T Project (original) (raw)

Jonathan Rees - December 2004 - updated Feburary 2010

It occurred to me recently that The T Project had no coherent presence on the web. There's Olin's history, but I thought something a bit more calm and dignified is in order.

For better links than I could hope to collate on availability of sources, binaries, documentation, and mail archives, and for information on astonishing recent developments, see the T Revival page.

Here are the last versions of T that I worked on:

Cast of Characters



There was the 1982 paper, and some others including some dissertations. Many mentioned above. Look at my publications pageor Olin's history or the T revival page for bibliographies.




Errata in Olin's history

Creative Commons License
The T Project by Jonathan A. Rees is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at mumble.net.