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Wed 8 Feb 1911 - Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931)
Two UeetlntB or the TVtvcrley Council w#re
held iMt AveDfnc. »hcn lnter»tiDg mdUeru
w«re dealt wltii. H tud become ntcewarr to
elsct m temporary mayor to fill the seaL vact-ted
by Aldtraun Tlr«tUnc. (he term to *t£lr« on
Februatr 38. ud H w*b also neceawry to tx
the Mayoral tllonDM (or the ensuiDg year.
The flnt portion ot the business Trm, soon dlb
poied of, AJdcrm&a John C*mpbt)t d'.-faj no*
mlnatei] by Alderman JUldla, punported by Al
dermen RogerB iEd Tipper. Thern b* tog do
opposiitoQ, the cbolce wai anaolmoue.
Alderroafl Alldls then moved 'iul The Ma/ora]
eaJd tbat the Uayor would find tr.a sum llitle
enough when ho reckoned up all the .-ii!». H?
(Aldenoan AlldJR) bad occupied tbe ctnlr ones
(or 3H monUiB. and found It waan't a ti«4 -t
roies. m taylor tbat bo did jo1, niita to
frighten Aldrrman Campbell.
Alderman Tipper tecotided th« naLlon.
Alderman Donild moved (t a mdu :tlon to
£76, but he vaa not eupport^J.
Alderman Drew thereupon propound a re
Alderman Jacbaman (surprisel): How («r
Alderman Drew: Never mind nbou: 'bat. wo
wsat more fban £60 for tb« roi.lc, a&d £M-.
too. will provide part of tbe lotcreEi on our
men i. and reminded tbe artlng-Meyor that last
year b« had been in favor of a reduction.
Alderman Pbllltp .supported the original mo
tton o& ibe ground* Uiat iberc would be nu
merous calli. He thought a reduction would be
Al derm ad Jackaman: It t^ems a pecollar
Iblng ihat It abould dawn on tne old members
of tba council bo suddenly tbts n^d for re
duction. Why didn't It dawn on them '- tbn
Aid^naan Lamrock: So It 414; tlie B*me
AJdtnnan Jackamao: But lb* allowance vas
£100, and tbe roads wore starved last year,
were Uiey not? £100 la Mule enough upon
which to expect the Mayor to maintain his
P oil Lion. 1 admit there la the need for hun
dreds or tboucaoda of pound* to bo cptm on
\he road*, but It Is Juet aa well to remember
tap. V ay or s retponslDliltics. when dlstiogulabed
vlBitora have to be received. I would not vote
Alderman Uogan supported thi amendment,
and hoped that the Major would not make a
hotfJ of ibe coud.J] rbambers. He Intended
would be couBliitcnl. and vote for £S0.'
Thr1 qucatloD tb*-o went to tbe vote, soil £)ftf-
was Qxed by 6 votes to 5. The Acting Mayor
This closed the buatoexB of meetlor No. 1.
Tbo Br-coofl araeton opened Jmrnedlatfly At
lemirti. and tUe Town Clerk announced that
bp b«d r^clvod one nomination for tbe posi
tion of Mayor for rlv year beginning Marrh 1
It w.is from AMrrmao Alldlc. *rho nonHantM
Aldfrman Tipper aecoaded thr proposal, and
«? In the ease of th* election of tbe Arilng
Mayor there was bo opposition.
Alderman Campbell was tbfo declared elect
ed, and be donned th* Mayoral robes In re
turning tfaanki he referred to \hf 4-xrellent
worii nf hfp preifecensor. remarking ihat no i
doubt bo would find out day by day how \\ron
had bflcn glron to tbe borough by that gentle
man lAldermao Watklnsl. He ihanhrd the al
df*rmi-n for thp honor ronfrrrnd upon htm. and
pivr an assurance that he would go untight.
being mindful of tbe Int create of tbe wbnla
borough. It would be necessary for him to
give fair play to the wards. When he an
nounced bli intention of going for ihe chair sr
veral aldermaa eratuluracfr off-rrd tbrir sup
port, but fan bad made up his mind to go, and
would not hava turned back even though b*
Alderman Jackaman: The** was no oppofI
Alderman Alldlo: Thry bav« alt goar to i-he
The Mayor, continuing, ffxpr^sed the hone
that he would have the loyalty of the bWi
n»?a. He dealrrd to cxpreae bin appreclaUon
of tbe action of one of the aldermen who had
sought the ofDee In not coming forward. it
was q manly action ho ihought, and he wanted
Aft.-r the Mayor had taken charge of the
eluding cpcchcB fcy AloVrcnen Lamrock Roe
ers. Darracluff. Sava**. Phillip, end Jnritam.in
The last-named said. 'You ran d^p^nd on my
loyalty so lone as you go straight. I will
help to make your tfrm pleatani under those
Top council tht»n adjourned nnA, at ? rcpre
eenutlve palherlng In tb« Mayor'r room [he
'Hpalth of Alderman Campbell''' «-as proposed
by Mr. J. C. Humphrey, «n« euppnrtetl by Mr.
Ebetrlngion -Hondl Llfo Saving Club) end ex
Alderman Abigail. in reply ibe Mayor said
thit he Intended making himself fully ac
(lualnted with »*urf rn&ttrrs, for it \raa known
bow much hr was Interested in the work of
the Lif* Savers' Club. That body bad doao
much more than many people gave them credit
for. Purr bathlns *'as non- a national sport.
Th're was nothing 'crook' about it, and th*r»
?orere do bMp wagerr. To« Ufo aavere had
mnde BoaJl beach prertlcally rheolutely feaf'.
aod that wan something to be ]-roud of. He
was of opinion ttuit porslbly tbe time had conic I
when tho question of appointing a pcrroftnen:
lifp-aavrr on Bondl Beach rotght bi- eoneiderrd.
He hoped thai with regard to matters g(-n«-rally
1q the Municipality or Waverley h« would be
able to live up to the reputation attributed to
him. At all eventB. hla wnuld be an honest
effort tn urve the ratepayers.