BIGAMOUS BRENNAN. - TWO WIVES CAUSE WORRY. Accused Committed for Trial. - Truth (Melbourne ed.) (Vic. : 1914 - 1918) - 10 Oct 1914 (original) (raw)

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Sat 10 Oct 1914 - Truth (Melbourne ed.) (Vic. : 1914 - 1918)

Accused Committed for Trial.

Aithur Brcunan, detcribed as a laborer, j

aged 31 years, responded to hig bail at the '

Fitaroy Court on Wedneeday on a charge of

bigamy. On May 7, 1902, be married Catb- j

crine Pout, and on June 23, 1910, at Fitz- j

roy, espoused Alico Slay Patton, bis former

wife being then elite. 6ub»Iospcctor Slat- |

tery conducted the prosecution, the chair*

man of Bench bebjf Mr. E. D. Hooper, ;

J.P. Bronnan, who denied the charge, wa?

Catherine Bromiau, nc*? PuUt, ut

So. 50 Kerr-stre.->i, appeared c*u<l in an up

to-date costume, her sunjwry hat bcinjj sur

irouafcl with clusters c: swot;. pea? and

other dowers that b!ooui in il.o spring,

trr.-la. She deposed tact she wes married

to accuserl ot Johnston-street cu Ma? 7,

1SC2. bv the K«iv. Mr. HevJiersbavr. Thcv

had lived toother for nbotjt t^o Tears. :

.Sub-In<»peetor Slattftry: Is thore zny :w.:e

Alica Hay Paiton, a yean; woma:, who j

j was crccrlrd to court- by a rcmalo warder, •

and refused to giro tor present address, tos« . ;

rifled tbat «be and accused were husband and ?,

' wire, as tbev were married to or.c another

j on Juno 23." 1010, by a man named Abbot, '

! at J»runsvnck'!>tree:. Up till recently they i

' hid been liric^ in several places about Mcl- ,

■bourne. One child w&3 bcrn, but it was j

; Mary Ann Thcrnpson. a married woman,

r^si'Jiric pith ber husband, at Doncastcr

Kasr, stai'vl tie p"eTtou witue&s was

ber daughter, and ;be latter'* father, wit