System.Management Namespace (original) (raw)

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System.Management Namespace

Provides access to a rich set of management information and management events about the system, devices, and applications instrumented to the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) infrastructure. Applications and services can query for interesting management information (such as how much free space is left on the disk, what is the current CPU utilization, which database a certain application is connected to, and much more), using classes derived from ManagementObjectSearcher and ManagementQuery, or subscribe to a variety of management events using the ManagementEventWatcher class. The accessible data can be from both managed and unmanaged components in the distributed environment.


CompletedEventArgs Holds event data for the Completed event.
ConnectionOptions Specifies all settings required to make a WMI connection.
DeleteOptions Specifies options for deleting a management object.
EnumerationOptions Provides a base class for query and enumeration-related options objects.
EventArrivedEventArgs Holds event data for the EventArrived event.
EventQuery Represents a WMI event query.
EventWatcherOptions Specifies options for management event watching.
InvokeMethodOptions Specifies options for invoking a management method.
ManagementBaseObject Contains the basic elements of a management object. It serves as a base class to more specific management object classes.
ManagementClass Represents a Common Information Model (CIM) management class. A management class is a WMI class such as Win32_LogicalDisk, which can represent a disk drive, and Win32_Process, which represents a process such as Notepad.exe. The members of this class enable you to access WMI data using a specific WMI class path.
ManagementDateTimeConverter Provides methods to convert Desktop Management Task Force (DMTF) date-time and time intervals to CLR-compliant DateTime and TimeSpan format and vice versa.
ManagementEventArgs Represents the virtual base class to hold event data for WMI events.
ManagementEventWatcher Subscribes to temporary event notifications based on a specified event query.
ManagementException Represents management exceptions.
ManagementNamedValueCollection Represents a collection of named values suitable for use as context information to WMI operations. The names are case-insensitive.
ManagementObject Represents a WMI instance.
ManagementObjectCollection Represents different collections of management objects retrieved through WMI. The objects in this collection are of ManagementBaseObject-derived types, including ManagementObject and ManagementClass. The collection can be the result of a WMI query executed through a ManagementObjectSearcher, or an enumeration of management objects of a specified type retrieved through a ManagementClass representing that type. In addition, this can be a collection of management objects related in a specified way to a specific management object - in this case the collection would be retrieved through a method such as GetRelated(). The collection can be walked using the ManagementObjectCollection.ManagementObjectEnumerator and objects in it can be inspected or manipulated for various management tasks.
ManagementObjectCollection.ManagementObjectEnumerator Represents the enumerator on the collection.
ManagementObjectSearcher Retrieves a collection of management objects based on a specified query. This class is one of the more commonly used entry points to retrieving management information. For example, it can be used to enumerate all disk drives, network adapters, processes and many more management objects on a system, or to query for all network connections that are up, services that are paused, and so on. When instantiated, an instance of this class takes as input a WMI query represented in an ObjectQuery or its derivatives, and optionally a ManagementScope representing the WMI namespace to execute the query in. It can also take additional advanced options in an EnumerationOptions. When the Get() method on this object is invoked, the ManagementObjectSearcher executes the given query in the specified scope and returns a collection of management objects that match the query in a ManagementObjectCollection.
ManagementOperationObserver Manages asynchronous operations and handles management information and events received asynchronously.
ManagementOptions Provides an abstract base class for all options objects.
ManagementPath Provides a wrapper for parsing and building paths to WMI objects.
ManagementQuery Provides an abstract base class for all management query objects.
ManagementScope Represents a scope (namespace) for management operations.
MethodData Contains information about a WMI method.
MethodDataCollection Represents the set of methods available in the collection.
MethodDataCollection.MethodDataEnumerator Represents the enumerator for MethodData objects in the MethodDataCollection.
ObjectGetOptions Specifies options for getting a management object.
ObjectPutEventArgs Holds event data for the ObjectPut event.
ObjectQuery Represents a management query that returns instances or classes.
ObjectReadyEventArgs Holds event data for the ObjectReady event.
ProgressEventArgs Holds event data for the Progress event.
PropertyData Represents information about a WMI property.
PropertyDataCollection Represents the set of properties of a WMI object.
PropertyDataCollection.PropertyDataEnumerator Represents the enumerator for PropertyData objects in the PropertyDataCollection.
PutOptions Specifies options for committing management object changes.
QualifierData Contains information about a WMI qualifier.
QualifierDataCollection Represents a collection of QualifierData objects.
QualifierDataCollection.QualifierDataEnumerator Represents the enumerator for QualifierData objects in the QualifierDataCollection.
RelatedObjectQuery Represents a WQL ASSOCIATORS OF data query. It can be used for both instances and schema queries.
RelationshipQuery Represents a WQL REFERENCES OF data query.
SelectQuery Represents a WQL SELECT data query.
StoppedEventArgs Holds event data for the Stopped event.
WqlEventQuery Represents a WMI event query in WQL format.
WqlObjectQuery Represents a WMI data query in WQL format.


AuthenticationLevel Describes the authentication level to be used to connect to WMI. This is used for the COM connection to WMI.
CimType Describes the possible CIM types for properties, qualifiers, or method parameters.
CodeLanguage Defines the languages supported by the code generator.
ComparisonSettings Describes the object comparison modes that can be used with CompareTo(ManagementBaseObject, ComparisonSettings). Note that these values may be combined.
ImpersonationLevel Describes the impersonation level to be used to connect to WMI.
ManagementStatus Describes the enumeration of all WMI error codes that are currently defined.
PutType Describes the possible effects of saving an object to WMI when using Put().
TextFormat Describes the possible text formats that can be used with GetText(TextFormat).


CompletedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the Completed event.
EventArrivedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the EventArrived event.
ObjectPutEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ObjectPut event.
ObjectReadyEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ObjectReady event.
ProgressEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the Progress event.
StoppedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the Stopped event.

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