French Army : Royal : Revolutionary : Imperial : from King Louis XIV to Napoleon : Arm�e Fran�aise : Franz�sische Armee (original) (raw)


King Louis XIV (The Sun King) and His Army.
Under King Louis XIV France became World power.
France's cultural influence had never been so profound
and French language spread across Europe.


King Louis XIVUnder King Louis XIV known as The Sun King or Louis the Great (1638 � 1715) the French army had been the world's finest army. Military service represented a living of sorts for the French nobility and gentry, a source of prestige. From the age of 12 the king spent a great deal of time with his troops. Only advancing years forced him to forgo such activity. Although Louis never commanded a battle in the open field like Napoleon, he was excellent organizer and administrator.

However "The glare of Napoleonic brilliance outshone the radiance of the Sun King. The Napoleonic Wars have probably attracted more attention from 19th and 20th century readers than any other period of French military history. ... The Section historique of the French general staff, which operated between 1899 and 1914, provides one measure of the military's interests; it published 80 volumes on the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars but only 6 specialized studies dealing with the reign of Louis XIV.
NapoleonAfter all, the emperor had marched his armies across Europe, from Lisbon to Moscow, while Louis' forces ventured less far from home. Napoleon's wars were short and decisive, brought to a hea in climatic battles, at least until the debacle of 1812 (Invasion of Russia), while Louis' conflicts dragged on as long, indecisive, and costly wars of attrition. In short, there seemed to be more to be learned from a study of Napoleon's military genius. To this day, war colleges dissect the Ulm-Austerlitz and Jena-Auerstadt Campaigns, but they have little interest in the siege-dominated wars fought by Louis' great generals." (Lynn - "Giant of the Grand Siecle: The French Army")

RichelieuLouis' wars were great conflicts, mobilizing huge armies for long periods of time. The first minister, Richelieu, classed war as 'an inevitable evil' but 'absolutely necessary'. "Richelieu harbored a strong desire to increase French prestige by toppling the Spanish. He saw France encircled on her land borders by Habsburg holdings; Spain to the south, the Spanish Netherlands to the north, and a string of territories belonging to Spain and her Allies running from the Netherlands down through Italy, what was known at the time as the Spanish Road ...] (Lynn- "Giant of the Grand Siecle: The French Army" pp 13-14)

Map : France and her enemies, the Spanish and Austrian Habsburgs in 1648

1. Portugal was an autonomous state, but, in actuality, the country was under the rule of the Spanish from 1580 to 1640. Although Portugal had attained its independence in 1640, the Spanish Habsburgs continued to try to reassert their control
for the next three decades.
2. The small German states, Austria and several other countries of central Europe were part of the Holy Roman Empire. The Austrian Habsburgs presided over the empire. The Peace of Westphalia in 1648, which ended the Thirty Years' War, gave the German states almost complete independence from the Habsburgs. Switzerland and the Northern Netherlands left the Empire. Although the German states still had some restrictions � in particular, they could not form alliances against the Emperor � the Empire became a powerless entity, existing in name only.
3. The Catholic majority briefly ruled the country as Confederate Ireland (1642�49). The catholics allied themselves with Charles I and the English Royalists. However, the Royalists were defeated by the Parliamentarians, Charles I was executed and Oliver Cromwell re-conquered Ireland in 1649-53. The re-conquest was marked by atrocities.


Strength of French army in 1600-1760.
In the end of XVII century, European warfare
pitted collosal armies against one another -
armies that dwarfed those of the past.

According to John A. Lynn in the end of XVII century, European warfare pitted collosal armies against one another - armies that dwarfed those of the past. France boasted the greatest of these Goliaths. For example during the Dutch War the French army numbered almost 280,000 men (220.000 infantry and 60.000 cavalry, ratio of 3.66 to 1).
Of this force 165.000 were in the field formed in several armies and independent "corps" (the average size of army in battle was 20-25.000 men) and 115.000 served in garrisons. Because the army was so huge many recruiting parties went to towns and villages looking for likely volunteers, inducing them to enlist with the usual promises � wines, money, fast women, and glory. Recruiters not only grabbed men off the streets, they sometimes invaded private homes and churches to kidnap male inhabitants !

Enormous growth of the French army 1600-1760

Time period Theoretical peace high Theoretical war high
(1610-15) 10,000 55,000
Thirty Years' War (1635-48) 200,000
Dutch War (1672-78) 280,000
Nine Years' War (1688-97) 420,000
War of the Spanish Succession (1701-14) 145,000 380,000
War of the Austrian Succession (1740-48) 145,000 390,000


Uniforms and Weapons.
Uniform dress became the norm in Europe
with the adoption of regimental systems,
initially by the French army in the mid
XVII century.

Weapons of French infantry
in the end of reign 
of King Louis XIVThe infantry was armed with muskets, fusils and pikes. Musket was the basic weapon, while fusil became the standard firearm by 1700. There was no shortage of weapons, the army may have been bootles, shoeless and very hungry but they had firearms and gunpowder.

The term "bayonet" is thought to have derived from the French town of Bayonne, and referred to a long knife or dagger which was carried by soldiers. In late 1690s more emphasis began to be placed on the use of the musket as a primary weapon of the common soldier and as a result, the long pike was gradually phased out and so called plug-bayonet was introduced.
It was a spear-like blade to which was attached a long conical steel plug inserted directly into the muzzle of the soldier`s musket, a collar lodging against the barrel to prevent it sliding too far in. The disadvantage of this old-fashioned bayonet was that once fixed, the musket cannot be fired until the bayonet was removed. The new , socket-bayonet first appeared in the French army in the 1670s but it was not until 1715 (in British army circa 1725) when the triangular bayonets were introduced.

The dress of the soldiers was standardized. According to "Uniform dress became the norm with the adoption of regimental systems, initially by the French army in the mid XVII century. Earlier, some Swedish infantry had been issued with standard coloured dress under Gustavus Adolphus (hence his "yellow" or "blue" regiments)."
In 1685 was issued order prescribing particular colors for regiments, blue for the Guard and the royal regiments, red for the Swiss regiments and gray-white for regular French infantry. In 1690 was prescribed color for each regiment; for eighty eight regiments it was gray with red reverses and for fourteen royal and princely regiments it was blue. Although the army would seem to have adopted uniforms for regular regimens during the Nine Years' War, the first regulation detailing the fabric, color, and cut of uniforms in detail appeared in 1704.
Durign the reign of Louis XIV the most prominent piece of military clothing became the justaucorps, a coat reaching to the knees, decorated with a row of buttons down the front. Musketeers were more likely to wear simply a loose coat and broad brimmed hat. The infantrymen and officers wore stocking and shoes rather than boots, unless the officers were mounted. Cavalry wore heavy tall bots and spurs, while dragoons wore shoes and gaiters to allow them to move more freely on foot. Cavalry were likely to adorn themselves more elegantly than infantry.


"... the nation loves war ... " Privates and officers.
France was 'always filled with an idle and seething
[aristocratic] youth, ready to undertake anything,
and who seek to exercise their valor regardless of
the expense.'

Soldiers and officers of the French army
under King Louis XIVThe army was better paid than under Louis XIII. Lack of pay inspired mutiny. In 1635 the French troops went on rampage massacring the inhabitants of Tirlemont. Troops that had behaved disgracefully on the battlefield were punished by executing soldiers drawn by lot from the offending unit.

In combat the French officers led from the front, braving the same dangers that their men faced. According to John A. Lynn the quest to attain glory by publicly fulfilling the demands of honor explains the undeniable taste for war on the part of the French aristocracy.
A 1601 Guide des courtesans noted: 'I hear our young nobility murmur against the peacewhich limits them from displaying what they have of good in their souls. They can appease their warrior ardors by taking themselves, with the leave of their prince, to some just war outside their country.' Louis XIV noted the enthusiasm of nobles to raise units to serve him.

French cavalry under King Louis XIVVauban considered that French officers were 'the best in the world' and that 'all the nation loves war and takes up the profession of war every time that it finds in it some promise of elevation and of the ability to subsist with honor.

Lisola, a Spaniard and enemy of France, described France as 'always filled with an idle and seething [aristocratic] youth, ready to undertake anything, and who seek to exercise their valor regardless of the expense.'



End of the Spanish military supremacy and inauguration of a long period of French military predominance.

Louis XIV was only few years old when the French army under Conde (then Duke d'Enghien) won a victory of major proportions at Rocroi. **It was the first major Spanish defeat in a century.**In 1643 the Spanish army of 20-28.000 men advanced from Flanders, through the Ardennes, and into northern France and set siege to Rocroi. The French army under Conde numbered 22-25.000 men. Part of both armies consisted of foreign troops. For example out of Conde's 15 regiments, 12 were French, 2 Swiss and 1 Scottish. Melo had 5 Spanish and 3 Italian tercios, and 5 German, 5 Wallon and 2 bourguignons regiments.
Conde reacted quickly and forced a battle before the arrival of 6.000 Spanish reinforcements. Conde assembled his force along a ridge looking down on the besieged town of Rocroi. The Spanish formed up between the town and the ridge. The two armies bivouacked in their positions for the night.

Battle of Rocroi 1643.
Bataille de Rocroi.
Schlacht bei Rocroi.The battle began with the repulse of French infantry in the centre. The cavalry on the French left was also thrown back. But the cavalry on the right routed the enemy's cavalry opposite. Conde was able to follow this up by attacking the exposed left flank of the Spanish infantry. Spanish cavalry made a successful counter-attack to drive off the French cavalry, but were checked by the advance of the French reserve.Conde then carried out an impressive cavalry encirclement, sweeping behind the Spanish army and smashing his way through to attack the rear of the Spanish cavalry that was still in combat with his reserves. The Spanish cavalry fled, leaving the infantry to carry on the fight. The French were twice repulsed by the infantry. But it was too much for the German and Walloon troops who fled from the battlefield.
Despite artillery fire the stubborn Spanish infantry repulsed several cavalry charges. Conde then offered surrender conditions just like those obtained by a besieged garrison into a fortress. Having agreed to those terms, the remains of the Spanish troops left the field with flags and weapons. Total losses of Spanish, German and Wallon troops were 12,000. French casualties were 4,000.

King Louis XIV enjoyed a great military inheritance as he began his personal reign. Even after demobilization, his army remained large and skilled, in Turenne and Conde, now back in French service, he had the best commanders in Europe. "A young king with a lust for glory would not let such a fine military instrument grow dull from disuse. ... Louis plotted to chastise the Dutch and continue his acquisitions of Spanish lands. He carefully isolated the Dutch from their allies and struck in 1672. This Dutch War, 1672-78, began with an invasion, masterfully supported and supplied by Louvois ... Louis intended to defeat and humble the Dutch so as to force them to give him a free hand in the Spanish Netherlands, but he failed." (Lynn, - pp 16-17)
The British were France's ally, having fought already two wars against the Dutch. For the British, this war became the Third Anglo-Dutch War. (However, in 1674 the British switched alliances and fought for the Dutch.)


Two greatest generals of King Sun: Conde and Turenne.

The two greatest generals of King Louis XIV were Louis de Bourbon, Prince of Cond� (8 September 1621 � 11 December 1686) and Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne, Vicomte de Turenne (11 September 1611 � 27 July 1675)

CondeBorn Duc d'Enghien and later Prince de Cond�, he represents the apogee of the French aristocrat's approach to war, in that he was a bold commander whose lust for glory brought him spectacular success, as at Rocroi in 1643, and several defeats.
Bold manoeuvring was his signature. Conde was the architect of the epic victory at Rocroi described above. This battle is considered a masterpiece, and is still studied by students of military tactics and strategy. That he was capable of waging a positional war may be assumed from his campaigns against Turenne and Montecucculi. But it was in his eagerness for battle and the stern will which sent his regiments to face the heaviest losses, that Cond� is exalted above all the generals of his time.

Conde took over command from Turenne during the Rhineland campaign of 1644, and conducted a fine campaign in the Low Countries. Then he was posted to the military quicksand of Spain again, where he enjoyed moderate success. In 1648 he was again victorious over a Habsburg army at Lens. Conde became one of the leaders of the rebellion against the king known as the Fronde (1648-53). He also enlisted with the Spanish Habsburgs until 1659. Thus Conde and Turenne, fought against each other at the Dunes near Dunkirk in 1658, and Conde was roundly defeated. At Seneffe in 1674 Conde defeated a Dutch army of 67,000 with a much smaller force.

Today Conde is not viewed as the equal of Turenne. His style consisted of aggressive assault, whereas Turenne was the exponent of careful manoeuvre, patient, and calculating. On the other hand, Conde's tactics are known to have been studied by Napoleon, in particular the �pinning� of the enemy to the front while exploring for a weak point elsewhere. His last campaign was in 1675, taking command after Turenne had been killed, repelling an invasion of an imperial army. Upon Cond�s death, Louis XIV pronounced that he had lost "the greatest man in my kingdom."

Picture ( : Reception of Le Grand Conde by the king at Versailles.

TurenneTurenne was a simple man, a protestant, endowed with much tact; but in the world of politics he was helpless in the hands of a skilful intriguer. He spent his life with the troops. His men loved him as a comrade no less than they admired him as a commander. Turenne's characteristics as general were: strategic caution, logistic accuracy and constancy under all circumstances. He avoided great battles because his armies were only medium size. Turenne waged war like a chess master. His genius best represents the art of war in the 17th century. Turenne became one of France's greatest commanders of all times. Napoleon recommended to "read and re-read" his campaigns.
As a boy Turenne devoted himself to bodily exercises and at the age of 14 he went to learn war in the camp of his uncle, Maurice of Nassau. In 1630 Turenne left the Netherlands and entered the service of France. In 1642 he served as second-in-command of the French troops which conquered Roussillon. In 1643 Turenne took Trino and gained the rank of Marshal of France.
In 1644 Turenne began the campaign by crossing the Rhine River, and joining his army with an army under the great Cond�. The four campaigns which followed brought to an end the Thirty Years' War. The battle of Freiburg against Franz von Mercy's Bavarians proved the chief event of the first campaign, after which the French successfully besieged Philippsburg. Turenne then opened the campaign of 1645 with a strong forward movement, but Mercy surprised and defeated him at Mergentheim. Conde's army again joined Turenne's army and in the very bloody battle of Allerheim killed Mercy and defeated his Bavarians. In 1646 Turenne obtained more successes, and, by separating the Austrians from the Bavarians, compelled Elector of Bavaria to make peace. In 1647 Turenne marched into Luxembourg, but soon received orders to switch to the Rhine, for in 1648 Bavaria had returned to her Austrian alliance and had taken up arms again. Turenne made a brilliant campaign, crowned by the decisive action of Zusmarshausen.Turenne's troops subsequently wasted Bavaria with fire and sword.

In the third war of the Fronde, Turenne and Cond� stood opposed to each other. The long campaigns gave ample scope for the display of scientific generalship on the part of both the famous generals. In 1653 Turenne captured Rethel, Sainte-Menehould and Mouzon, while Cond� succeeded at Rocroy. In 1656 Turenne suffered defeat at Valenciennes in the same way as he had beaten Cond� at Arras.
The war eventually concluded in 1657 with Turenne's victory at the Battle of the Dunes near Dunkirk, in which a corps ofEnglish veterans sent by Oliver Cromwell played a notable part; a victory which, followed by another successful campaign in 1658, led to the peace of the Pyrenees in 1659.

In 1667 Turenne directed the famous Promenade militaire in which the French overran the Spanish Netherlands. Soon afterwards Cond�, now reconciled with the king, rivalled Turenne's success by the rapid conquest of Franche Comt�, which brought to an end the War of Devolution in 1668. In the Dutch War of 1672 Turenne accompanied the army commanded by the king which overran the Dutch United Provinces up to Amsterdam. The Dutch opened the dikes and flooded the country round Amsterdam. This measure checked Turenne, whom the king had left in command. News of this event roused half of Europe to action, and the war quickly spread to Germany. Turenne fought a successful war of manoeuvre on the middle Rhine while Cond� covered Alsace.
In 1673 Turenne penetrated far into Germany, and forced the Great Elector of Brandenburg to make peace; later in the year, however, the imperial general Montecucculi completely out-manoeuvred Turenne: Montecucculi evaded his opponent and joined the Dutch. In 1674, however, Turenne won the battle of Sinzheim, which made him master of the Palatinate. Under orders from Paris Turenne's troops wasted the country far and wide.

Turenne now made the most daring campaign of his career. A swift and secret march in winter of 1675 from one end of the Vosges Mountains to the other took the allies by surprise. Following up his first successes, Turenne drove the enemy to Turkheim, and there inflicted upon them a heavy defeat. In a few weeks he had completely recovered Alsace. In the summer Turenne once more faced Montecucculi, and after the highest display of "strategic chess-moves" by both commanders, Turenne compelled his opponent to offer battle at a disadvantage at Salzbach. Unfortunatelly one of the first shots fired killed him.

Civil War: Conde vs Turenne.
The civil war in France was memorable chiefly for the battle of the Faubourg St. Antoine (near Paris' city walls), in which Cond� and Turenne, two of the leading generals of the age, measured their strength. It was the man with stern will and always eager to fight (Conde) versus the cautious chess-master of strategy (Turenne).
After the siege of Etampes, Cond� was deprived the support of Duke of Lorraine. Cond�'s army reached Paris pursued by the royal troops led by Turenne. Cond�, fearing the junction of Turenne and another royalist force, decided to reach Charenton. He split his forces into three columns for faster movement, and continued his march at night. Turenne blocked the gates of Paris and Cond� was stuck in the Faubourg Saint-Antoine, between the city walls and the enemy troops.
Conde's infantry occupied homes and used barricades set up on the streets. Turenne launched several attacks. The second one was led by the regiment of guards, managed to break through, creating panic among Conde's troops. Conde, as usual in the heat of the battle, intervened personally and managed to repel the attackers. So far tosses in the street fighting were heavy and equal on both sides. Meanwhile Turenne's artillery and cavalry arrived. Turenne attempted to turn Conde's positions by reaching the gates of Paris by ditches. Conde again intervened. This time however he was unable to restore the front line and his troops fell back fighting.
Conde's situation became critical after Turenne received strong reinforcements. Now there were 12.000 royalists facing Conde's 5.000 men. When all seemed lost for Conde, a miracle occured: Anne Anne de Montpensier, La Grande Mademoiselle, has persuaded the Parisians to open the city gates. Conde and his army were saved. Although the casualties were almost equal (800 vs 1.000) it was a resounding victory for Turenne. .

The era 1610-1715 was an age of warfare throughout.
(Neerwinden, Blenheim, Ramilles, Turin, Malplaquet and Denain.)

The era 1610-1715 was an age of warfare throughout. After war broke out between France and England in the 1680s, the two nations regularly sent expeditions to raid and capture each other's fur trading posts in America. In March 1686, the French sent a raiding party under des Troyes over 1300 km to capture the British Hudson Bay Company's posts along James Bay. The French appointed Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville as commander of the company's captured posts. In 1697, d'Iberville led a French naval raid on the company's headquarters at York Factory. On the way to the fort, he defeated the ships of the Royal Navy in the Battle of the Bay, the largest naval battle in the history of the North American Arctic.

The war was much more intense and bloody in Europe. In 1693 at Neerwinden (also called Battle of Landen) Marshal Luxembourg led 75,000 men into victory over William III of England's 50,000 English, Scottish and Dutch troops behind field fortifications. According to the French wikipedia (2012) Luxembourg's army consisted of 90 infantry battalions and 190 cavalry squadrons. (75 000 hommes: quelque 190 escadrons de cavalerie, 90 bataillons d'infanterie et 2 r�giments d'artillerie composent l'arm�e fran�aise) The enemy had 64 battalions and 142 squadrons. Both sides had some guard units.
Battle of Neervinden 1693,
great French victoryThe French infantry, dragoons and cavalry assaulted the allied position three times before their cavalry penetrated the enemy line in the center. The French rode over every body of troops they met, and nothing remained for the Allies but a hurried retreat.
Casualties were heavy: 9,000 French and 19,000 British and Allies were killed, wounded and taken prisoner.Marshal Luxembourg captured so many enemy's flags that he could make a "tapestry" with them inside the Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris. For this reason he was nicknamed le Tapissier de Notre-Dame.

The War of the Spanish Succession, 1701-14, proved to be the longest war of King Louis' reign. "The Duke of Marlborough, perhaps England's greatest general, led British forces, while Prince Eugene of Savoy, an excellent general in his own right, commanded the main Imperial armies. For years, the French could not find a winning commander, and disaster followed didaster. At the Battle of Blenheim 1704, the allied team of generals so devastated the French army before them that the French would not again venture deep into Germany.
At the battle of Turin in 1706, Eugene essentially drove the French out of Italy, while Marlborough and Eugene won battles at Ramilles 1706, and Oudenarde, 1708, that secured the Spanish Netherlands for the Allies. ... In September of that year [1709] at the battle of Malplaquet Villars (90,000 men) confronted Marlborough and Eugene (100,000-120,000 men). Although the French lost that battle, they retired in good order and inflicted such great casualties that Marlborough would not again face the French in the open field." (Lynn, - p 19)

Villars then defeated the Allies at Denain in 1712 and captured number of cities and fortresses along the Rhine River. It was a bloody battle. Eugene of Savoy with 100,000 men intended to force a battle with Villars' 120,000 troops. However, the sudden withdrawal of English troops, led to the allied army being halted. Villars took advantage to launch a bayonet attack on a portion of Eugene's army. Chaos filled the scene. The attack however, was repulsed by the reserves. The French counter-attacked, pushing the Allies into the river. The Allies suffered 18,000 casualties, the French only 5,000.


The French Royal Army of 1700-1790.
Although under the careless and timid King Louis X V
France maintained the largest standing army in Europe
it slumped into slow decay.


Line infantryman from the
Regiment Royal Barois in 1757.The 18th century saw France remain the dominant power in Europe, but begin to falter largely because of internal problems. The country engaged in a long series of wars, such as the War of the Quadruple Alliance, the War of the Polish Succession, and the War of the Austrian Succession.

France had a population of 25 million and maintained the largest standing army in Europe. The army was a typical 18th century force. The ranks were filled with mercenaries, volunteers, adventurers and others. The discipline was harsh (a soldier who struck an officer had his offending hand chopped off before he was hanged). In 1781 the courtiers extorted from Segur, the Minister of War, against his will, a royal decree to the effect that every candidate for a commission must satisfy the court genealogist that he was possessed of 16 quarters of nobility ! The effect of this was to shut the doors of the army in the face of the rising middle class.

The army under King Louis XV:
Guard cavalry (> 2,500 men)
- - - Life Guards 4 companies (x 350-420 men) mounted on black horses
- - - Life Guards of the King of Poland 2 companies (x 75 men) on bays
- - - [Queen of France was a Polish princess, whose father and king, was exiled in 1737.]
- - - Gendarmes of the Guard 1 company (x 220 men)
- - - Lighthorse of the Guard 1 company (x 220 men)
- - - Horse Grenadiers of the Guard 1 company (x 140 men)
- - - Musketeers of the Guard 2 companies (x 240 men)
Guard infantry (> 10,000 men)
- - - French Guards 6 battalions (x 1100 men)
- - - Swiss Guards ? battalions
- - - Other troops
- - - gendarmes: 16 small companies
- - - heavy cavalry: 60 regiments (incl. 3 German, 1 Irish, 1 Belgian)
- - - carabiniers: 5 regiments (called brigades)
- - - dragoons: 17 regiments
- - - in 1740: 155 battalions (x 540 men) = 83,700
- - - in 1747: 227 battalions
- - - in 1750: 172 battalions
- - - in 1762: 187 battalions (x 630 men) = 117,810
- - - The battalions were formed in infantry re g i m e n t s.
- - - Only the senior regiments had more than 1 battalion.
- - - "Until 1718 each battalion had 1 grenadier and 14 fusilier companies,
- - - this was then reduced to 1 grenadier and 8 fusilier. This was raised
- - - again to 15 companies in 1734, then dropped to 13 companies from
- - - 1749. In 1756 the number of companies was raised to 17 per battalion."
- - - (Chartrand - "Louis XV's Army (2) French Infantry." p 5)
- - - The company had approx. 40 men. In 1757 each field battalion going
- - - on campaign in central Europe received a light-calibre cannon with
- - - limber and 3 horses.
- - - Provincial Militia 100-120 battalions (x 600 men)
- - - Coast Guard Militia
- - - Bourgeois Militia
- - - The Provincial Militia was drafted for garrison duty but they were
- - - also used as army reserves and considered part of the royal forces
- - - and listed as such in the army registers.


The Seven Years' War (1756�63): Prussia humiliated France.
"The inglorious performance of French arms
in the wars of the mid eighteenth century -
particularly in the disastrous Seven Years' War
sent shockwaves through French society."

In the army of Louis XV things were not going in the right direction. "In the 18th century the French state was the French monarchy, and the King himself the main-spring of the machine. If it was to work the King must give the impulse. But Louis XV was there to enjoy himself, and he handed over the State to those who amused or distracted him - during the Seven Years' War, chiefly to Madame de Pompadour. ...
Ministers and generals were appointed, not for their aptitude to administer France or to command armies, but according to their attitude toward the lady at the head of affairs. ... The first effect of this system was to destroy the discipline of the army, which could have no confidence in commanders, the causes of whose appointment were no secret, and whose incompetence was manifest. Even those officers who knew their business were aware that their career depended not upon success but upon favour." (Wilkinson, Spenser - "The French army before Napoleon; lectures delivered before the University of Oxford ..." pp 84-88)

Prussian armyThe Prussian army (picture -->) in that time enjoyed reputation as one of the best trained, the most disciplined, and one of the best led. The Prussians wore simpler dress than the French army with its many lackeys, cooks, courtesans, actors and chaplains, friseurs and valets, chests full of perfumes, hair nets, sun shades and parrots.

The French army usually took two or three hours to break camp, while the Prussians needed only one-sixth that time. Frederick the Great's army could move as a unit almost twice as fast as the French and Austrian armies.

In 1757 at Rossbach the Prussian army of 20-30.000 men and 74 guns (18 heavy and 56 light) under Frederick the Great defeated 40-45.000 French, Austrian, Bavarian and Swiss troops with 45 guns (33 French) under Marshal Soubise and Prince Saxe-Hildburghausen. The charge of Prussian cuirassiers and dragoons led by Seydlitz was the decisive moment of the battle. Frederick was heard to say "I won the battle of Rossbach with most of my infantry having their muskets shouldered."Casualties: 550 Prussians and 5,000 French and Austrians ! It was a disaster.

Nattle of Rossbach 1757.
Bataille de Rossbach.
Schlacht bei Rossbach.
At Rossbach the smaller but faster maneuvering army of Prussian King Frederick the Great
gave no time the French and Austro-German armies to form up.


Reforming the army.
Broglie, Guibert, Gribeauval,
Bourcet and brothers Teil.

The defeats suffered during the Seven Years War prompted reformers to enact a series of measures which transformed the French army. Marshal de Broglie, a veteran commander of The Seven Years' War, developed the idea of the division as an administrative and tactical formation and introduced the use of light infantry and skirmish tactics into the French service.
Jacques de Guibert wrote extensively on tactics, proposing reliance not on column or on line, but rather a series of flexible tactical formations, each suited to particular circumstances. De Guibert supported the idea of light infantry and skirmish tactics and advocated reform of the artillery and the establishment of permanent divisions. He also advanced the revolutionary notion that all citizens were liable for military service.
Jean Baptiste de Gribeauval, a seasoned gunner, sponsored a total reorganization and reform of the French artillery upon attaining the lofty status of Inspector General of that arm. He promoted the redisign of guns and carriages, standardized calibers, and introduced new approaches to tactical deployment.
Pierre Joseph de Bourcet, a seasoned campaigner and military educator, wrote extensively on organization and strategy, advocating the permanent division of armies into self-contained, relatively large subordinate bodies of all arms capable of undertaking limited independent operations for short periods. He suggested that in this fashion an army of considerable size could advance with great speed, agility, and flexibility, for each body of the army - corps d'armee - could move along parallel routes of march toward the same objective, while remaining within supporting distance of the balance of the army.
Jean du Teil and his brother Jean-Pierre, both gunners, advocated increased mobility on the battlefield, the use of artillery as an offensive arm, to prepare and support infantry attacks, and sounder preparation of officers.

None of these changes came easily.
Most of the reformers believed that France's weakness was not merely the result of the inadequacy of her military institutions, but was due also to her antiquated political, social, and economic institutions. So most of them supported the Revolution when it came in 1789. In the process of rebuilding France, the Revolutionary government put the finishing touches on the military reforms.


Wars in North America, and the loss of Canada.
The British colonies in North America had 15-20 times
the population of the French colonies.

The French and British fought for control of commerce and territory in North America. In the late 17th and much of the 18th century, the two world powers fought a series of conflicts for control of America: King William's War (1689-97), Queen Anne's War (1702-13), King George's War (1744-48), and the French and Indian War.

Both sides were supported by Indians. The Iroquois sided with the British. The Algonquins (Chippewas, Ottawas, Delawares, Hurons and others) joined their forces with the French and together conducted numerous military operations against the British. For example Marquis de Duquesne who became governor-general of New France in 1752, had used Shawnee, Ottawa, and Delaware Indians to harass and hold back British attempts to trade or settle in the Ohio valley. The French small war parties played bloody havoc with British settlements along the border. These parties consisted of coureurs de bois, Indians, few militiamen and local troops, and were led by officers of the regular army. The coureurs-de-bois gloried in their physical prowess, fought in the Indian manner, travelled by canoe and snowshoes, and wore dearskin and moccasins. The war parties raged virtually unchecked and scalp-hunting for bounty wa sthe order of the day.
The British responded with their own guerillas; Rogers' Rangers and the ruthless Iroquis warriors.
Their operations took deep into French Canada.

The number of French troops deployed in North America varied from year to year. In 1750s they were led by Marquis Montcalm, a short man with a great predatory beak of a Roman nose. He was one of these rare generals whose men love him as well as respecting him. Montcalm's army numbered 2,500 regular troops. A French battalion had 500 men in 10 companies. (Due to sickness some battalions had only 200-300 men.) There were also 1,850 men in local troops in garrisons, forts and sea ports. These men however were under the Governor and were not always placed at Montcalm's disposal. Third category of troops was militia. Approx. 4,000 militiamen were employed in transporting and supplying the regular and local troops. Fourth category were Indians and coureurs de bois, backwoodsmen, they were employed for scouting and patrol work. Their knowledge of the forest and guerilla warfare were admirable.

French and British colonies 
in North AmericaGreat Britain enjoyed several advantages over France in North America.
First, the British had 15-20 times the population of the French colonies. By 1663 France out of a population of 16 million, approx. double the size of England which sent out 40,000 settlers to New England, had provided Canada with only 2,500 settlers (!) By the 1750s there were approx. 1.5 million British colonists as compared to only 70,000 French in North America. Second, Britain had larger merchant fleet to maintain trade and contact with America, and a larger navy to deny the French trade, communication and reinforcements. (For example in 1781 the Britih navy blockaded Brest in France and 2,500 French soldiers intended to join Rochambeau's corps in America never arrived.)

Despite the advantages the French forces, or rather French and Indians, enjoyed several notable victories.
"On 6 July 1755 an Indian scout reported to Captain Contrecoeur ... commandant of Fort Duquesne, that a huge body of British was approaching. This was Braddock's column, it consisted of 1,200 redcoats with engineers and artillery, some Virginian 'bluecoats' under George Washington, and much baggage and impedimenta. ... 300 axmen carved a track for it through the wilderness. Captain Contrecoeur had but a few companies ... and some militia - tough forest fighters, but no match for redcoats trained to European standards. ... The French had about 800 Indians with about 36 French officers scattered among them - many greased and painted like their allies - incl. particularly the gallant Captain de Beaujeu and the guerilla, Langlade. They were supported by 72 men of the Compagnies Franches and some 140 militiamen. ...
In minutes the British were driven back like bewildered cattle, unable to see the enemy who were firing into their ranks from behind thick cover. ... Braddock fell shot through the lungs ... he had already had 4 horses shot under him. ... Only about 23 officers and 460 men escaped alive and able to walk, out of 1,450 odd. The wounded were abandoned..." (Martin Windrow - "Montcalm's Army")

Battle of Carillon,
French victoryThe struggle for Fort Ticonderoga was long and bitter. The fort controlled both commonly used trade routes between the English-controlled Hudson River Valley and the French-controlled St.Lawrence River Valley. The first Battle of Ticonderoga (also known as Battle of Carillon) happened in 1758, when General Abercrombie of the British Army attempted to subdue the fort with 16,000 men. They were soundly defeated by a mere 4,000 French soldiers. In 1759, the fort was finally captured by the British under General Amhurst. There were more successes for the British. They ambushed several French vessels at sea and captured 400 soldiers and sailors.

The year of 1756 brought with it William Pitt of Great Britain. His leadership, and France's continued neglect of the North-American theater of war, turned the tide in favor of the British. The French were driven from many frontier forts such as Fort Niagara and Fort Louisbourg. The Battle of the Plains of Abraham gave Quebec City to the British.
In April 1760 however a French force (2.600 regulars and some militia) under Chevalier de L�vis defeated British corps (3.800 regulars and artillery) commanded by General Murray at Sainte Foy. The battle was notably bloodier than the more known in the English-speaking countries Battle of the Plains of Abraham, with 833 French casualties (killed and wounded) to 1,182 British (killed, wounded and captured). Three-quarters of the officers of the Fraser Highlanders (78th) were killed or wounded. This makes the Battle of Sainte-Foy one of the bloodiest engagements ever fought on Canadian soil.
Despite the victory the war was lost for the French. The war officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1763. **The treaty resulted in France's loss of all its North American possessions east of the Mississippi.**France however regained the Caribbean islands of Guadelupe and Martinique, which had been occupied by the British. The economic value of these islands was greater than that of Canada at the time, because of their rich sugar crops.

General George WashingtonFrench officer Coulon is the only military opponent to force George Washington to surrender. On July 3, 1754, Coulon's troops attacked Fort Necessity. By evening, the British had asked for terms of surrender. The following day, the British left in haste. So quickly did they leave, that Washington left behind his journal in his abandoned luggage.
More information on Coulon is on wikipedia


French-American victory in America.
The French government sent 5.000 troops to join
the American colonists fighting Great Britain.

France had been in contact with American colonists as early as 1774. In 1776 France began sending large amounts of covert financial aid and military supplies to the rebels. Following the defeat of a British corps during the Saratoga Campaign of 1777, France signed a Treaty of Alliance recognising American Independence in February 1778.
In 1780, comte de Rochambeau was given the command of French troops sent to join the American colonists under George Washington fighting the Kingdom of Great Britain. He had four regiments for his expedition to America. Each regiment was allowed to take 1,000 men "chosen among the most robust."
- Soissonnais Infantry Regiment (40th Line Infantry Regiment in 1790s)
- Bourbonnais Infantry Regiment (13th Line Infantry Regiment in 1790s)
- Saintonge Infantry Regiment (82nd Line Infantry Regiment in 1790s)
- Royal Deux-Ponts, a German unit in the service of France (99th Line in 1790s)

Additionally Rochambeau had a small mixed unit consisting of infantry, hussars and gunners called Lauzun's Legion, and part of the Regiment of Auxonne Artillery. The total strength of Rochambeau's force was approx. 5,500 men ready for combat. (A second wave of 2,500 was intended to join them but was unable to escape the British blockade of Brest.)
None of the men had volunteered to fight for American Independence; indeed, they were at sea for weeks before being informed of their destination. They cheered as they were happy that they were not bound for the West Indies, whose inhospitable climate had been deadly to tens of thousands of their comrades. Rochambeau's corps has been described as the only substantial force of foreign allies ever to serve on United States soil for an extended period.

The Battle of Yorktown in 1781 was a victory by a combined American and French force led by Washington and the French under Rochambeau over the British corps.
Surrender at Yorktown 1781, 
picture by Keith Rocco, USA. Picture: British surrender in Yorktown.
Washington and Rochambeau (in white uniform), both are mounted. A formal surrender ceremony took place on the morning following the battle. Cornwallis refused to attend out of pure embarrassment, claiming illness.
News of Yorktown was greeted with joyous celebration throughout the United States and France. In Boston were demonstrations and fireworks. American Congress thanked Rochambeau. According to legend, the British forces marched to the fife tune of "The World Turned Upside Down," though no real evidence of this exists.

North America however ranked behind the Caribbean in French priorities. For example, to Martinique, Guadeloupe, and Santo Dominque were sent 29 battalions to join the 19 battalions already garrisoning those islands. (Compare this force to Rochambeau's 8 battalions and few squadrons in North America.) The French military activities in Caribbean forced Britain to extend her own military efforts considerably, thereby contributing to the American cause - a contribution only few Americans appreciated, however.




The Imperial Army of Napoleon Bonaparte (1804 - 1815)
"During the reign of Napoleon ... France reached the height of its power.
By 1807 , after spectacular triumphs at Austerlitz , Jena , and Friedland ,
many Europeans believed the French were invincible. The French Empire
was eventually defeated, but memories about the Napoleonic Wars lingered.
Until World War I, commanders and nations throughout the world hoped
to reproduce Napoleon's lightning campaigns." - 2005


Napoleon's Grande Armee is one of the greatest armies in history.
John Elting writes, "Certain of mankind's greatest armies have passed like meteors, bursting out of chaos to storm across our history into enduring legend. Some have left us more than a proud tradition; others, a changed world. To the cadenced thunder of their drums they pass, to the lilting of forgotten trumpets, riddled standards high above the Great Captains who shaped and led them: the pikes and muskets of Gustavus Adolphus' tautly disciplined Swedes and Scots, Oliver Cromwell amidst his Ironside horsemen and redcoat infantry,: George Washington's tattered, hard-bitten Continentals; Napoleon's Grande Armee; the lean butternut ranks of Robert Lee's Army of Northern Virginia; George Thomas' indomitable Army of the Cumberland. Erwin Rommel's Afrika Korps and George Patton's Third Army were of their lineage.
The Grande Armee was the trenchant instrument with which Napoleon reshaped both Europe and the art of war. Swift marching, furious in the attack, grimly enduring, high-hearted, stubborn in disaster, it still ranks among the few greatest of the great. It also was many men of many different nations - many heroes, not a few cowards, and the multitude who were neither but did their duty as they saw it. Probably no armies in all history have fought such a variety of enemies in so short a space of time as did the French soldiers under Napoleon Bonaparte."

France had been aggressive neighbor, and Russia, Austria Prussia, and Britain,were willing enough to see her weakened. The European powers formed alliance and France was forced to dramatically strengthen her army. Conscription was the solution. Generally speaking, under the empire 100.000 conscripts were called annually, which meant that about 1 name in 7 was drawn. The last conscripts to join their units en masse were those of 1814, whose call-up had been advanced to the preceding year. (Barbero - "The Battle" p 20, 26)
Conscription allowed the French to form the Grande Armee, what Napoleon called "the nation in arms", which successfully battled European professional armies. Under Napoleon many new regiments were formed, the discipline and morale greatly improved. The troopers were well dressed and armed to teeth and very eager to fight.
French general in combat. **The French army became the largest and the most powerful in the World. The Napoleonic period (1805-1813) saw France's influence and power reach immense heights.**But gone were the republican days "when any officer under the rank of major had had to hoof it with his men. For the top brass alone the famous Parisian coach builder Gros-Jean has built no fewer than 300 carriages ... Colonel Count Francois Roguet of the 1st Grenadiers... has brought with him 6 servants, 12 horses and two wagons filled with his personal effects, among them books and a great many maps." (Austin - "1812: The March on Moscow" p 49)

Napoleonic infantryman, 
by Steven Palatka.Napoleonic soldiers "... identified their own fortunes with those of Napoleon. To be in the service of Napoleon was a way of life for many young men. And they were treated with respect. Their memoirs are not punctuated neither with the floggings which characterize the memoirs of British soldiers (Morris, Costello and many others) nor with running the gauntlet as it was in the Russian army." For example during British retreat to Coruna (1808) 2 stragglers were awarded with 100 lashes each, while a third man who grumbled at the punishment was awarded 300 lashes. Nightfall prevented the punishmant from being carried out, but the following day the grumbler was given his lashes. In the Russian army was no better. General Arakcheyev when angry would tear soldiers� mustaches. On the first night of his honeymoon, Grand Duke Constantine abandoned his nuptial duties in order to drill his troops. Private Moskalev who deserted three times received sentence; 15 000 blows !

The discipline of the French troops was more relaxed not only during peacetime but also during a war. Certainly, seeing the French army on the march seems to have been an unique experience. In 1805 (Ulm-Austerlitz Campaign) a French officer with the Bavarian corps attached to the French army, described its progress:
Ulm taken and negligently occupied, the army of Bonaparte, the victorious army, was disbanded, and appeared to me no longer anything but an army in rout; but in rout in advance instead of retreat. This torrent took the direction of Vienna, and henceforth there was nothing but an 'arrive qui peut' by roads full and encumbered. Our German corps alone marched like regular troops.
This impression of organised chaos is confirmed by the recollections of a pastor who saw in Germany advancing to attack in 1796. Compared to the Austrian army, he said:One did not see so many wagons or so much baggage, such elegant cavalry, or any infantry officers or horseback below the rank of major. Everything about these Frenchmen was supple and light - movements, clothing, arms, and baggage.
The lack of conventional discipline and order, indeed the army's general scruffiness and air of destitution, seems to have led its enemies (especially the Prussians and Austrians) seriously to underestimate its fighting potential.

Napoleon and his cavalryThe morale of the army grew by the second as the word of Napoleon's presence swept across the battlefield. In May 1813 at Lutzen Napoleon passed amongst his young troops, allowing them to see he had arrived and electryfying them with his presence. Cries of "Vive l'Empereur !" rang out in the ranks. Even the wounded cried "Vive l'Empereur !" as they lay awaiting the hour of their death. The 105th Line Regiment was noted for its fanaticism; during the Belgian Campaign, the soldiers had assaulted and demolished a newly constructed house decorated with paintings of the Bourbon lillies (the Bourbons hated Napoleon) and the local authorities had been obliged to arrest the owner in order to calm the soldiers' fury.
A Russian officer wrote "Anyone who was not alive in the time of Napoleon cannot imagine the extent of the moral ascendency he exerted over the minds of his contemporaries." The soldiers were limitlessly confident in Emperor's genius. "We could have been asked to conquer the moon, and we'd have responded with Forward, march !" - wrote young officer Joseph Zaluski of Old Guard Lancers.

Napoleonic heavy cavalryman Officer of Napoleonic infantryThe men under Napoleon had the worthy desire to distinguish themselves in a violent action. De Rosnay joined the army in 1799 and within few months participated in several battles, could count 5 wounds and became captain. At Austerlitz he received his 8th wound, a shattered arm. In 1813, with 11 wounds, a musket ball lodged under his eye and citations for bravery he was promoted to general in the Young Guard !
In 1806 a sergeant of 5th Hussar Regiment, man of truly martial appearance had his arm shattered by a Prussian cannon-ball. His uniform was covered in blood but he didn't cease telling the cavalry "Come on ... the Prussians are not all that bad !" Another hussar, Guindey, received a frightful cut across his face before he killed the Prince of Prussia in an one-on-one fight with just one thrust to his chest.

Marshal Oudinot received 32 wounds in his military career, of which he only considered 19 to have been grave enough to be worth mentioning in his etats de service. General Houchard had been wounded 48 times (!), General Achard 28, Rapp 26 and Grouchy 25. Colonel Chipault of the 4th Cuirassiers had received 56 (!) sabre cuts in a massive cavalry melee in 1807 at Heilsberg.

Napoleon and his army
at the gates of MoscowWhen in 1807 at Eylau Russian cavalry and Cossacks surrounded the horse grenadiers of Napoleon's Guard and called for surrender, General Lepic responded: "Take a look at these faces and see if they want to surrender !" Then he shouted to his lads "Follow me !" and set off at the gallop back through enemy lines. In March 1814 a major of horse grenadiers, battle hardened veteran, was wounded at the battle of Craonne. He had his foot carried away by a cannon-ball and the surgeon had to amputate his leg. During the extremely painful operation, "which he bore with great courage, the man called out "Vive l'Empereur!" and lost consciousness. In June 1812 the French engineers began to raise the pontoon bridge across the Niemen River. At the sight of the crossing, a small group of Polish uhlans spurred their mounts forward into the river, hoping to seize the honor of being the first to be on Russian soil. Unfortunately, the current proved too swift and they were quickly swept downstream , engulfed by the water. As the uhlans slipped beneath its waters they were clearly heard to cry: "Vive l'Empereur !"

Emperor Napoleon and French infantry
with captured Allies Colors.The bravest men and the most talented officers and generals were awarded and/or promoted to a higher rank. There was a saying in Napoleonic Army **"There is a Marshal's Baton in every soldier's Knapsack."**There was no longer the impassable barrier between those who commanded and those who obeyed. The French army will never forget that under Napoleon's eagles, deserving men of courage and intelligence were raised to the highest levels of society. Simple soldiers became marshals, princes, dukes and kings. The French soldier had become an equal citizen by right and by glory.


War trophies
Napoleonic soldiers with captured enemy flags.


Review of troops by Napoleon.

"Emperor soon appeared, followed by a brilliant collection of glittering marshals and showy staff officers but distinguished from them by the simplicity of his dress and the aura of command that surrounded him. Then the gates of the palace opened, the drum majors whirled their batons, the drummers beat the furious staccato, the musicians leaped to life with brazen calls and a thousand voices cried Vive l'Empereur !
as one.
Napoleon neared the serried ranks of anxious soldiery and the men shouldered their muskets, with the exception of those regiments which had been in combat; these latter were permitted the honour of keeping the butts of their weapons on the ground next to their feet.
Napoleon then reviewed each company in considerable detail. The officers and men were faced with a barrage of potentially embarassing questions: Were rations adequate ? How many men in the company were sick ? What were their ailments ? Where were they quartered ? The officer without ready and accurate answer was unlikely to see promotion or reward in the near future.
As he was questioning the regiment, Napoleon had individual soldiers called out of the ranks to remove their packs and display the contents. He was remarkably attentive to detail and noted each item of a man's belongings, especially such military necessities as shoes and ammunition. When he was satisfied with the appearance of the company or regiment and the administrative competence of its leadership, he would have a battalion or two execute some basic manoeuvres to prove their tactical ability." (- John Gill)


Regiments of Napoleon's army:
(excluding the Imperial Guard)

Infantry Cavalry
1805 (Austerlitz Campaign) - - - - - 89 regiments of line infantry (numbered 1st-112th) - - - - - 26 regiments of light infantry (numbered 1st-30th) . . 1813 (Dresden and Leipzig Campaign, - - - - - the Battle of the Nations) - - - - - 137 regiments of line infantry (numbered 1st-157th) - - - - - 35 regiments of light infantry (numbered 1st-37th) . . 1815 (Waterloo Campaign) - - - - - 90 regiments of line infantry - - - - - 15 regiments of light infantry . . 1805 (Austerlitz Campaign) - - - - - 2 regiments of carabiniers (heavy cavalry) - - - - - 12 regiments of cuirassiers (heavy cavalry) - - - - - 30 regiments of dragoons - - - - - 24 regiments of chasseurs (light cavalry) - - - - - 10 regiments of hussars (light cavalry) 1813 (Dresden and Leipzig Campaign, - - - - - the Battle of the Nations) - - - - - 2 regiments of carabiniers (heavy cavalry) - - - - - 14 regiments of cuirassiers (heavy cavalry) - - - - - 24 regiments of dragoons - - - - - 9 regiments of lancers (light cavalry) - - - - - 30 regiments of chasseurs (light cavalry) - - - - - 14 regiments of hussars (light cavalry) 1815 (Waterloo Campaign) - - - - - 2 regiments of carabiniers (heavy cavalry) - - - - - 12 regiments of cuirassiers (heavy cavalry) - - - - - 15 regiments of dragoons - - - - - 7 regiments of lancers (light cavalry) - - - - - 15 regiments of chasseurs (light cavalry) - - - - - 7 regiments of hussars (light cavalry)



The Glory Years 1803-1807
The French Grand Army demolished the
armies of the powers of Europe.
Their victories were easy and decisive;
Ulm, Austerlitz, Jena and Friedland.

During the early period of Empire (1803-1807) Napoleon's army reached its peak. Following the breakdown of the Peace of Amiens Napoleon took the opportunity to assemble an Army of the Ocean Coasts along the English Channel in preparation for an invasion of Great Britain. Approx. 100,000-150,00 troops (of total 450,000) gathered in training camps for 18 months and went through intensive training and maneuvers on large scale. "Soldiers spend an initial month relearning individual and platoon maneuvers; then 2 days a week are occupied with battalion drill and 3 with divisional maneuvers. On Sunday, entire corps assembled for drill while twice a month large-scale maneuvers are staged complete with live musket and cannon fire at targets. The soldiers are honed to a fine degree of discipline and training that persists as long as the veterans of the Grande Armee survive." (Arnold - "Crisis in the snows" p 10)
The remaining 300,000 men were spread along the long borders.
Some were busy with occupying Hanover, Italy and elsewhere.
These troops fought in several small engagements like Maida etc.

The troops from Boulogne Camps had had close to 3 years of training and drill. 'Even though a large part of the troops there were veterans, they began with a month of "refresher" training in the schools of the soldier and of the company. Then came 2 days of battalion and 3 days of division drill every week; on Sunday the entire corps drilled - infantry, cavalry, and artillery together. That training well absorbed, there were large-scale maneuvers twice a month. There was also much target practice; artillerymen were sometimes able to use British warships as moving targets. Davout added practice in night fighting and firing. (Elting - "Swords Around a Throne" p 534)

The troops from Boulogne Camps formed the core of the Grand Army. Approx. 1/3 were veterans of at least 6 years' service. According to de Segur the old-timers could easily be recognized "by their martial air. Nothing could shake them. They had no other memories, no other future, except warfare. They never spoke of anything else. Their officers were either worthy of them or became it. For to exert one's rank over such men one had to be able to show them one's wounds and cite oneself as an example." They stimulated the new recruits with their warlike tales, so that the conscripts brightened up. By so often exaggerating their own feats of arms, the veterans obliged themselves to authenticate by their conduct what they've led others to believe of them.

Napoleon also cleaned out the 'deadwood from among his officers', approx. 170 generals (too old, or simply incompetent) were retired. It left him with such talented generals like Massena, Davout, Lannes, St. Cyr or Suchet.

The soldiers of Boulogne Camps outmarched and outfought every opponent. This is not surprising that Napoleon was very proud of his army. In 1805 after the victory at Austerlitz he wrote: "Soldiers ! I am pleased with you. On the day of Austerlitz you have justified what I had expected of your intrepidity. You have decorated your Eagles with an immortal glory two months the Third Coalition is conquered and dissolved."

Three great victories of Glory Years:
Ulm, Austerlitz and Jena.

Victory at Ulm, 1805.
Through rapid marching, Napoleon conducted a large wheeling maneuver that captured an Austrian army under General Mack at Ulm. Napoleon had surrounded the Austrians and three days later Mack surrendered with 30,000 men. Some 20,000 escaped, 10,000 were killed or wounded, and the rest made prisoner. About 6,000 French were killed or wounded. At the surrender, General Karl Freiherr Mack von Leiberich offered his sword and presented himself to Napoleon. The Ulm Campaign is generally regarded as a strategic masterpiece.

Victory at Austerlitz, 1805
The Battle of Austerlitz, also known as the Battle of the Three Emperors (Emperors of France, Austria and Russia), was one of Napoleon's greatest victories. "Overall, Allied casualties stood at about 27,000 out of an army of 73,000, which was 37% of their effectives. The French lost around 9,000 out of a force of 67,000, or about 13% of effectives. The Allies also lost 180 guns and 50 standards. The great victory was met by sheer amazement and delirium in Paris." (
Austerlitz Campaign profoundly altered the nature of European politics. In three months, the French had occupied Vienna, decimated two armies, and humbled the Austrian Empire. These events sharply contrast with the rigid power structures of the 18th century. Austerlitz set the stage for a near-decade of French domination on the European continent. Napoleon wrote to Josephine, "I have beaten the Austro-Russian army commanded by the two emperors. I am a little weary...." Tsar Alexander perhaps best summed up the harsh times for the Allies by stating, "We are babies in the hands of a giant."
According to Christopher Duffy, Tsar Alexander, the ruler of the mighty Russian Empire, was extremely depressed after Austerlitz. He dismounted "and sat on the damp ground beneath a tree, where he covered his face with a cloth and burst into tears." (Chritopher Duffy - "Austerlitz")

Victory at Jena, 1806.
Jena cost Napoleon 5,000 losses, but the Prussians had a staggering 25,000 casualties. On the same day, further north at Auerstadt, Marshal Davout defeated the main Prussian army. Napoleon did not believe that Davout's single Corps had defeated the Prussian main body unaided, and responded to the first report by saying "Tell your Marshal he is seeing double", a reference to Davout's poor eyesight. As matters became clearer, however, the Emperor was unstinting in his praise. The decisive defeats suffered by the Prussian army a mere 19 days after its mobilization resulted in Prussia's elimination from the Fourth Coalition. The Prussians were scatterred all across the country and the remainder of the campaign was a mopping-up operation.
During the campaign the French troops captured hundreds of Prussian cannons, took tens of thousands of prisoners, captured most of the fortresses and some 340 colours ! Napoleon dealt with Prussia very harshly, despite the pregnant Queen's personal interview with the French emperor. Prussia lost all its Polish territories, as well as all territory west of the Elbe River, and had to pay for French troops to occupy key strong points within the Kingdom. Napoleon secured the total annihilation of the Prussian army and state in precisely one month, from October 6 to November 6. Her army was ruined, she had no money, and she had lost half of her former possessions.

The battle of Eylau however was a very bloody contest. The French have suffered 15,000-25,000 killed and wounded, this is about 1/3 of their forces. Riding over the battlefield one of the French commanders said: "Quel massacre ! Et sans resultat" (What a massacre ! And for no outcome.) The French soldiers cried out for peace after Eylau.
"Even these hardened and enthusiastic warriors contemplated with dread the prospect of a fresh winter campaign in an inhospitable and difficult country, and Napoleon was often remonstrated with, as he rode alongside of his men, for insisting on their advance to Poland. To such complaints he would reply with the rough jests which his veterans loved to hear from him ... In action, the infantry was still splendid ... The cavalry was excellent and well mounted, though, in the latter respect, they fell short of many Russian cavalry regiments. The artillery was highly trained and invariably made good practice." (Petre - "Napoleon's Campaign in Poland, 1806-1807" pp 27-28)
Eylau was the first serious check to the French Grand Armee, which in the previous two campaigning seasons had carried all before it. The harsh winter campaign of 1806-1807 and the bloody battles at Eylau and exhausted the French troops mentally and physically.

In spring 1807 though the weather was still severe, so Napoleon rousted his troops out of their winter quarters for drills and frequent field exercises. The army was weakened as many veterans were killed, wounded or sick and in hospitals. Meanwhile in France thousands of young men were called to arms. Napoleon caused these to be despatched to the front as soon as possible and they were drilled en route.

Victory at Heilsberg, 1807
The French infantry and artillery covered themselves in glory. The fight for the Russian central redoubt was ferocious. Heilsberg was one of the bloodiest battle of the Napoleonic Wars. "... the word 'butchery' occurs in many accounts of Heilsberg." (- Georges Blond)

Victory at Friedland, 1807
On 14th June, the French army finally scored a decisive victory over the stubborn Russians. By the end of the battle, the French were in complete control of the battlefield and the enemy was retreating over the Alle (Lyna) River, where many soldiers drowned while trying to escape. French casualties were approx. 7,500 while the Russians suffered almost 20,000 (!) in dead and wounded. The thorough destruction of Bennigsen's army persuaded Tsar Alexander to seek peace terms 5 days after the battle.

After the victorious campaigns (Ulm, Austerlitz, Jena and Friedland) some troops returned to France. "The city of Paris had created near the north of Saint-Martin barrier a triumphal arch of the largest size. ... A gilt quadriga surmounted the monument, and inscriptions were engraved on each of its sides. From the morning onwards the arch was surrounded by an immense crowd. ... At noon, all the troops having arrived, the eagles were united at the head of the column and decorated by the prefect of the Seine. ... After the customary speeches and the return of the eagles to their habitual positions, 10,000 soldiers in parade uniform moved forward to march past the triumphal arch, to the sound of the drums and the bands of the corps, numerous salvoes of artillery, and the acclamations of the immense mass of people who had assemled on the spot. ... the Imperial Guard gave a great feast to the city of Paris. In the vast enclosure of the Champ de Mars there were set, on classic pedestals, vases filled with inflammable materials, or eagles with winged thunderbolts full of fireworks. The vases and the eagles alternated, and were connected by means of a flying dragoon, which was to light all at the same time. Beneath the eagles were the numbers of the regiments forming each brigade, with the name of the general commanding it, and under the coloured fires the name of a battle and of the general of division who commanded the two brigades in the action.
In the centre was a huge map of Europe, showing in enormous letters the principal towns and the site of our great battles; and the route followed by the Grand Army in the campaigns of 1805, 1806 and 1807 was traced by white stars ... Above the map (of Europe) were winged Victories, also set off by fireworks, and so forth. The infantry of the Imperial Guard marched into this enclosure under arms, to carry out firing exercise ... the Empress set fire to a flying dragoon which, at the same moment, set fire to all the fireworks. ... The vault of the heavens, lit by the thousands of blazing stars, the frightful detonations which resounded from every part of the Champs de Mars, the shouts of the multitude covering the slopes, all contributed to make this military fete one of the greatest magnitude ..." - Jean-Baptiste Barres


1809 - Wagram Campaign.
"After 1808 fewer French soldiers received extensive training."
The influx of new conscprits diluted the old ideals of austerity and duty.
After 1809 drunkenness and indiscipline increased ... " - John Elting

In this period the army was still in good shape, although not as good as few years ago. Much of the revolutionary ardour that had fired the French troops of the 1790s and early 1800s had been quenched by 1808. Napoleon himself sensed a lack of enthusiasm for the forthcoming campaigns. In 1808-09, for the new war with Austria tens of thousands of new recruits joined the field armies. The influx of conscprits diluted the old ideals of austerity, self-respect and duty. After 1809 drunkenness and indiscipline increased, especially in the cavalry. They were hastily trained. "After 1808 fewer French soldiers received extensive training." (Elting - "Swords Around a Throne" p 534)

In 1809 Napoleon chastised the lack of discipline in some divisions. He noted that since the battle of Wagram, Tharreau's division had attended neither battalion school nor target practice. Henceforth, the Emperor ordered, the men would perform the basics of the soldier's school and practice platoon drill each morning. They would fire 12 cartridges daily at the marks and for 2 hours in the evening perform battalion maneuvres. (Arnold - "Napoleon Conquers Austria")

Napoleon bolstered the morale of young soldiers by forming regimental artillery and attaching 2-3 light guns to every infantry regiment. It was however not the best idea.

The first provisional regiments, squadrons and battalions appeared already in October 1807. Napoleon, when he needed, took one or two squadrons/battalions from one regiment and one or two from another regiment, named a field officer and thereby formed a provisional regiment. Rarely these troops returned to their parent regiments. The temporary regiments had no Colors, no Eagles, no esprit de corps and no tradition. They served mainly in Peninsula against the Spaniards and the British. Few were send to Germany.

Victory at Wagram, 1809.
Artillery was a major factor in this battle and casualties soared above 80,000, with the Austrians losing slightly more than the French. After the battle of Eylau, Wagram was the next battle in which Napoleon failed to score an uncontested victory with relatively few casualties. This would be indicative of the gradual decline in quality of Napoleon's troops and the increasing experience and competence of his opponents, who were learning from previous errors. For more information read our article Battle of Wagram, 1809.


The Spanish Ulcer 1808-1814
The Peninsular War is called Napoleon's Vietnam.
This was one of the most successful partisan wars
in history and was where the word guerrilla was
first used in this context.
"The lion in the fable tormented to death by a gnat
gives a true picture of the French army in Spain."
- Abb� de Pradt

The French forces in Peninsula faced the Spanish, Spanish and Portuguese troops, and large number of Spanish guerillas. For France the war was if not a sideshow, it was of a secondary importance, with the exception of couple of years. Losing in Spain in 1812 or 1813 would have meant little if there was a decisive victory in Russia and Germany. Henri Lachoque writes: "No matter how grave affairs became in Spain Napoleon considered them of secondary importance. The principal danger lay in the east." (Lachoque - "The Anatomy of Glory" p 195)
The Peninsular War however had the greatest importance for the Spanish and Portuguese people. Without their determination to fight the French there would be no British expeditionary corps.

The French troops in Peninsula won some battle and lost some. Battles alone however don't win this type of wars. "Wellington's battles were materially the least effective part of the operations. By them he [Wellington] inflicted a total loss of some 45,000 men only - counting killed, wounded and prisoners - on the French during the 5 years' campaign... whereas Marbot reckoned that the number of French deaths alone during this period averaged 100 a day. Hence it is a clear deduction that the overwhelming majority of the losses which drained the French strength, and their morale still more, was due to the operations of the guerillas..." (Hart - "Strategy" 1991, pp 110-111)
Gates add this "... the Spanish 'nation in arms' ... may have lacked the polished professionalism of the British Light Division but, in the long run, they probably inflicted considerably more damage on the French forces than all of Wellington's pitched battles combined. The sieges of Gerona alone cost the Imperial armies over 20,000 casualties and, exclusively from sickness and guerilla raids, the French forces in the Peninsula lost approx. 100 men per day for over 4 years, a total of some 164,000 casualties. It is, therefore, easy to see how the war in Spain bled the French army white ..."

Could the Spaniards win the war without Wellington's British-Portuguese army ?
Probably. One has only to look at the examples of Soviet Invasion of Afganistan, or USA war in Vietnam, to realize that armies - with facilities and innovations beyond anything that Napoleon could ever have dreamt of - were strained by the type of warfare that he encountered in the Peninsula. The Soviet and American armies had numerous tanks and fighter jets, won almost every battle, but lost the wars.

What about the quality of the French troops fighting in Spain ?
According to David Gates there was a tremendous variety in the quality of soldiers that Napoleon committed at various stages of the war. The first French army to march into Spain in 1808, for example, was predominantly composed of inexperienced conscripts. Baron de Marbot wrote: "But it was easy to perceive how astonished they were at the sight of our young infantry soldiers. The moral effect was wholly to our disadvantage, and as I compared the broad chests and powerful limbs of the Spaniards who surrounded us with those of our weak and weedy privates, my national pride was humbled. Though I did not foresee the disasters which would arise from the poor opinion of our troops on the part of the Spaniards, I was sorry that the Emperor had not sent into the Peninsula some veteran regiments from the Army of Germany."
The looting among the French troops occupying Spain was rampant and the discipline was poor. The veterans were demoralized by plunder and waste and by the cruel war with Spanish guerillas. They had got out of the habit of being inspected. Training had fallen off during the years. Several hundred of veterans were selected from the troops in Spain and sent to join the Middle Guard. Although they looked good with tanned faces, some of them went around and stole things in Paris. The stern General Michel arrested them and sent to prisons.
"A young French conscript, Phillipe Gille, provides a detailed account of the inadequate manner in which French soldiers were rushed to the front. Mobilized in France in 1808, Gille apparently did not even receive his musket until arriving at the Spanish border. There he joined a provisional unit composed of fellow conscripts, crossed the border, and soon engaged in combats with guerilla. ...
During the Peninsula years, how large a numerical contribution to the French armed forces were conscripts such as Gille ? For the decisive years 1808 to 1812, French annual conscript calls ranged from 181,000 to 217,000. During 1810 and 1811, when France was at peace in the rest of Europe, the majority of these conscripts went to the Peninsula and substantially diluted the quality of the French forces serving there. Simultaneously, troop quality declined further as veterans suffered some of the nearly 100,000 casualties sustained in the Peninsula in 1810-1811.
The impact of this dilution is clearly stated by General Anne Savary. Savary's report on the 1809 Battle of Essling, where he fought with troops substantially better than the average Peninsula soldier, observes, "if instead of troops consisting of war levies [raw conscripts], we had opposed to them such soldiers as those of the camp of Boulogne [the Grande Arm�e], which we might easily have moved in any direction and made to deploy under the enemy's fire without any danger their being thrown into disorder". Innumerable Peninsular battlefields demonstrated this need....
The problem worsened as the Peninsula became a secondary front.
A typical Peninsula regiment of 2,500 men would send 120 to 200 men back to France as a depot unit, 50 to the artillery, 10 to the gendarmes, and 12 of the best men to the Imperial Guard. These subtractions, coupled with the unprecedented guerilla-inflicted losses experienced in the never secure rear areas, seriously eroded the staying power of the infantry regiment. It got worse in 1811 and thereafter when Napoleon withdrew the best troops from the Peninsula to prepare for the Russian invasion." (Arnold - "A Reappraisal of Column Versus Line in the Peninsular War")

The invasion of Spain and Portugal led to the formation of a large number of provisional infantry and cavalry regiments, mostly from conscripts detached from regular regiments. The provisional troops lacked experienced NCOs, and their officers were often either too young or too old. General Grouchy remarked that you had to begin by training the officers and making them do their duty ! Some of the regiments had a fairly long existence, but they lacked the morale and solidarity of regular regiments. The men were unhappy over their transfer from an established unit, and their regimental staffs improvised from whatever officers might be available.


1812 - Invasion of Russia.
"Oh Father !, this is some army !
Our old soldiers say they never saw anything like it."

In 1811, except the rather low-intensity guerilla war in Spain, Europe was in peace.
Napoleon had time to train the young soldiers. They were clothed and well armed. The cavalry was supplied with thousands of German and Polish horses. The artillery and engineers were well equipped and trained. The Grand Army of 1812 was almost as good as the Grand Army of 1805.
In 1812 however there were less veterans in the ranks. "The veteran troops were sadly diluted by the influx of recent recruits and the demands of the Spanish campaign. A similar expansion had occurred in 1809 when the French army was largely composed of new recruits. In both instances the recruits lacked the discipline and savoir faire to be able to sustain themselves in a foraging situation, but as the 1809 campaign was fought in Austria, the impact of this indiscipline on supplies was minimal compared to what it was to be in 1812." (Nafziger - "Napoleon's Invasion of Russia" p 88)

Before the campaign began General Dejean wrote to the Emperor that up to a third of the horses in cavalry were too weak to carry their burden, while nearly half of the men were too puny to wield a saber. Colonel Saint-Chamans wrote: "I was not happy with the way the cavalry was being organised. Young recruits who had been sent from depots in France before they had learnt to ride a horse or any of the duties of a horseman on the march or on campaign, were mounted on arrival in Hanover on very fine horses which they were not capable of managing." The result was that by the time they reached Berlin, the majority of the horses were suffering from lameness or saddle sores induced by the riders' bad posture or their failure to take care in saddling up. More than one officer noted that recruits were not taught about checking whether their saddle was rubbing or how to detect the early signs of saddle sores.
Napoleon however liked the big numbers of soldiers, even if they were young recruits mounted on weaker horses. He wrote: "When I put 40,000 men on horseback I know very well that I cannot hope for that number of good horsemen, but I am playing on the morale of the enemy, who learns through his spies, by rumour or through newspapers that I have 40,000 cavalry... I am preceded by a psychological force..."
After all it was not so bad. Those of the young men who reached their regiments and joined the veterans, formed a very formidable force. Sergeant-Major Thirion described the cuirassiers of 1812: "Never had more beautiful cavalry been seen ! Never had the regiments (of cuirassiers) reached such high effectives." One of the conscripts wrote: "Oh Father !, this is some army ! Our old soldiers say they never saw anything like it."

Most military experts agree that the Grand Army of 1812 was the most carefully and completely organized force Napoleon had ever commanded. It had the most thoroughly prepared supply system (The baggage was hauled by 18,000 heavy draft horses). The army was also bigger than any other army Napoleon had before. But only half of the troops were French, the rest were made up of Poles, Italians, Germans, Swiss, and Austrians. Some of the foreign troops were eager to fight for Napoleon (Poles, Italians) and some were not (Prussians, Austrians).

Multinationality of the Grand Army in 1812
- 250,000 Frenchmen
100,000 Poles (+ 8,000 Poles in Austrian corps included below)
- 15,000 Dutch
- 10,000 Belgians
- 21,000 Italians from Kingdom of Italy
- 7,000 Italians from annexed Piedmont, Liguria, Tuscany, Genoa, Parma and Rome
- 7,000 Italians from Naples
- 35,000 Austrians *
- 4,000 from Illiria and Dalmatia
- 4,000 Spaniards
- 3,000 Croats (+ 2,500 Croats in Austrian corps included below)
- 2,000 Portuguese
- 30,000 Bavarians
- 25,000 Prussians
- 22,000 Saxons
- 22,000 Westphalians
- 12,000 Wuerttembergers
- 5,000 Germans from annexed North Germany and left bank of the Rhine River
- 5,000 Baden
- 3,000 Berg
- 3,000 Hessians
- 2,000 Mecklenburg
- 4,000 from various small members of Rhine Confederation
- 9,000 Swiss
* - the Austrian corps consited of several nationalities: 8,000 Poles, 2,500 Czechs,
2,500 Croats, 10,000 German Austrians and 12,000 Hungarians, Slovaks, Serbs
and Romanians.


"I have no army any more!"
"Of the 680,500 men that Napoleon had organized
for his invasion of Russia, barely 93,000 remained.

Russia was a remote giant land with poor road system and once the campaign began there were numerous problems with supplies for the massive army. "As supplies became scarce in 1812, discipline broke down and the control over the troops diminished. They plundered indiscriminately instead of carefully requisitioning the supplies they found. Surprisingly, the officers refused to take part in the excesses and often suffered to a greater degree than the men they led. This lack of discipline forced the inhabitants of the region to flee and hide those supplies that might have assisted the French army." (Nafziger - "Napoleon's Invasion of Russia" p 88, 1998)

The discipline of the troops decreased while the amount of stragglers and sick rapidly increased. At Niemen River Davout's I Corps had 79,000, but at Smolensk only 60,000. The situation in other troops was even worse. Ney's III Corps had 44,000 at Niemen and only 22,000 at Smolensk. Murat's Reserve Cavalry numbered 42,000 at Niemen and 18,000 at Smolensk. Before the army reached Moscow it lost half of its strength.

According to Jakob Walter, an infantryman from Wurttemberg, the marches and the pursuit of the Russian army, were difficult. He wrote "The town of Poniemon (?) was already stripped before we could enter, and so were all the villages. Here and there a hog run around and then was beaten with clubs, chopped with sabers, and stabbed with bayonetrs; and , often still living, it would be cut and torn to pieces. Several times I succeeded in cutting off something; but I had to chew it and eat it uncooked, since my hunger could not wait for a chance to boil the meat.
The worst torture was the march, because the closed ranks forced all to go in columns; the heat and the dust flared up into our eyes as if from smoking coal heaps. The hardship was doubled by continual halting of the troops whenever we came to a swamp or a narrow road." (Walter - "The Diary of a Napoleonic Foot Soldier / Jakob Walter" pp 41-42)
Captain Girod de l'Ain of the French army wrote "The heat was excessive: I had never experienced worse in Spain ... The main road ... is sandy, and the Army, marching in several columns abreast, raised such clouds of dust that we could not see one another 2 yards away and our eyes, ears and nostrils were full of it, and our faces encrusted."

But still, at at Borodino the army was excellent. Lejeune wrote: **"The appearance of all these crack troops, beautiful to behold in their impatience to go into action and secure a victory, made a most imposing spectacle."**Despite the devastating losses earlier in the war, French morale remained excellent. Indeed, the battle looked like an easy victory for Napoleon and his Guard being present. Colonel Seruzier of French artillery contemplated that "never has there been a finer force than the French army on that day, and despite all the privations it had suffered since Vilna, its turnout on that day was as good as it ever was in Paris when it paraded for the Emperor at the Tuileries." Napoleon's comment was: "This poor army is sadly depleted, but what remains is good."

Victory at Smolensk, 1812.
The French suffered 4,000-12,000 casualties, while the Russians lost 4,500-16,000 killed, wounded and missing. The destruction of the city hoewver denied the French soldiers a useful supply base, adding to the logistics problems caused later by the Russian scorched earth tactics.

Victory at Borodino, 1812.
At Borodino more than 30,000 napoleonic soldiers were killed and wounded. "The approaches, the ditches and the redoubt itself had disappeared under a mound of dead and dying, of an average depth of 6 to 8 men, heaped one upon the other." wrote Joseph Brandt. The Russian losses were even heavier. It was the bloodiest battle of Napoleonic wars. Napoleon once said "Of all my 50 battles, the most terrible was the one I fought at Moscow (Borodino)."

After the victory at Borodino Napoleon's army reached Moscow. The Emperor had hoped that occupation of the capital would lead the Tzar of Russia to sue for peace. This however did not happen and Napoleon's army left Moscow and began its epic retreat from Russia. The Russian army followed the enemy. However, hunger, Cossacks and weather decimated the napoleonic troops more than the regular army. George Nafziger writes: "Of the 680,500 men that Napoleon had organized for his invasion of Russia, barely 93,000 remained. The main army had suffered the harshest casualties and had dwindled from 450,000 to 25,000 men. The flanking and rearguard forces under Schwarzenberg, Reynier, MacDonald, and Augereau had returned with a total of 68,000 men, but many of these men had not ventured very far into Russia, and those of Schwarzenberg, Reynier, and MacDonald had not been as heavily engages as the main army. Records suggest that 370,000 French and allied soldiers died either from battle or other causes, while 200,000 were taken prisoner by the Russians. Of those taken prisoner, nearly half died in captivity. Napoleon had taken 176,850 horses with him into Russia, and barely any of them survived the campaign.
The Russians reported burning the corpses of 123,382 horses as they cleaned up their countryside of the debris of war. So heavy were the horse losses that one of Napoleon's most serious handicaps in the 1813 campaign was his inability to reconstitute his once-powerful cavalry.
Of the 1,800 cannon taken into Russia, the Russians reported capturing 929 of them, and only 250 were brought out. The remainder were lost or thrown into swamps and lakes so that they might not be captured. Though the loss of cannons was serious, the loss of horses was more devastating to Napoleon. France's arsenals and industrial facilities would soon replace the lost weaponry. Of the 66,345 men that had belonged to Davout's corps in June 1812, there remained only 2,281. The 50,000-man Imperial Guard had been reduced to 500 men under arms and a further 800 sick, of whom 200 would never return to arms. Similar casualties were suffered by the II, III, and IV Corps ..."

Defeat at Berezina Crossings, 1812.
Approx. 25,000 napoleonic troops and a further 15,000 Russians became casualties. The French Old Guard was down to 2,000 men and the Young Guard was reduced to 1,000 men. Thousand os stragglers were massacred by Cossacks, died in the near freezing water, or were crushed to death in the panic to cross the bridges. Since then "B�r�zina" has been used in French language as a synonym of disaster. For example, You met your Berezina ! or It's a disaster ! [_C'est la b�r�zina !_]

Innumerable wagons daily arrived in Konigsberg, Danzig, and Warsaw. Their cargoes contained the wounded and sick escorted by exhausted soldiers. Deathly pale faces and frostbitten limbs provided horrifying testimony of the Russian winter's potency. (Before the start of the campaign Polish officer, Sokolnicki, was French army's intelligence chief. He thought that having thousands of warm uniforms stored in depots even before the campaign started was a must. Napoleon however did not listen to him.) The civilians observed this endless train of misery and couldn't believe their eyes.

Napoleon's flight from Russia in 1812, 
picture by Wojciech Kossak
The invasion of Russia was a turning point in the Napoleonic Wars .
The campaign reduced the French and allied invasion forces to less
than 2 % percent of their initial strength !

One Russian general wrote, "The French fled in a manner
in which no other army has ever fled in history."


1813: new army and the campaign in Germany.
"Evidently, some of the new troops looked so bad
in drill while still at the training centers that the
populace referred to the army as the 'infants of the
Emperor'- General Savary
They were however filled with boundless confidence
in their leader whom they loved with unflagging

For his contemplated campaign in Germany, Napoleon required practically an entirely new army. It was not a case of a reorganisation of the army, for that once great force had ceased to exist. Napoleon turned to every possible resource at his disposal that could produce manpower, and do this quickly. It required not only time and energy but also money. The expense of organizing only the Guard amounted to 18,000,000 francs. Military service was unpopular, in the west of France it became necessary to hunt up the refractaires with mobile columns, and the generals reported that they were afraid to use their young soldiers for this purpose.

The new army was huge but the 18- and 19-years old soldiers lacked stamina, and the rapid marches and hunger weakened them physically. Camille Rousset gives the following as a common type of report on inspection: "Some of the men are of rather weak appearance. The battalion had no idea of manouveruring; but 9/10 of the men can manage and load their muskets passably."
General Lambardiere wrote: "These battalions arrive fatigued, every day I supply them with special carriage for the weak and lame ... All these battalions are French; I must say that the young soldiers show courage and good-will. Every possible moment is utilised in teaching them to load their arms and bring them to the shoulder." So poor were they in physique that the Minister of Police protests against their being drilled in the Champs Elysees during the hour of promenade, on account of the scoffing and jeering they gave rise to.
"The levy, calling upon the adolescents of France one full year before they normally would have been eligible for military service clearly illustrates Napoleon's desperate need for numbers of troops. " (- Bowden p 31)

The young men fell sick by hundreds, there were also deserters and stragglers. Special detachments were formed to catch the stragglers and find the weak and 'make them walk'. In Paris alone 320 soldiers of Young Guard were arrested for desertion and sent to prisons. During Emperor's journey from Dresden, through Gorlitz to Bautzen, he saw the German roads and villages choked with thousands of stragglers. Napoleon was outraged and issued the following order:
"Every soldier who deserts his flag betrays the first of his duties. As a consequence, His Majesty orders: Article 1. Evry soldier who deserts his flag without legitimate cause will be subject to decimation. To this effect, as soon as 10 deserters are returned the generals commanding the army corps will have them draw lots, and have one shot." Bautzen. 6 Septeber 1813 Napoleon." (Bowden - "Napoleon's Grande Armee of 1813" p 160)

After the disastrous campaign in Russia the quality of cavalry was low. Hardly 10-20 % of the officers were classed as capable. Retired officers had been recalled, many old NCOs had been promoted lieutenants. Nearly 80 % of the new cavalrymen had never ridden a horse. In Hamburg the young cuirassiers having been ordered to leave on reconnaissance and after few minutes all were dismounted, with their horses running free in the streets. The Germans laughed openly. French officer Jean Barres writes, "27th September (1813). In the night we were told that the enemy cavalry was approaching and preparing to attack ours, which, composed of young soldiers, was in no condition to hold its own." (Barres - "Memoirs of a French napoleonic soldiers ..." p 177)

The new units were thrown together quickly and the men had not had the necessary time to form the interpersonal bonds within their companies that gave them the strength necessary to wage war successfully. Despite these problems, the army's morale was generally high. Many of the young troops who stayed in the ranks, were filled with boundless confidence in their leader whom they loved with unflagging devotion. The few veterans had regained their faith in Napoleon.

When led by Napoleon in person the young soldiers won every battle they fought (Lutzen, Bautzen, Dresden). Jean Barres writes after the battle of Lutzen, "Our young conscripts behaved very well; not one left the ranks; on the contrary, some that we had left behind, sick, came to take their places. One of our buglers, a boy of 16, was of the number. He had a thigh carried away by a ball and died at the rear of the company. These poor children, when they were wounded but still able to walk, used to come to me to ask to leave the company to get their wounds dressed;... My company was disorganized; it had lost half its sergeants and corporals ..." Without Napoleon however they were often routed by the Russians and Prussians (for example at Hagelberg, Kulm, Dennewitz and Katzbach.)

Victory at Dresden, 1813.
It was the second largest battle of the Napoleonic Wars and one of the greatest of Napoleon's victories. The Austrians, Russians and Prussians had lost 15,000-40,000 (depending on sources) killed, wounded and prisoners. The French casualties were 7,500-10,000 killed and wounded.

Defeat at Leipzig, 1813.
The battle marked the culmination of the campaign and involved over 500,000 soldiers, making it not only the largest battle of the Napoleonic Wars but also the largest battle in Europe prior to World War I. Soldiers of more than 20 nationalities were present on the battlefield. The casualties were heavy. Teacher Sander's son writes: "Everywhere there lay thousands of dead and the returning peasants had to burry them. Big pits were dug in the village and in the surrounding fields, each designed to hold 40-50 dead. ... "
Leipzig was one of the very few battles in which Napoleon was clearly defeated. It resulted in the destruction of what was left of French power in Germany and Poland. Never again Napoleon's army went into Germany. Digby Smith writes: "The effects of the Allied victory at Leipzig were truly momentous. It had smashed Napoleon's stranglehold on Europe for good ..." According to Ralph Ashby, the battle of Leipzig "has been rightly regarded as a watershed event, especially by German writers, although the English-language histories wish to focus on Waterloo. ... Yet the Armageddon-like struggle of Leipzig some twenty months prior to Waterloo was in many ways more decisive and more historically significant."


1814: Campaign of France.
Paris was taken by the Russian, Austrian
and Prussian troops. Napoleon abdicated.

A handful of heroes faced all of Europe to whom they themselves had taught the art of fighting over the past decade. Napoleon had mixed feelings about his troops in 1814. He wrote: "The Old Guard alone stood firm - the rest melted like snow." The lack of weapons and uniforms was one of the characteristics of the French troops during this war. Napoleon wrote that the peasants had picked up on the battlefields thousands of muskets abandoned by the enemy and that commissioners should be sent to collect them. In default of muskets there were 6.000 pikes manufactured.
"A decree ordering a levy of 300,000 soldiers was made, and another augmenting the Guard to 112,500 men... The levy, however, was not successful. France was exhausted not only of her men, but even of her youth, and boys were now in his greatest need to form his battalions. To add to his trouble, as fortune always seems to delight in pushing down a falling favorite, the Typhus fever broke out among his troops along the Rhine." (Headley - "The Imperial Guard of Napoleon")

Allied armies were advancing into France from every direction. With an army of only 50,000-75,000, the Emperor was faced with half a million Allied troops commanded by Barclay de Tolly, Schwarzenberg and Blucher. Napoleon put up an impressive performance, fighting on average a battle or skirmish every day, and winning many of them (Champaubert, Montmirail, Chateau-Thierry, Vauchamps etc.)Craonne was a costly victory for Napoleon and the bloodiest battle of 1814. Napoleon's victories however were not significant enough to make any changes to the overall strategic picture. Furthermore, Napoleon was defeated twice by Blucher, at Laon and La Rothiere.
Paris was taken by storm by the Russian, Austrian, German, and Prussian troops.

Many of Napoleon's commanders were either weary or downright prophets of doom. In the end of campaign some defected to the Allies. At Fontainebleau, Marshal Michel Ney became the spokesman for the marshals' revolt on 4 April 1814, demanding Napoleon�s abdication. Ney informed Napoleon that the army would not march on Paris; Napoleon responded �the army will obey me!� to which Ney answered �the army will obey its chiefs�. Napoleon abdicated on April 6. However, occasional military actions continued in Italy, Spain, and Holland throughout the spring of 1814. Part of the French army was very unhappy with the new situation.


1815 - Hundred Days Campaign.
"There was a prodigious gap between them (soldiers of 1815)
and our old soldiers from the Camp the Boulogne (1805)."
- Desales, officer of artillery of Erlon's I Corps

After returning from Elba Napoleon formed new regiments, battalions and squadrons. In the beginning of 1815 the French army was smaller than in the previous years. For example in 1813 there were 137 regiments of line infantry (numbered 1st-157th), but only 90 in 1815. The cavalry was impoverished and had considerably scaled back the strength of its regiments. For example instead of 500-800 men, the cuirassier regiments numbered only 250-400 men each.

Some authors claim that the army of 1815 was Napoleon's best. According to Henri Lachouque however "not all the discharged veterans returned. Some had been spoiled by civil life." (Lachouque - "Anathomy of Glory") Captain Duthilt thought the soldiers who had suffered the defeats of the emperor's recent campaigns and the returned prisoners of war from Russia had lost a great deal of their enthusiasm. A call for volunteers produced only some laughable 15,000 men. The army in 1815 was composed of soldiers who had at least one campaign behind them, although in the eyes of veterans of Austerlitz and Egypt, the soldiers of 1814 still seemed like little boys. (Barbero - "The Battle" p 20)
Many regiments included a high percentage of young soldiers who had never been under fire. General Lamarque complained that the Young Guard were filled with recruits and deserters who neither knew how to maneuver nor shoot. (Lasserre - "Les Cent jours en Vend�e: le g�n�ral Lamarque et l'insurrection royaliste, d'apr�s les papiers in�dits du g�n�ral Lamarque." published in 1906.)

In 1815 the discipline was poor, the old timers were annoyed and complained that the young men went out with girls or got drunk. The army was hastily assembled, lacked uniforms and shoes. Many soldiers wore civilian clothes under their greatcoats and forage caps instead of shakos. "For lack of shakos the 14th Light Regiment would fight the Waterloo campaign in fatigue caps." (Austin - "1815 the return of Napoleon" p 295)
In some infantry regiments only the grenadiers were issued bayonets. Some cuirassiers had no armor. "The 11th Cuirassiers fought without them at Waterloo ... Shoes, twenty regiments had none." (Adkin - "The Waterloo Companion" p 24)

Worst of all, several French top rank commanders defected to the Allies ! For example General Bourmount rode directly over to the Prussians and surrendered with five of his staff. The old camaraderie of the French troops was replaced by suspicion. "The soldiers were upset at the excessive number of senior officers who had betrayed, or who were suspected of being ready to betray the emperor... The troops had neither confidence in their commanders nor the ability to accept discipline." (Barbero - "The Battle" pp 277-278)
"The soldiers doubted the loyalty and competence of many senior officers. They resented officers being promoted merely for going over to the Emperor while they received nothing for doing the same. Six officers of the 1st Cuirassiers who had been rewarded in this way were greeted with groans and shouts on parade. The 12th Dragoons petitioned the Emperor requesting, "... the dismissal of our colonel, whose ardour in the cause of Your Majesty is by no means equal to our own." (Adkin - "The Waterloo Companion" p 78)
Furthermore, there were deserters from the dragoons, cuirassiers and the Imperial Guard. They were royalists and formed so-called "Bourbon Cavalry Corps". This unit was under Wellington's command but was not present at Waterloo.

There were several combats and battles during this campaign. The smaller engagements (Charleroi, Thuin, Gossieles, Gilly and Quatre Bras) are descirbed in this article. Napoleon won a major battle at Ligny.The campaign ended on the fields of Waterloo. Napoleon was defeated by a combined force of Wellington and Blucher.












Blaufarb - "The French Army 1750-1820"
Chartrand - "Louis XV's Army"
Citino - "The German Way of War"
Elting - "Swords Around a Throne"
Chandler- "The Campaigns of Napoleon"
Bowden - "Napoleon's Grande Armee of 1813"
La Gorce - "The French Army; a military-political history"
Lynn - "Giant of the Grand Siecle: The French Army"
Nafziger - "Napoleon's Invasion of Russia"
Britten-Austin - "1812: The March on Moscow"
Petre - "Napoleon's Conquest of Prussia, 1806"
Blond - "La Grande Armee"
Bailey - "Field Artillery and Firepower"
Dawson - "French Crimean Army"
Color map of the Battle of Smolensk, 1812.
