Microsoft Active Accessibility (original) (raw)

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Microsoft Active Accessibility

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Microsoft Active Accessibility Version 2.0 Purpose Microsoft® Active Accessibility® 2.0 is a COM-based technology that improves the way accessibility aids work with applications running on Microsoft Windows®. It provides dynamic-link libraries that are incorporated into the operating system as well as a COM interface and application programming elements that provide reliable methods for exposing information about user interface elements. For a copy of the Active Accessibility SDK documentation formatted in Microsoft Word or WinHelp, see the Accessibility home page on MSDN. Where Applicable By using Active Accessibility and following accessible design practices, developers can make applications running on Windows more accessible to many people with vision, hearing, or motion disabilities. Developer Audience Active Accessibility is designed primarily for C, C++, and Microsoft Visual Basic® developers. In general, developers need a moderate level of understanding about COM objects and interfaces as well as about Unicode. Run-Time Requirements Full support for Active Accessibility 2.0 is built into the Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 operating systems. Active Accessibility 2.0 also supports Microsoft Windows NT® 4.0 with Service Pack 6 and Windows 98. See Also Microsoft Accessibility Web site Accessibility home page on MSDN Overview General information about Microsoft Active Accessibility technology. Reference Documentation of Active Accessibility C/C++ reference.

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