WAVERLEY'S NEW MAYOR. - Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931) - 28 Aug 1912 (original) (raw)

A upcclal meeting of the H'sn-rley Council

was held at ih,- I'nuncll Cbamtirrii l.u.t ulEhl,

the butin.M. t,'lnK ibe i-k, tlon '?! a Mayor In

place ol Ald.-mun Campli'll. mIio has retired

from the poslliofl owing to prti^te and tusi

| The Town flerk read Aldirmsn ramphell's

lett'r of r.-r (fgnatton. mid then AldTmsn

t'aluptifll eaM.'d f*-r nnmliiatlont.

The only nomination reoelied was that of

Alderman Or I.f.«1I. Jatn.-ii l.smrn. k. utoiu

n_ ..I,., it... .ii.ir IMrrmiii ijtmrnrV aald

he wmild Five c-.-n'-me ihe f,ilrF-.i drM he

prisstbly could, an-1 hn-.d for lh^ besrtiest co

op-.ratl'nn of Ills (.!!'»? aldi-im.-ii.

wurd or t«o In rnr-.trraluiatlnn lie » lrh-J tbe

now Mayor- ns hapfiy a time a* he had bad

during hm term of ofl'.re. lli- w&h if. Main

that llr LBPimrk u-nuM worthily till the. chair.

as every ?lii.-rrnen realised tbe honor It was

to be elevated to the (meltlnn of Mayor, and

Ur Lsmroek wan nn alderman who iFimmand

ed the refpert ot all hh Mlow aldermen.