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Bujinkan Ukraine DojoOur organization is based in 1991 with the purpose of studying, promotion and development of knowledge about true Budo and Ninpo in which trains dr. Hatsumi Masaaki, 34 Grandmaster Togakure ryu ninjutsu and founder Bujinkan International. Our organization is based Mr. Momot Valery who is one of pioneers of studying Bujinkan budo taijutsu and ninjutsu in the countries of the former USSR.

We completely agree and we are guided rules Bujinkan Honbu Dojo and Bujinkan Shidoshikai organization. All instructors of our organization have masterful degrees with the diplomas of the established sample written with own hand soke Hatsumi Masaaki ONLY.


Attention! Our organization DOES NOT COOPERATE and DOES NOT SUPPORT anybody from those people or the organizations who breaks rules Bujinden International or spends any actions harming image Bujinkan, as the organizations or personally dr. Hatsumi Masaaki.

Members of our organization on a regular basis visit the various seminars spent by known masters Bujinkan as in Russia and Ukraine, and the various countries around of the world. In Ukraine our organization unites followers of style Bujinkan from more than ten cities – Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa, Donetsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Lugansk, Lvov, etc. Also our branches are in Moscow, St.-Petersburg, Orel, Syktyvkar and some other cities of Russia.

The basic purpose to which we aspire today is further development of great and fine ideas Bujinkan in Ukraine, Russia and others countries (not only speaking in Russian), strengthening of friendship and the peace between people of all countries, as much as possible full and qualitative training to techniques of 9 styles Bujinkan.

Our doors are opened for dialogue and friendship with everyone who divides our belief and sights for whom Bujinkan is greater, than simple hobby, for all those who understands, that the peace, love and friendship is the best, that bears the Way of the Warrior offered by all to us in this world Grandmaster Hatsumi Masaaki.


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