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The academy aims to be a Kinsey-type institute in Europe

A "sex academy" opening next year promises to bring bedroom issues out into the open - including tips on being a better lover and explaining orgasms.

Sex therapists, historians and artists have been working on the �4.7m London Academy of Sex and Relationships.

It will include explanations of sexual chemistry and rejection, as well as looking at sexually-transmitted disease and common problems in the bedroom.

"Titillation is not the goal," said a spokesman for the academy.

"This is not a sex museum like those in Amsterdam, Barcelona and Paris, which tend to veer towards pornography for commercial benefit alone.

'Not sleazy'

"The management is committed to avoiding the sleazy image that the sex industry usually conjures."

He added the aim was to create a "Kinsey-type institute in Europe" - referring to the 1948 Kinsey Report into American sexual behaviour.

Sexual chemistry, erogenous zones and orgasms will be explained, as will sexually-transmitted diseases and erectile dysfunction.

The academy, described as a "theme park", is backed by the Terrence Higgins Trust, Relate, Avert and the Sexual Dysfunction Association.

It's high time there's a leading London venue that communicates this information in a responsible and engaging manner.

The academy said it would address sex issues "in an exciting, amusing and yet educational way".

And the Sexual Dysfunction Association said it would help the 10% of British men and 40% of women suffering from some sort of sexual dysfunction.

Dr Kevan Wylie, from the European Federation of Sexology, added: "People need to know the options open to them and get all the information they need to be able to make informed decisions.

"Whether this is in relation to better love-making, avoiding sexually transmitted infections and even enjoying particular kinks or fetishes, it's high time there's a leading London venue that communicates this information in a responsible and engaging manner."