SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. - ARRIVALS. - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) - 22 Oct 1852 (original) (raw)

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Fri 22 Oct 1852 - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)

M Adelaide, schoonor, 00 tons, Captain WU

^"^Mclbournc, Hth instant, in ballast. I'M

U«50"^ r.FrUcr, J Taylor, Simpson, Scadton, Pcon,

%m, »»Jj ^oldstreàm'sS'p.TSS tans, Captain Adame,

OW ,v IZT. 14th instant. Passengers-Mr, and

W*K daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and

M*ÏM I Mr and[Mrs. Wakefield, Mr. Cross, two

tiro chill«», J'J- Mr OftUiie, Messrs. HcsBenBtcin,

$j^ôtt, wdfc« servants, Nasmllb., Bradly, and

October 22.-Formosa, P. O. C. screw-steamer, 676 tons,

Captain W. Parfitt, from Southampton 7th August, and

Melbourne 19th instant. Passengers from England-

Mrs. Parfitt, three children, and two servants, Mr. and

Mrs. Skinner, six children, and one servant, Miss Long,

Mr. and Mrs. R. Porter, child, and servant, Mr. and Miss

Lippman, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Howell and child, Mr. and Mrs. Getty, Messrs. Rawack, J. Wallack, Thee, R. Skinner, T. Prestige, Evans, Soares, Soares jnr., Amos, Seel, W. Johnson, F. Wilkins, H. Neilson, F. Burne, Stewart, Allen, F. King, J. Price. From Melbourne-Mrs McDonald, five children, and governess, Mr. and Mrs. Rae, Mrs R. Tettersall, Messrs. H. Nathan, A. Bell, F. Jassetter, H. Callow, A. Weston, W. Welfare, G. Talbot, E. Smith, J. Webb, J. Sanders, J. Beattie, J. Allen, J. Rogers, T. A. Chave, F. Fielder.

The following vessels have arrived at Melbourne, from

*n?Ä thei 19th liistant-FroniEngland; Ellen,

t Ä llimalaya, OlilUa, Ko*ana, Agneta, Delta,

AÍVontMDiery, Lady Eveline. From New York:

S""T? From "parto: Harriet From Adelaide:

^nulf Drnhno, lloyal Shepherdess, Arnicas, Wave,

ïîln, From Sydney : Itoxhurgh Castle, Clarence

í"t" rurck" Waratah, Emma, Henrietta, Golden

«¡S* »nd AdTcature.-Wlth upwards oí 3500 passen

The P. O. C. steamer, Formosa, has made the passage

from England in 75 days 6 hours, including detentions

at Teneriff, 2 days; St Helena, 2 days; Cape of Good

Hope 4 days; and Port Phillip, 4 days. The screw was

disconnected 16 days during the passage from the Cape

to Port Phillip, and under sail only she has made 238

miles in 24 hours; her average under sail was 225 miles.

Hs«r«t«std»y'«runw«s "P3 mli?; ?«<« her average

ISd during the Toyago has been 8J4 knots per hour.

¡.will nrweed to Hiugaporo early next mouth, and

ÖrK° eommunVatlon with England will bo

?vnilnrlr kent up every alternate month. Inconsequence

Ä AT bad quality of coal obtained In Melbourne,

¡t wu with great difficulty that tho Btcam was kept

no between that port and Sydney. The Formosa isa

»rr fine boat, remarkably fast, aud although li great

taxi», I» peifatly dry. We shall give rv description

ni ihlá fino ressel in to-morrow s publication. The

form»» hw on board 45,000 sovereigns.

The St. (¡corgc, hence, had an-ired in London. The

Vlmtrl» «nt round io Spithead on 0th August, to

nnb&rt iraf seagers. The Sarah Sands, steamer, will not

»ill nntll the Hth August, and the Cleopatra on tho 1st

The" steamer Sydney, sailed from England

August *i hut had to put back through stress of