Mindmistress (original) (raw)

Mindmistress has finished updating, BUT...

On a weekly basis I'm going to spotlight past storylines, with a page that might whet your appetite and encourage you to read the rest of the story in question...in this case, SMALL TOWN MENTALITY. It's about Mindmistress' intelligence-increasing treatments--and a whole town affected by them. A town of...well, you'll see.

I've started a Drunk Duck Mindmistress account, and I'm going to be retelling the old stories there, and updating DAILY, so if you're a new reader and intimidated by the size of the archives, subscribe to it, and you'll slowly be brought up to speed. I figure I have so many stories that even with daily updates, I've got about three years worth of strips. You can subscribe to a RSS feed if you want.

I've also started another webcomic, called A REASONABLE CASE--in which I do what only a fool would do...argue for evidence for...well, you'll see. That's done on a weekly basis, every Sunday.

In the meantime, check out and bookmark CROSSOVERKILL, the sequel to CROSSOVERLORD (think Infinity Gauntlet, Infinity War, Infinity Crusade...), with pages by Xmung this week. You can always check out CROSSOVERKILL.COM also.

Oh, and on a completely different note--check out A KRYPTONIAN BESTIARY where I indulge my Superman fanboyishness with an in-depth look at Krypton, culled from decades of silly stories, and try to build a working ecology, evolutionary trees, etc..

Oh, and you might check out REALITEASE, to see which webcomics happen in Mindmistress' reality, among others. To say nothing of the regularly updating comics that are a part of Crossoverlord, like Dasien, A.N.T., and Lightbringer...(check out the links at the Crossoverlord site or my links page....you'll be glad you did. )

"Sparks Fly Upward" continues at the FLICKERFLAME---Flickerflame returns to his reality. Soul, leader of the Next Level, is not happy.

FEATURED LINK : Two comics have resumed updating, and I wouldn't be happier. DASIEN ---MM's "favorite" blonde pest/bombshell, who she met in CROSSOVERLORD, has started updating again. So has BAD GUY HIGH ADVENTURES, where SuperDan confronts the Crossoverlord Crew, including Mindmistress, in a side-story that took place during the main run of CROSSOVERLORD.

If you want to know when I update---although I've been aiming for Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays...you can go to COMIC ALERT and sign up to see when Mindmistress...and many other webcomics...update.

Drop by the Forum when you can. Ask questions. Debate. Comment. Talk about good superheroics in general. Return to discuss an excellent webcomic or two. Find out the meaning of life. (Hey, it could happen...)