Advertising - Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932) - 4 May 1859 (original) (raw)

|P- ARLAND and BINGHAM have for sale the

No. 1. — A very superior fattening station, estimated

to carry 30,000 sheep, within easy distance of

Deniliquin and Melbourne markets, Lachlan

No. 2.— A very compact sheep run;- also in the

Lachlan, without stock: superior country ; free

from disease. Terms easy. 50,000 acres.

No. 3. — A moderate sized run in the Murrumbidgeo

district, well suited for sheep or cattle, well

No. 4. — A really good cattle station, in tho Bligh

district, near Bclar, with 1400 head of superior

cattle, aud every requisite for a homestead.

No. 5. — One of tho principal cattle stations in New

England, with 2000 prime cattle, and run for

4000 head. Improvements very connote.

No. (i. — A Balonno station, with frontage jto that

river. It adjoins Mr. Hale's well-known run

No. 7 and 8. — Choice Stations in the Lachlan dis

trict, well grassed and watered; highly im

proved;, run for 2/iOO head of cuttle, or a pro

portionate number of sheep ; sound box und

PlaniTimd particulars may be had at our ofliees,

King-Htreot, or at thuso of our Agents — : ?

Messrs. Charles Edwards -&. Co.,

Deniliquin and Melbourne.


BUTLER'S Shirt Fuotory, Market-street

ORCHARD FARM, at Kissing Point, com

prising 25 acres and good Stone House, TO

BE LET on a long Lease. Apply to J. K. 1IEY


THE BRETHREN are requested to attend the

FUNERAL of their deceased Brother,

JOHN O'HEHIR, the procession to leave St.

Mary's Cathedral at Three o'clock THIS DAY


To the Editor of the Fireman's Journal. ''

SIR — The letter of your correspondent, ' A Sub

scriber to the Freeman's Journal,' although

giving the principal facts— and painful facts they

are — relative to tho above school, accidentally, or

through ignorance, omitted one of the most im

portant — one which tells against the competency,

as a rule, of ecclesiastics to manage mere temporal

matters. ' I have besides to notice,' writes your

correspondent, 'that the site of the school-house,

which cost forty pounds (a sum which no sensible

man would give) has been badly choven, being damp

and unwholesome.' What will your correspondent

»nd the public say, when they learn that a large and

central grant, in the most elevated part of Liverpool,

was given free for this very school by n Protestant

gentleman of Liverpool (Mr. C. C. Forbes), nnd

which, although at first thankfully accepted, was

afterwards contemptuously refuse! by the Rev. Mr.

O'Farrell, and a piece of land in a dismal swamp—

that alluded to by your correspondent — purchased

at £401 Why was Mr. Forbes's gift refused?

That gentleman was about to marry a Catholic lady.

He could not (after repeated attempts) arrange v/Mi

Mr. O'Farrell about the performance of the service,

and subsequently got married at the Protestant

church ; and, in consequence of this act (which I

am not defending) the Rev. Mr. O'Farrell flung

back his free gift to the Catholics of Liverpool, and

thus deprived them of an eligible site for the school.

I may add, in conclusion, that Father O'Farrell

yesterday, (Sunday,) denounced the Freeman's

Journal, and your correspondent's letter, in the most

unmeasured terms of crushing iuvective from the

altar. I was present, and, therefore, speak from

personal knowledge. Yours, &c, &c,


BFAWCETT, the Inventor and Patentee,

_« respectfully invites public attention to a

specimen of a very superior paint now being used

on a portion of the 'premises formerly occupied by

Mr. 11. Fisher, ICO, Lower George-street.

Full particulars may be obtained on application

to Mr. J. White, builder nnd general contractor,

Pottinger-street, Fo:t-street, Sydney. 375



Sir Charles Nicholson, Bart., D.C.L., Provost

The Hon. Francis L. S. Merewether, Vice-Provost

His Grace Archbishop Folding, Fellow of tho

Tlie Hon. E. Dcas Thomso.i, C.B., ditto

Tho Hon. II. G. Douglass, ditto

The Hon. J. H. Plunkett, ditto

The Rev. Robert AUwood, ditto

Alfred Denison, Esq., ditto

Professor Woolley, Sydney University

Professor Poll, ditto ditto

Professor Smith, ditto ditto

The Rev. II. J. Hose, Warden of St. Paul's

E. T. Blacket, Esq., University Architect

Charles Nathan, Esq., President Vocal Harmonic

The Hon. Robert Johnson, Esq., Committee Vocal

Tho Rev. Canon Walsh, ditto ditto

W. J. Johnson, Esq., ditto ditto

The Rev. W. Cuthbertson, ditto ditto

C. II. Woolc tt, Esq., dilt) ditto

J. Waller, Esq., ditto ditto .

D. Dickson, Esq., ditto ditto. .......

J. G. Waller, EsqM Committee of Philharmonic

L. Rawack, Esq., ditto ditto

W. M'Donell, Esq., ditto ditto .,

W. H. Aldis, Esq., ditto ditto , -

J. Dyer, Esq., ditto ditto '

John Deane, Esq., Conductor of the ?Philharmonic

Society . ??.????'. ? . - ?

W. J. Cordner, Esq., Conductor of the Vocal Har

monic Society. . ? ? . ? ...

The opening of the Hall of the Sydney Univer

sity will be celebrated by a Musical Festival similar

to those periodically hold in the Universities of

Oxford and Cambridge and in the principal towns

The performances will comprise the entire Ora

torios of tho Messiah and the Creation, and at least

three miscellaneous concerts.

The first Concert is expected to take place on

FRIDAY, the 7th of June, and the remainder on

succeeding days within the same week.

An effective chorus of not less than 200 voices,

and an orchestra of not less than 50 performers,

with an organ, have bean secured. The price of

the tickets will be 10s. for each seat at each con

Further particulars will be announced on the ar-

rival of M. Lavenu, who has been engaged to con-

duct, and is expested shortly to arrive.

By order of the Committee,

JOSEPH DYER, honorary secretary.

Just the property so often souglit by Operatives,

&c, &c. Two snug cottages, and severnl valuablo

Building Sites adjoining them at Newtown, ne

STUBBS nnd CO. will soil by public auction, on

an early day, at their Mart, George street,

A neat cottage of 3 rooms, with fine piece of land,

having 40 feet frontage to Addison-strcct, by

109 foot in depth ; and another property of a

similar character as the foregoing.

After which, several excellent building Bites not

often placed within the reach of those who

. are anxious to invest their small' earnings

Plans and Particulars at the Mart.

City, Suburban, and Rural Properties.

STUBBS and CO. havo been iiiBtructod to sell

by public auction, on an early day,

Several valuablo properties,

Particulars of which will appear in a future ad

Most Unquestionably the Pick of Sydney.

Vacant Land, Bligh-street.

STUI5BS and CO. have, received instructions

from W. Thurlow, Esq., to , sell by public

auction, at their Rooms, on FRIDAY, 13th May,

All that piece of land, having 50 feet 5 inches

frontage to Bligh-strcct, by a depth of 1111

feet on the north, and 1 1 7 -i feet nu the south

side, between tho houses of W. Thurlow and

the property of Jolin Smith, Esqrs.

E5JT Much could be said respecting this valuablo

site, but any intelligent man will at onuc see, upon

reviewing it, that for mercantile position, combining \.

the extraordinary advantage of its adaptability for a \;

respectable residence, it is unsurpassed ; the locality

advancing in statclinesB and uniformity of erections

which stamp it foremost in tho progress of city

Plan, particulars, and tornu at sale.

MORT and CO. have received instructions from

the French Consul to sell by public auction,

at tho Rioms, Pitt-Blreet, at 11 o'clock, on WED.

That substantially built whaler the NIL, 931-81

rogistur, copper- fastened, and built of oak'at

Her dimensions are— '-. '

?' Breadth, 27 leot 4 inohes *'

Depth of hold, 18 feet 3 inches

with excellent passenger accommodation.

; Her inventory may ho inspected, and further

particulars obtained from thc-captain, on board, at

the Rooms, or at the French Consul's oflice.