Artificial Intelligence - Armenia Domains .AM (original) (raw)

As one of the fastest growing industries of 2023, the artificial intelligence industry is expected to reach up to 1,800 billion dollars by 2030.

Moving rapidly as well, the machine learning industry alone is estimated to reach up to 15,499 million dollars by 2030.

With the increasing amount of established companies and startups creating a combination of AI and ML services, the .AM ccTLD could be an intelligent fit to help brand and market companies involved in both artificial intelligence and machine learning.

AI + ML = AM


by | September 8, 2023 | Artificial Intelligence | 0 Comments

The .AM country code top-level domain has been increasing in demand in 2023 to over 44,029 registered domains. Besides Armenia being the top-registered country with 25,772 domains. At the time of writing these three countries have taken the top 3 rankings in...

Who’s Using .AM ccTLD

AI and ML Technology Companies Are Using .AM

An example of one company we found. Although located in Armenia and an Armenian technology company, we believe the .AM is a great fit for describing their business creating both AI and ML services.