WAVERLEY'S NEW MAYOR. - ALD. ROGERS ELECTED. - Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931) - 20 Dec 1916 (original) (raw)
Contlierabte Interest »«« taken In Tu.l4ar*l
meeUDx, s&d vben tllfl aldermen est.red tbe
chamber tile whole ot tlie Beatific aeeooiisoat
Uou for the public vaa ocnplad, and forme
and dulrs had to' be troubt Irom other por
tlona of the bulldlaf. There vere preseht
Alderaun tloiera, Kaveaaih, Campbell, O'Brien.
atarr, Banadns, and Faruuu. The Town
Clerk (Mr. Kearoa) announced that tae Ha
yor (Alderman L. J. L»mrockt had rtsit-nad,
aad ft vonld ce aeeeeaarr to appoint a sue*
ceaaor. on the motion of Alderaan flirrtcloff.
Aldenoan Kavenaeii iraa voted to the chair,
and the latter propoaed that Alderman H. W.
F. Hour, should be appointed Mayor for th*
Alderman Barraclufl seconded the taoUoa .
A ratepayer: I wlah to move an amendment.
Alderman Kavenafch: Order, pleaae. Ton ani
not allowed to speak here.
Tae ratepayer: I am perfectly la order. I
aa a ratepayer and I want to move an aaenV
Alderman Kavengah: We cant have tbe pra*
ceedlngs here Interrupted.
The ratepayer: It aeems I'm aotiranted here*
There were no farther notnlnatlaaa, and Al
derman Roi.rs waa declare! elected amid ap
plause from the body or the halL
Alderman Kavenaia: In oostratalattaf Alder
man fiofera aald lie knew of so oaa Bore flttael
tar the position. Darlnr tbe nine year, ba
bad been In the council he had worked honestly
and conra*.aoualy In the Interests of the rate
Alderman Sarraclufl asld he knew Aldermaa
'Racers to fee a fair man. He did not bave aa
easy t«k before him. but ba (alt ualdeat
that Alderaan Haters would 011 tie sositaoa
with bonor both to blaself asd iae cannell. ^
Aldermen Marr aad O'Srlen also offered eon
cratnlatlons, and Alderman Kotera aald that
notwlthstandlnc the dunenltlae that mrAt ta
before them, he hoped that In Jane next they
would be able to show a BatlsfactorT state ot
things. It would be' his endeavor to act tatrtr
towards all, aad bo could assure the rataaayara
that -full llaTlit would be thrown an every aettoa
ot tbe conxell. Be hoped tbe period they ware
raterini npon wonld te a 'red letter perte*'
as far as Waverler was coneeratd.
At the conclusion of the vaeetlna; those pre
sent Joined In drlnlcltc the health of the new