Advertising - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) - 12 Aug 1846 (original) (raw)

Wed 12 Aug 1846 - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)
Page 1 - Advertising


Sydney, Fifteen Shilling»per Quarter. Single Numbers, Sixpence. Country, Seventeen Shillings and Sixpence per Quarter.

Ten per cent.dtscount far payment tn advance, and ten fer cent, added if accounts are allowed to run over six months. J


J For one inch and under, Three Shillings, and One Shilling for every additios&l inch foi each itmrttm,

The only Pe:'onî9ut\°Ze^:ZTÎ MZTJÏÎFA iïZïlT; M1 "I aCC0Uu °f then SY?NJ'Y M«\N'N°H^ALD" (except ai the O/ficc of Publication, Lower Georgc-street, Sydney) at. ME. WM. BALL and MR. ALFRED FAIRFAX, Collector,, Sydney ; MR. WM. 1 ".".*«'*»"'/ J{«. £*"»W.UTE g«*.«-, ¡^ Ho« 1 AT«»

Parramatta;^*. A. W. LARYMOBE .Maitlandand Wolamb» ; MB. JOHN BROWN, Campbelltown ; MR. JOHN COLEMAN, 7W/A ; MR. THOMAS W. PALMER. Deputy Postmaster, Wollongong ; Mu. ROBERT CRAIG, Cabinetmaker, Goulburn ; MR. STEPHEN NUTTER, Queanbeyan, Mn. IHOM AS «."» ¿[W HÏÏÏÏÎO TMER ÄT

""¿?W* Wain«; MR. WILLIAM PRITCHARD Deputy Postmaster, Liverpool, MR. MICHAEL DOYLE Berrina ; MR. ROBERT DAVIEN, for the District olf Gundagi ; MR. THOMAS Dow«. Moreton Bay ; Ma. Jon* HOULD.NO, PoitmMter, Raymond ferrace; MR. P«««'«M«°*R"'JÍLM^tS¿m£o^/MhPrLuÍ

Uacquane; Ma. HENRY ALDERSON, GVarcnce tfir«r; Ma. J. B. RUNDLE, Murrurundi and Scone ; MR. B. C. HARRISON-, Yass ; MR. W. H. MORTIMER, Port Phillip ; MR. WM. B. RHODE«, Wellinqton, Port Nicholson and Cook's Straits, New Zealand; MR. U. B. BARFOOT, Van Diemen s haaa, uno art provxaef wttn frKtóü

^_Receipts, with the written signature of the Proprietors,'* KEMP AND FAIRFAX," who hereby give Notice that no other toill be acknowledged._

The " SYDNEY MORNING HERALD" .« Published every Mornino (Sundays excepted) ; and the Quarter, end the SUt March, 30th June, SOM September, and S\st December; at which periods ONLY con Subscribers decline by giving Notice, and paying the amount due te>the C%°^''C.^ZL^ZÎZ' rA^lVSdYo "and ZTutZ'

the face of them the number of times tltey are intended to be inserted, or they will be continued till countermanded, and charged to the party. No Advertisements can be withdrawn after Eleven o'clock, a. m., but new ones will be received until Nine o'clock m the Evening. No verbal communications can be attenant to, ana ali tem.,

_--_vittst be post-paid, or they will not be taken in._ -i ~- -_,-..,",,,.""




will leave Kellick's Wharf,

for Wollongong, This Day,

kellick's Wharf, August 12, 2383

' will lea7e for the above die

trict, To-morrow, Thursday, the 13th instant,

Kellick's Wharf, August 12. 2*18

Captain Birkenshaw, will sail

on ¡Saturday next. Forfreight

or passage apply to »he charterer,


sKäsasäöSeä*' Captain Jennings, will sail

For freight or passage, apply on board, at

the Flour Company's Wharf, or, to

825, Castlereagh-street North.

not receive cargo for the

'above port before Monday,

SuBsex*Btreet, August 8. Ö26Ö


SHE favourite., packet-brig

182 tons register, W. N. Mill

, This vessel will receive freight until a

change of wind takes place, when she will im-

mediately proceed to sea:

Hobart Town Packet Office,


W. Dunning, master, is now

i-eady to revive freight,, for which, or pas-

sage, apply on board, at Campbell's Wharf, or

Al, 273 tons, M. Andrews,

commander. For freight or

passage, apply to the Captain


s*^-<v fib* tons register, William

awson, Commander, will sail on the 1st

September, and has superior accommoda-

tions for cabiii, intermediate, and steerage

¿T^ rg^HE first-class British

-«»'vtiiVv Charles Ferguson, commander,

| 352 tons register. Has a considerable part

I of her cargo already engaged, and will meet

; with quick despatch. For freight or passage,

j having excellent cabin accommodation, ap


Or rpHE first-class British

43C tons register, Malcolm

For freight or passage, either cabin or

?teerage, apply to the Commander, on



AT a Meeting of the General Com-

mittee, held at Mr. Lyons's Rooms, on

Tuesday, the 9th instant, it was resolvd that

the Subscription Lists for the above oVject

»hould be cloBcd on the 15th August next.

Gentlemen to whom Buch lists have been for-

warded, are therefore requested to return the

same to the Treasurer, (undercover to J. P.

Robinson, Esq , M.C.,) on or before the date

in question, with the amount of contribu-

tions, and the names of the parties sub-

Honorary Secretary and Treasurer. I

No. 89, Bftthuiot-street West.

MR. RAVAC bep to announce that

12th, he will have the honour of giving a

MUSICAL SOIREE, by the kind permission

of the proper authorities, at the OLD COURT


ramide," Rosini. ¡Messrs. Marsh and

Duo (for piano and | Imberg.

uni, (by desire) > Mr. Ravac.

'de^mSTB'ellíiÍ} Madame Carandini.

the poetry by Mr. E. K. Silvester

(Weber), par Thalberg, for Piano

6. Air Varié de» ?».? -«"_""

Bériot, for Violin.. JMr.Bavac.

7ÍnDmCfiU'TPli'»GRÜ"1.Messrs. J. and F.

8. Duo Briliant, for) Mr. Marsh and Mr.

Harp and Violin.. J Ravac.

9. Duetto, " Antici- ) Madame Carandini

pations of Switzer- > and Mr. F. How-

! " Lucia di Lamer-J Mr. J. Hewson,

l3VeJniseCU.t!,e.V.a.1..^} Mr* RaVa0*

14. Finale, ' The Aus-A Mr. Ravac will be ac

tralian National I companied on the

Song," composed f Pianoforte by Mr.

by Mr. Marsh ....J. Imberg.

Tickets of admission Ga. each, to be had of

Mr. Ellard, Music Saloon ¡ Messrs. Birnstingl

and Co. ; Messrs. Kern and Mader, Stationers,

Hunter-street; and at the door.

'The doors will open at 7 o'clock, com-

mencing at 8 o'clock precisely. _23i/

LIST of Subscriptions to Dr. Leichhardt

Amount formerly advertised £1843 18 6

From the neighbourhood of

Robert P. Jenkins, J.P. 2 2 0

Edgar Beekham, J.P. .. 4. 2 2 0

James Fitzpatrick . 2 2 0

Alexander Mackay.-.. -2 . 2. 0

James Macdonald ...-...» 1 1 »

John Moses£1/1/0 & Alex McKay10/6, Bowning

Laurence English . 0 10 8

Nicholas Carberry . 0 10 6

Andrew Lang, J.P.'.<. 110

Honorary Secretary and Treasurer,


IN PURSUANCE of the followiog re-

solution, passed at a Quarterly General

Meeting of tho Association, held at the

School House in Cistlerragh-Btreèt, in Syd-

ney, on Monday, the 3rd of August instant,

"THAT this Meeting do adjourn to a future

day, to be named by the Lord Bishop of

Tasmania (of which notice shall be given

by public advertisement), and that (he

Deputy Chairman of the Committee of |

Management and the Secretary be re- '

quested to consult his Lordship as to the

day best suited for such adjournment, and

to fix the same accordingly."

That the busine?» of the above Quarterly

Meeting will be ret -med, at a meeting to be

held by adjournment at the School House, in

CastkrcBgli-strect, on Friday next, the 14th

of August, at seven o'clock p. M. precisely, at

which meeting their Lordships the Bishops of I

Australia and Tasmania have signified their

The Chair will bo taken by


All members of the Church of England,

desirous to learn the progress of the Asso-

ciation, and to be more fully acquainted

with its proceedings, are respectfully invited

members of this Company will be held

in the usual of business, George-street,

Sydney, on Wednesday, the 12th day of

August next, at 1 o'clock, v.u., being an ad-

journment of the General-Half Yearly Meet-

ing held on the 21 Bt July instant.

By order of the Board of Directors,

members of this Company will be held

in the usual place of business, George-strest,

Sydney, on Wednesday, the 12th day of August

next, ni half-past 1 o'clock, P.M., for the pur-

pose ot electing two Directors in the room of

Stewart Alexander Donaldson, and William

Dumaresq. Esquires, retired by rotation.

By order of the Board of Directors,

Messrs. A. G. Dumas and Richard Garrett.

TREASURER.-Stephen Greenhill, Esq.

H. Elwin, G. P. F. Gregory, and E. Broad-

SURAEON.-John Yates Rutter, Esq., 72,

The objects of this Society are to provide for

2nd-For widows and families of members,

on the decease of the latter.

3rd.-For distressed members, their widows,


Quarterly payments to as-

ii. B.-The First Class is now in operation.

Assistance to distressed members of three

years' standing, their widows, and families,

such assistance to be regulated from time to

time by the Committee of Management.

_ In addition to which is given the use of the

situation book, to members out of employ-

Persons being members of either of the

other two classes, to participate in the advan-

tages of this class, and persons not being

members of the other two may participate in

its privileges by subscribing such sum as may

hereafter be fixed by the Committee of Man-

Proposals of Membership. Prospectuses,

Rules, and eVery other information maybe

obtained« oh application to the Secretary, or

any member of the Committee.

The Committee meet weekly, at


Committee Room, July 83, *4ß*



Noi 126, Bishopsj)ate-strett, corner of Cornhill,


CAPITAL-£200,000,- ia 2000 share*

Edward Barnard. Esq I G. Colquhonu, Esq.

Robert Brooks, Esq. j C. E. Mangles. Esq.

Henry Buckle, Esq. I Richard Onslow, Esq.

John H. Capper, Esq. | William Walker, Esq.

Edward Barnard, Esq. J. H. Capper, Esq.

Messrs. Maples, Pearse, Stevens, and Maples.

John Thacker, Esq. I A. W. Yousg, Esq.

Hon: C¡ D. Riddell, William Walker, Esq.,

M.C. I of the London Board.

JohnThacker.Esq. Hon. C. D. Riddell, M.C.

William Dawson, Esq., M.D., Deputy

Inspector-General of Hospitals,

For Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Laun-

ceston, and Hobart Town, - Bank of


Illawarra- B. O'Brien. Esq., M D., Medical

Referee. Maitland - Joseph Chambers,

Esq., Agent; David Sloan, Esq., Medien]

Referee. Merton and Cassilis - Michael

M'Cartney, Esq.. Medical Referde. Goul-

burn-John Gerard, Esq , Medical Referee.

Yass-Francis M'Evoy, Esq., Medical Re-

feree. Bathurst-Richard Machattie, Esq.,

Medical Referee. Port Stephens-Dr. Bu-

chanan, Medical Referee. Melbourne

Captain ü. W. Cole, Agent; Dr. Hobson*

Medical Referee. Launceston - Messrs.

Gleadow and Henty, Agents; William Por-

ter, Esq., Medical Referee. Hobart Totcn

Messrs. Allport and Roberts, Agents ;

E. S. P. Bedford, Esq., Medical R.feree.

Adelaide-E. L. Montefiore, Esq., Agent;

J. Woodiord, Esq., Medical Referee.


A large subscribed capital in England, and

ample funds to pay losses within the colony.

. Vary low rates of premium, without profits,

per Table No. 4, and a Table of Rates, No. 1,

with profits, on wbioh the assured have the

option of paying only two-thirds of the pre-

mium for the first five years, the interest on

the remaining one-third being paid annually

at the rate of 5 per cent.

No extra premium for ono voyago to Eu-

rope and back, or for voyages in approvtd

vessels to, or residence in, any part of Aus-

tralasia, in approved situations.

Policies may be made payable in Austral-

asia or London, and altered by indorsement.




An extra premium of £1 per cent, per

annum will be charged for risk of death from

casualty by collision from the aborigines,

I which moy be assured or not, at the option of

Prospectuses, willi full tables of rates, and

all needful inlermation, may be obtained at

THE following are the Rules which

have been adopted for the manage-

ment of the abovenamed society/

1. That the management of the Society be

under the direction of a President, two

Vice-Presidents, a Committee of fifteen

members, and an Honorary Treasurer and

a Secretary, who shall be ex-officio mem-

2. That the President, or in his absence one

of the Vice Presidents, or in their absence

an elected Chairman shall preside at all

meetings, whether general or committee,

and shall sign the minutes.

8, That the Committee shall have power to

make by-laws for their own guidance, to

frame, alter, or amend, all laws and regu«

lationi for the Show Meetings, to deter-

mine the numbers and value of prizes, and

the subjects for which they ero to be given,

and to appoint judge», and all other per-

sons necessary for properly carrying out

tho objects of the society.

4. That the Committee shall meet at Penrith,

at least once every three months, but may

be called together by the President, or Vice

Presidents, whenever it is deemed requisite.

Thntin the absence of the President, or Vice

Presidents; a Chairman to be elected by

the members present Shall preside, and no

business shall be proceeded with, unless

seven members are present who shall form

6. That five members of the Committee shall

retire every year by rotation, but be eligible

to re-election at the annual meeting.

6. That at all meetings of the Committee,

and at all general meetings, the Chairman

for the time being shall have the casting

7. That the duty of the Treasurer shall be to

receive all moneys, and disburse them

under the direction of rhe Committee,

and keep correct accounts of the same.

8. That the duty of the Secretary shall be

to issue all notices of meetings, whether

called under the standing rules of the So-

ciety, or by direction of the President, or

Vice Présidents; under Rule IV., to keep

regular minutes of the proceedings thereat,

and to conduct the correspondence.

9. .That the payment of One Pound into the

hands of the Treasurer shall constitute a

räember, and that no person shall be en-

titled to votó or take any part in the pro-

ceedings who shall not have paid np his

annual subscription, such subscriptions' to

be considered due on the 1st day of January

10. That theShor Meeting shall bs he»i awr-

ing the first week in the month of March,

in each year, on some convenient doy to be

fixed by the Committee, and that the an-

nual meeting shall be held on that day four

li. That within twenty-one days after each

Show Meeting, a detailed account of all re-,

ceipts and disbursements shall be prepared

by the Treasurer, and audited by two mem

beis of the Society, to be appointed specially

for that purpose, before whom the Treasurer

* "shallproduce all booko aud iroKcheTa con-

nected with the accounts of the Society,

that the statement of the accounts certified

as examined by the auditors shall be

laid on the table at the next annual meet-

12. That every member shall be entitled to

corripete for any of the prices awarded by

the Society within the year for which his

subscriptions shall have been paid up, and

that non-subscribers resident in the coun-

ties of Cumberland, Cook, and Camden,

may compete for premiums for agricultural

produce and ploughing, upon payment of a fee

of 2s. Gd. upvn each entry.

l8. That no stock shall be entitled to a prize

unless it has been the bona fide property of

the exhibitor, at least six months prior to

the day of show, and that the age shall be

calculated from the first day of January in

14, That no agricultural produce, or other

articles shall be entitled to a prize unless

satisfactory proof be shown that such were

either grown or manufactured by the exhibi-

tors in the counties of Cumberland, Cook, or

Honorary Secretary and Treasurer.

To the Editors of the Sydney Morning Herald.

GENTLEMEN,- I observe a notice

by Mr. Richard Gould, in your paper

of the 23rd ultimo, referring to my adver-

tisement of the 17th ultimo, of 500 rams for

the Port Phillip Market. The following

plain statement of facts will set the matter

Mr. Coghill had two flocks of rams of the

same age and description, one of about 800

and one of about 600; from the fírst of these,

about 200 were run out for Mr. Gould to se-

lect his number from, and I then selected

mine from the remainder of that and the

whole of the other flock, (an easy matter

I may mention that the high terms in

which such an experienced judge as Mr.

Gould spoke of Mr. Coghill's rams, was in a

great measure the cause of my purchasing

Your most obedient servant,

Crossing Place, Hume River,

To the Editors of the Sydney Morning He) aid.

HOW is ten per cent, duty charged

on foreign oil or whalebone sold to

pav the expenses of the ship's hire ?

We understood that oil or whalebone sold

to pay expenses was duty free. 2384


THE Proprietors of stock in this Bank

are requested to meet at the Banking

House, George-streec, on Thursday, the 20th

instant, at twelve o'clock, for the purpose of

electing a Director, to fill up the vacancy oc-

casioned by the death of the late William

By order of the Board of Directors,


]fy|"R. FULLER, examined Suwcal

JVJL and Mechanical Dentist, of Paris,

respectfully notifies that having commenced

the practice of his profession as above, par-

ticularly invites attention to his superior

! method of fixing artificial teeth, from one

tooth to a complete set without the leest pain.

Fruin his long experience he can confidently

undertake the most difficult cases at one half

Observe-private door of Mr. Kebby'«,

Grocer, 79, Market-street East. 2391

TpNGLISH ASH OARS, from 10 feet

Jt-J to l8 feet ; on sale by


AT a Committee Meeting of the above

Society, held at the " Rose Inn,"

Penrith, on the 2*th July, 1846, R. Copland

Lethbridge, Esq., Y. P., in the chair, it was

resolved that the Annual Show Meeting

should be held on Wednesday, the Sid of

March, 184?, on the Society's Ground, at

Regentville, Penrith, and that the following

prizes should be offered for competition,

£3 for the best plough drawn by a pair

of horses, driven by reins

£2 for the second beat plough drawn by

a pair of horses, driven by reins

£2 for the best horse plough driven

by a youth under eighteen years of

£3 for the best plough drawn by bul-

£2 for the second best plough drawn by

£2 for the best bullock team guided

and driven by youths under eighteen

£2 for the best colonial made plough

£1 for the best equipped horse team,

Three ploughs to start or no prize will bo

given, and no second prize will be given

unless five ploughs start, except for the prize

fofjyouths, for which two competitors will be

sufficient, and the youths to be entitled to

enter and compete for the best plough as well

as for the prize for youths.

£3 for the best 3 year old colonial

£2 for the best 3 year old colonial bred

£2 for the best 3 year old colonial bred

£3 for the best 3 year old colonial

£2 for the best 3 year old colonial bred

£2 for the beat 3 year old colonial bred

The Society's silver cup, value not less than

£5 5s., for the best colonial bred mare and

foal, without reference to age or pedigree.

A prize of £5 for the best thorouglibred

rtallion, without reference to age, either im-

ported or colonial, limited to such stallions as

shall be guaranteed to stand during the next

season, either in the counties of Cumberland,

Trie Society's silver medal, value not less

than £4, fcf tile best tfrree year old colonial

£3 for the best three year old Colonial

42 for the best colonial bred cow and

calf, without reference to age.

£l for the bett colonial bred boar

£1 for the best colonial bred sow

£8 for the best sample of tobacco, grown

and manufactured in the colony ;

sample not less than 66 lbs.

£1 for the best sample of loaf tobacco,

Bamplo not less than twenty pounds.

£2 for the best sample of wheat-sam-

ple not less than three bushels

£2 for the best sample of English bar-

ley-sample not less than three

£2 for the best sample of oats-sample

not less than three bushels.

The Society's Silver Medal, value not less

than £4, for the beit sample of colonial wine,

without reference to colour.

£2 for the best sample of red wine, not

£2 for the best sample of white wine,

not receiving the medal - samples

of the wines not less than three

£2 for the best Baraple of colonial ale

sample not less than five gallons

£2 for the best simple of colonial hops

sample not less than 5 lbs.

£2 for the best sample of cheese, sample

not less than three cheeses

£2 for the beat sample of potatoes

sample not less than a three bushel

£2 for the best sample of olive oil, pro-

duced from colonial olives-sample

not less than three bottles

£2 for the best sample of colonial made

ham s - sample not less than two

£1 for the best sample of colonial made

bacon - sample not less than one

£1 for the best sample of bees wax, sam-

£1 for the best sample of colonial pickles,

sample not less than four bottles

£1 for the best sample of preserved fruit,

sample not less than six bottles

£1 for the best sample of colonial raisins,

?ample no*, less than 5 lbs.

£1 for the best sample of colonial vinegar,

sample not lesa then three bottles

£1 for the bes>t sample of colonial parch-

ment, sample not less than three

£3 to the person who shall prove to the

satisfaction ot the Judges, that he

has used the largest quantity of bone

manure, in the cultivation of land,

within the counties of Cumberland,

Cook, or Camden, during the year

1846, with a report of the results.

£2 for the farm servant who has been the

longest in the hired service of one

£2 for the domestic servant who has been

longest in the hired service of one

Hon. Secretary and Treaiurer.


1"M1E Tweeds manufactured at this Es-

tablishment may be had in future of

Mr. R. Fawcett, Auctioneer, 481, George

street, Sydney, who has been appointed

Agent, or at the Factory, Regentville.





Station, ditto of Wages, ditto of Cash,

Orders Drawn, ditto of Slops, &c, and Quar-

terly Returns of Cattle and Hones, properly

arranged in duplicute, complete for one year.

PRIME Negrohead Tobacco, ex Ianthe,

from the United States, at 2s. Gd. per

Cavendish (a beautiful sample), 16 figs to the

pound, idling at 2|, 8d. per pound.

10<0 OFFoiitf thl Miuiut,





AVID JONES AND CO., flattered

by the triumphant SUCCOSB which bag

attended their efforts to render their estab-

lishment the cheapest end most attractive

mart in the colony, for Slops, General Cloth

iug, Drapery, Sec, beg to assure their nu-

merous friends and customers of their deter-

mination to adhero strictly to the system

which has ever been the distinguishing cha»

racteristic of their house, viz , to sell the very

best fabrics at the lowest possible remunerat-

D. Jones and Co. feel that they cannot

sufficiently impress upon their customers the

important fact that the greater part of their

slops are made up under the immediate su-

perintendence of qualified persons appointed

lo that duty by their house in London« from

the best materials, bought direct from the

manufacturers. It is therefore with the ut-

most confidence that they lay claim to an

immense superiority over any other house in

this important branch of their business. They

beg to call particular attention to their unri-

valled stock of slops and clothing at the pre-

sent time, which has just been increased by

several large shipments received ex Emerald

Isla and other late arrivals, and among which

Ditto, Bury cloth and Witney

Ditto, real Witney, for family use

Diaper rugs, 8-4, 9 4, 10-4, and 11-4

Worsted ditto, 8-4, 9-4, 10-4, and 11-4

Trousers, 20,000 pairs moleskin

Ditto, flushing, blue, and drab

Ditto, superfine blue cloth

Ditto, fancy doe and buckskin

Ditto, drill and gambroon

Ditto, ditto, with sleeves

Ditto, tweed and double breasted

Ditto, black and blue cloth

Ditto, buff and white cachmere

Ditto, plain and figured satin

Ditto, printed and plain Valencia

Ditto, white ar.d coloured quilting

Jackets, superfine blue cloth

Ditto, miller's dr«b ditto

Ditto, duck and canvas ...

Ditto ditto, very heavy, and made to order

Ditto ditto, Royal Thames Yacht

Ditto ditto ditto, very stout

White shirts, linen fionts, collars, &c.

Ditto ditto made to order

Ditto ditto, with pockets, &c, for travellers

Baize ditto, blue and red

Yarn ditto, white and coloured

Ditto ditto, double Beamed

Frock ditto, in great variety

Overalls for sheep waBhing

Jim Crow and wide-awake ditto

Scotch and Kilmarnock caps

Scarlet caps and comforters

Mackintosh and boat cloaks

And every article required for the bush.


rg"1HE Undersigned bas just received a

-8- set of splendidly finished Spanish ma-

hogany I hnirs, covered in claret coloured

morocco leather ; together with richly finished

Sideboard, Sofas, &c, of the same material, in

addition to his extensive stock of rosewood

A few best improved Shower Baths, on the

newest construction, and two elegantly

finished patent Water Closets.

A few handsomely finished white birch

Upholstery Establishments,

271, Castlereagh and 183, King streets.

*«* Spring Vans on hire for the tafe re-

everything usually required in the

following departments of British manufac-

The whole of which are offered in quantities

to suit purchasers, and having been imported

from the mrnufacturers direct, will be sold at

prices which the undersigned feels assured

."ill give satisfaction. A liberal discount

allowed to the trade, shippers, and country

P.S.-The highest market price given, in oath,

for wool anti talkui, in shipping condition,

at ali pirigdj of th« jr 10*1

A MITCHELL bega to call Hie at

. tention of the Ladies to a few veiy

superior Infants' Long Robes and Frock

Bodies, whicli will be offered at moderato

French and Scotch Cambric Caps, &c.

An assortment of Cashmere and Do Laine

Rich Cashmere Shawls, &c.


THE undersigned have on hand and


comprising almost every article at present in



G PREDDEY begs to acquaint the

. public that he has carts and drays on

hire for the purpose of removing furniture,

&c. ; also, night soil, ashes, or any obnoxious

G. P. superintends the performance of all

night work with which ho is favoured, and

strict attention will be paid to cleanliness

and placing the fixtures. 2.180

THE Undersigned has the pleasure of

announcing, that he is in possession of

one of the most complete and complex cut-

ting machines, on the largest scale known in

London. The machine is constructed upon

the most approved principles, being capabla

of performing frcm 00 to 108 cuts to an inch,

receiving 10 lbs. of Tobacco at a charge, and

An extensive stock is on hand of Cut Ne.

grohead Tobacco of superlative qual.'ty (in

packages,) and of every variety of fineness.

The advertiser has aleo obtained a stock of

the finest Tobacco, unrivalled by any parcels

which have formerly entered the market, and

he will therefore cut none that ia not of the

choicest and best description ; also a large us

sortaient both iu and out of bond, of the foi

BARRE IT'S TWIST per Posthumous, Ile

gia, &c, &c. KEG TOBACCO per St.

George, Waterlily, Ianthe, Golden Sj» ing, Chris-

These parcels aro admitted to be the finest

shipments which have been brought into the

Colonial Market for a considerable time, and

will be offered to the public at such prices as

will secure general satisfaction, and will ob-

tain a continuance of favours.

A superior selection of fine flavoured Eng-

lish Snuff«, consisting of Harris's 17. Hard

ing's37, Princess,&c, &c, and every diversity

of Scotch and Irish Snuffs of the rarest and

WHITE'S small bowl pipeB, in 10 and 12



1QO BOXES, and 15 Crates and

JL Î7 _F Cases of Chance Brothers', ma-

10 x 8, 12 x 10, 14 x 12, 14 X 10, 10 x 12,

10 x 14, l8 x 12, l8 x 14, 20 x l8, 20 x l8'

22 x l8, 24 x l8. 26 X l8, 20 x 20, 28 x 22,

30 x 24, 40 x 30. and all other sizes, iu

Croton, Sheet, and Bohemian Glass,

Wharf, Darling Harbour. 2423

MADE of tow and hemp, and weigh-

ing from 9 to 10 lbs. each, for sale at

0|~|/~) GUNNY Woolpacks, weighing

3 Bales seaming and grocers' twine.

ARSENIC, Sal Ammoniac, Spirks of


p:r ton. A «mall quantity of European

Queen's-place, August 0. 2137

1 Ç) TONS of Compressed Oaten Uay

2320 825, Castlereagh-street North.

ON SALE,-Landing ex Caledonia

S x 11 uncut, from 8 to 25 feet long]

3 x 11, cutinto 2 and 3bourds

t x 9 " " 4, 4, and 6 boards

Six (/ ,, ,, 3 and 4 boards.^

1000 Square Paving Stones, (l8 inch.)',

Late A. B. Smith and Co'«, Stonie.

3utic--*tf«eit JMj 80, , Mf