Ansible RSS Feed (original) (raw)

[[Valid RSS]]( Getting Ansible via RSS

Below is the URL to give to your news reader/aggregator. The resulting RSS updates are pretty minimalist – I list whole issues only, not having the time or inclination to index each issue paragraph by paragraph. Issue links are also posted with masthead artwork, which used to be a WordPress blog with its own RSS feed at, which for continuity now redirects to the URL below.

¶ For Facebook users there's an official Ansible Facebook Page and also a Facebook Group. Neither will provide reliable notification of each new issue (since Facebook policy is to provide a crippled service unless I pay to "promote" the monthly Ansible announcements, a game which I refuse to play). I normally post the link to each new Ansible to the page, group and my own personal profile on publication day. Feel free to like the page, join the group, follow me personally, or whatever combination of these you prefer:

Ansible Facebook Page

Ansible Facebook Group

David Langford on Facebook

¶ For Twitter users, follow @ansiblemag as below. I tweet a link to each new issue, plus occasional other news.

@ansiblemag on Twitter

¶ For LiveJournal users there's a syndication page which updates from the above-mentioned RSS feed:

¶ For Ello users (are there any?) I have a widely disregarded page there and may remember to post links to each new issue:

Some useful links

My thanks to Andrew Plotkin for initial advice on plunging into the murky waters of RSS, and to Rose Fox for setting up the LiveJournal syndication.