MAYORS ELECTED. - Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931) - 19 Feb 1912 (original) (raw)

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Mon 19 Feb 1912 - Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931)


Alderman John Camsbell, who baa Jolt been

elected Mayor of Waverler (or a second term

of office, started his municipal career with tha

advent of the Local Government Act. being re

turned for Lawion Ward, vhlcb fat has repre

sented e'er since. During bla term aa head

ot the civic admlnlatratlon of Waverler the

nnancu hava been straightened out, and It U

hoped that before tbe present term of Alder

man Campbell's Miyorallty expires to aea Ox

ford-street wood-blocked and Bondl Beach Park

encircled br a road from the tram terminus to

Ben Buckler. The karor alee hopes to hare

all blue-metalled roads tar dreaaed within tha

borough, and a progressive policy of tree

planting entered upon on either aide of all

, --. ..-_,.-.-*.., '-..-I y ?- ?„ v^^rTf- Jk* _?? ,?? ? KAYOS Or BT. sTBTEM. Help

, --. ..-_,.-.-*.., '-..-I y ?- ?„ v^^rTf- Jk* _?? ,?? ?

AWe'rm.a Swain i. a native of n'™''**^

England. He arrived In Sydney about thlrtr

rSrVago. and haa been for the paat twenty

«ia*t veara in the railway aanrlce. He wee

St* ori Pres dent of the Railway and Tramwar

Bmploreea' HoaplUl Fund, wblcb PoalUon^ be

haa occupied for twentr-two reara without op

iociatlo' O? two occMlona be waa aelecled

iiLttoni. Prior to entering the W. Pettra

DuBdaa.-Alderman ). «J«U.

Oranvllle.— Alderman Charlton.

Brewarrina.— Alderman Thoe. Klcharda.

''coraen (Corowa-.-Coune!!lor *? punn.

'Y^frowlumla—CounclUor T. J. Kellr.

Penrlth.— Aldernuui Thoi. J-»J»-

atTMam-Aldarmta Kannalh Camebell.