Southtown Economist Newspaper Archives, Feb 8, 1934, p. 1 (original) (raw)

Page 1 of Feb 8 1934 Issue of Southtown Economist in Chicago, Illinois

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Southtown Economist (Newspaper) - February 8, 1934, Chicago, Illinois Tace newspaper telling you the facts of every vital South Side problem people and places in Southtown help your Carrier boy 51 Frank native of will go in for a of reminiscing tomorrow night with relatives and a few friends at his 51st birthday party to tie held in his 7921 Prairie Selling Paul 7100 Normal is completing final arrangements for the pre lenten dance to be held saturday night by Hagamann american at its 5801 Wentworth at a Walnea Frank Knapp of Marcel a sister of 7342 Harvard who was called to Southtown by Elaine ill is staying on with him and Blague while he there when Albert and Vincent 8322 May communicate with their friends these they do it by letter and on the stationery of the Miami Biltmore hotel in i there expecting to re main in the South for another men race beating South towns newest Bliz by a and Van 6800 Normal and Nell 310 66th left saturday for the Balmy climate of hot also Stop off at new Orleans and Back to the Sam partner in the National greasing 6700 mor Gan and Ehrlich arrived Home tuesday from a vacation in hot Ehrlich drove to the Springs three weeks ago and Ehrlich joined him their Home address is 702s Green Date to alumnae of the Academy of our lady will hold a dinner dance at Oclock tonight in the Boule Vard room of the Stevens Gladys 5530 Peoria is general chairman of the and Margaret 8041 Sangamon is in charge of Reserve no More Edward Mcguire and her packed plenty of motoring clothes and some resort frocks in the family automobile and set out the other Day on a leisurely routed just wherever looks most interesting on the maps of and Flor with a return trip in the same fashion through missis Kentucky and be gone month or stump for Tegtmeier leaders speak at rally monday leading figures on the Republican county will headline the first general organization meeting of the forces backing William Tegtmeier for is ii Ward Connit Tehmau next tuesday night at 7720 Halsted the meeting will be open to the the evenings speakers will in elude Bertha National committee woman from Illinois City treasurer James now seeking the nomination for county treasurer George running for the Board of appeals Jacob Al seeking the nomination for clerk of the probate and James in the Field for pay the boy he will Call each month delivery service charge thirtieth 4 bring in classified by paying Cash in Advance you can save 20 economist want ads pull february 1934 slivered by Carrier to any hot afm our Terry torn at 1o Rand a Ikek Day transit delay locked brazils Tiger Man comes to Southtown away from Jungle Hes most gentle new brows frown on water Plant Englewood Lawn West Auburn Council would divert filtration ask loan be used to build sewer discrepancies of Resolution pointed out by intimates of Federal be that funds which would be loaned by the Federal govern ment for the construction of a filtration Plant serving South town should instead be applied on a sewer project was suggested in a Resolution adopted by the Englewood Lawn civic association and West Auburn Community civic Council last Friday the Resolution stated that since the civil works administration has granted a loan to South Park commissioners for erection of a filtration the funds should be transferred or other Cwa funds be made available for the building of without Cost or assessment to the already overburdened prop erty its observers familiar with negotiations for a Federal loan to construct a nitration Plant pointed out yesterday that the Money would come from the Public works administration and not the As stated in the and that it would be loaned to the City water depart ment and not the South Park Board As the Resolution the loan would be collateral Zed by an Issue of water certificates which could not be used if the Money was diverted to sewer for the past six years the South continued on Page 9 this newspaper is printed in Southtown by Union labor 233 this paper always has carried the Union Label whip of crime cracks to Fly loss in seven thefts nearly in Cash and jewelry was taken by gun men and burglars from victims in West Engle Wood and Auburn Park during the past two gunmen held up a National Tea company store at 8313 Racine at 8 saturday and escaped with after terrorizing Jralph 3833 103rd store four clerks and five loses Thomas 7201 Michigan reported to police that in including several watches and was stolen from his Home by burglars sunday slugged on the head with the butt of a David owner of a newspaper distributing Agency in a garage in the rear of Peoria was robbed of by two men monday at two bandits robbed the Cash Reg ister of a meat Market owned by Julius Krauzas at 2026 63rd saturday escaping with in Cash after holding ills Ami two Elmer Bauer and John at Bay with their burglars with a penchant for fur Coats and jewelry entered the Home of Harvey 6010 mor Gan tuesday and escaped with goods amounting to Leo a Driver for a Loop drug reported to police that he Wab held up by two armed men who approached his truck Fri Day night at 8229 Ashland and robbed him of in Frank 7942 Laflin and Zarek 9058 Loomis reported to police that four who appeared to be held them up in an Alley at 8131 Morgan and robbed Omalley of cents and stole and a wrist Ratcli from the victims told police that the one of whom carried a escaped in a dark milkmen meet on salary Cut proposal tonight our Drivers wont agree to Union official Chicago Union milk Wagon Drivers will meet tonight to consider the suggestion of the dairies that the present wage scale of per week be reduced to Steve treasurer of the yesterday verified the re port that overtures had been made toward the Drivers for this Cut in it is True that the request has been said and it is also True that the Drivers take the about a year ago they took a Cut in wages from to a and that saving was passed on to the Public in the retail Price of weve done our and our membership is absolutely opposed to any further before Lent i sacred heart Parish will three Day Frele Feti festival at the Parish Audi 70th and Aberdeen sunday evening with big town a presented by the Theodore minstrel monday the Rose Young ladies modality and boy scout troop will stage old Heidelberg the festival will come to a close tuesday when the Christian mothers society will sponsor a card and bunco Idle everything these men touch turns to Gold Cwa is Midas Wand to Ward a better break for and they shall beat their swords into says the putting a modern twist to the bib Lical an army of 260 Cwa workers at 19 South Parks play grounds is busily wielding tools and pencils in a Campaign to prepare boys and girls for the coming Era of increased Leisure these while earning themselves and their families a Liv Are cooperating to assemble a series of booklets which will the foundation for what has been called a revolution in the 13 of which will be issued at less than a Quarter will constitute the first planned attempt to Tell the world How to pursue its for the first time in expert workmen Are mobilized for the gathering and the publishing of in formation on the arts and continued on Page 3 Here to visit friends with whom he lived be fore beginning adventurous makes his living bagging jaguars Latvia natives aim with Spear or Arrow has been doom of 115 Ani a slim and gentle Tiger his face buried la a Black walked into the Home of and Leopold 6737 Marshfield monday kissed a 69 year old woman whom he called kissed a 73yearold Man he called and then sat Down in a parlor chair to Tell the Story of 20 years spent Hunting jaguars in the Jungles of Central South Twenty six years Alejandro Sascha called the Tiger Man by South american was fired from his Job at a Candy com Pany in Chicago because he ate too much a boy of 18 at that he stayed with the ahls at 4853 Laflin and Hobnob bed with their now married and living at 5925 Union Alejandro had come to stay with the ahls after running away from his Home in where his parents had known Hie hosts before the latter had arrived in jobless after losing his position with the Candy the 18 year old boy sailed for South America in 1909 after living in Buenos Aires for five years As a Mechanic and Jack of All pushed North toward the Jungles of Western Jungle his then begins the Saga of the Tiger first taking up the Hunting of jaguars with a Rifle As he grew More and More attached to a life of Solitude and big game soon after arriving in he threw Over All pretence of earning a conventional living and stalked still farther into the knotty in the last 17 he estimated that be has not re turned to the City for More than three he is in Chicago this week on a lecture tour and will leave saturday for the tall and his face Ruddy and his hair neatly combed into a Siemel sat easily and conversed in fluent English at the Home of the he Speaks five languages and is an avid Reader of Schopenhauer and record of Alejandro Sascha Siemel is the Man who killed 119 More than 25 of them with Bow and Arrow and and is believed to be the Only White Man who has killed the Jaguar with these primitive the Tiger Man crouched in the continued on Page 9 expect ruling this week on Appeal of Bains and Fisher ruling by the Illinois supreme court is expected this week on the Appeal of John head of the defunct Chain of Southtown from a Penitentiary sentence of one to three co defendants with the former Bank Baron in this Appeal Are his John and Merle this Case was carried a neatly to the supreme court when attorneys for the Bains and Fisher entered a plea in bar to the charge of accepting deposits at the West Englewood Trust and savings Bank with knowledge of its the appellate court also has be fore it an Appeal by Bain from the verdict in his trial of 1932 in which he was sentenced to one to five years in the a decision in this expected later this baits two sons and Fisher were also found guilty in this and fined he is the Tiger Man f f to Alejandro Sascha Siemel though gentle of Spears vicious pm Otto dozens of Southtown names Flicker in political spotlight Southtown names Are heavily sprinkled through the list of aspirants for various county and state legislature posts who have filed nomination petitions since the Barrier was lifted last the candidates include the following James 6641 Kimbark who is seeking reelection As sanitary District tee on the democratic ticket which also includes George clerk of the criminal and Joseph for appeals Nimett Garfield president of the county has filed for the Board of appeals on the democratic As has Fred who seeks re among the democrats run Ning for the county Board Are Mary 6224 Vernon John 9911 Seeley and Daniel 426 Normal incumbents Elizabeth 7420 Yates John Witkow 1449 66th and Lucy 10406 Leavitt entered in the Republican race for the county Board Are Felix 4811 Honore Fred 7251 Crandon James 6315 a Kenmore Charles 6916 Normal Robert 9650 Seeley continued on Page 4 last elections winning hats in committeeman ring again virtually All of the present Southtown Ward committee both democratic and will seek reelection this it was Learned in a Survey of the Field petitions Are to be filed starting tomorrow Michael prominent Southtown business Man an civic will enter the 13th Ward democratic James the could not be reached yesterday to determine whether or not he will seek who lives at 7200 Sacramento is president of the Inland rub Ber company and is also superintendent of employment for the South Park it through his instigation that the lets go Chi Cago club was founded last and set out upon an extensive pro Gram to boost the Good name of Flynn is head of that which is composed of business men from All parts of the in the on the Republican Side of the 13th Ward George Lehr will seek reelection against the present that includes Brest a and David candidate of business mens Richard democratic committeeman in the 15th has As yet not been faced with any opposition in his path to a Battle is in Republican quarters Between Arthur uie and Edward Terence demo and William continued on Page seek More police for Colony area improves name committee to ask better Protection District have does the Colony enough police members of the Colony improve ment association declared an emphatic when they inet at the Gage Park fieldhouse last with Frank Kampe As a committee was appointed to investigate the question of police pro others on the committee Are George Vito Wilhan and Paul Marquette club debates civic issues monday water the traction is consolidation and taxation of real and personal property Are vital Community issues which will be discussed monday evening at a meeting of the Marquette Park in the meeting will be held at 8 at 6542 fran Cisco according to the announcement of presi the association Avill consider Means of improving Street car serv ice in the Community during Rush improvements in policing and in the maintenance of streets and alleys also will to protests bring pledge to end hearings civic clubs Back economist is crushed to death by milk Wagon James three years 9534 Seeley was killed almost instantly last thursday when he was run Over by a milk Wagon while its Driver was in a House delivering at the coroners inquest no one testified to witnessing the the jury declared the death to have been breakfast Sells for a Nickel and dinner for a dime no one is turned away hungry from Lorimer Industrial breakfast for a Nickel and dinner for a dime Are still served at 1025 but hereafter the and dress will be known As the Lorimer Community Industrial Home instead of the Lorimer Relief Active for the last two Yean in aiding needy the institution is now enlarging the scope of its activities and is attempting to make about 20 men under the new two trucks will collect Dos old furniture and utensils from South Side Homes and furnish them to the who will repair them and sell them through an outlet store in the com the income from the sales goes to the men doing the asking for everything from Vic Trolas to officials of the Industrial Home declare that two trucks stand ready to pick up donations at a phone Call from the con Roosevelt greets scouts saturday radio will transmit his birthday wish speaking As honorary president of the boy scouts of presi Dent Roosevelt will deliver a radio message saturday morning to the millions of scouts in the country in Salute the 24th anniversary of scouting which will be celebrated for one starting the presidents Call service will be sounded from the White House at 11 Southwest District i will address the scouts sat urday morning at Over radio station boy scout troop 628 celebrated its eighth anniversary tuesday night of last week with a banquet at the Ogden Park 65th and Racine which was attended by their parents and scout fort Dearborn of moves to Mchale club from now the meeting quarters of fort Dearborn of will be in the Mchale club 69th and Wentworth instead of at 820 Garfield blvd Grant lines five months Only if we get univer Sal say Englewood sentiment grows for single fare mondays decision of transportation commit tee is reversed by councils moving finally toward prompt action on the request of the traction companies for a five month Extension of time in which to accept the 1930 traction the Council yesterday afternoon decided to conclude Public hearings on the Issue with an Allday session next paving the Way for an imme Diate vote by the transportation this decision overruled an agreement reached by the committee monday to Grant pc further 60day Extension to May without obtaining Universal while the Public hearings were suspended to give aldermen who Are members of both the transportation finance commit tees an Opportunity to devote their time to the budget now being drawn announcement monday of the transportation committee sin Tention Drew a protest from Southtown economist which opposed to further for the lines in the Public Universal Transfer which will effect a sub Stantial saving in fare for patrons of the in a letter to aldermen and the Council As a the Southtown economist urged that the plan for the 60day suspension be abandoned and that five month Extension asked for by the lines be provided the Universal Transfer is instituted by the lines As rapidly As mechanically this stand of the Southtown economist received staunch port monday at s meeting of the directors of the Englewood Busi Ness mens association and at a meeting of the Beverly gardens improvement both organizations going on record As favouring the five month Slon Only of the Universal trans Fer is provided by the lines in the storm of protest greeting the transportation committees intention to suspend action prompted the Al Dermen to abandon the plan yester Day three show girls Are last customers at Becker ryans curtains drawn on the windows of the Becke Ryan department store at 63rd and Halsted saturday night marked the closing of a near half Century mercantile career in monday a wrecking Crew began to Hack away at the historic old on the site of which will Rise a new Roebuck i towering five stories in height and costing the new store will to finished by november three vaudeville stars appearing at the Southtown theater were the stores last customers saturday As they emerged from the old Arch Entrance at 63rd at 10 they were presented greetings and mementos by Chicago District head for Roebuck and and by Louis store Jiggs treat fare for Perez banquet Reilly in charge of Lincoln party monday John grand Knight of father Perez of diets that one of Tho largest a Ings in re out years will attend Lincoln Day corned beef Anikij banquet monday in

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