Advertising - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) - 6 Jan 1853 (original) (raw)
Thu 6 Jan 1853 - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)
Page 3 - Advertising
respectfully to inform the public that
they hove londed and opened, this day, their
New Goods, ex Sarah Sands, consisting of
Ladies' and gentlemen's gold chains, in great
Cameo brooches of rare and exquisite cutting
Necklets and urmletp of newest designs
London made silver spoons and forks, Hall
Electro-plated spoons and forks on best white
Gold and silver lever watches of really good
finish, and such as they can most confidently
recommend as good time-keepers, and with
each of which a warrantry will be given
Also, a great variety of other new and fashion-
able articles, of which they solicit an early
The above goods have been imported direct
from the best maunfacturers, and need only be
seen to be appreciated for style and quality.
Jewellers and Opticians, 478, George-street.
LANDING, ex Sarah Metcalfe, an
assorted invoice of a very superior de-
scription. L. and S. 8PYER,
E JOHNSON, appreciating the
. kind and liberal encouragement he
has received since he succeeded to the busi-
ness end premises of, the late Mr. Britten, takes
this opportunity of returning his bçst thanks
to those who have favoured him with their
or-'erSj and to solicit a continuance of their
commands and recommendation. Hiving i
I ceived a good supply of curled Hair, direct
from the manufacturer in England, he is
I enabled to execute all orders for Hair Mat
| tresse«, and Bedding generally, of superior
quality, and at moderate prices. .He has
ahiais on stock a good assortment of Hair
and Flax Mattresses, Palliasses, Bolsters and
Also, ex late arrivals, superior
Carpet and leather travelling bags
Gold diggers' belts, pouches, and pocket
Hair seating, and curled hair
Seasoned feathers, and feather beds
Plain and fancy stationery, books, &c.
Ii. JOHNSON, (late Thos. Britten),
Nearly opposite the Congregational Chursh.
N.B.-Old Mattresses remade.
Merchants, Captains, and the trade supplied
and Co. have just received, and have
now on sale, ex Sarah Sands, a most beautiful
and varied assortment of ladies and gentle
ments superior Gold and Silver Watches,
which are recommendable for their neatness,
correctness, and substance, particularly the
Gentlemen's Hunting Levers. A large quan-
tity of Gold and bilver Pencil Cases and
Penholders, registered and elongated. Supe-
rior Charms in great variety, Gold Lockets,
Brooches, &e" of the best workmsnship. Also,
I a case of superb and elegant Bohemian Glass
I Vases, Toilet Bottles, &e. Ladies' and Gen
i tlemen's Multum in Parvo, and other Dressing
! Cases of the best quality.
405 _-_439. George-street.
fDUCKER begs to return his grate
. ful acknowledgments to the inhabi-
tants of Sydney, his numerous friends, and the
publie generally, for the liberal support they
have afforded him since he succeeded Mr.
Uther in the Hat business ; and having
admitted Mr. James Turner into partnership,
begs to inform thom that they intend opening
in a few days, under the style er firm of
Duckcr and Turner, with an extensive and
entirely new Stock of Drapery, Haberdashery,
Hosiery, Slops, and every other article be-
The Hat Department will be carried on in
its every branch as usual, and Gentlemen
may rest fully assured that they can obtain
their Hats, both in quality ana price fully
equal, or better than heretofore.
N.B.-Full particulars will appear in a
224 Hat Warehouse, 274, Pitt-street.
IGHT CANVAS, for boat sails, al1
linen, 40 inches wide, at the very low
price of lid. per yard. Apply at R. M. Pite's,
Fine flour, by the ton or single bag, (200 lbs.
Bran, ditto ditto, (4 bushels each) '
Sharps, ditto ditto, (ditto)
Miller's Wharf, (late Orr'«)'Bathurst-street
Mahb's strong wrought iron patent
Eight-horse high-pressure Bte'am engine,
g^OK SALE by the undersigned, ex
Hunt's Port Wine, <$> to <£<$^
Congou Tea, ex Arabia, chests and half chests
Canvas, Nos. 1 to 6, assorted
Linseed Oil, boiled and raw, in iron drums
Sheet Xead, 4, 5, 6, and 7 lbs.
farrand Hoop Iron, assorted
heathing Metal, 16 to 26 oz. '
F I N -E- < X1 'L -O U K.~
Adelaido ' \ ex Charles Carter,
FOR' SALE, at the Stores ' of the
Port wine, in quarters and hogsheads
Champagne, in 1 doz. coses
UBLIC NOTICE.-Henry ' Fisher
notifies to the public that in future he
willconduot his business under the style or
firm of Fisher and Son, as Distillers, Wine and
Spirit Merchants, 337, George-street, Sydney,
opposite the old Burial Ground. 20
O.P., or 1 to 2, Jto be had enly, at the
Stores of tire undersigned. Storekeepers, &.c,
&c, in the interior, are requested to send their
orders direat, to ensure a genuine article.
FISHER AND SON, Distillers,
25 337, George-street, Sydney.
OIN SALE, at the Stores of the under-
Fishers' Colonial Rum, 28 O.P., 1 to 2
" Spirits of Wine, 66 O.P.
" Colonial Brandy, in 2 dosen cases
" Singer Wine, in 1, 2, and 3 dozen
" Cherrv Brandy, in ditto
,, Stomachic Bitters, in ditto
MancU's. very best 13randyt ki and. out of
Case Gin, the best brands, in and out of Bond
Lowndes" Old Tom, out of Bond, in 1 dozen
Superior Malt Whiskey, in 1 dozen cases
Palp Cognac Brandy, in I dozen cases
Superior Port Wine, in pipes, hogsheads,
quarter-casks, and 1, 2, and 3 dozen
Ditto 8herry Wine, in butts, hogsheads,
quarter-casks, and I, 2, and 3 dozen
Champagne, in 1 and 3 dozen cases-superior
Capo Wine, in hogsheads and quarter-casks
Byass* and Marzetti's ales and porters, in 4
FISHER AND SON, Distillers,
THE undersigned are now prepared to
Best Colonial Rum, 28 o.r., or 1 to 2
For Fine White SpiritB of extra strength.
For samples and prices apply at the Office
2 Pipes Russell's 1847 port wine (vety
2 Hogsheads Duff Gordon's gold sherry
2 Ditto Amontillado sherry
2 Hogsheads j Duff Gordon's pale sherry
4 Quarter casks Humprey's pale brandy
100 Cases bottled ale and porter (brand R.
4 Cases tartarus acid and cream tartar
2 Cases illustrated books.
ON SALE at the Stores of the under-
Champagno cyder, in quarts and pints
Byass bottled ale and porter
Collyer and Wilson's ditto ditto
Ciozcau's pale brandy, in 1 dozen cases
Lowndes' Altona old Tom, 1 dozen cases
300 quarter casks of port and sherry
Jamaica rum in puncheons, with certificate
625 W. TUCKER, 421, George-street.
334, Gcorge-strf et, opposite the Cathedral.
116 lbs., at per chest .£3 l8 0
Ditto Hysonskin, best brands .... 3 18 6
Very superior Souchong, in boxes,
Good Manila Sugar, in sound bags,
Ditto bright Mauritius, ditto. 1 3 0
Liverpool Salt, in good sound bags,
Very superior American Negrohead
Tobacco, quite equal to Barrett's,
in half and quarter tierces, at
Best London Starch, in 561b. boxes,
Colman's superior Blue, ditto ... 0 I 2
lib. Mustards, in 2, 3, and 4 dozen
cases, at per dozen. 0 11 3
Best pint Pickles, in 2-dozen cases 0 JO 6
Best East Indian Curry Powder, in
Superior Salad Oil, full quarts .... 1 1 6
Dittodit ,fullp:nts . 0 14 3
White Wi.^ Vinegar, in 2 and 3
dozen cases, quarts . 0 10 6
Sperm Candle, in 251b. boxes, at
French Plums, in boxes, at per lb.. 0. 0 64
Prunes, in casks, at per lb. ...... 0 0 3$
Fine strong Vinegar, in \ casks, at
With an extensive and varied assortment of
other goods, too numerous for an advertise-
ment, the whole of which will be sold at the
very lowest prices, and every article warranted
Og" No business transacted on Saturdays.
Wholesale General Stores. .
33 J, George-street, opposite the Cathedral.
Lower George-street, near the Queen's Wharf.
BUYERS liberally treated with at
prices loaer than any other Dealer in
Sydney, from a large stock fresh in weekly
from all parts of the colony.
The old estabbshed Hay and Corn S;ores,
FOR SALE, at Mr. W. Taylor's Coal
. and Timber Yard, foot of Market-Btreet,
two substantial Wooden Houses, one of two
rooms, the other of four rooms, suitable for
erection in the neighbourhood of Sydney or
Also, a large quantity of coals, hardwood,
cedar, pine, shingles, paling, posts and rails,
soap and candle boxes, &c, &c, ready to
order, and punctually delivered,
"Wanted, two good CaRe Makers. t 6683
FlOR SALE, from 12 to 15 Brood
) Mares; they are nearly thorough-bred/
and in foal to Camel, an imported horse.
The produce of these marei hare for this last
three years borne the highest price in the>
From 20 to 25 Yearlings, of the same breed.
They arc on viow, and can be delivered
within 25 railes of Sydney.'
Fdr particulars Apply to Chaules Mastyn,
Horse and Corriig« Bazaar, 240, Pitt-street,
COALS.,--H. R. Whimibm con
tinues to supply, as-heretofore, a first
rate article at a moderate prioe, and promp
N.B1.-Ships, steamers, mills, and manufac-
tories» suppled at a minute's notice.
Bathurst-Btreet Coal Depot. 1090
(rhe-Proprietors relinquishing Business.)
A rare opportunity for Capitalists.
THE above Inn will be sold by private
contract, well known as the
having an excellent run of business and situ-
ate in the centre of the township, and within
a hundred yards of thp Post Offîoo,
occupying the space of half an aere of ground,
purchased from the Crown. The Inn is well
established, and is in high repute for the great
accommodation it'possesses, as well as its re-
spectability. It contains a large
amply stocked with Spirits, Wines, Ale, and
Porter, in draught and bottle, &c., &c, and
well fitted up with everything necessary and
convenient for a Public Business,
in which will be found aH requisite Furniture,
&c" is capable of dining 60 persons. There
(each room separate,) with Bedsteads, Beds,
and Bedding, &c , &c, in good condition.
Public and Private Pasuiours,
with Fixtures, Furniturp, &c., &c.
of large dimensions, with. Boiler*, Crockery
Ware, Cooking Utensils, &c. &c., too numerous
Good Staruno for Eiout-Houses,
A Carious and Constant Supply of Good
within a few yards. If the Purchaser wished,
a well might be easily constructed, and the
boring for which would, in all' probability, be
the means of obtaining sufficient gold to pay
The Stock may be taken at a Valuation.
(with a License to run to July next,) con be
had. No charge made for the Good-will.
IßT This is a rare opportunity, and the
Capitalist will have difficult? in finding so de-
sirable an investment for hi« money in the
whole colony. An ampîe fortune may be
realized in a verv short space of time.
Parties wishing for further particulars will
please apply to Mr. Lindsay, Broker, Kent
street, Sydney; or to Mr. James Turley
Jones, Prince of Wales Inn, Sofala.
The Proprietor feeling assured that
when the announcement of the sale of the
above property is made known, those who are
acquainted with the same will not let it retrain
in the market long, therefore intending
purchasers had better lose no time by coming
THE undersigned will be ready» on
the 1st of February next, to commence
purchasing good Malting Baripy.
THE undersigned are purchasers of
At highest market prices.
4729 Bank Court, King-street.
r$pHE undersigned are purchasers of
George-street. May 17. 1138
THE undersigned will give the highest
price for Gold, Foreign Bills of Ex-
change, and Foreign Coin, at the Bullion and
Foreign Exchange Office, George-street.
OLD DUST purchased hy the
undersigned, at the highest Market
GO L D.-The undersigned is a
3183 Corner of George and Market streets.
GOLD DUST.-The undersigned are
purchasers, at current rates.
Counting House, 474, Goorge-Btreet. 94
GOLD bought at the highest marke
6576 Bullion Office, 489, George-street.
LD COPPER.-The undersigned
are purchasers of old copper. The
highest market price given.
Sydney Foundry, January 4._3S7
THE Public are cautioned not to
; purchase casks having the brand of the
6416_Kent Brewery. Sydney.
has been admitted as partner in our
THE partnership heretofore existing
between the undersigned as Stock-
holders in the Murrumbidgee District, has
been this day dissolved by mutual consent.
As witness our hands the 18th day of Decem-
Witnesses-W. Stewart Caswell.
NOTICE-.1 hereby give public notice
that Mr. Hyam Davis, of Lower
George-street, after this date is no longer my
agent, and all letters, parcels directed to mc,
will please to forward to Messrs. Levi and
Albxander, Ebwer George-street.
Melbourne, December 27, 1852. 638 |
MR. E. RUTH ALL, who arrived
from Calcutta as passenger per Surinam,
ia requested to call, without delay, at the office
of Monte fiore Graham, and Co._628
L lately left Forest Creek, and who gave
his address in Prince-street, Sydney, will call
at Williams' Boarding; House, 38, Hunter
street, he will meet a friend from the opposite
tent, who is anxious to see him. 014
. Captain Morgan, of the barque John
Williams) will leave a letter at the Herald
Office, addressed C. W., stating his address,
Sec, he will hear of a friend who will be glad
OTICE.-If Mr. BELL, who called
at the Commissariat enquiring for his
brother, will leave his address at Skinner's
Hotel, corner of George and Hunter streets, he
will receive the required information. 613
CAUTION.-Ali persons are cautioned
not to give trust to any person on my
'account without my written order.
653 JOHN DUNN, George-street.
! respectable pi-tics, good guns, pistol*;,
"books, clothing, dressing casts, instruments,
linen, and miscellaneous property of evory de
Kent-street, near the Hunter River Wharf.
99* A note addressed, parties Attended at
* ' tleman of the highest -respectability,
wishing to increase his stock in' trade, is de-
sirous of borrowing from fifty (£60) to oi,e
hundred pounds (£100), at a moderato intcrt&t
and on good security. Addreta-Z. Y. X"
The above required in a private family
of respectability, where no other lodgers are
taken, for a lady and a little boy, who would
occupy the same bed-room. Address 8YN
A LADY, an invalid, wanta- Board
and Lodging for a few montha-a short
distance out of Sydney, for a change ofair.
will give little or no trouble. Address J, F.,
r¥"0 MEDICAL MEN. - Steamer
A " Sarah' Sands."-Wanted, a Surgeon
for the above steamer, to proceed to Sheland.
Apply to Captain Thompson, at the Offico of
Macnab, BrotHera, and Co. ' 471
WANTED, an Assistant whb> ean
produce satisfactory testimonials or
referencea as to ability and character. None
others need apply. J. S. NORRIE, Practical
Chemist, Pitt-street. (198
WANTED- A working overseer for
the Newtown and Cook's River Road,
at a salary of (eight pounds) £8 per month,
parties desirous to hold that situation will
please to address their letter with testimonial
as to character and ability, and be left at the
house of Mr. Michael Gannon, Cook's River,
addressed to the Trustees, on or before
6 o'clock on Monday evening next, the 10th
instant. Parties applying are required to be in
attendance at that time. 447
WANTED, an Overseer for Wingello.
No person need apply who h»s not
had colonial experience, and understands ."»heep
and farming. A married couple with good
character would be preferred. Shepherd*
and Farm Labourers will also bo engagpd
A. Moses, Bridge-street. 7087
JL -Wanted, an Assistant. Apply to
FOSS, SON and CO., 313, Pitt-street North.
B KAP FRY. - An assistant' and a
junior hand required. T Gook and
Company, 244. Qporge-street South._656
WANTED, a respectable and' intelli-
gent vnuth for the Counting House.
Apply to W. TUCKER, 421, George-street.
Wanted, n Miller. To a competent and
sober tradesman liberal wages will'be eiven.
AIbo, wanted a Fireman, or Engine Tt-nrter.
Testimonials as to capabilities and sobriety
indispensable. Apply to J. Portus, Morpeth
Mill». Mnrppth, Dpcemher 27._8946
WANTED a Cooper, to proeeed im-
mediately to a station at the Richmond
River, under the management of Mr" George
Sparke. Apply to Thacker axj> Co., 541,
WANTKD, a steady Shopman, in the
oil and colour business. Apply to C.
Creighton, 682, George-street, Svdney. 635
WANTED, a steady shopman. Apply
to J. M. NIEBEL, Pork Butch»r, No.
WANTED, Bricklayers to set a
Steam Boiler. Apply to J. and H.
HAYES, Albion Steam Mills, Elizabeth
aotive young man as Porter. Apply to
Mr. PIDDINGTON, Bookseller, George
WANTED, a young man as Porter.
Apply at L. HARRIS and SONS,
London Mart, George-street, next Mr. G. A.
Lloyd's Auction Rooms. 680
WANTED, à Wet Nurse. Apply to
Dr. O'BRIEN, No. 327. Castle-
reagh-street, second door from Brougham
WANTED, a Wet Nurse. Apply
This Day, to Mrs. CARTER, Imber
terrace, Brougham-street, Woolloomooloo. 679
WANTED, a respectable young per-
son as Cook. Also, a Parlour Maid;
one who understands her business and can
work well at her needle. Apply to Mrs, Wil-
liam Walker, Cumberland-street._9014
WANTED, a sober Man as Cook.
Apply at the Lighthouse Hotel, comer
of Bathurst and Sussex streets. 710
ANTED, a Man Cook. Also, two
Female Servants. Apply at the Sara-
cen's Head, corner of King and Sussex streets
WANTED, a female general House
Servant. Wages liberal. Apply to Mr.
GOUGH. Eagle Tavern, Brickfield Hill 662
WANTED, a General Servant ; none
but those that can produce a good
character need applv Apply to Mrs. W.
DEAN, 22, Church-L'J, btfore 12 o'clock. 097
WANTED, Three good steady Coach-
men, to drive Omnibuses ; also
several steady Boys as Conductors, and two
good Stablemen, to attend to horses. Appli-
cation to be made to Jonathan Howard, at
the Glebe, Highest wages will be given to
ROOMS.- Wanted, Stablemen. To
competent nclive men the highest
wages will be given at the H. E. I. Co.'s
Repository, Bligh-street. 31
WANTED, a Man and Wife, whrTcan
milk, and are willing to make them-
selves useful. Good wages given. Apply to
Mr. T. SPEEDING, at Mr. Ward's, Parra
WANTED, a Drayman. One accus-
tomed to town work will be preferred.
Towns' Wharf, January 4. 678
WANTED, a lad, One accustomed
to horses would be preferred. Apply
this day, to Messrs. C. NEWTON
BROTHERS AND CO., Pitt-street. 012
WANTED, a Lad, of thirteen or
fourteen years of age, to run errands
and mind an office, Apply to A. J)UNN,
Accountant, 356, Terry's Buildings, Pitt
THE undersigned requires one or two
young lads as Apprentices. JAMES
ALLISON, Jamison-street. 623
rpo MERCHANTS.-A young Man
JL of respectability, and good business
habits, is desirous of entering into an engage-
ment with any respectable house. Has had
twelve months' colonial experience, has &
thorough knowledge of bookkeoping by double
entry, of home ana East India goods, as also
of Custom House business and commercial
affairs generally. A line addressed W., at tho
Herald Office, will have attention. 494
WANTED, by a young woman,lately
arrived in the colony from Scotland, a
situation in tv respectable family; sho ia
capable of taking charge of a few children, or
housemaid's work Wages aro not so much an
object as , a comfortable home. Address by
letter, P. P., to J. R" at the iUrald Office.
A*~ GENTLEMAN recently arrived
from England, and wishing to obtain a
knowledge of sheep farming, is desirous ofl
procuring an appointment up the country.
Good references can bo given Addrei» bv let-1
.ter X. Y. Z.t Herald Office, 63^
AQEOTL/SMAN, kfêîr arrived, h
anxious por an enßs^i»«nt*rlö'Chipping
Foreman, ClerA Bookkeeper» 01 Storekeeper«
Has been accuStam/icd to prnotical waterside,
office, and store ba&a$Bssinoe his boyhood»
Would have no objeciio^a*ft^«nga^¿najiy.
large drapery oi»general establishment, whet*-*»
he could make him s eil ubi ful. Testimonials'
unexceptionable . References in Melbourne
and Sjdney. AdJiess G. K. S., care of Mo»
W. S. Wall, Curator, Australian Museum. .
WANTED, by a young man, lately
arrived in the colony, a situation in an
auctioneir's office. He has been for the lost
five or six years "principal cleri in an auc*
tionecr's establishment in Scotland, and is per-
fectly acquainted with the business. Letters
addressed to J. R., at the JfcrrcW'Office, stating
terms, will be attended to immediahly. 631
WANTED, anBituation 2» a Mer-'
chant's Oflfcae or Store. The adver-
tiser has lud four j ears' experience, andean
keep books by double-entry. Respectable re-
ference can be given a» to competency and
trustworthiness. Will ..lso be w.ll&ig to make
himself otherwise useful. Addn-b» Mr. C, at
WANTED a siraation by respectable
married couple to superintend the ma-
nagement of an Hotel, and'« no harre had sumo
years' experience. Refcrenoo and Si 8timoni»ls'
of the highest chaiacter> and respectability can
be had. Letters addressed'to J. C. H., Herald
Office, will be attended to. Would have no
objection to town or coun'ry. 618
- Colonial Secretary's Ofkoe, Sydney,
16th October, 1853-: - Whewas it has
been represented to tho Government that,',
the morning of the Sth instant,
Mr. James Ker«an. of Cooma, was shot
dead by John M'Spadden, a servant in his em-
ployment, whose personal deserrption i» here-
unto annexed, his Hicellency the Governor
General directs it to bo notified, that a reward
of Twenty-Five Pounds, will be paul to any ,
person who moy, whhin?feix months from the (
present date, give such information ps shall
lead to the apprehenwon und lodging in safe
custody of the above, individual ; or if the per- ,
son giving such information be a prisoner of -
the Crown, application will be made to her
Majesty for the allowance to him ot a Con-
By his Excellency's command.
Noticb.-The above sum of Fifty Pounds
has been collected! in the neighbourhood of .
Cooma, and lodged in ti o hands of the Bench
of Magistrates, to be paid to a iy pet son or per-
sons who «hall apprehend and lodge in any,of
her Majesty's gaols John M'Si-addks (for ,
whom a warran thoa been issued), charged with
the murder of Mr. James Kerwan, of Cooma, ',
innkeeper, on Friday the 8th instant.
I By order of the Bench of Magistrates,
Court House, Cooma, October l8,
Dpschiption.-Namp. Jo"n M'Spapo'sn;
native places North of Ireland ; trade" or
calling, ostlen or gardener ; emigrant : age.
aoout 40 years.*, height, about 5 teet 7 inches
and a halt j hair, brown ; whiskers inclining-^
to bo sondy ; long nose ; heavy eyebrows ; -
stout body ; drtss, when last seen, a light
moleskin jacket, no ymi stcoat, regatta shut,
moleskin trousers, and old cabbage-tree hat ;
had a gun in his possession and ammunition.
Lived forittfriy in the following places, viz. : ,
-Mr. Terry Hughes, of Cobden, about peven
ycirs ago; Captain Rossi, near G Milburn;
Mr. Clifford, of Maneroo; Mr. Scott, of Cara- '
perdown ; Clifford, a second time. Is a re-
markably athletic large-boned roan, not-par
! ticularly stout, with a swinging swift motion
when walking, and a very gruff voice. 8058
jL?S) REWARD.-Absconded yester-'
J&mL day morning from my house, two
China servants. One a boyjoLabxtuLli yes» .....
old, named " Cato," was seen on the Parra- 1
matta Rood proceeding to the diggings ; had
on a Tuscan hat and grass (.loth coat, speaks
good English, and no tail in his hail. The *
other a short stout man, about 2 i years, and
speaks very little English, named "Teuchong." ?
Warrants have been taken out for their appre-
hension. Any person found harbouring or
employing the said servants, will be rroso- .
cuted. The above rewird will be pud for
their apprehension. I. D. NICHOLS. 024
Bedrooms and a Sitting Room, with
Board, may be obtained in the houie of &
quiet respectable family at North Shore, -
where no other lodgers are taken. Terms-may-rr.
be obtained by addressing to T.^rSoraW"^
Private House, two brothers or friends
con be accommodated, willing to "occupy the.
aame room. For cards apply to Mrs, BREM-
NER, Golden Boot, Ueorgo-stroot, next the
Bank of Australasia. 678'
TO LET, furnished, a House at
Woolloomooloo, containing four rooms
and kitchen. Apply to Mr. MAHER, Willow
TO LET.-The whole or part of
those extensive and dry Stores formerly
occupied by Robert Howe, Esq., situate at the
back of the Commercial Hotel, opposite
Messrs. Campbell's Wharf, Lower George- ,
street. Apply to Mr. JAMES HARDEN,
TO LET, with immediate possession,
tho Blue Mountain Inn, in full trade,
situated on the Blue Mountains, Bathurst
Road, the first stage from Penriih. Furnitur«
and stock to be taken at a valuation. For
further particulars apply to k
572_Labour B»/aar, Pitt-street.
1 » A HEIM, being about to remove from
their present Stores, situate at tho Circular
Quay (recently occupied by Mr, G. B R,
Lingard), \o the premises under Mr. Mort'«
Auction Rooms, Pitt-street, are willing to
dispose of the unexpired Lease of the same for
a term-say four years, from the 1st January,
1853. For further pirticulara apply to the
undersigned, at their present Stores, or at theit
new premises, Pitt-stteet.
rilO J,ET. those newly erected 8tore»
JL in Wynyard-strcet ; also, the upper
portion of the House known as the Australian
Warehouse, 532, Geotge-strceet. Apply to
Mr. Isaac Lp.vrit, Wynyard-squsre ; or 632
George-street, Sydney. 230
Wollombi District.-To be Sold.or Let
by private contract, four (4) Agricultural
Forms in the Wollombi district, bounded on
,tho gie it Northern road, and known at
I " M'Donald's Flat ;" two farm* of» 100 acre*
esch, and two of 50 acres each, ia ali 300
acrts, rich, * fertile land, with neve* failing
crops, about 40 acres under tillage; and in pad
docks ; dwelling house, Mock yards, stable, '
ko. ; ojiginal'y intended for an inn, now a
house of call for travellers ; bounded by Crown
land. The run will ¿raze 6GÛ,cattle, excellent
for the dairy and the rearing, of pigs.
Possession given on tfto 4th of Febiuarm
1863. Ifreqiuifsd, credit will bo givea. Ti»i«
Apply to John M-Donai.d, of Tit*. Town;
or Mr. A. Donna, Bast Maitland. 739s
9 0LET, six section,"*., t>( 4142 acres
,; P^land, situate new J)-rtrtbr0okr in ^
,Co,un|L0.Y1fw£a,,e' itWAytí» proPMty of
late Stephen, Coxeni /', presen* jin thVöeOtt
the gt-attfot Undera ml the n^rtfewft«»*.
Pdsjeai,^ ¡aá> be had cn the «0th Sm«*FJ
next, and further particulars known vît appli-
cation to M'.s. Elrakou Tubby, Percy tod»,