she's mad, but she's magic (original) (raw)

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friends only

nicole | 23 | gryffin_puff_
i love making new friends, so feel free to add!
comment first, please ♥

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award banners and such

puff 2


December 4th, 2013

Don't mind this, I just want a place to put these so I don't lose track of them and they look like crap on my profile soooo they're going here haha.

( HiH awards bannersCollapse )

promotion tiiiime!

jasmine 2


April 7th, 2010

Hey everyone! Promotion time haha...I know you've probably seen this from a few people (or you're already a member), but you should all join this new BA comm called disneyverse!


It's a really fun community with all sorts of challenges related to Disney! There are three teams- Team Pixar, Team Classics, and Team Renaissance (but you're going to want to ask for

Team Pixar, of course! :D). Also, tell them that nicolle_016 sent you! ♥

promoting :)

disco ball


February 17th, 2010

Hey everyone! Sooo myself, Kaela (kaelakaelakaela), and Savannah (savaburry) are now the co-mods of another new stamping comm, hp_stamps! :)


There seemed to be a lot of interest in a new Harry Potter stamping community so we decided, why not make one ourselves? :) Go check it out!!!

the _____ to my _____ ! ♥

disco ball


January 11th, 2010

Okay, so here's the official "_____ to my _____" post:

amethysth is the horse to my Daniel Radcliffe!
cherryice578437 is the Hermione to my Ginny!
uberta is the John Lennon to my Paul McCartney, the Sophie to my Anya, the Fairy Mary to my Tinkerbell, and the Emma Thompson to my Alan Rickman!
starlord is the Mr. Pink to my Mr. White, the O-Ren Ishii to my Beatrix Kiddo, and the Barty Crouch, Jr. to my Severus Snape!
crucioed/iamthesea is the Vic Vega to my Vince Vega, the Budd to my Bill, and the Tulio to my Miguel!
cullendiggory is the Ron Weasley to my Harry Potter!
daisyulliel is the Annie to my Finnick and the Giselle to my Nancy!
disneygirl89 is the Hebe to my Aphrodite, the Nala to my Kiara, and the Audrey Hepburn to my Rita Hayworth!
happylicious91 is the Cristina to my Meredith, the Izzie to my George, the Mark to my Derek, and also the Grumpy to my Happy!
kaelakaelakaela is the Elton John to my Paul McCartney, also the Ron Weasley to my Harry Potter, and the Rupert Grint to my Alan Rickman!
kaysoul is the Aladdin to my Jasmine, the EVE to my WALL-E, the Thumper to my Faline, and the Godric Gryffindor to my Helga Hufflepuff!
larbasaur is the Luna to my Ginny, also the Aladdin to my Jasmine, and the Phoebe to my Rachel!
end1essly is the peanut butter to my jelly, and the Draco to my Hermione!
quiescent is the fangirl to my Alan, and the Snape to my Lily!
rvillarrubia is the Bellatrix/Narcissa to my Ginny!
salveevery1 is the Ariel to my Jasmine and the Susan to my Lucy!
seesnapefly is the Piglet to my Pooh and also the Grumpy to my Happy!
sweetthumbelina is the Bambi to my Faline, Snow White to my Happy, Lexie Grey to my Meredith Grey, Rosetta to my Tinkerbell, and baseball to my catcher!
tunnels_of_loce is the Sabrina Fairchild to my Gabrielle Simpson, the Will Turner to my Elizabeth Swann, and the Chien-Po to my Ling, and the Silvermist to my Tinkerbell!