Yay! A New Version of Windows Live Messenger Beta [update] (original) (raw)

posted by Leah


1. The release has begun! Users are now getting prompted to upgrade to the newest version.

2. Yesterday i had a typo: the correct verson number is 8.0.0566

3. Biggest and Best news: The beta is now available in EVERY market we ship to (all 26) So where ever you are – go to http://ideas.live.com and sign up.

4. We’ve already begun collecting your comments which we’ll use to toward the next version. Thanks to everyone who has told us what they like and politely told us what they’d like to see changed.

In this post you’ll find:


Windows Live Messenger: Then, now, next.

July, 1999

“…And on the 4th day, Microsoft created MSN Messenger. And it was good.”

Nov, 2005

Microsoft announces the birth of Windows Live Messenger, which will eventually take the place of MSN Messenger.

Dec, 2005

Microsoft releases the first version of Windows Live Messenger in beta to a small set of users in select markets. The purpose of the limited invite-only release was twofold: First, to slowly/gently move people onto our updated servers as we test new features; and second, the limited audience helps streamline feedback for perfecting WL Messenger before the worldwide release.

Dec, 2005 – Feb, 2006

All of the Windows Live Messenger beta users began inviting their friends and families into the beta. Soon, anyone who signed up to join the Beta on http://ideas.live.com (provided they were in one of the markets we were testing) received an invite as well.

The Messenger Team collected user feedback from all sorts of places: Blogs, forums, emails, web chats, feedback surveys, etc… We prioritized and made as many changes as we had time for based directly on the feedback.

Jan, 2006 –

Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson started having, um, issues.

Feb 28th! 2006

An updated version of Windows Live Messenger will be released to all current WLM beta users. If you’re not a beta user but want to be, sign up on our short wait list at http://ideas.live.com.

Beyond, 2006

This year will see the final (non-beta) release of Windows Live Messenger. Before we get there, the following things will happen:

  1. We will collect more feedback from you guys (try it out, and send us your thoughts).
  2. We make the changes you want most
  3. More people will join the Beta at faster and faster rates. If you have invites to share, USE THEM, you will get more. If you run out, email me – leahonim@hotmail.com

Windows Live Messenger 8.0.566 – Final Screenshots & Feature list.

Check out a side by side comparison of the two betas.

**New Beta!**…………..vs………….Old Beta

New Beta…………..vs………….Old Beta

New Feature

With your permission, friends can see your entered info on your contact card. Anytime you update it (new phone? new job? new wife? ) they’ll see it.

Similarly, subscribe to get your friends’ Live Contact information by clicking the backs of their contact cards.

New Functionality


New Icons

Eliminate Waste (of space)