APS -APS March Meeting 2012 - Session Index MAR12 (original) (raw)

Session A

A1. Focus Session: Novel Instrumentation and measurements for Biomedical Research

A2. Invited Session: Teaching Quantum Information Science at Liberal Arts College

A3. Invited Session: Superconducting Fluctuations in Cuprates

A4. Focus Session: Hybrid Systems and Quantum Information Science in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics

A5. Surfaces: Structure, Transitions and Morphological Evolution

A6. Focus Session: van der Waals Bonding in Advanced Materials - Physisorption and Self Assembly on Metals

A7. Focus Session: Computational Design of Materials - Structure Prediction

A8. Focus Session: Frustrated Magnetism - Triangular Lattice

A9. Focus Session: Magnetic Oxide Thin Films And Heterostructures - Cobaltite And Ferrite Thin Films

A10. Invited Session: Computational Assessment of a Sustainable Energy Future: The Earth-abundant Materials Approach

A11. Graphene: Transport in Devices and Structures

A12. Graphene: Electronic Structure and Interactions - Adsorbates, Doping and Defects

A13. Focus Session: Magnetic Nanostructures-Patterned Nanostructures and Nanowires

A14. Focus Session: Spins in Semiconductors - Magnetic Semiconductors I

A15. Focus Session: Spins in Metals - Thermal Effects on Magnons and Spin Currents

A16. Liquid and Solid Helium

A17. Focus Session: Thermoelectrics - Nanostructured and Oxide TE

A18. Dynamics in II-VI Nanocrystals

A19. Invited Session: New Correlated Electron Physics Using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Other Probes

A20. Invited Session: Advanced Quantum Materials for Future Information Technology

A21. Superconductivity: Josephson, Tunneling and Proximity Effects

A22. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductors - Gap Structure

A23. Metals Magnetic

A24. Materials: Synthesis, Growth and Processing (Bullk and Films)

A25. Focus Session: Simulation of Matter at Extreme Conditions - Energetic Materials

A26. Focus Session: Physics of Energy Storage Materials - Materials, Stability and Transport

A27. Invited Session: Excitonic and Correlation Effects in Single-Layer Graphene

A28. Focus Session: Dopants and Defects in Semiconductors - ZnO

A29. Focus Session: Quantum Optics with Superconducting Circuits: Hybrid Systems and Other Quantum Optics

A30. Focus Session: Qubits in Diamond I

A31. Focus Session: Topological Insulators - Exotic Phases and Phase Transitions

A32. Topological Insulators: Quantum Hall Effect

A33. Physics of Photovoltaics

A34. Focus Session: Impact of Ultrafast Lasers I: X-rays and THz

A35. Focus Session: DFT I: Strongly Correlated Systems; GW and Many-Body Perturbation Theory

A36. Focus Session: New Energy I

A37. Research Collaboration between Mentors and Undergraduate Students

A39. Electronic Structure: Theory and Numerical Methods

A40. Focus Session: Protein Association I: Phase Separation, Crystallization, Self-Assembly

A41. Focus Session: Structure and Dynamics of Membranes

A42. Focus Session: Cytoskeleton and Biomechanics - Biochemical mechanisms

A43. Invited Session: Broader Impacts of Research-NSF Policy and Individual Responsibility

A44. Focus Session: Hydrophobic Interactions and Hydrogen Bonding Networks in Polymeric and Soft Matter Systems

A45. Focus Session: Thin Film Block Copolymers - Directed Assembly

A46. Invited Session: Inherently Strained Polymers and Soft Materials

A47. Focus Session: Gelation and Glass Transition in Colloids and Soft Matter Systems I

A48. Charged and Ion-Containing Polymers

A49. Focus Session: Long-time, Entangled Dynamics in Polymers - Linear, Transient, Non-linear Rheology, Tubes

A50. Liquid Crystalline Order in Polymers, Soft Matter, and Complex Fluids

A51. Colloids I: Beyond Hard Spheres

A52. Using Chaos to Control Quantum Systems

A53. Disordered and Glassy Systems I

A54. Focus Session: Complex and Co-evolving Networks - Cascades in Networks

Session B

B1. Atom Interferometry and New Techniques with Ultracold Atoms

B2. Invited Session: Science Diplomacy: Africa and the Middle East

B3. Invited Session: Superconducting Coherence, Fluctuations & Inhomogeneity in Mesoscopic & Low-Dimensions

B4. Hybrid Systems, Optomechanics and Macroscopic Systems at the Quantum Limit I

B5. Surface Electronic & Lattice Properties: Interfaces, Spin Effects, Etc.

B6. Thermal Properties of Graphene and Graphene Derivatives

B7. Focus Session: Computational Design of Materials - Nanostructured and Energy Materials

B8. Focus Session: Frustrated magnetism - Spin ice

B9. Focus session: Complex Bulk Oxides: Iridates

B10. Invited Session: Equilibration and Relaxation in Cold Atoms

B11. Focus Session: Graphene/BN

B12. Graphene: Electronic Structure and Interactions - Bilayer Graphene

B13. Focus Session: Low-Dimensional and Molecular Magnetism - 1D Magnetism/single-chain magnets - Theory

B14. Focus Session: Spins in Semiconductors - Spin Relaxation in Semiconductors and Diamond

B15. Focus Session: Spins in Metals: Spin Torque Switching and Magnetic Anisotropy Control

B16. Hubbard Model

B17. Focus Session: Thermoelectrics - Nanowires and Other Nanostructures

B18. Focus Session: Nanostructures and Metamaterials, Growth, Structure, and Characterization -- Metamaterials with Gain and Active

B19. Invited Session: One Hundred Fifty Years of Maxwell's Equations (1862-2012)

B20. Invited Session: Astronomy's Detectors and Physics Education

B21. Focus Session: Search for New Superconductors: Methodologies and New Materials

B22. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductors- ARPES and Fermi Surfaces

B23. Superconductivity Theory I: Cluster DMFT, t-J model, renormalization group

B24. Electronic Structure: Theory and Spectra

B25. Focus Session: Simulation of Matter at Extreme Conditions - Shock-Induced Chemistry

B26. Focus Session: Physics of Energy Storage Materials - Advanced Materials

B27. Invited Session: Magneto-Electric and Magneto-Optical Properties of Topological Insulators

B28. Focus Session: Dopants and Defects in Semiconductors - Nitrides

B29. Focus Session: Quantum Optics with Superconducting Circuits: Many-Body Physics, Phase Transitions, & Bistability

B30. Quantum Error Correction and Quantum Control

B31. Topological Insulators: Semimetals and Interactions

B32. Focus Session: Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides - Relaxors, Nanostructures, and Morphotropic Phase Boundary

B34. Focus Session: Impact of Ultrafast Lasers II: Multidimensional Methods

B35. General Theory

B36. Focus Session: New Energy II

B37. SPS Undergraduate Research I

B39. Electronic Structure: Calculations I

B40. Focus Session: Cytoskeleton and Biomechanics - Entanglement and Crosslinking

B41. Lipid Bilayers and Biological Membranes

B42. Focus Session: BioChip Physics-Detection and Transport

B43. Invited Session: Physical Mechanisms of Cell Growth

B44. Focus Session: Translocation through Nanopores - Measurements and Theoretical Models

B45. Focus Session: Thin Film Block Copolymers - Swelling and Ordering

B46. Invited Session: Industrial Applications of Advanced Polymer-Based Nanomaterials

B47. Focus Session: Jamming, Glass Transition, and Gelation in Colloids and Soft Matter Systems

B48. Electrically and Optically Active Polymers

B49. Focus Session: Long-time, Entangled Dynamics in Polymers - Rods, Rings, Fibers, Particle Tracking

B50. Focus Session: Nano to Mesoscale Structures in Ordered Systems: Liquid Crystalline Structure and Interactions

B51. Focus Session: Evolutionary Systems Biology I - Evolutionary Dynamics and Rugged Fitness Landscapes

B52. Granular Media: Flow and Structure

B53. Disordered and Glassy Systems II

B54. Focus Session: Complex and co-evolving networks - Modeling Social and Biological Networks

Session C

C1. Poster Session I (2:00-5:00PM)

Session D

D1. Focus Session: High Magnetic Fields, THz Spectroscopy, MRI

D2. Invited Session: Harnessing Local Atomic Structure to Control Magnetic Interactions in Complex Oxides

D3. Invited Session: Stripe Order and Fermi-Surface Reconstruction in Cuprate Superconductors

D4. Long-range Interacting Rydberg and Dipolar Gases

D5. Vanadium Oxides; Metal-insulator Transitions

D6. Focus Session: Graphene Devices - Bolometers and Optical Response

D7. Quantum Hall Effect in Mono-, Bi- and Trilayer Graphene

D8. Organo-metallics: Magnetic and other Properties

D9. Magnetic Devices and Applications

D10. Invited Session: Advancements in Computational Physics using NSF's TeraGrid/XSEDE Resources

D11. Focus Session: Graphene Structure, Stacking, Interactions: Mesoscopics

D12. Graphene Transport: Disorder Scattering

D13. Focus Session: Magnetic Nanostructures-Characterization (Scanning Probe, X-ray and Neutron)

D14. Focus Session: Spins in Carbon - Spins in Graphene

D15. Focus Session: Spins in Metals - Ultra Fast Dynamics

D16. Strongly Correlated Numerics and Theory

D17. Focus Session: Surfaces and Interfaces in Nonoxide Nanostructures: Growth, Structure, and Characterization - Growth Dynamics

D18. Focus Session: Nanostructures and Metamaterials, Growth, Structure, and Characterization -- What is a good conductor for Metamaterials and Plasmonics

D19. Invited Session: Novel Phases in Strongly Correlated Iridates

D20. Invited Session: Advanced Electromagnetic Imaging and Remote Sensing: From DC to Daylight

D21. Multiband Superconductivity, mostly MgB2

D22. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductors - Crystal Growth, Structure, and Properties of K_xFe_1-ySe Phases

D23. Metals Theory Oxides Interfaces

D24. Bionanotechnology and Nanostructured Sensors

D25. Focus Session: Matter at Extreme Conditions - New Experimental Capabilities

D26. Focus Session: Physics of Energy Storage Materials - Catalysis and H2 Storage

D27. Invited Session: Materials for Energy Applications

D28. Focus Session: Dopants and Defects in Semiconductors - Oxides and Interfaces

D29. Focus Session: Qubits in Diamond II

D30. Focus Session: Quantum Information for Quantum Foundations - Entanglement and Causal Structure

D31. Focus Session: Topological Insulators: Synthesis & Characterization - Thin Films

D32. Focus Session: Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides - Lattice Dynamics

D33. Physics of Batteries and Fuel Cells

D34. Focus Session: Nano I -- Clusters

D35. Focus Session: DFT II: Molecular Conductance; Charge Transfer

D36. Focus Session: Environment I: Aerosols and Aqueous Solutions

D37. SPS Undergraduate Research II

D39. Quantum Protocols: Tomography, Communication, and Coding

D40. Focus Session: Systems Biology and Biochemical Networks I

D42. Focus Session: Physics of Cancer I -- Evolution and Resistance

D43. Invited Session: Recent Advances in the Physics of Fractures

D44. Invited Session: Topological Quantum Computing with Majorana Fermions

D51. Liquid Crystals: Chromonics and Nematics

D52. General Statistical and Nonlinear Physics and GSNP Student Prize Talks

D53. Focus Session: Jamming -- Nonlinear Acoustics and Vibrational Response

D54. Focus Session: Complex and co-evolving networks - Foundations in Complex Networks

Session E

E1. APS Prizes and Awards Ceremonial Session

Session F

F1. APS Welcome Reception

Session G

G1. Physics Community Outreach: The Kitchen as a Lab

Session H

H1. Focus Session: Advances in Scanned Probe Microscopy I: Novel Approaches to Complex Systems

H2. Invited Session: Novel and Proven Methods of Communicating Science to the Public

H3. Invited Session: Electronic Properties of the Pseudogap Phase in Cuprates

H4. Spin-orbit Coupling in Ultracold Gases

H5. Focus Session: Interfaces in Complex Oxides - Polar Interfaces and Ferroelectrics

H6. Focus Session: van der Waals Bonding in Advanced Material - Methods and Application to Water and Ice

H7. Focus Session: Carbon Nanotube Sensing

H8. Focus Session: Frustrated Magnetism - Kagome I

H9. Focus Session: Complex Bulk Oxides: Ruthenates

H10. Invited Session: Strongly Interacting Photons

H11. Focus Session: Graphene Structure, Stacking, Interactions: Interfaces and Adsorbates

H12. Chemical Doping of Graphene and Applications: Solar Cells, Sensors

H13. Focus Session: Low-Dimensional and Molecular Magnetism - Magnetism and Transport of Isolated Molecular Magnets - Molecular spintronics

H14. Focus Session: Spins in Semiconductors - Electrical Spin Injection

H15. Focus Session: Spin and Dynamics in Metal, Spin logic and Spin-Based Devices

H16. Quantum Fluids: Mainly Helium, Vortices, and Solitons

H17. Focus Session: Thermoelectrics - Characterization/Molecular junctions/Magnetic and Low Temp

H18. Focus Session: Electron, Ion, and Exciton Transport in Nanostructures - Nanowires and Superlattices

H19. Invited Session: Current-Driven Spin Textures

H20. Invited Session: Hydrodynamics and Microstructure: From Single Self-Propelled Particles to Active Soft Matter

H21. Superconductivity: Electronic Structure of BSCCO; ARPES and theory

H22. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductors - Anisotropic Transport and Anisotropy

H23. Metals Structural

H24. Electrical and Thermal Properties of Semiconductors

H25. Focus Session: Simulation of Matter at Extreme Conditions - Shock Compression of Metals

H26. Focus Session: Friction, Fracture and Deformation Across Length Scales - Friction Across Length Scales

H27. Invited Session: McGroddy Prize, Adler Lectureship, and Pake Prize: Superconductivity and Spin Transport

H28. Focus Session: Dopants and Defects in Semiconductors - Si

H29. Focus Session: Superconducting Qubits: Amplifiers and Read-out

H30. Semiconductor Qubits - Device Development

H31. Focus Session: Topological Insulators: Synthesis and Characterization: Bulk Crystals

H32. Focus Session: Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides - Conducting Domain Walls and Conduction Mechanisms

H33. Focus Session: Scaleable Technologies for Photovoltaics

H34. Focus Session: Nano II: Nanoscale Materials and Properties I

H35. Focus Session: DFT III: Weak Bonding and Liquid Phase Systems

H36. Focus Session: Environment II: Green Processes

H37. SPS Undergraduate Research III

H39. Electronic Structure: Calculations II

H40. Focus Session: Protein Association II: Aggregation and Fibril Formation

H43. Invited Session: Physics of Systems Biology

H44. Focus Session: Nano to Mesoscale Structure in Ordered Systems: Liquid Crystal Topology and Defects

H45. Focus Session: Thin Film Block Copolymers - Phase Behavior

H46. Invited Session: Polymer Physics Prize

H48. Polymer Gels and Solutions

H49. Focus Session: Fluctuation-Induced Forces in Soft Matter & Polymeric Systems - Casimir and Interfacial Forces

H50. Polymer Melts

H51. Colloids II: Crystals and Phase Transitions

H52. Focus Session: Extreme Mechanics - Rods

H53. Focus Session: Continuum Descriptions of Discrete Materials

H54. Focus Session: Complex and co-evolving networks - Dynamics on Networks

Session J

J1. Focus Session: Advances in Scanned Probe Microscopy II: High Frequencies & Optical Techniques

J2. Invited Session: K-12 Science Education: Closing the Gap with the Leading Nations

J3. Invited Session: Quantum Computing with Superconducting Circuits

J4. Non-Equilibrium Dynamics with Quantum Gases

J5. Focus Session: Interfaces in Complex Oxides - Electronic Structure

J6. Focus Session: van der Waals Bonding in Advanced Materials - Layered Structures & Mechanical Properties

J7. Focus Session: Graphene Devices

J8. Quantum Magnetism, BEC, and Disorder

J9. Focus Session: Magnetic Oxide Thin Films And Heterostructures - Multiferroic Thin Films

J10. Invited Session: How Reliable are Computed Electronic Properties?

J11. Focus Session: Graphene Structure, Stacking, Interactions: Density Functional Theory

J12. Focus Session: Graphene: Growth, Mechanical Exfoliation, and Properties - Strain and Structure

J13. Focus Session: Magnetic Nanostructures - Thin Films, Surfaces and Interfaces

J14. Focus Session: Spins in Semiconductors - Spin-Orbit Coupled Electrons and Holes in Semiconductors

J15. Focus Session: Spins in Metals - Spin Transport in Novel Devices and Structures

J16. Vanadium Dioxide; Nano and Devices

J17. Focus Session: Surfaces and Interfaces in Nonoxide Nanostructures: Growth, Structure, and Characterization - Organic/Inorganic Interfaces & Quantum Dots

J18. Focus Session: Nanostructures and Metamaterials, Growth, Structure, and Characterization -- New Fabrication Techniques

J19. Invited Session: Strongly Interacting Cold Fermi Gases

J20. Invited Session: Sexual and Gender Diversity Issues in Physics

J21. Focus Session: Search for New Superconductors: New Theories and Experiments

J22. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductors - Nodal and Nodeless Superconductivity

J23. Phase Changes, Metals, PC Memories

J24. Focus Session: Dopants and Defects in Semiconductors - Si and III-V

J25. Focus Session: Simulation of Matter at Extreme Conditions: Shock Compression and Other High-Strain-Rate Phenomena

J26. Focus Session: What is Computational Physics?

J27. Invited Session: International Energy Perspectives

J28. Focus Session: Frontiers in Computational Thermodynamics of Materials

J29. Focus Session: Quantum Information for Quantum Foundations - Informational Principles and Fundamental Structures

J30. Open Quantum Systems and Decoherence

J31. Focus Session: Topological Insulators: Synthesis and Characterization - Transport

J32. Focus Session: Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides - Domain Structures and Switching

J34. Focus Session: Impact of Ultrafast Lasers III: Biophysics

J35. Liquids

J36. Focus Session: New Energy III

J37. SPS Undergraduate Research IV

J39. Exciton, Polariton, and Electron Dynamics in two-dimensional semiconductor structures

J40. Multi-cellular Processes and Development

J41. Vortex Dynamics, Turbulence and Geophysical Flows

J42. Focus Session: Stochastic Population Dynamics I - Cyclic competition and population stability

J43. Invited Session: Stochastic Geometry and Conformal Invariance in Non-Equilibrium and Disordered Systems

J44. Focus Session: Dynamics of Polymers: Phenomena Due to Confinement I

J45. Padden Award Symposium

J46. Invited Session: Electrostatic Interactions in Polymeric and Biological Systems

J48. Focus Session: Gelation and Glass Transition in Colloids and Soft Matter Systems II

J49. Focus Session: Crystallization in Single-, Multicomponent, and Hybrid Systems I

J50. Focus Session: Translocation through Nanopores - Novel Devices and Computational Approaches

J51. Liquid Crystals: Smectic, Ferroelectric, Nanocomposites and DNA

J52. Focus Session: Extreme Mechanics - Plates

J53. Disordered Systems: Jamming

J54. Focus Session: Complex and Co-evolving Networks - Empirical Studies of Social Networks

Session K

K1. Poster Session II (2:00-5:00PM)

Session L

L1. Focus Session: Imaging and Modifying Materials at the Limits of Space and Time Resolution

L2. Invited Session: Andrei Sakharov Prize Session

L3. Invited Session: Fermiology of Electron and Hole Doped Cuprates - A Guide to High Temperature Superconductivity

L4. Focus Session: Numerical Methods for Studying Nonequilibrium Many-Body Dynamics; DMRG, DMFT, Truncated Wigner Approximation, Exact Diagonalization

L5. Focus Session: Interfaces in Complex Oxides - Nickelates

L6. Focus Session: van der Waals Bonding in Advanced Materials - Metal Oxide Frameworks & Active Materials

L7. Carbon Nanotube Hybrid Structures - Properties, Synthesis, Characterization

L8. Focus Session: Frustrated Magnetism - 1D

L9. Focus Session: Complex Bulk Oxides: Theoretical techniques for oxides

L10. Invited Session: Quantum Optics in Condensed Matter

L11. Focus Session: Graphene Structure, Stacking, Interactions: Magnetism and Interactions

L12. Focus Session: Graphene: Growth, Mechanical Exfoliation, and Properties - Growth on Single Crystals

L13. Focus Session: Low-Dimensional and Molecular Magnetism - 1D Magnetism/Single-Chain Magnets - Experiment

L14. Focus Session: Spins in Semiconductors - Magnetic Semiconductors II

L15. Focus Session: Spins in Metals - Resonance Phenomena I, Spin Wave Excitation and Spin Torque Oscillators

L16. Heavy Fermions - Theory and Experiment

L17. Focus Session: Thermoelectrics - Electronic Structure and Transport

L18. Focus Session: Electron, Ion, and Exciton Transport in Nanostructures - Quantum Dots and Related Structures

L19. Invited Session: Spin Liquids with Disorder

L20. Invited Session: STEM Outreach to Underrepresented Communities

L21. Superconductivity: Mostly Mesoscopics & Low-d

L22. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductors: -- Inelastic Neutron Scattering and Magnetic Excitations

L23. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductors - First Principles, Models, and Spectroscopy

L24. Focus Session: Dopants and Defects in Semiconductors - Chalcogenides, Oxides, and Ternaries

L25. Focus Session: Simulation of Matter at Extreme Conditions - Warm Dense Matter

L26. Focus Session: Friction, Fracture and Deformation Across Length Scales - Dislocations and Fracture

L27. Invited Session: Quantum Design of Low-Dimensional Materials Structures for Enhanced Solar Energy Conversion

L28. Electricity-to-Light Conversion: Solid State Lighting

L29. Focus Session: Semiconductor Qubits - Single and Multi-Qubit Demonstrations

L30. Focus Session: Topologically Protected Qubits I

L31. Focus Session: Topological Insulators: Synthesis and Transport - Magnetism

L32. Focus Session: Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides - Mechanisms of Ferroelectricity

L33. Invited Session: Frontiers of Granular Physics

L34. Focus Session: Impact of Ultrafast Lasers IV: Applications I

L35. Focus Session: DFT IV: Ground-State DFT: New Directions

L36. Focus Session: New Energy IV

L37. Informal Education and Public Outreach - Policy Questions

L39. Focus Session: Superconducting Qubits: 3D Cavities

L40. Focus Session: Systems Biology and Biochemical Networks II

L41. Pattern Formation, Nonlinear Dynamics, Computational Fluid Dynamics

L42. Focus Session: Physics of Cancer II -- Physical Aspects

L43. Invited Session: Precursors to the Folding and Aggregation of Biological Molecules

L44. Focus Session: Nano to Mesoscale Structure in Ordered Soft Matter: Liquid Crystal Phases

L45. Friction and Brushes

L46. Dillon Medal Symposium

L48. Polymers and DNA Coated Colloid Particles

L49. Focus Session: Fluctuation-Induced Forces in Soft Matter and Polymeric Systems - Charge, Shape and Nucleation

L50. Focus Session: Organic Electronics and Photonics - Morphology

L51. Self Assembly: Mostly Colloids, Lipids and Surfactants

L52. Focus Session: Extreme Mechanics - Origami, Creasing, and Folding

L53. Frontiers of Statistical Physics

L54. Superconductivity: Mostly Devices and Applications

Session M

M1. GIMS Business Meeting

M8. GMAG Business Meeting

M25. GSCCM Business Meeting

M28. FIAP Business Meeting

M29. GQI Business Meeting

M33. GERA Business Meeting

M34. DCP Business Meeting

M42. DBIO Business Meeting

M46. DPOLY Business Meeting

M52. GSNP Business Meeting

M60. DCMP Business Meeting

M61. DMP Business Meeting

Session N

N1. The IBM Computer Watson: Its Future Challenges After Winning at Jeopardy

Session P

P2. Invited Session: Large Fluctuations Far From Equilibrium

P3. Invited Session: Alkaline Iron Selenides vs Iron Pnictides: Properties and Their Implications

P4. Multi-Component BECs and Mixtures

P5. Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films: Kinetics, Dynamics, and Reactions

P6. Graphene Optical Phenomena

P7. Focus Session: Computational Design of Materials: Graphene - Electronic Structure and Transport

P8. Focus Session: Spin Liquids I

P9. Focus Session: Magnetic Oxide Thin Films And Heterostructures: Manganite Thin Films

P10. Invited Session: Quantum Simulations

P11. Focus Session: Graphene Structure, Stacking, Interactions: Strain and Stacking

P12. Tutorial for Authors and Referees

P13. Focus Session: Low-Dimensional and Molecular Magnetism - Single-Molecule Magnets - Dynamics, structure and interactions

P14. Focus Session: Spins in Semiconductors - Quantum Dots and Qubits

P15. Focus Session: Spins in Metals - Spin Current Generation and Spin Motive Force

P16. Heavy Fermions- Mostly URu2Si2

P17. Focus Session: Thermoelectrics - TE and Thermal Conductivity

P18. Focus Session: Electron, Ion, and Exciton Transport in Nanostructures - Quantum Transport I

P19. Invited Session: Dynamics of Strongly Correlated Systems: Control and Ultrafast X-Ray Probes

P20. Invited Session: Scientific Reasoning in a Physics Course

P21. Superconductivity: Electronic Structure of Cuprates

P22. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductivity - Fe(Te,Se)

P23. Superconductivity Theory II: p-wave, chiral, and topological

P24. Fractional Quantum Hall Effect I

P25. Focus Session: Simulation of Matter at Extreme Conditions - Static Pressure

P26. Focus Session: Friction, Fracture and Deformation Across Length Scales - Friction and Geometric Effects

P27. Invited Session: Transport Studies of Topological Insulators

P28. Optical Applications: Nonlinear Optics, Waveguides, and Novel Structures

P29. Focus Session: Superconducting Qubits: Multiple Qubits and Entanglement

P30. Semiconductor Qubits - Communication and Hybridization

P31. Topological Insulators: Disorder

P32. Focus Session: Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides - BiFeO3

P33. Physics of Photovoltaics and other Electricity Production

P34. Focus Session: Nano III: New Nanoscale Fabrication and Sensing

P35. Focus Session: DFT V: Partitioning and Embedding Theories; Finite-Temperature

P36. Focus Session: Environment III: Nanoparticles, Surfaces and Catalysis

P37. CDW Materials - Chalcogenides and other

P40. Protein Fluctuations and Conformation Changes

P41. Drops, Bubbles and Interfacial Fluid Mechanics

P42. Focus Session: Evolutionary Systems Biology II - From molecules to cells

P43. Invited Session: High Content Biophysical Data for Dynamic Studies in Cancer

P44. Focus Session: Block Copolymer Micelles and Polymersomes

P45. Surfaces, Interfaces, and Polymeric Thin Films - Surface Instabilities

P46. Invited Session: DNA-Programmable Particle Assembly

P47. Biopolymers: Molecules, Solutions, Networks, and Gels

P48. Focus Session: Crystallization in Single-, Multicomponent, and Hybrid Systems II

P49. Focus Session: Organic Electronics and Photonics - Interfaces and Contacts

P50. Focus Session: Dynamics of Polymers: Phenomena due to Confinement; Glass Transition

P51. Colloids III: Shear and Hydrodynamics

P52. Focus Session: Extreme Mechanics - Structures for Form and Function

P53. Disordered Systems: Packing

P54. Superconductivity: Thermodynamics and Phases

Session Q

Q2. Invited Session: Manipulating Spin Waves

Q3. Invited Session: Recent Advances in Pnictide Superconductors

Q4. Focus Session: Many-body Quantum Phases in Cold Atom Systems

Q5. Nonequilibrium and Gauge/Gravity Duality

Q6. Carbon Nanotubes: Electronic and Thermal Properties

Q7. Focus Session: Computational Design of Materials: Graphene - Strain, defect and interface engineering

Q8. Focus Session: Spin Liquids II

Q9. Focus Session: Complex Bulk Oxide: Doped and Undoped Manganites

Q10. Invited Session: Rare Fluctuation Effects in Strongly Disordered Systems

Q11. Focus Session: Graphene Structure, Stacking, Interactions: Infrared and Terahertz Spectroscopy

Q12. Focus Session: Graphene: Growth, Mechanical Exfoliation, and Properties - SiC and Growth Kinetics

Q13. Focus Session: Magnetic Nanostructures-Nanoparticle Synthesis and Magnetism

Q14. Focus Session: Spins in Semiconductors - Spin Dependent Transport

Q16. Heavy Fermions - 1-1-5 Systems

Q17. Focus Session: Nanostructures and Metamaterials, Growth, Structure, and Characterization -- Improved Materials and Applications I

Q18. Focus Session: Interfaces in Complex Oxides - Electronic, Magnetic and Optical Properties

Q19. Invited Session: The Scientific Legacy of Edward Purcell (1912-2012)

Q20. Invited Session: Robust Energy Storage with Engineered Si

Q21. Novel Superconductivity in New and Low Dimensional Materials

Q22. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductivity - Doped and Undoped BaFe2As2

Q23. Superconductivty Theory III: Mainly Cuprates

Q24. Fractional Quantum Hall Effect II

Q25. Focus Session: Simulation of Matter at Extreme Conditions - Phase Transitions

Q26. Focus Session: Computational Frontiers in Quantum Spin Systems I

Q27. Invited Session: DCMP Prize Session: Buckley, Isakson, MGM

Q28. Applications of Semiconductors, Dielectrics, Complex Oxides

Q29. Focus Session: Topologically Protected Qubits II

Q30. Focus Session: Superconducting Qubits: Architecture, Tunable, and Static Coupling

Q31. Focus Session: Topological Insulators - Edge States

Q32. Focus Session: Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides - Multiferroics and Magnetoelectrics

Q33. Focus Session: X-ray and Neutron Instruments and Measurement Science

Q34. Focus Session: Nano IV: Nanocatalysis

Q35. Focus Session: DFT VI: New Functional Developments

Q36. Water and Ice

Q37. Focus Session: Students, Physics and Innovation

Q39. Focus Session: Materials and Functional Structures for Biological Interfaces - Micro and Nanofluidics

Q40. Focus Session: Systems Biology and Biochemical Networks III

Q41. Biofluids

Q42. Focus Session: Stochastic Population Dynamics II - Games and Spatial Dynamics

Q43. Invited Session: Techniques to Study Dynamic Cellular Processes One Molecule at a Time (Including Delbruck Award Lecture)

Q44. Focus Session: Interparticle Interactions in Polymer Nanocomposites - Transport and Dynamics

Q45. Elastomers and Gels

Q46. Invited Session: Quantum Information Processing in Diamond

Q47. Focus Session: DNA-Coated Colloid Particles

Q48. Polymer Blends and Crystallization

Q49. Focus Session: Organic Electronics and Photonics - Photophysics and Excited State Dynamics

Q50. Focus Session: Dynamics of Polymers: Phenomena due to Confinement II

Q51. Gels, Complex Fluids and Vesicles

Q52. Focus Session: Extreme Mechanics - Shells & Snapping

Q53. Packing, Self-Assembly, and Granular Memory

Q54. Superconductivity: Mesoscopic and Nanometer Scale

Session S

S1. Poster Session III (1:00-4:00PM)

Session T

T1. Hybrid Systems, Optomechanics and Macroscopic Systems at the Quantum Limit II

T2. Invited Session: PIRE in Condensed Matter

T4. Vortices, Rotation, and Synthetic Gauge Fields

T5. Assembly of Atoms and Molecules in Adsorption Systems

T6. Focus Session: Graphene Devices - Spin, Charge, and Superconductivity

T7. Focus Session: Computational Design of Materials: Electronic Structure Methods for Materials - Faster and More Accurate

T8. Focus Session: Helical Phases and Skyrmions

T9. Focus Session: Magnetic Oxide Thin Films And Heterostructures - Interactions at Interfaces and in Superlattices

T10. Invited Session: Earth-Abundant Materials for Critical Technologies

T11. Focus Session: Graphene Structure, Stacking, Interactions: Twisted Layers

T12. Focus Session: Graphene: Growth, Mechanical Exfoliation, and Properties - CVD on Metals

T13. Focus Session: Low-Dimensional and Molecular Magnetism - Molecular Ferromagnetism and 2D Magnetism

T14. Focus Session: Spins in Semiconductors - Spins and Edge States

T15. Focus Session: Magnetic Nanostructures-Exchange Bias and Exchange-Coupled Systems

T16. Kondo Lattice Theory

T17. Focus Session: Electron, Ion, and Exciton Transport in Nanostructures - Quantum Transport II

T18. Focus Session: Interfaces in Complex Oxides - Superconductivity and Magnetism at Interfaces

T19. Kavli Foundation Special Session: Emergent Physics at the Mesoscale

T20. Invited Session: Advanced Characterization of Transistor Gate Stacks and Interfaces

T21. Magnetic Ordering and Dynamics in Cuprates

T22. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductivity - Properties of 122 phases

T23. Actinides and Transport Magnetism in Metals

T24. Fractional Quantum Hall Effect III

T25. High Pressure: Theory

T26. Focus Session: Computational Frontiers in Quantum Spin Systems II

T28. Semiconductors

T29. Focus Session: Semiconductor Qubits - Coherent Control, Decoherence, and Relaxation

T30. Quantum Algorithms

T31. Focus Session: Topological Insulators: Synthesis and Characterization - Spin Transport and Superconductivity

T32. Focus Session: Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides - Manganites

T35. Focus Session: Plyler Award Symposium

T37. Physics Education Research and Resources

T40. Focus Session: Cytoskeleton and Biomechanics - Forced Dynamics

T41. Swimming, Motility and Locomotion

T42. Focus Session: Evolutionary Systems Biology III - Evolutionary Games

T44. Focus Session: Interparticle Interactions in Polymer Nanocomposites - Grafted Chains

T45. Polymeric Glasses

T46. Invited Session: Keithley Award Session: Photoacoustic and Photothermal Measurement Science

T47. Focus Session: Heterogeneous Colloids I

T48. Focus Session: Advanced Optical Probes of Soft Matter - Microrheology, Microbiography

T49. Focus Session: Organic Electronics and Photonics: Structure - Property Correlations

T50. Focus Session: Phase Behavior and Structure in Copolymers

T52. Non-equilibrium Systems, Especially using Fluctuation Theorems and Fluctuation-Dissipation Relations

T53. Focus Session: Wave Propagation in Strongly Scattering Media

T54. Superconductivity: Mostly Spectroscopy and Pairing

Session U

U18. Meet the NSF-DMR Program Director and Learn About Funding Opportunities at NSF

U20. Town Hall Meeting: Mesoscopic Materials and Chemistry

U60. ``Trends" in the APS Publication Physics

Session V

V1. Focus Session: Advances in Scanned Probe Microscopy III: SPM of Single Atoms & Molecules

V2. Invited Session: Spin Caloritronics of Magnetic Structures and Devices

V3. Invited Session: Spin Fluctuations and Cooper Pairing in Unconventional Superconductors

V4. Bosons and Fermions in Optical Lattices

V5. Surface Electronic & Lattice Properties: Structure, Surface States, & Adsorption

V6. Focus Session: Carbon Nanotube Optics I: Spectroscopy and Excitons

V7. Focus Session: Computational Design of Materials - Engineering of Electronic Structure Materials

V8. Focus Session: Frustrated Magnetism - Kagome II

V9. Focus Session: Magnetic Oxide Thin Films And Heterostructures - Transport Properties

V10. Invited Session: Quantum Entanglement in Many-Body Systems

V11. Focus Session: Graphene Structure, Stacking, Interactions: Edges and Grain Boundaries

V12. Graphene: Optical Properties and Responses

V13. Focus Session: Magnetic Nanostructures-Domain Walls

V14. Focus Session: Spins in Carbon - Spins and Magnetism in Carbon

V16. Heavy Fermions- 1-1-5 Systems and Others

V17. Focus Session: Electron, Ion, and Exciton Transport in Nanostructures - Junctions

V18. Focus Session: Interfaces in Complex Oxides - Interface and Surface Conductivity in SrTiO3

V19. Invited Session: Holography and Strongly Correlated Electron Matter

V20. Invited Session: High k Dielectrics for High Carrier Mobility Channel Applications

V21. Superconductivity: Mostly Cuprates

V22. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductors - Magnetism and Anisotropy

V23. Superconductivity: Mostly Transport

V24. Low-Dimensional Semiconductors

V25. High Pressure: Experiment

V26. Focus Session: Computational Frontiers in Quantum Spin Systems III

V27. Invited Session: Flexible and Rolled Up Semiconductor Nanomembranes

V28. Semiconductor Defects and Doping

V29. Focus Session: Superconducting Qubits: Epitaxial Junctions and Two-Level Systems

V30. Focus Session: Semiconductor Qubits - Measurement

V31. Focus Session: Topological Insulators: Synthesis & Characterization - ARPES

V32. Focus Session: Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides - Interfaces, Layered Materials, and Growth

V34. Focus Session: Impact of Ultrafast Lasers V: Applications II

V35. Focus Session: DFT VII: Time-Dependent Processes I: Driven Systems

V36. General Chemical Physics

V37. Topological Insulators: Magnetoelectric Effect, Control, and Dynamics

V40. Focus Session: Single Molecule Biological Physics - Proteins

V41. Focus Session: Physics of Proteins I: Dynamics and Function

V42. Focus Session: Systems Biology - Stochastic Gene Expression

V43. Invited Session: Entrepreneurship - The Quest for Start-Up Success Based on Research Advances

V44. Focus Session: Interparticle Interactions in Polymer Nanocomposites - Surface Interactions

V45. Soft Matter Physics of Heterogeneous Membranes - Experiments

V46. Invited Session: Active Matter and Dynamical Systems

V47. Focus Session: Heterogeneous Colloids II

V48. Focus Session: Advanced Optical Probes of Soft Matter - Forces, Imaging, Excitons

V49. Focus Session: Organic Electronics and Photonics - Solar Cells and Light Emitting Devices

V50. Structure and Properties of Copolymers

V52. Focus Session: Extreme Mechanics - Biological Systems and Structures

V53. Wet and Cohesive Granular Materials

V54. Superconductivity: Magnetic Field Effects Including Vortex Related Phenomena (Theory)

Session W

W1. Photonic Systems and Entanglement Generation

W2. Invited Session: Instrumentation and Measurement Science for Energy Research: PV and Batteries

W3. Invited Session: Fractional Topological Insulators

W4. Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases

W5. Thin Film Growth and Processing

W6. Focus Session: Carbon Nanotube Synthesis, Structure and Defects

W7. Focus Session: Graphene Devices - Mechanical Effects

W8. Focus Session: Frustrated Magnetism - Pyrochlore lattice

W9. Focus Session: Complex Bulk Oxides: Multiferroics

W10. Invited Session: Novel Bose-Einstein Condensates: Photons, Excitons, Magnons, Rydberg Atoms, and Polar Molecules

W11. Focus Session: Graphene Structure, Stacking, Interactions: Local Probes and Microscopy

W12. Focus Session: Graphene: Growth, Mechanical Exfoliation, and Properties - Exfoliation and Doping

W13. Focus Session: Low-Dimensional and Molecular Magnetism - Metallorganics and Spincrossover Molecular Magnets

W14. Focus Session: Spins in Semiconductors - Ferromagnetism and Spin Dynamics in Semiconductors

W15. Focus Session: Spins in Metals - Domain Wall, Vortex, Magnonic Based Devices

W16. Quantum Criticality

W17. Optics of Semiconductor Nanowires

W18. Focus Session: Interfaces in Complex Oxides - Devices and Nanostructures

W19. Invited Session: Spin Coupling and Kondo Screening in Individual Magnetic Spins

W20. Invited Session: Nuclear Power, One Year After Fukushima

W21. Focus Session: Search for New Superconductors- Electron-Phonon Coupling

W22. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductivity - Magnetism in AxFe(1-y)Se2

W23. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductors - AFeAs and RFeAsO Families

W24. Integer Quantum Hall Effect

W25. Focus Session: Modeling of Rare Events: Methods and Applications I

W26. Focus Session: What is Computational Physics? New Technologies and Their Application

W27. Invited Session: Electrons, Spins, and Collective Modes in Nanofilms

W29. Focus Session: Superconducting Qubits: Resonators and Loss Mechanisms

W30. Quantum Entanglement

W31. Focus Session: Topological Insulators: Synthesis & Characterization - Quantum Transport & Nanostructures

W32. Focus Session: Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides - Bandgaps, Surfaces, Oxides on Semiconductors

W33. Physics of Hydrogen Production, Storage, Delivery

W34. Focus Session: Nano V: Nanoscale Materials and Properties II

W35. Focus Session: DFT VIII: Time-Dependent Processes II: Excitations

W37. Topological Insulators: Fractionalization

W39. Focus Session: Materials and Functional Structures for Biological Interfaces: Cells

W40. Focus Session: Single Molecule Biological Physics - Nucleic acids and Proteins

W41. Focus Session: Quantum Coherence in Biological Systems

W42. Focus Session: The Physics of Genome Folding I: Fractal Globules and Condensed Polymer States

W43. Invited Session: Physical Mechanisms of Collective Microbial Dynamics

W44. Focus Session: Interparticle Interactions in Polymer Nanocomposites - Mechanical, Electrical, and Optical Properties

W45. Focus Session: Soft Matter Physics of Heterogeneous Membranes - Theory and Simulation

W46. Invited Session: Silicon Spin Qubits: Relaxation and Decoherence

W47. Focus Session: Polymers for Energy Storage and Conversion - Fundamentals of Ion Transport

W48. New Experimental, Theoretical, and Computational Methods in Polymer and Soft Matter Physics

W49. Focus Session: Organic Electronics and Photonics - Thin Film Transistors

W50. Focus Session: Micro and Nano Fluidics I: Devices and Applications

W52. Focus Session: Extreme Mechanics - Fluid-Structure Interactions and Swelling

W53. Focus Session: Common Features of Soft Materials: Polymers, Colloids and Granular Media I

Session X

X1. Focus Session: Advances in Scanned Probe Microscopy IV: New Instrumentation & Techniques

X2. Invited Session: History of Metrology and Today's Frontiers of Measurement

X3. Invited Session: Full Counting Statistics, Fluctuation Theorems, and Many-Body Entanglement

X4. Focus Session: Quantum Quench Dynamics in Cold Atom Systems

X5. Structure and Formation of Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces

X6. Carbon Nanotube Optics II: Absorption and Raman Spectroscopy

X7. Electronic, Structural and Chemical Properties of Non-Carbon Nanotubes and Nanowires

X8. Focus Session: Frustrated Magnetism - Theory

X9. Focus Session: Complex Bulk Oxides: Magnetic Phase Transitions

X10. Invited Session: Thermal Properties and Electron-Phonon Coupling from First Principles

X11. Focus Session: Graphene Structure, Stacking, Interactions: Twisting, Stretching, Folding, Wrinkling

X12. Focus Session: Graphene: Growth, Mechanical Exfoliation, and Properties - Morphology and Interactions

X13. Focus Session: Magnetic Nanostructures-Hard Magnetic Materials and Magnetocaloric Materials

X14. Focus Session: Spins in Semiconductors - Spin-Orbit Interaction and Relaxation in Si and Ge

X15. Focus Session: Spin and Dynamics in Metal, Resonance Phenomena II: FMR in Magnetic Nanostructures

X16. Manganites: Perovskite and Bilayer

X17. Focus Session: Nanostructures and Metamaterials, Growth, Structure, and Characterization -- Improved Materials and Applications II

X18. Growth and Properties of Nanoparticles and Nanowires

X19. Invited Session: Two Dimensional Electron Systems at Oxide Interfaces

X20. Invited Session: Physics of Color Reflective Displays

X21. Fluctuation Phenomena (noise, nonequilibrium effects, localization effects)

X22. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductors - Exchange Coupling Theory

X23. Magnetic Field Effects: Experimental II

X24. Electronic Structure: Quantum Monte Carlo

X25. Focus Session: Modeling of Rare Events: Methods and Applications II

X26. Focus Session: Non-Adiabatic Dynamics in Irradiated Materials

X27. Invited Session: Physics for Everyone: Innovative Materials for Energy

X29. Focus Session: Semiconductor Qubits - Managing or Eliminating Nuclei

X30. Focus Session: Quantum Information for Quantum Foundations - Foundational Experiments and Experimental Proposals

X31. Focus Session: Topological Insulators: Synthesis and Characterization - Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy

X32. Focus Session: Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides - Elastic and Optical Properties

X33. Focus Session: X-ray, Gamma Ray, and Electron Diffraction

X34. Focus Session: Nano VI: Junctions and Transport

X39. Focus Session: Materials and Functional Structures for Biological Interfaces - Nanoscale Materials

X40. Focus Session: Single Molecule Biological Physics - Nucleic Acids

X41. Focus Session: Physics of Proteins II: Folding and Structure

X42. Focus Session: The Physics of Genome Folding II: Chromosomes and Nucleosomes

X43. Invited Session: Bacterial Swimming and Chemotaxis

X44. Focus Session: Directed Assembly of Hybrid Materials - Nanoparticles in Micelles

X45. Focus Session: Soft Matter Physics of Drops, Bubbles, Foams, and Emulsions - Droplet spreading, colliding, wetting

X46. Invited Session: Deformation and Fracture of Soft Materials

X47. Focus Session: Polymers for Energy Storage and Conversion - Nanostructures and Phase Separated Morphologies

X48. Focus Session: Statistical Physics of Active Systems Away From Detailed Balance: Cytoskeleton, Flagella, and All That

X49. Focus Session: Organic Electronics and Photonics - Polymer Dielectrics and Charge Transport

X50. Focus Session: Micro and Nano Fluidics II: Structured or Active Surfaces and Electrotransport

X52. Focus Session: Extreme Mechanics - Fracture, Friction, and Frequencies

X53. Focus Session: Common Features of Soft Materials: Polymers, Colloids and Granular Media II

Session Y

Y1. Measurement Science from Optics through Thermodynamics

Y2. Invited Session: Magnetic Materials and Magnetism Research for Energy Applications

Y3. Invited Session: Competing Phases and Quantum Criticality in Strongly Correlated Systems

Y4. Cold Quantum Gases in Reduced Dimensions

Y5. Optical Properties and Excitations in Semiconductor Quantum Dots

Y6. Carbon Nanotubes: Devices, Capacitors and Other Applications

Y7. Glassy Metallic, Semiconductor, Oxide and Chalcogenide Systems

Y8. Focus Session: Frustrated Magnetism - Experiment

Y9. Focus Session: Complex Bulk Oxide: Orbital Physics

Y10. Invited Session: Modeling & Simulation of the Impact of Space Radiation on Electronic Systems (Avionic and Astronautic)

Y11. Focus Session: Graphene Devices - Fabrication

Y12. Graphene: Electronic Structure and Interactions - STM and Nanoribbons

Y13. Focus Session: Low-Dimensional and Molecular Magnetism - Nanomagnetism on Surfaces - Magnetic Adatoms and Clusters

Y14. Focus Session: Spins in Carbon - Organic Spintronics

Y15. Focus Session: Spins in Metals: Spin Torque Theory, Spin Dependent Transport

Y16. Strongly Correlated Electrons - Experiment and Theory

Y17. Nanostructures and Interfaces: Electrons, Phonons, and Plasmons

Y18. Focus Session: Interfaces in Complex Oxides - Functional Interfaces

Y19. Invited Session: Novel Mechanisms of Multiferrocity

Y20. Invited Session: New Anisotropy-Driven Phenomena in Colloidal Suspensions

Y21. Bi-based Cuprates -- Experiment

Y22. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductors - Crystal Growth and New Materials

Y23. Superconductor-Insulator Transitions

Y24. Quantum Many-Particle Systems: DMFT & DMRG

Y25. Focus Session: Multiscale Modeling

Y26. General Theory / Computational Physics I

Y27. Invited Session: Topological Phases in Magnets

Y29. Focus Session: Quantum Optics with Superconducting Circuits: Nonlinearity and Itinerant Microwave Photons

Y30. Quantum Computing, Quantum Algorithms, and Quantum Simulation

Y31. Focus Session: Topological Insulators: Synthesis & Characterization - Optical & THz Spectroscopy

Y32. Topological Insulators: General Theory

Y40. Focus Session: Cytoskeleton and Biomechanics - Role of Motors (Including DBIO Best Thesis Award Lecture)

Y41. Focus Session: Physics of Cancer III -- Imaging

Y42. Physics of Bacteria and Viruses

Y43. Invited Session: Physical Organizing Principles for Amyloid Matter: Prediction, Structure, Function

Y44. Focus Session: Directed Assembly of Hybrid Materials - Particle Organization and Arrays

Y45. Focus Session: Soft Matter Physics of Drops, Bubbles, Foams and Emulsions - Bubbles, Films, Foams

Y47. Soft Matter Physics of Biological Systems

Y48. Focus Session: Statistical Physics of Active Systems Away From Detailed Balance: Swimmers and All That

Y49. Focus Session: Organic Electronics and Photonics - Small Molecules and General Advances

Y50. Focus Session: Micro and Nano Fluidics III: Microtransport and Thermophysical Properties

Y52. Focus Session: Spin Glasses: Advances, Algorithms, and Applications

Y53. Nonlinear Dynamics of Coupled Systems

Session Z

Z1. General Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics

Z2. Invited Session: Active Responses of Biological Materials to Mechanical Stress

Z3. Invited Session: Frontiers of Non-Equilibrium Transport Theories

Z4. Disorder and Pairing in Ultracold Systems

Z5. Synthesis, Transport, and Devices Based on Artificially Structured Materials

Z6. Focus Session: Carbon Nanotube Electronics, Properties, and Devices

Z7. Transport and Optical Properties of Non-Carbon Nanotubes and Nanowires

Z8. Focus Session: Frustrated Magnetism - Magnetic insulators

Z9. Focus Session: Complex Bulk Oxide: General Properties

Z11. Focus Session: Graphene Devices - Hybrid Structures

Z12. Graphene: Electronic Structure and Interactions - Spectroscopy

Z13. Focus Session: Magnetic Nanostructures-Nanoparticles and Granular Systems

Z16. Disordered and other Strongly Correlated Systems

Z17. 2D Crystals: Beyond Graphene

Z18. Enhanced Optical Properties Using Plasmonics, Metamaterials, and Nanoparticles

Z19. Invited Session: Non-Abelian States in the 1st Excited Landau Level: Experimental Status and Theoretical Outlook

Z20. Invited Session: Optical Processes in Nitrides and Other Wide-Band-Gap Semiconductors

Z22. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductors - Orbital Order and Chalcogenides

Z23. Superconductivity: Magnetic Field & Vortex Related (Experimental)

Z26. General Theory / Computational Physics II

Z27. Invited Session: Interaction Driven Broken Symmetry States in Bilayer Graphene

Z29. Focus Session: Superconducting Qubits: Noise and Anomalous Temperature

Z30. Focus Session: Quantum Information for Quantum Foundations - Quantumness versus Classicality

Z31. Topological Insulators: Junctions and Interfaces

Z32. Topological Insulators: General Theory II

Z40. Biomechanics - Organismic Motion

Z41. Focus Session: Non-Covalent Protein Interactions

Z42. Focus Session: Physics of Biomaterials: Mechanics, Dynamics, and Transport

Z43. Invited Session: Applications of Jamming

Z46. Invited Session: Self-Assembly of Proteins: From Capsids to Crystals

Z47. Self-Assembly and Polymer Composites

Z48. Focus Session: Statistical Physics of Active Systems Away from Detailed Balance; Motors, Swimmers and All That

Z50. Focus Session: Micro and Nano Fluidics IV: Emulsions and Complex Fluids

Session A

A1. Focus Session: Novel Instrumentation and measurements for Biomedical Research

A2. Invited Session: Teaching Quantum Information Science at Liberal Arts College

A3. Invited Session: Superconducting Fluctuations in Cuprates

A4. Focus Session: Hybrid Systems and Quantum Information Science in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics

A5. Surfaces: Structure, Transitions and Morphological Evolution

A6. Focus Session: van der Waals Bonding in Advanced Materials - Physisorption and Self Assembly on Metals

A7. Focus Session: Computational Design of Materials - Structure Prediction

A8. Focus Session: Frustrated Magnetism - Triangular Lattice

A9. Focus Session: Magnetic Oxide Thin Films And Heterostructures - Cobaltite And Ferrite Thin Films

A10. Invited Session: Computational Assessment of a Sustainable Energy Future: The Earth-abundant Materials Approach

A11. Graphene: Transport in Devices and Structures

A12. Graphene: Electronic Structure and Interactions - Adsorbates, Doping and Defects

A13. Focus Session: Magnetic Nanostructures-Patterned Nanostructures and Nanowires

A14. Focus Session: Spins in Semiconductors - Magnetic Semiconductors I

A15. Focus Session: Spins in Metals - Thermal Effects on Magnons and Spin Currents

A16. Liquid and Solid Helium

A17. Focus Session: Thermoelectrics - Nanostructured and Oxide TE

A18. Dynamics in II-VI Nanocrystals

A19. Invited Session: New Correlated Electron Physics Using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Other Probes

A20. Invited Session: Advanced Quantum Materials for Future Information Technology

A21. Superconductivity: Josephson, Tunneling and Proximity Effects

A22. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductors - Gap Structure

A23. Metals Magnetic

A24. Materials: Synthesis, Growth and Processing (Bullk and Films)

A25. Focus Session: Simulation of Matter at Extreme Conditions - Energetic Materials

A26. Focus Session: Physics of Energy Storage Materials - Materials, Stability and Transport

A27. Invited Session: Excitonic and Correlation Effects in Single-Layer Graphene

A28. Focus Session: Dopants and Defects in Semiconductors - ZnO

A29. Focus Session: Quantum Optics with Superconducting Circuits: Hybrid Systems and Other Quantum Optics

A30. Focus Session: Qubits in Diamond I

A31. Focus Session: Topological Insulators - Exotic Phases and Phase Transitions

A32. Topological Insulators: Quantum Hall Effect

A33. Physics of Photovoltaics

A34. Focus Session: Impact of Ultrafast Lasers I: X-rays and THz

A35. Focus Session: DFT I: Strongly Correlated Systems; GW and Many-Body Perturbation Theory

A36. Focus Session: New Energy I

A37. Research Collaboration between Mentors and Undergraduate Students

A39. Electronic Structure: Theory and Numerical Methods

A40. Focus Session: Protein Association I: Phase Separation, Crystallization, Self-Assembly

A41. Focus Session: Structure and Dynamics of Membranes

A42. Focus Session: Cytoskeleton and Biomechanics - Biochemical mechanisms

A43. Invited Session: Broader Impacts of Research-NSF Policy and Individual Responsibility

A44. Focus Session: Hydrophobic Interactions and Hydrogen Bonding Networks in Polymeric and Soft Matter Systems

A45. Focus Session: Thin Film Block Copolymers - Directed Assembly

A46. Invited Session: Inherently Strained Polymers and Soft Materials

A47. Focus Session: Gelation and Glass Transition in Colloids and Soft Matter Systems I

A48. Charged and Ion-Containing Polymers

A49. Focus Session: Long-time, Entangled Dynamics in Polymers - Linear, Transient, Non-linear Rheology, Tubes

A50. Liquid Crystalline Order in Polymers, Soft Matter, and Complex Fluids

A51. Colloids I: Beyond Hard Spheres

A52. Using Chaos to Control Quantum Systems

A53. Disordered and Glassy Systems I

A54. Focus Session: Complex and Co-evolving Networks - Cascades in Networks

Session B

B1. Atom Interferometry and New Techniques with Ultracold Atoms

B2. Invited Session: Science Diplomacy: Africa and the Middle East

B3. Invited Session: Superconducting Coherence, Fluctuations & Inhomogeneity in Mesoscopic & Low-Dimensions

B4. Hybrid Systems, Optomechanics and Macroscopic Systems at the Quantum Limit I

B5. Surface Electronic & Lattice Properties: Interfaces, Spin Effects, Etc.

B6. Thermal Properties of Graphene and Graphene Derivatives

B7. Focus Session: Computational Design of Materials - Nanostructured and Energy Materials

B8. Focus Session: Frustrated magnetism - Spin ice

B9. Focus session: Complex Bulk Oxides: Iridates

B10. Invited Session: Equilibration and Relaxation in Cold Atoms

B11. Focus Session: Graphene/BN

B12. Graphene: Electronic Structure and Interactions - Bilayer Graphene

B13. Focus Session: Low-Dimensional and Molecular Magnetism - 1D Magnetism/single-chain magnets - Theory

B14. Focus Session: Spins in Semiconductors - Spin Relaxation in Semiconductors and Diamond

B15. Focus Session: Spins in Metals: Spin Torque Switching and Magnetic Anisotropy Control

B16. Hubbard Model

B17. Focus Session: Thermoelectrics - Nanowires and Other Nanostructures

B18. Focus Session: Nanostructures and Metamaterials, Growth, Structure, and Characterization -- Metamaterials with Gain and Active

B19. Invited Session: One Hundred Fifty Years of Maxwell's Equations (1862-2012)

B20. Invited Session: Astronomy's Detectors and Physics Education

B21. Focus Session: Search for New Superconductors: Methodologies and New Materials

B22. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductors- ARPES and Fermi Surfaces

B23. Superconductivity Theory I: Cluster DMFT, t-J model, renormalization group

B24. Electronic Structure: Theory and Spectra

B25. Focus Session: Simulation of Matter at Extreme Conditions - Shock-Induced Chemistry

B26. Focus Session: Physics of Energy Storage Materials - Advanced Materials

B27. Invited Session: Magneto-Electric and Magneto-Optical Properties of Topological Insulators

B28. Focus Session: Dopants and Defects in Semiconductors - Nitrides

B29. Focus Session: Quantum Optics with Superconducting Circuits: Many-Body Physics, Phase Transitions, & Bistability

B30. Quantum Error Correction and Quantum Control

B31. Topological Insulators: Semimetals and Interactions

B32. Focus Session: Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides - Relaxors, Nanostructures, and Morphotropic Phase Boundary

B34. Focus Session: Impact of Ultrafast Lasers II: Multidimensional Methods

B35. General Theory

B36. Focus Session: New Energy II

B37. SPS Undergraduate Research I

B39. Electronic Structure: Calculations I

B40. Focus Session: Cytoskeleton and Biomechanics - Entanglement and Crosslinking

B41. Lipid Bilayers and Biological Membranes

B42. Focus Session: BioChip Physics-Detection and Transport

B43. Invited Session: Physical Mechanisms of Cell Growth

B44. Focus Session: Translocation through Nanopores - Measurements and Theoretical Models

B45. Focus Session: Thin Film Block Copolymers - Swelling and Ordering

B46. Invited Session: Industrial Applications of Advanced Polymer-Based Nanomaterials

B47. Focus Session: Jamming, Glass Transition, and Gelation in Colloids and Soft Matter Systems

B48. Electrically and Optically Active Polymers

B49. Focus Session: Long-time, Entangled Dynamics in Polymers - Rods, Rings, Fibers, Particle Tracking

B50. Focus Session: Nano to Mesoscale Structures in Ordered Systems: Liquid Crystalline Structure and Interactions

B51. Focus Session: Evolutionary Systems Biology I - Evolutionary Dynamics and Rugged Fitness Landscapes

B52. Granular Media: Flow and Structure

B53. Disordered and Glassy Systems II

B54. Focus Session: Complex and co-evolving networks - Modeling Social and Biological Networks

Session C

C1. Poster Session I (2:00-5:00PM)

Session D

D1. Focus Session: High Magnetic Fields, THz Spectroscopy, MRI

D2. Invited Session: Harnessing Local Atomic Structure to Control Magnetic Interactions in Complex Oxides

D3. Invited Session: Stripe Order and Fermi-Surface Reconstruction in Cuprate Superconductors

D4. Long-range Interacting Rydberg and Dipolar Gases

D5. Vanadium Oxides; Metal-insulator Transitions

D6. Focus Session: Graphene Devices - Bolometers and Optical Response

D7. Quantum Hall Effect in Mono-, Bi- and Trilayer Graphene

D8. Organo-metallics: Magnetic and other Properties

D9. Magnetic Devices and Applications

D10. Invited Session: Advancements in Computational Physics using NSF's TeraGrid/XSEDE Resources

D11. Focus Session: Graphene Structure, Stacking, Interactions: Mesoscopics

D12. Graphene Transport: Disorder Scattering

D13. Focus Session: Magnetic Nanostructures-Characterization (Scanning Probe, X-ray and Neutron)

D14. Focus Session: Spins in Carbon - Spins in Graphene

D15. Focus Session: Spins in Metals - Ultra Fast Dynamics

D16. Strongly Correlated Numerics and Theory

D17. Focus Session: Surfaces and Interfaces in Nonoxide Nanostructures: Growth, Structure, and Characterization - Growth Dynamics

D18. Focus Session: Nanostructures and Metamaterials, Growth, Structure, and Characterization -- What is a good conductor for Metamaterials and Plasmonics

D19. Invited Session: Novel Phases in Strongly Correlated Iridates

D20. Invited Session: Advanced Electromagnetic Imaging and Remote Sensing: From DC to Daylight

D21. Multiband Superconductivity, mostly MgB2

D22. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductors - Crystal Growth, Structure, and Properties of K_xFe_1-ySe Phases

D23. Metals Theory Oxides Interfaces

D24. Bionanotechnology and Nanostructured Sensors

D25. Focus Session: Matter at Extreme Conditions - New Experimental Capabilities

D26. Focus Session: Physics of Energy Storage Materials - Catalysis and H2 Storage

D27. Invited Session: Materials for Energy Applications

D28. Focus Session: Dopants and Defects in Semiconductors - Oxides and Interfaces

D29. Focus Session: Qubits in Diamond II

D30. Focus Session: Quantum Information for Quantum Foundations - Entanglement and Causal Structure

D31. Focus Session: Topological Insulators: Synthesis & Characterization - Thin Films

D32. Focus Session: Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides - Lattice Dynamics

D33. Physics of Batteries and Fuel Cells

D34. Focus Session: Nano I -- Clusters

D35. Focus Session: DFT II: Molecular Conductance; Charge Transfer

D36. Focus Session: Environment I: Aerosols and Aqueous Solutions

D37. SPS Undergraduate Research II

D39. Quantum Protocols: Tomography, Communication, and Coding

D40. Focus Session: Systems Biology and Biochemical Networks I

D42. Focus Session: Physics of Cancer I -- Evolution and Resistance

D43. Invited Session: Recent Advances in the Physics of Fractures

D44. Invited Session: Topological Quantum Computing with Majorana Fermions

D51. Liquid Crystals: Chromonics and Nematics

D52. General Statistical and Nonlinear Physics and GSNP Student Prize Talks

D53. Focus Session: Jamming -- Nonlinear Acoustics and Vibrational Response

D54. Focus Session: Complex and co-evolving networks - Foundations in Complex Networks

Session E

E1. APS Prizes and Awards Ceremonial Session

Session F

F1. APS Welcome Reception

Session G

G1. Physics Community Outreach: The Kitchen as a Lab

Session H

H1. Focus Session: Advances in Scanned Probe Microscopy I: Novel Approaches to Complex Systems

H2. Invited Session: Novel and Proven Methods of Communicating Science to the Public

H3. Invited Session: Electronic Properties of the Pseudogap Phase in Cuprates

H4. Spin-orbit Coupling in Ultracold Gases

H5. Focus Session: Interfaces in Complex Oxides - Polar Interfaces and Ferroelectrics

H6. Focus Session: van der Waals Bonding in Advanced Material - Methods and Application to Water and Ice

H7. Focus Session: Carbon Nanotube Sensing

H8. Focus Session: Frustrated Magnetism - Kagome I

H9. Focus Session: Complex Bulk Oxides: Ruthenates

H10. Invited Session: Strongly Interacting Photons

H11. Focus Session: Graphene Structure, Stacking, Interactions: Interfaces and Adsorbates

H12. Chemical Doping of Graphene and Applications: Solar Cells, Sensors

H13. Focus Session: Low-Dimensional and Molecular Magnetism - Magnetism and Transport of Isolated Molecular Magnets - Molecular spintronics

H14. Focus Session: Spins in Semiconductors - Electrical Spin Injection

H15. Focus Session: Spin and Dynamics in Metal, Spin logic and Spin-Based Devices

H16. Quantum Fluids: Mainly Helium, Vortices, and Solitons

H17. Focus Session: Thermoelectrics - Characterization/Molecular junctions/Magnetic and Low Temp

H18. Focus Session: Electron, Ion, and Exciton Transport in Nanostructures - Nanowires and Superlattices

H19. Invited Session: Current-Driven Spin Textures

H20. Invited Session: Hydrodynamics and Microstructure: From Single Self-Propelled Particles to Active Soft Matter

H21. Superconductivity: Electronic Structure of BSCCO; ARPES and theory

H22. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductors - Anisotropic Transport and Anisotropy

H23. Metals Structural

H24. Electrical and Thermal Properties of Semiconductors

H25. Focus Session: Simulation of Matter at Extreme Conditions - Shock Compression of Metals

H26. Focus Session: Friction, Fracture and Deformation Across Length Scales - Friction Across Length Scales

H27. Invited Session: McGroddy Prize, Adler Lectureship, and Pake Prize: Superconductivity and Spin Transport

H28. Focus Session: Dopants and Defects in Semiconductors - Si

H29. Focus Session: Superconducting Qubits: Amplifiers and Read-out

H30. Semiconductor Qubits - Device Development

H31. Focus Session: Topological Insulators: Synthesis and Characterization: Bulk Crystals

H32. Focus Session: Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides - Conducting Domain Walls and Conduction Mechanisms

H33. Focus Session: Scaleable Technologies for Photovoltaics

H34. Focus Session: Nano II: Nanoscale Materials and Properties I

H35. Focus Session: DFT III: Weak Bonding and Liquid Phase Systems

H36. Focus Session: Environment II: Green Processes

H37. SPS Undergraduate Research III

H39. Electronic Structure: Calculations II

H40. Focus Session: Protein Association II: Aggregation and Fibril Formation

H43. Invited Session: Physics of Systems Biology

H44. Focus Session: Nano to Mesoscale Structure in Ordered Systems: Liquid Crystal Topology and Defects

H45. Focus Session: Thin Film Block Copolymers - Phase Behavior

H46. Invited Session: Polymer Physics Prize

H48. Polymer Gels and Solutions

H49. Focus Session: Fluctuation-Induced Forces in Soft Matter & Polymeric Systems - Casimir and Interfacial Forces

H50. Polymer Melts

H51. Colloids II: Crystals and Phase Transitions

H52. Focus Session: Extreme Mechanics - Rods

H53. Focus Session: Continuum Descriptions of Discrete Materials

H54. Focus Session: Complex and co-evolving networks - Dynamics on Networks

Session J

J1. Focus Session: Advances in Scanned Probe Microscopy II: High Frequencies & Optical Techniques

J2. Invited Session: K-12 Science Education: Closing the Gap with the Leading Nations

J3. Invited Session: Quantum Computing with Superconducting Circuits

J4. Non-Equilibrium Dynamics with Quantum Gases

J5. Focus Session: Interfaces in Complex Oxides - Electronic Structure

J6. Focus Session: van der Waals Bonding in Advanced Materials - Layered Structures & Mechanical Properties

J7. Focus Session: Graphene Devices

J8. Quantum Magnetism, BEC, and Disorder

J9. Focus Session: Magnetic Oxide Thin Films And Heterostructures - Multiferroic Thin Films

J10. Invited Session: How Reliable are Computed Electronic Properties?

J11. Focus Session: Graphene Structure, Stacking, Interactions: Density Functional Theory

J12. Focus Session: Graphene: Growth, Mechanical Exfoliation, and Properties - Strain and Structure

J13. Focus Session: Magnetic Nanostructures - Thin Films, Surfaces and Interfaces

J14. Focus Session: Spins in Semiconductors - Spin-Orbit Coupled Electrons and Holes in Semiconductors

J15. Focus Session: Spins in Metals - Spin Transport in Novel Devices and Structures

J16. Vanadium Dioxide; Nano and Devices

J17. Focus Session: Surfaces and Interfaces in Nonoxide Nanostructures: Growth, Structure, and Characterization - Organic/Inorganic Interfaces & Quantum Dots

J18. Focus Session: Nanostructures and Metamaterials, Growth, Structure, and Characterization -- New Fabrication Techniques

J19. Invited Session: Strongly Interacting Cold Fermi Gases

J20. Invited Session: Sexual and Gender Diversity Issues in Physics

J21. Focus Session: Search for New Superconductors: New Theories and Experiments

J22. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductors - Nodal and Nodeless Superconductivity

J23. Phase Changes, Metals, PC Memories

J24. Focus Session: Dopants and Defects in Semiconductors - Si and III-V

J25. Focus Session: Simulation of Matter at Extreme Conditions: Shock Compression and Other High-Strain-Rate Phenomena

J26. Focus Session: What is Computational Physics?

J27. Invited Session: International Energy Perspectives

J28. Focus Session: Frontiers in Computational Thermodynamics of Materials

J29. Focus Session: Quantum Information for Quantum Foundations - Informational Principles and Fundamental Structures

J30. Open Quantum Systems and Decoherence

J31. Focus Session: Topological Insulators: Synthesis and Characterization - Transport

J32. Focus Session: Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides - Domain Structures and Switching

J34. Focus Session: Impact of Ultrafast Lasers III: Biophysics

J35. Liquids

J36. Focus Session: New Energy III

J37. SPS Undergraduate Research IV

J39. Exciton, Polariton, and Electron Dynamics in two-dimensional semiconductor structures

J40. Multi-cellular Processes and Development

J41. Vortex Dynamics, Turbulence and Geophysical Flows

J42. Focus Session: Stochastic Population Dynamics I - Cyclic competition and population stability

J43. Invited Session: Stochastic Geometry and Conformal Invariance in Non-Equilibrium and Disordered Systems

J44. Focus Session: Dynamics of Polymers: Phenomena Due to Confinement I

J45. Padden Award Symposium

J46. Invited Session: Electrostatic Interactions in Polymeric and Biological Systems

J48. Focus Session: Gelation and Glass Transition in Colloids and Soft Matter Systems II

J49. Focus Session: Crystallization in Single-, Multicomponent, and Hybrid Systems I

J50. Focus Session: Translocation through Nanopores - Novel Devices and Computational Approaches

J51. Liquid Crystals: Smectic, Ferroelectric, Nanocomposites and DNA

J52. Focus Session: Extreme Mechanics - Plates

J53. Disordered Systems: Jamming

J54. Focus Session: Complex and Co-evolving Networks - Empirical Studies of Social Networks

Session K

K1. Poster Session II (2:00-5:00PM)

Session L

L1. Focus Session: Imaging and Modifying Materials at the Limits of Space and Time Resolution

L2. Invited Session: Andrei Sakharov Prize Session

L3. Invited Session: Fermiology of Electron and Hole Doped Cuprates - A Guide to High Temperature Superconductivity

L4. Focus Session: Numerical Methods for Studying Nonequilibrium Many-Body Dynamics; DMRG, DMFT, Truncated Wigner Approximation, Exact Diagonalization

L5. Focus Session: Interfaces in Complex Oxides - Nickelates

L6. Focus Session: van der Waals Bonding in Advanced Materials - Metal Oxide Frameworks & Active Materials

L7. Carbon Nanotube Hybrid Structures - Properties, Synthesis, Characterization

L8. Focus Session: Frustrated Magnetism - 1D

L9. Focus Session: Complex Bulk Oxides: Theoretical techniques for oxides

L10. Invited Session: Quantum Optics in Condensed Matter

L11. Focus Session: Graphene Structure, Stacking, Interactions: Magnetism and Interactions

L12. Focus Session: Graphene: Growth, Mechanical Exfoliation, and Properties - Growth on Single Crystals

L13. Focus Session: Low-Dimensional and Molecular Magnetism - 1D Magnetism/Single-Chain Magnets - Experiment

L14. Focus Session: Spins in Semiconductors - Magnetic Semiconductors II

L15. Focus Session: Spins in Metals - Resonance Phenomena I, Spin Wave Excitation and Spin Torque Oscillators

L16. Heavy Fermions - Theory and Experiment

L17. Focus Session: Thermoelectrics - Electronic Structure and Transport

L18. Focus Session: Electron, Ion, and Exciton Transport in Nanostructures - Quantum Dots and Related Structures

L19. Invited Session: Spin Liquids with Disorder

L20. Invited Session: STEM Outreach to Underrepresented Communities

L21. Superconductivity: Mostly Mesoscopics & Low-d

L22. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductors: -- Inelastic Neutron Scattering and Magnetic Excitations

L23. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductors - First Principles, Models, and Spectroscopy

L24. Focus Session: Dopants and Defects in Semiconductors - Chalcogenides, Oxides, and Ternaries

L25. Focus Session: Simulation of Matter at Extreme Conditions - Warm Dense Matter

L26. Focus Session: Friction, Fracture and Deformation Across Length Scales - Dislocations and Fracture

L27. Invited Session: Quantum Design of Low-Dimensional Materials Structures for Enhanced Solar Energy Conversion

L28. Electricity-to-Light Conversion: Solid State Lighting

L29. Focus Session: Semiconductor Qubits - Single and Multi-Qubit Demonstrations

L30. Focus Session: Topologically Protected Qubits I

L31. Focus Session: Topological Insulators: Synthesis and Transport - Magnetism

L32. Focus Session: Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides - Mechanisms of Ferroelectricity

L33. Invited Session: Frontiers of Granular Physics

L34. Focus Session: Impact of Ultrafast Lasers IV: Applications I

L35. Focus Session: DFT IV: Ground-State DFT: New Directions

L36. Focus Session: New Energy IV

L37. Informal Education and Public Outreach - Policy Questions

L39. Focus Session: Superconducting Qubits: 3D Cavities

L40. Focus Session: Systems Biology and Biochemical Networks II

L41. Pattern Formation, Nonlinear Dynamics, Computational Fluid Dynamics

L42. Focus Session: Physics of Cancer II -- Physical Aspects

L43. Invited Session: Precursors to the Folding and Aggregation of Biological Molecules

L44. Focus Session: Nano to Mesoscale Structure in Ordered Soft Matter: Liquid Crystal Phases

L45. Friction and Brushes

L46. Dillon Medal Symposium

L48. Polymers and DNA Coated Colloid Particles

L49. Focus Session: Fluctuation-Induced Forces in Soft Matter and Polymeric Systems - Charge, Shape and Nucleation

L50. Focus Session: Organic Electronics and Photonics - Morphology

L51. Self Assembly: Mostly Colloids, Lipids and Surfactants

L52. Focus Session: Extreme Mechanics - Origami, Creasing, and Folding

L53. Frontiers of Statistical Physics

L54. Superconductivity: Mostly Devices and Applications

Session M

M1. GIMS Business Meeting

M8. GMAG Business Meeting

M25. GSCCM Business Meeting

M28. FIAP Business Meeting

M29. GQI Business Meeting

M33. GERA Business Meeting

M34. DCP Business Meeting

M42. DBIO Business Meeting

M46. DPOLY Business Meeting

M52. GSNP Business Meeting

M60. DCMP Business Meeting

M61. DMP Business Meeting

Session N

N1. The IBM Computer Watson: Its Future Challenges After Winning at Jeopardy

Session P

P2. Invited Session: Large Fluctuations Far From Equilibrium

P3. Invited Session: Alkaline Iron Selenides vs Iron Pnictides: Properties and Their Implications

P4. Multi-Component BECs and Mixtures

P5. Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films: Kinetics, Dynamics, and Reactions

P6. Graphene Optical Phenomena

P7. Focus Session: Computational Design of Materials: Graphene - Electronic Structure and Transport

P8. Focus Session: Spin Liquids I

P9. Focus Session: Magnetic Oxide Thin Films And Heterostructures: Manganite Thin Films

P10. Invited Session: Quantum Simulations

P11. Focus Session: Graphene Structure, Stacking, Interactions: Strain and Stacking

P12. Tutorial for Authors and Referees

P13. Focus Session: Low-Dimensional and Molecular Magnetism - Single-Molecule Magnets - Dynamics, structure and interactions

P14. Focus Session: Spins in Semiconductors - Quantum Dots and Qubits

P15. Focus Session: Spins in Metals - Spin Current Generation and Spin Motive Force

P16. Heavy Fermions- Mostly URu2Si2

P17. Focus Session: Thermoelectrics - TE and Thermal Conductivity

P18. Focus Session: Electron, Ion, and Exciton Transport in Nanostructures - Quantum Transport I

P19. Invited Session: Dynamics of Strongly Correlated Systems: Control and Ultrafast X-Ray Probes

P20. Invited Session: Scientific Reasoning in a Physics Course

P21. Superconductivity: Electronic Structure of Cuprates

P22. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductivity - Fe(Te,Se)

P23. Superconductivity Theory II: p-wave, chiral, and topological

P24. Fractional Quantum Hall Effect I

P25. Focus Session: Simulation of Matter at Extreme Conditions - Static Pressure

P26. Focus Session: Friction, Fracture and Deformation Across Length Scales - Friction and Geometric Effects

P27. Invited Session: Transport Studies of Topological Insulators

P28. Optical Applications: Nonlinear Optics, Waveguides, and Novel Structures

P29. Focus Session: Superconducting Qubits: Multiple Qubits and Entanglement

P30. Semiconductor Qubits - Communication and Hybridization

P31. Topological Insulators: Disorder

P32. Focus Session: Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides - BiFeO3

P33. Physics of Photovoltaics and other Electricity Production

P34. Focus Session: Nano III: New Nanoscale Fabrication and Sensing

P35. Focus Session: DFT V: Partitioning and Embedding Theories; Finite-Temperature

P36. Focus Session: Environment III: Nanoparticles, Surfaces and Catalysis

P37. CDW Materials - Chalcogenides and other

P40. Protein Fluctuations and Conformation Changes

P41. Drops, Bubbles and Interfacial Fluid Mechanics

P42. Focus Session: Evolutionary Systems Biology II - From molecules to cells

P43. Invited Session: High Content Biophysical Data for Dynamic Studies in Cancer

P44. Focus Session: Block Copolymer Micelles and Polymersomes

P45. Surfaces, Interfaces, and Polymeric Thin Films - Surface Instabilities

P46. Invited Session: DNA-Programmable Particle Assembly

P47. Biopolymers: Molecules, Solutions, Networks, and Gels

P48. Focus Session: Crystallization in Single-, Multicomponent, and Hybrid Systems II

P49. Focus Session: Organic Electronics and Photonics - Interfaces and Contacts

P50. Focus Session: Dynamics of Polymers: Phenomena due to Confinement; Glass Transition

P51. Colloids III: Shear and Hydrodynamics

P52. Focus Session: Extreme Mechanics - Structures for Form and Function

P53. Disordered Systems: Packing

P54. Superconductivity: Thermodynamics and Phases

Session Q

Q2. Invited Session: Manipulating Spin Waves

Q3. Invited Session: Recent Advances in Pnictide Superconductors

Q4. Focus Session: Many-body Quantum Phases in Cold Atom Systems

Q5. Nonequilibrium and Gauge/Gravity Duality

Q6. Carbon Nanotubes: Electronic and Thermal Properties

Q7. Focus Session: Computational Design of Materials: Graphene - Strain, defect and interface engineering

Q8. Focus Session: Spin Liquids II

Q9. Focus Session: Complex Bulk Oxide: Doped and Undoped Manganites

Q10. Invited Session: Rare Fluctuation Effects in Strongly Disordered Systems

Q11. Focus Session: Graphene Structure, Stacking, Interactions: Infrared and Terahertz Spectroscopy

Q12. Focus Session: Graphene: Growth, Mechanical Exfoliation, and Properties - SiC and Growth Kinetics

Q13. Focus Session: Magnetic Nanostructures-Nanoparticle Synthesis and Magnetism

Q14. Focus Session: Spins in Semiconductors - Spin Dependent Transport

Q16. Heavy Fermions - 1-1-5 Systems

Q17. Focus Session: Nanostructures and Metamaterials, Growth, Structure, and Characterization -- Improved Materials and Applications I

Q18. Focus Session: Interfaces in Complex Oxides - Electronic, Magnetic and Optical Properties

Q19. Invited Session: The Scientific Legacy of Edward Purcell (1912-2012)

Q20. Invited Session: Robust Energy Storage with Engineered Si

Q21. Novel Superconductivity in New and Low Dimensional Materials

Q22. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductivity - Doped and Undoped BaFe2As2

Q23. Superconductivty Theory III: Mainly Cuprates

Q24. Fractional Quantum Hall Effect II

Q25. Focus Session: Simulation of Matter at Extreme Conditions - Phase Transitions

Q26. Focus Session: Computational Frontiers in Quantum Spin Systems I

Q27. Invited Session: DCMP Prize Session: Buckley, Isakson, MGM

Q28. Applications of Semiconductors, Dielectrics, Complex Oxides

Q29. Focus Session: Topologically Protected Qubits II

Q30. Focus Session: Superconducting Qubits: Architecture, Tunable, and Static Coupling

Q31. Focus Session: Topological Insulators - Edge States

Q32. Focus Session: Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides - Multiferroics and Magnetoelectrics

Q33. Focus Session: X-ray and Neutron Instruments and Measurement Science

Q34. Focus Session: Nano IV: Nanocatalysis

Q35. Focus Session: DFT VI: New Functional Developments

Q36. Water and Ice

Q37. Focus Session: Students, Physics and Innovation

Q39. Focus Session: Materials and Functional Structures for Biological Interfaces - Micro and Nanofluidics

Q40. Focus Session: Systems Biology and Biochemical Networks III

Q41. Biofluids

Q42. Focus Session: Stochastic Population Dynamics II - Games and Spatial Dynamics

Q43. Invited Session: Techniques to Study Dynamic Cellular Processes One Molecule at a Time (Including Delbruck Award Lecture)

Q44. Focus Session: Interparticle Interactions in Polymer Nanocomposites - Transport and Dynamics

Q45. Elastomers and Gels

Q46. Invited Session: Quantum Information Processing in Diamond

Q47. Focus Session: DNA-Coated Colloid Particles

Q48. Polymer Blends and Crystallization

Q49. Focus Session: Organic Electronics and Photonics - Photophysics and Excited State Dynamics

Q50. Focus Session: Dynamics of Polymers: Phenomena due to Confinement II

Q51. Gels, Complex Fluids and Vesicles

Q52. Focus Session: Extreme Mechanics - Shells & Snapping

Q53. Packing, Self-Assembly, and Granular Memory

Q54. Superconductivity: Mesoscopic and Nanometer Scale

Session S

S1. Poster Session III (1:00-4:00PM)

Session T

T1. Hybrid Systems, Optomechanics and Macroscopic Systems at the Quantum Limit II

T2. Invited Session: PIRE in Condensed Matter

T4. Vortices, Rotation, and Synthetic Gauge Fields

T5. Assembly of Atoms and Molecules in Adsorption Systems

T6. Focus Session: Graphene Devices - Spin, Charge, and Superconductivity

T7. Focus Session: Computational Design of Materials: Electronic Structure Methods for Materials - Faster and More Accurate

T8. Focus Session: Helical Phases and Skyrmions

T9. Focus Session: Magnetic Oxide Thin Films And Heterostructures - Interactions at Interfaces and in Superlattices

T10. Invited Session: Earth-Abundant Materials for Critical Technologies

T11. Focus Session: Graphene Structure, Stacking, Interactions: Twisted Layers

T12. Focus Session: Graphene: Growth, Mechanical Exfoliation, and Properties - CVD on Metals

T13. Focus Session: Low-Dimensional and Molecular Magnetism - Molecular Ferromagnetism and 2D Magnetism

T14. Focus Session: Spins in Semiconductors - Spins and Edge States

T15. Focus Session: Magnetic Nanostructures-Exchange Bias and Exchange-Coupled Systems

T16. Kondo Lattice Theory

T17. Focus Session: Electron, Ion, and Exciton Transport in Nanostructures - Quantum Transport II

T18. Focus Session: Interfaces in Complex Oxides - Superconductivity and Magnetism at Interfaces

T19. Kavli Foundation Special Session: Emergent Physics at the Mesoscale

T20. Invited Session: Advanced Characterization of Transistor Gate Stacks and Interfaces

T21. Magnetic Ordering and Dynamics in Cuprates

T22. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductivity - Properties of 122 phases

T23. Actinides and Transport Magnetism in Metals

T24. Fractional Quantum Hall Effect III

T25. High Pressure: Theory

T26. Focus Session: Computational Frontiers in Quantum Spin Systems II

T28. Semiconductors

T29. Focus Session: Semiconductor Qubits - Coherent Control, Decoherence, and Relaxation

T30. Quantum Algorithms

T31. Focus Session: Topological Insulators: Synthesis and Characterization - Spin Transport and Superconductivity

T32. Focus Session: Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides - Manganites

T35. Focus Session: Plyler Award Symposium

T37. Physics Education Research and Resources

T40. Focus Session: Cytoskeleton and Biomechanics - Forced Dynamics

T41. Swimming, Motility and Locomotion

T42. Focus Session: Evolutionary Systems Biology III - Evolutionary Games

T44. Focus Session: Interparticle Interactions in Polymer Nanocomposites - Grafted Chains

T45. Polymeric Glasses

T46. Invited Session: Keithley Award Session: Photoacoustic and Photothermal Measurement Science

T47. Focus Session: Heterogeneous Colloids I

T48. Focus Session: Advanced Optical Probes of Soft Matter - Microrheology, Microbiography

T49. Focus Session: Organic Electronics and Photonics: Structure - Property Correlations

T50. Focus Session: Phase Behavior and Structure in Copolymers

T52. Non-equilibrium Systems, Especially using Fluctuation Theorems and Fluctuation-Dissipation Relations

T53. Focus Session: Wave Propagation in Strongly Scattering Media

T54. Superconductivity: Mostly Spectroscopy and Pairing

Session U

U18. Meet the NSF-DMR Program Director and Learn About Funding Opportunities at NSF

U20. Town Hall Meeting: Mesoscopic Materials and Chemistry

U60. ``Trends" in the APS Publication Physics

Session V

V1. Focus Session: Advances in Scanned Probe Microscopy III: SPM of Single Atoms & Molecules

V2. Invited Session: Spin Caloritronics of Magnetic Structures and Devices

V3. Invited Session: Spin Fluctuations and Cooper Pairing in Unconventional Superconductors

V4. Bosons and Fermions in Optical Lattices

V5. Surface Electronic & Lattice Properties: Structure, Surface States, & Adsorption

V6. Focus Session: Carbon Nanotube Optics I: Spectroscopy and Excitons

V7. Focus Session: Computational Design of Materials - Engineering of Electronic Structure Materials

V8. Focus Session: Frustrated Magnetism - Kagome II

V9. Focus Session: Magnetic Oxide Thin Films And Heterostructures - Transport Properties

V10. Invited Session: Quantum Entanglement in Many-Body Systems

V11. Focus Session: Graphene Structure, Stacking, Interactions: Edges and Grain Boundaries

V12. Graphene: Optical Properties and Responses

V13. Focus Session: Magnetic Nanostructures-Domain Walls

V14. Focus Session: Spins in Carbon - Spins and Magnetism in Carbon

V16. Heavy Fermions- 1-1-5 Systems and Others

V17. Focus Session: Electron, Ion, and Exciton Transport in Nanostructures - Junctions

V18. Focus Session: Interfaces in Complex Oxides - Interface and Surface Conductivity in SrTiO3

V19. Invited Session: Holography and Strongly Correlated Electron Matter

V20. Invited Session: High k Dielectrics for High Carrier Mobility Channel Applications

V21. Superconductivity: Mostly Cuprates

V22. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductors - Magnetism and Anisotropy

V23. Superconductivity: Mostly Transport

V24. Low-Dimensional Semiconductors

V25. High Pressure: Experiment

V26. Focus Session: Computational Frontiers in Quantum Spin Systems III

V27. Invited Session: Flexible and Rolled Up Semiconductor Nanomembranes

V28. Semiconductor Defects and Doping

V29. Focus Session: Superconducting Qubits: Epitaxial Junctions and Two-Level Systems

V30. Focus Session: Semiconductor Qubits - Measurement

V31. Focus Session: Topological Insulators: Synthesis & Characterization - ARPES

V32. Focus Session: Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides - Interfaces, Layered Materials, and Growth

V34. Focus Session: Impact of Ultrafast Lasers V: Applications II

V35. Focus Session: DFT VII: Time-Dependent Processes I: Driven Systems

V36. General Chemical Physics

V37. Topological Insulators: Magnetoelectric Effect, Control, and Dynamics

V40. Focus Session: Single Molecule Biological Physics - Proteins

V41. Focus Session: Physics of Proteins I: Dynamics and Function

V42. Focus Session: Systems Biology - Stochastic Gene Expression

V43. Invited Session: Entrepreneurship - The Quest for Start-Up Success Based on Research Advances

V44. Focus Session: Interparticle Interactions in Polymer Nanocomposites - Surface Interactions

V45. Soft Matter Physics of Heterogeneous Membranes - Experiments

V46. Invited Session: Active Matter and Dynamical Systems

V47. Focus Session: Heterogeneous Colloids II

V48. Focus Session: Advanced Optical Probes of Soft Matter - Forces, Imaging, Excitons

V49. Focus Session: Organic Electronics and Photonics - Solar Cells and Light Emitting Devices

V50. Structure and Properties of Copolymers

V52. Focus Session: Extreme Mechanics - Biological Systems and Structures

V53. Wet and Cohesive Granular Materials

V54. Superconductivity: Magnetic Field Effects Including Vortex Related Phenomena (Theory)

Session W

W1. Photonic Systems and Entanglement Generation

W2. Invited Session: Instrumentation and Measurement Science for Energy Research: PV and Batteries

W3. Invited Session: Fractional Topological Insulators

W4. Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases

W5. Thin Film Growth and Processing

W6. Focus Session: Carbon Nanotube Synthesis, Structure and Defects

W7. Focus Session: Graphene Devices - Mechanical Effects

W8. Focus Session: Frustrated Magnetism - Pyrochlore lattice

W9. Focus Session: Complex Bulk Oxides: Multiferroics

W10. Invited Session: Novel Bose-Einstein Condensates: Photons, Excitons, Magnons, Rydberg Atoms, and Polar Molecules

W11. Focus Session: Graphene Structure, Stacking, Interactions: Local Probes and Microscopy

W12. Focus Session: Graphene: Growth, Mechanical Exfoliation, and Properties - Exfoliation and Doping

W13. Focus Session: Low-Dimensional and Molecular Magnetism - Metallorganics and Spincrossover Molecular Magnets

W14. Focus Session: Spins in Semiconductors - Ferromagnetism and Spin Dynamics in Semiconductors

W15. Focus Session: Spins in Metals - Domain Wall, Vortex, Magnonic Based Devices

W16. Quantum Criticality

W17. Optics of Semiconductor Nanowires

W18. Focus Session: Interfaces in Complex Oxides - Devices and Nanostructures

W19. Invited Session: Spin Coupling and Kondo Screening in Individual Magnetic Spins

W20. Invited Session: Nuclear Power, One Year After Fukushima

W21. Focus Session: Search for New Superconductors- Electron-Phonon Coupling

W22. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductivity - Magnetism in AxFe(1-y)Se2

W23. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductors - AFeAs and RFeAsO Families

W24. Integer Quantum Hall Effect

W25. Focus Session: Modeling of Rare Events: Methods and Applications I

W26. Focus Session: What is Computational Physics? New Technologies and Their Application

W27. Invited Session: Electrons, Spins, and Collective Modes in Nanofilms

W29. Focus Session: Superconducting Qubits: Resonators and Loss Mechanisms

W30. Quantum Entanglement

W31. Focus Session: Topological Insulators: Synthesis & Characterization - Quantum Transport & Nanostructures

W32. Focus Session: Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides - Bandgaps, Surfaces, Oxides on Semiconductors

W33. Physics of Hydrogen Production, Storage, Delivery

W34. Focus Session: Nano V: Nanoscale Materials and Properties II

W35. Focus Session: DFT VIII: Time-Dependent Processes II: Excitations

W37. Topological Insulators: Fractionalization

W39. Focus Session: Materials and Functional Structures for Biological Interfaces: Cells

W40. Focus Session: Single Molecule Biological Physics - Nucleic acids and Proteins

W41. Focus Session: Quantum Coherence in Biological Systems

W42. Focus Session: The Physics of Genome Folding I: Fractal Globules and Condensed Polymer States

W43. Invited Session: Physical Mechanisms of Collective Microbial Dynamics

W44. Focus Session: Interparticle Interactions in Polymer Nanocomposites - Mechanical, Electrical, and Optical Properties

W45. Focus Session: Soft Matter Physics of Heterogeneous Membranes - Theory and Simulation

W46. Invited Session: Silicon Spin Qubits: Relaxation and Decoherence

W47. Focus Session: Polymers for Energy Storage and Conversion - Fundamentals of Ion Transport

W48. New Experimental, Theoretical, and Computational Methods in Polymer and Soft Matter Physics

W49. Focus Session: Organic Electronics and Photonics - Thin Film Transistors

W50. Focus Session: Micro and Nano Fluidics I: Devices and Applications

W52. Focus Session: Extreme Mechanics - Fluid-Structure Interactions and Swelling

W53. Focus Session: Common Features of Soft Materials: Polymers, Colloids and Granular Media I

Session X

X1. Focus Session: Advances in Scanned Probe Microscopy IV: New Instrumentation & Techniques

X2. Invited Session: History of Metrology and Today's Frontiers of Measurement

X3. Invited Session: Full Counting Statistics, Fluctuation Theorems, and Many-Body Entanglement

X4. Focus Session: Quantum Quench Dynamics in Cold Atom Systems

X5. Structure and Formation of Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces

X6. Carbon Nanotube Optics II: Absorption and Raman Spectroscopy

X7. Electronic, Structural and Chemical Properties of Non-Carbon Nanotubes and Nanowires

X8. Focus Session: Frustrated Magnetism - Theory

X9. Focus Session: Complex Bulk Oxides: Magnetic Phase Transitions

X10. Invited Session: Thermal Properties and Electron-Phonon Coupling from First Principles

X11. Focus Session: Graphene Structure, Stacking, Interactions: Twisting, Stretching, Folding, Wrinkling

X12. Focus Session: Graphene: Growth, Mechanical Exfoliation, and Properties - Morphology and Interactions

X13. Focus Session: Magnetic Nanostructures-Hard Magnetic Materials and Magnetocaloric Materials

X14. Focus Session: Spins in Semiconductors - Spin-Orbit Interaction and Relaxation in Si and Ge

X15. Focus Session: Spin and Dynamics in Metal, Resonance Phenomena II: FMR in Magnetic Nanostructures

X16. Manganites: Perovskite and Bilayer

X17. Focus Session: Nanostructures and Metamaterials, Growth, Structure, and Characterization -- Improved Materials and Applications II

X18. Growth and Properties of Nanoparticles and Nanowires

X19. Invited Session: Two Dimensional Electron Systems at Oxide Interfaces

X20. Invited Session: Physics of Color Reflective Displays

X21. Fluctuation Phenomena (noise, nonequilibrium effects, localization effects)

X22. Focus Session: Fe-based Superconductors - Exchange Coupling Theory

X23. Magnetic Field Effects: Experimental II

X24. Electronic Structure: Quantum Monte Carlo

X25. Focus Session: Modeling of Rare Events: Methods and Applications II

X26. Focus Session: Non-Adiabatic Dynamics in Irradiated Materials

X27. Invited Session: Physics for Everyone: Innovative Materials for Energy

X29. Focus Session: Semiconductor Qubits - Managing or Eliminating Nuclei

X30. Focus Session: Quantum Information for Quantum Foundations - Foundational Experiments and Experimental Proposals

X31. Focus Session: Topological Insulators: Synthesis and Characterization - Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy

X32. Focus Session: Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides - Elastic and Optical Properties

X33. Focus Session: X-ray, Gamma Ray, and Electron Diffraction

X34. Focus Session: Nano VI: Junctions and Transport

X39. Focus Session: Materials and Functional Structures for Biological Interfaces - Nanoscale Materials

X40. Focus Session: Single Molecule Biological Physics - Nucleic Acids

X41. Focus Session: Physics of Proteins II: Folding and Structure

X42. Focus Session: The Physics of Genome Folding II: Chromosomes and Nucleosomes

X43. Invited Session: Bacterial Swimming and Chemotaxis

X44. Focus Session: Directed Assembly of Hybrid Materials - Nanoparticles in Micelles

X45. Focus Session: Soft Matter Physics of Drops, Bubbles, Foams, and Emulsions - Droplet spreading, colliding, wetting

X46. Invited Session: Deformation and Fracture of Soft Materials

X47. Focus Session: Polymers for Energy Storage and Conversion - Nanostructures and Phase Separated Morphologies

X48. Focus Session: Statistical Physics of Active Systems Away From Detailed Balance: Cytoskeleton, Flagella, and All That

X49. Focus Session: Organic Electronics and Photonics - Polymer Dielectrics and Charge Transport

X50. Focus Session: Micro and Nano Fluidics II: Structured or Active Surfaces and Electrotransport

X52. Focus Session: Extreme Mechanics - Fracture, Friction, and Frequencies

X53. Focus Session: Common Features of Soft Materials: Polymers, Colloids and Granular Media II