. On the Threshold of the LHC

L3. Sakurai Prize Session

L4. Nucleon Microscopy

L5. Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics: From Stars to Stellar Explosions

L6. Future Accelerators for Particle Physics

L8. Excellence in Physics Education Award

L9. QCD Topics

L10. Nuclear Structure

L11. Binary Inspiral and Gravitational Wave Kicks

L12. Dark Matter Searches I: Indirect Searches

L13. Nuclear Theory I: Few-Body

L14. W and Z Physics II

L15. High Energy Density Plasmas

Session M

M1. APS Prizes and Awards Ceremonial Session and Past President's Address

Session N

N1. Keynote Talk: The Quest for Giant Telescopes: Four Centuries of Challenge and Scientific Discovery

Session P

P1. Plenary Session II

Session Q

Q2. Recent Progress at the Neutrino Frontier

Q3. Mini-Symposium on Transverse Spin Phenomena

Q4. Opportunities in Hadron Spectroscopy

Q5. Computational Astrophysics of Disks: From Black Holes to Planets

Q6. Introductory Physics for Pre-Health and Biological Science Students

Q7. Is Geoengineering a Possible Stop-Gap Measure to Rapid Climate Change?

Q8. Cosmic Ray Electrons

Q9. Mini-Symposium on Heavy Flavor: CP Violation and Rare Decays

Q10. Electromagnetic Interactions

Q11. Experimental Tests of Gravitation

Q12. Nuclear Astrophysics

Q13. Computational Materials and Accelerator Physics

Q14. Beam Physics

Q15. Sherwood III

Session R

R2. New Eyes on the Universe II

R3. DNP Prize and Award Session I

R4. Dark Matter

R5. Women and Minorities in Multi-Messenger Astronomy of Gamma-Ray Bursts

R6. Imaging Advanced Accelerators

R7. FPS Awards Session

R8. Observation, Acceleration and Propagation of Cosmic Rays

R9. Mini-Symposium on Searches I

R11. Gravitational Wave Astrophysics

R12. Mini-Symposium on Heavy Flavor: Future of Heavy Flavor Physics

R13. Focus Session: Adopting PER-Based Teaching Methods and Materials

R14. QCD Physics

Session S

S1. Sherwood Poster Session II (2:00pm - 5:00pm)

Session T

T2. The State of the Searches Beyond the Standard Model

T3. DNP Prize and Award Session II

T4. Early Science from the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope

T5. Precision Measurements in Gravity

T6. Panel Discussion: Preparation of Graduate Students for Careers in a Globalized World I

T7. History of MURA, Fermilab and the SSC

T8. Gravitation and Cosmology

T9. B Physics II

T11. Neutron Star and Black Hole Binary Simulations

T12. Dark Matter Searches II

T13. Physics Education Research

T14. New Directions in Particle Theory

Session U

U6. FHP Business Meeting

U7. FPS Business Meeting

U8. DAP Business Meeting

U9. DPF Business Meeting

U10. DNP Business Meeting

U11. GGR Business Meeting

U12. GPMFC Business Meeting

U13. GHP Business Meeting

U14. DPB Business Meeting

U50. Town Meeting on the Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey

Session V

V1. Plenary Session III

Session W

W2. Bouchet Award and Panofsky Prize Session

W3. Nuclear Physics Connections with Astrophysics/Cosmology

W4. New Facilities in Particle Astrophysics I

W6. Numerical Simulations of Coalescing Compact Objects: Black Holes and Neutron Stars

W7. Teaching Physics and the Arts

W8. Gamma Ray Bursts

W9. Top and Higgs Physics

W10. Nuclear Reactions: Heavy Ions/Rare Isotope Beams I

W11. Data Analysis Techniques for Ground-Based Gravitational Wave Interferometers

W12. Dark Matter Searches III

W13. Neutrino Physics III

W14. Searches II

W15. Sherwood IV

Session X

X2. Neutrino Oscillations in Electron Capture Decays

X4. New Facilities in Particle Astrophysics II

X5. Panel Discussion: Women and Minorities in Gravity: Science and Career Paths

X6. The Role of Scientists in Arms Control

X7. Accelerator Technologies for Nuclear Physics

X8. Active Galactic Nuclei

X9. B Physics III

X10. Nuclear Reactions: Heavy Ions/Rare Isotope Beams II

X11. Novel Aspects of Gravity

X12. General Astrophysics and Compact Objects

X13. Quantum Mechanics and Tests of Physics Laws

X14. Higgs III