Advertising - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) - 9 Apr 1853 (original) (raw)

Sat 9 Apr 1853 - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)
Page 1 - Advertising

Monday next, the 11th instant,

Steam Wharf. Erskine-street, April 4.

Morpeth, This Evening, at

TERRY, Assitant Manager. A. S.N. Com-

ner, commander, will be dis-

patch as above on Tuesday next, the 12th

instant. FREDERICK TERRY, Assistant

Manager. A. S. N. Co.'s Wharf. April 9.

(Under Contract with H. M. Government for

Oriental Steam Navigation

Company's armed Screw Steam

ship SHANGHAI, 600 tons, William Parfit

Commander, is expected to arrive here with

the English March mail about the 13th May,

and will leave this Port for Singapore, Adelaide,

King George's Sound, and Batavia, in con-

junction with the Company's Steamers from

Singapore to England via Egypt.

Rites of passage money, and freight of trea-

sure only, to ports in Australia, Java, China,

India or England, with information on all

subjects connected with the Peninsular and

Oriental Steam Navigation Company, fur-

Moore's Wharf, 7th April.

Under present arrangements, a steam ship

of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Naviga-

tion Company may be expected from Singa-

pore about the 13th of every alternate month,

to return on the 20th of the same month.


Harris, master, being hourly

expected, will sail 48 hours after

arrival. All goods intended for this vessel

will be stored free of charge at Kellick's

Wharf, For freight or passage apply to W. U.

THE fast sailing schooner

FLIRT. For freight or pas-

sage apply at Davies' Wharf,

Going beyond the Pelican Tree.

GULL, hourly expected, and

will be dispatched for the above

port within three days after her arrival. In

the mean time goods will be stored free of

charge. For freight or passage apply to M.

CAFFREY, Bathurst-street.

To sail on Tuesday, the 12th instant.

tons, J. Allen, commander,

now fast filling up, will sail as

above. Shippers will therefore be pleased to

complete their shipments, to prevent disap-

pointment. For freight or passage, apply on

board ; or to W. U. HARRIS, Kellick's

commander, will sail six days after

arrival. For freight or passage apply to W.U.

cannot be ready till Tuesday. She

has room tor a few tons freight, provided ap-

plication be made at once. For particulars

apply to JOHN MORRIS, Agent, Albion

Wharf (foot of Market-street).

Johnson, master. To sail on

Friday next. For freight or passage, having

excellent accommodation, apply to the captain,

on board; or to JOHN MORRIS, Agent,

Albion Wharf (foot of Market-street).

.W|^ Hg^HE first-class schooner

jl^^^, & HERCULEAN, 120 tons

qjffiJrrjiS burthen, R. Cooper, master,

««loading, will sail Tuesday, 12th instant,

wind and weather permitting. For freight or

passage apply to THOMAS CROFT AND

SON, Comrrercial Wharf. 999

HU . jPHK barque NAPOLEON,

mÊfo 'L 330 tons, J. F. Woolley, com

*¡S5-£, munder, having most of her cargo

«ngaged, will meet with every despatch.

For freight or passage apply on board, at

tie Flour Company's Wharf; or to T. AND

W. DAY, Agents, Sussex-street._8898

Aj»^ HP H E splendid clipper

]$5J8|^ *- br»g DART, 200 tons

afttpKÎk . burthen, George Bennett, com-

mander, having much of her cargo engaged,

Wl hi\e immediate despBtch. For freight or

pMsage, hiving most beautiful and spaciouB

tecommodntions, with stern cabin for ladies

»na families, (beds, bedding, wines, beer,

[Puits, &c" found on board). Apply on


racket Office, 480, Gc rgc-street. 863

Gee* to the Wharf without lightering,

."hjk **|^HE English clipper-brig

>M^ ». ARION, 180 tons, Jas. Rooke.

SÈsS&s, commander, has great part of her

«rgo encaged, nnd will have immediate de

Çjtoh. For freight or pacage, having splen

«m accommodations, apply on board, at the

«low Company's Wharf ; or to T. and W.

tf". Agents Sussex-street. _ 9955


wes to the Wharf without Lightering.

kMj^. npHE clipper brigantine

jjli^. -* MEG MEKRILES, Captain

?jfcara» , SyÜBerff, having nearly all her

I wgo alongside, passengers and shippers are

I SU",, ,t0 make immediate application, os

!*!^lU4cI(-wThis Day, and ssiltho first fair

5°a\ ^PP»yto the captain onboard, at the


^u»_t/U" Macquarie-place. 311

.JH, ^SjlHE fine Al clipper ship


¡S*» bl!k> commander, has all her dead

K,ien8.iTd'I-ttnd wUl nleet with «IT«*

SSn S " hl8> fine 8hiP has very superior

Obm accommodations. For light'freight or

r^a?e ,1 .ply on board ; or to E. M. SAYERS,

î^ilhpPacketOffice, 489, George-Btreet!

I ¿»¡k Tr1118 cliPPcr brig, being now

lUEfr "Tr /ulI> Wlil 8a«l positively on

toS?« .v" ??,\ ^PPws »re requested

»«eadin their bills of lading and pass en

ttodstM i8W_,0ttbinx,p^88enRe" can °e »Mom

Now loading at Newcastle.

_. N. B. M'Leod, commander, is now

fast loading at Newcastle, and having all her

dead weight engaged, has room for a few tons

of hay or light freight. Passenger» will find

this ship well fitted and found. For freight or

passage apply to MITCHELL AND TULLY,

Newcastle ; or to E. M. 8AYER8, Port

Phillip Packet Office, 489, George-street,

Landing all her cargo ¡on the wharf without

R. M. Jackson, commandrr,

_.._, will commence loading to-morrow,

and meet with quick despatch. This vessel is

well fitted and found. Separate stern cabins

for ladies. Por freight or passage apply to

Captain Jackson, on board, at the Flour Com-

pany's Wharf; or to E. M. SAYERS, Port

fillip D_npket Office, 489, Oeorge-street. C09

qpHK fine birque PROTEUS,

a. Turnbull, master, houTly ex

_ pected, will be despatched three

days aftor her arrival here. Her spaciouh

'tween decks will be comfortably fitted up

for steerage passengers. She will also take a

limited quantity of light freight, to engage

which, or passage, immediate application is

necessary to ANDREW WILSON, 474,

Landing all her cargo on the wharf without

H E first-class brigantine

___ tons, J. M'Lean, commander. This

favourite vessel will if possible be despatched

on Saturday next, the 9th instant. For freight

or passage apply on board, at the Flour Com-

pany's Wharf; orto E. M. SAYERS, Port

Phillip Packet Office, 489, George-street. 610

t<£g- Going right up to the "Wharf.

HTIHE Baltimore clipper brigan

______ 200 tons, Tucker, commander,

having nearly the whole of her cargo at the

wharf, will sail on Wednesday next. She has

first-rate accommodation for passengers. Apply

to JOHN MORRIS, Agent, Albion Whirf

(foot of Market-street). 993

(Guaranteed to land every package without

_170 tons, J. Addams, commander.

This vessel is now receiving cargo, and

having the most of it engaged, will positively

sail on Tuesday morning next. For freight

or passage apply to JOHN MACNAMARA,

Landing all her cargo on the wharf without

nnHE well-known clipper-brig

k JH. WANDERER, 200 tons, George

_^ Boggis, commander, sails positively

Tuesday next, 12th instant. Passengt.s are

invited to inspect this vessel's superior accom-

modations, beds, bed ung, wines, and spirits,

being found in the cabin free of extra charge.

Also a comfortable steerage. For passage onl v

apply on board; or to HENRY CLARKE,

THEfirst-classbrig GIRAFFE,

D. Gourlay, commander, will

* commence loading on Monday next,

and have immediate despatch. For freight or

passage apply on board, at the Flour Com-

pany's Wharf; or to E. M. SAYERS, Port

Phillip Packet Office, 489, George-street. 831

_combe, master. For freight or

passnge apply to JOHN MORRIS, Agent,

Albion Wharf (foot of Market-street). J)92

vessel are requested to pay

_^ balances this day, before 11 o'clock,

otherwise the berths will be re-let. ijggT" Has

room for three cabin passengers only ; to

engage which apply before 12 o'clock, on

board, at the Flour Company's Wharf ; orto

ANDREW WILSON, 474, George-street.

rk HE packet-brig WILLIAM,

l^\ * Captain M'Kinlay, with her

_ ____ usual despatch. For freight or pas-

sage apply to HENRY FISHER, «BO.George

For light freight and passengers only.

J1HË splendid clipper brig

_ tons register, John Hocking, com

commander, having all her dead weight en-

gaged, will sail in a week, and con tako a few

tons of light freight and a few cabin pas-

sengers, with excellent accommodations. Ap-

ply without delay on board, at the Flour Com-

pany's Wharf; or to SHEPPARD AND

ALGER, Packet Office, 480, George-street.

'F^HE fine first-class teak-brig

A GAZELLE, 285 tona register,

John Charles Bennett, commander,

iTling up, has room for a few tons

of goods, und will sail on Tuesday next.

For freight' or passage, having superior accom

modationB apply to the Captain, on board, at

Mncnamara's (late Quecn'ß) Wharf; or to


200 tons, M'Clemments, master,

___ is now rupidly loading. Shippers

are requested to complete their engagements

without delay. She lias excellent accommoda-

tions for passengers. For particulars apply to

JOHN MORRIS, Agent, Albion Wharf (foot


Taking the cargo of the Archer.

FS^ H E undersigned having

Jt chartered the Al British barque

_AUGUSTA, 418 tons, to convey the

cargo of the above-named vessel to Adelaide,

this fine ship will have immediato despatch,

and offers a favourable opportunity, as despatch

in this case is indispensable, for shippers of

about fifty tons light freight, which will be

taken at a moderate rate, and received by

Captain Crea, at Willis' (Bon Accord) Wharf,

for shipment. Also, room for a few cabin and

steerage pafsengers. Apply to HENRY

FISHER, 180, Gorge-street. April 7. 734


__«_-_«_ ELPHINSTONE will sail for the

above ports on or about the 28th instant.

For particulars apply to Captain DALE, on

board; or to CONSTABLE AND CO.,

agents, 548, George-street. Captain Sole is

nilling to make arrangements for a few horses

for either of the above porte. 95B

THE unrivalled firpi- class

_ GRAVES (late the Orlea-.s), 195

tona reg'Ster, Albert A. Philipsthal, comman-

der, now loading, will have quick despatch. Her

accommodations aie fitted and found in beds,

bedding, and everything that can conduce to

the comfort or convenience of passengers. For

freight or passage apply on board, at the

Circulnr Wharf (just in front of the Shed) ; or

to hllEPPARD AND ALGER, Packet

Office, 480, George-street. Shippers are re-

quested to send down their goods without


HjpHE splendid clipper barque

M SPEED, Al, 600 tons burthen,

_Thomas Cannell, commander, is (by

the request of numerous parties who arrived in

this ship, and are desirous of returning by the

same vessel) again laid on, and, having all her

dead weight engaged, will have immediate

despatch. Intending passengers are invited to

inspect her splendid 'tween decks, 7 feet in

height, so that they may make immediate

arrangements for proceeding by this unusually

eligible opportunity. For light freight, or

pas'BRe, apply to Captain Cannell ; or to


r ifÚ1E clipper ship WOOL

1 LOOMOOLOO will positively

_ sail on Thursday Morning. Ship-

pers will oblige by making arrangements to

weigh at once. GILCHRIST, ALEXAN

DER, AND CO., Agents._100G

-*l-k Fil H E well-known clipper

'ffPi&r .*? biir1ue ISABELLA BLYTH,

Í_~__|¡_¡_ Al, 443_ton8 register, J. R. Cooper,

commander, loading at the Circular Wharf,

is a full ship and will sail the first week of April.

Her accommodations for cabin and steerage

passengers are very superior. For terms of

passage apply to Captain COOPER, on

board ; or to 'SAMUEL BROWNING, Up

per Fort-street, near the Flagstaff._8693

For Gold Dust and Pussengers only.

»"Sp HE fine Al clipper ship

_ 898 tons register, John Jones (late

of the St. George), commander, being now on

her way from Moreton Bay, where she has

taken in all her cargo, will remain in port for

the space of one week only before proceeding

on her passage. As this vessel has first-rate

accommodations for both cabin and interme-

diate passengers, and as she has all her original

crew on board, sho is a most eligible oppor-

tunity. For particulars apply to MON-


PHE fine river-built first-class

ship HOOGHLY, 46Q tons per

_ register, Isaac Durrant, commander,

lying at the Circular Quay, ÍB now taking in

her dead weight, and the greater part of her

cargo being engaged, she will have great de-

spatch. Can take a limited number of pas-

sengers at moderate rates. Apply to the

Captain, on board ; or, to SWAIN and

WEBBS. Circular Quay._753

clipper ship TYPHOON, 1100

tons register, expected daily from

Port Phillip to complete loading here, and a

great patt of her cargo being already engaged,

she will have quick despatch. The pas-

senger accommodation of this splendid vessel

is unrivalled. For freight or passage apply

to HOW, WALKER, AND CO., Circulnr

For Gold, and Passengers only.

.'"ÉpHE remarkably fast-sailing

S. ship PANAMA, Al, 511 tons,

_T. J. Thomas, commander. Apply

to the Captain, on board ; or J. B. MET-

CALFE. N.B.-This ship has good accom

modation for a few steerage passengers. 314


ceive Deposits from or make

_arrangements with, parties do

siiing to bring their friends to any of

the Australasian Colonies, for providing

passages by the line of packets belonging

to Messrs. Gums, Bniom, AND CO., of Liver-

pool, of which the following Bplendid Ships

Eagle Capt. Boyce 1005 tons register.

Albatiosa ,, Geves 1085 ,,

The provisions are of the best quality, sup-

plied under the inspection of her Majesty's

A Surgeon, approved of by the Government

Medical Inspector, accompanies each ship.

No crmmission will he ehaiged on payments

made here, and advices of the same will be

transmitted through the friends of the under-

signed in London, Liverpool, or Bristol, to

parties on whose account they are made in

any part of the United Kingdom.

For fuither particulars apply to CRAW-

LEY AND SMITH, Campbell's Wharf.

r AN TED to charter, Ships

'j-vr5E_ for conveyance of coals from

<*e!rci& Labuan to Hongkong and Singapore,

for the service of the Peninsula and Oriental

Steam Navigation Company. HENRY

MOORE, Agent. Moore's Wharf. MaTch 21,

_tallow and hides, a vessel from

50 to SO tons. Freight there and back, £5 5s.

Apply to Mr. CLARK IRVING, 63, Tilt.

street, opposite the Australasian Sugar Com-

A?i TED, a first-class ship to load

foi London. J. B. METCALFE.

yg7 ANTED, conveyance for 100 to

'» 200 Tons Coals fron Sydney to

Geelong. G. THORNE AND CO. 951

AU accounts against this vessel must

bo rendered in duplicate to-day, to

930 T.AND W. DAY, Agents.

signees of 127 cases marked C in dia-

mond D outside, are informed that unless an

entrj for same be passed by li o'clock this

morning, they will be landed and stored at

their risk and expense. SMITH, CAMP

BELL, AND CO,, Agents. Sydney. April 0.

AGENTS.-The undersigned is a cash

purchaser of ships' water casks, and oil butts.


AQUATIC SPOKTS.-For salo, the

celebrated Surinam gig, which has beaten

everything brought into competition with her.

Apply to Mr. ALFRED L. CESAR, Prince


nptEND'ERS are- requested for horsing

A. a four-horse Carriage to and from Goul-

burn and Bydhey once a fortnight, engaging

to carry four cadets and boxes not exceeding

six cwt. each way. To travel only in the day

time, and if three days aro occupied going- and

if threa days it» return, it will answer the pur-

pose of the Board. But the Directors would

not object to a shoi ter time, should it better

suit the views of parties tendering.

Jenders are requested to be sent in on or

ore Saturday, 16th April instant.

936_RD. GARRE IT, Secretary.

Divine Service will be continued, as usual,

to-morrow, the 10th, and on the 17th and 24th

of the present month, in the Mariners' Church,

bottom of Erskine-otreet, after which date due

notice will bo given of such airangemcnts- as

shall be made, of a temporary nature, until the

erection and completion of the New Marine'»'

Church, contiguous to the Circuí« Quay. L.

E. THRELKELD. Minister._954

BALMAIN. -N O T I C E. - The

Reverend John Gibbon, late of Grafton,

Clarence River, will hold divine service in the

Presbyterian Church, Balmain, on Sabbath,

the 10th instant (to-morrow), at 11 o'clock,

NOTICE is hereby given, that the Half

Yearly General Meeting of the Proprie-

tors of this Bank will be held at the New

Banking House, in Genrge-Btreet, at noon, on

WEDNESDAY, the 27th day of Apiil instant,,

to consider the Report of the Directors to be

then made, to fill up the vacancies in the Di-

rection occasioned by tho retirement of Mr.

Robert Tooth and Mr. Donald Larnach, and to.

consider and decide on such other matters and

things as may then be brought forward by the

Boird of Directors relating to the affairs of the

Candidates for the office of Director are re-

quired, by the 45th section of the Deed of Set-

tlement, to givo notice in writing to the Board

of Directors, to be left at the Banking House of

the Company, in Sydney, fourteen days at the

least before tie day of election.

By order of the Board of Duectors,

1086_J. BAILLI li, Secretary.


PTHHE Amount of Slock transferable to

JJ- the London Register being now filled

up, Notice is hereby given that no further

applications for the Transfer of Shares to that

register can be entertained until vacancies

therein shall arise by the re-transfer of Stock

to the Colonial Registers, of which due notice

will bo given to the Proprietor...

By order of the Board of Director*,

1089_J. BAILLIE, Secretary.

Chairman, T. W. Smart, Esq.,

Deputy Chairman, ChorleB Kemp, Esq.

Robert Towns, Esq. j R. M. Rob3y, Esq.

Thos. Holt, jun., Esq. | W. R. Scott, Esq.

Surveyor. James Hume,Esq.

Secretary, George King, Esq.

' The Directors of the Sydney Fire Insurance

Company call the attention ot the public to

the following reduced Scale of their Rates of

SECTION A.-Slated buildings, 6s. to 12s

SBOTIONB.-Shingled buildings, 8s. to 18s.

SUCTION C.- Weather-boarded buildings,

FIFTY PER CENT, of the Premium will

be returned on the renewal, for twelve months,

on all yearly policies, so THAT THB AOTUAÍ cost

of Insurance will be ONE-HALF only of the

This Company is established'upon the prin-

ciples of the Saxe Gotha Company, which is

one of the leading and the most popular Fire

Insurance Company in Germany, and which

established, on the occasion of the great fire in

Hamburg, the soundness of its principles.

It then paid all losses in full without incon-

All parties desirous of insuring in this Com-

pany may satisfy themselves by previous in-

spection of the register book as to the ability

of members to make good the amount of their

respective contributions.

Applijation for Insurance to be made to the

Secretary, at the ofäee of the Company

ÇgF N.B.-Iii case ot lire, parties are re-

quested to give notice to Mr. T. J. Bown,

Engineer, No. 286, George-street, Superin-

tendent of the Fire Brigade, in whose premises


THE Dit ectors have decided on making

a call of five shillings on each share, to

be paid on or before tho 15th of Apiil, at the

Company's Offices, 316, Pitt-street.

060 HENRY W. ELLIS. Secretary.

CIATION, Ultimo House,-The price

of this Establishment will, for the future, be

Assorted linen, 2s. 6d. per dozen

Blankets I From 6d, upwards, according

N.B.-The Company cannot be held ro

fp^nBible for any linen unless distinctly marked.

U61_HENRY W. ELLIS. Secretary.

SOCIETY. - A special General

Meeting of the members of the above Society

will be held at Mr. James Powell's, Goulburn

street East, on Monday, at 7 o'clock in the

evening, to take into consideration matters

connected with the welfare of the Society.

Members are requested to attend.


Ï'HE Members are informed that the

next open practice of the Society will

take place on Thursday evening the 14th in-

stant, at half past seven.

Persons desirous of joining this Society ore

requested to apply to the Secretary, Hyde


-A gentleman, who has the charge of a

Behool in a most healthy situation, within

thirty-eight miles of Sydney, is desirous of re-

ceiving two or three bojs, under eight years of

age, as boarders. Terms moderate. References

of the highest respectabili'y. Address J, F, H,,

Mr. Pinhcy'n, Druggist. ParramUta-sirt-et.

lately arrived from London, desires to

acquaint his friends and the public, that he

may bo consulted daily, between the houw of

9 a.m. and] 4 p.m., at Mr. EDGAR'S, Che-

mist, Penrith, or at his own residence, Mount


Just opened, 3-6 and 4-6 Iron, Japan,

Four-post, and Tent Bedstead', 4-6 large

Enamel, Pillar, and Brass ditto, Half-tester

Portable ditto, and Stretchers. HENRY

WOOLLEY, 419, George-street. 1080


THE Public are informed that the

upon HUXLAH'S SYSTEM will remain

open for the admission of pupils until Thurs-

Terms of admission may be known by apply-

S. W. MANSFIELD1, Secretary.


Late Olympic- Circus, Castlereagh-street,

rSIHE public are- respectfully informel.

JL the Marionette Theatre will positively

open on Monday, the 11th of ApriiJ when the

Marionettes will have the honour of makin»

their debut in the Burlesque of Bombaste»

Furioso. A variety of other Entertainments

will follow. For particulars see small Bills.

N.B. The Company are requested to meet

at the Theatre to-day at 2 r M. 1072

STREET. Unprecedented success and

crowded houses. Astounding feats. Eques-

trian, Olympian, Tight Rope, and Gymnasian

Games, concluding with the favorite drama

N.B. The public are respectfully informed

that Signor Cardoza's benefit is fixed for Mon-

day evening, April 11, when he hopes for a

share of public patronage. 1008

RS. HKATH (recently from- Lon

don), pupil of Heinrich G. Dellevie,

and George Dixon, Mus. Doct.), Professor of

the Pianoforte and Singing, 6, Bridge btreet.

For a Lesson of hulf a hour, twice a woekV

Piftuoforte, Two Guineas and a Half'

Singing, Two Guineas and a Half

For a Lesson of one hour, twice a week

Pianoforte, Thrpe Guineas and a Half

Singing, Three Guineas and a half

Lessons given at the residences of: the

Pupils will be charged at the rate of One

Guinea and a Half per Quarter, in addition to

To Ladies requiring a few finishing Lessons

in either of the above accomplishments, Mis.

Heath will be happy to afford the requisifp

EDITOIUAT. ARTIOLB-Itinerating Libearies.


The Mail Route to England.

Cardinal Wiseman imitating Thomas

Colonial Political Summary.

Foreign Political Summary.

CHILDREN'S COUNBB-Amos and the Nails,

The first number of the Aus'ralian Witneis

appeared on the 2nd April, and continues to

be issued every Saturday morning-consisting

of 12 pages crown 4 to, double columns, price

3d. each, or 3s. 3d. per quarter, paid in ad-

Parties in the Interior desirous of taking in

thiB paper, are requested to communicate with

the publisher as soon as possible, in order to

insure their being despatched by the early


EBSWORTH AND CO. have removed

their Offices from Queen-street to the Stores

lately occupied by Messrs. Swain, Webb, and

Co., Harrington-street. Harrington-street,

Counting House of the undersigned is

now in the premises lately occupied by

Messrs. Swain, Webbs, and Co., of Harring-

996 M. E. MURNIN. Harrington-street.

" Lands End Hotel," Pyrmont, in the City of

¥AMES PRATT, having opened the

a" above Hotel, and stocked it with every

requisite for the comfort and accommodation

of his customers, both as regards the cellar-

age, the wines and spirits, &c, which he has

selected from the stores of the first mercan-

tile houses in the city, and the fitting of his

house, which embraces every necessary for

the insurance of the approbation of his pa-

trons, begs to state that ho has now excellent

accommodation (at moderate charges) for par-

ties desirous of becoming inmates of his estab-

N.B.-Ferry boats nre constantly plying

between Day ß Wharf, Pyrmont, and the

Commercial WhoTf, insuring partieB a quick

tratibit to the business part of the city at any

time in the short space of five minutes.

Price 2«. ; by post, 2s. Cd.

The following particulars of this extraordi-

narily popular work were furnished to the

Times of September 15, 1852, by the London

publishers, Clarke and Co., 148, Fleet

Undo Tom's Cabin.-As everything connocted with

this extraordinary book bag now become a matter of in-

terest, the following sketch of its introduction to tills

country may bo Interesting to your readers :-An early

copy WHS sent from America the latter end of last April

to Mr. Hoguo, tho publisher in Fleet-street, and was

offered hy him to Mr. Gilpin, late of Blshopsgale-stroot.

Doing declined by Mr. Gilpin, Mr. Bogue offered it to Ur.

Henry Vizctelly, and hy the lattor gentleman it was

eventually purchased for ti«. Before printing it, how-

ever, as there was ono night allowed for decision, one

volume was taken homo to bo read by Mr. Uenry Vite

tclly, and the othor by Mr. Salisbury, printer, of Bou

verlo-streot Tho report of tho latter gentleman tho

following morning, to onoto lils own words, waa:-*. I sat

up till four in tho morning muling tho book, and tim

interest I felt was oxprossod ono moment by laughter,

another by tears ; but thinking it might bo my weak-

ness, and not the power of the author affected me,

I thought I would try tho effect upon my wife (rather a

stroug-mlndcd woman) ; I accordlnhly woko har up,

und rend a few chapters: Unding that the Interest of tho

story kept her awaka, and that «ho, too, laugh id und

shed a tear occasionally, I settled ia my mind that it was

a book which ought and might with safety bo printed."

. Mr. Uenry Vhtetclly's opinion coincided with Mr. Salis-

bury's, and to tho latter gentleman it was confided to be

brought out instantly. The week following the book was

produced, and an edition of 6000 worked off. It made

no stir until the middle of Juno, although wo advertised

it very extensively. From June it began to make wuy,

and sold at the rate of 1OO0 per week during July. lu

August the demand becamo very great, willoh went on

increasing to the 20th, at which time it becamo perfnotly

overwhelming. Wo have now about 400 people employed

in soino way or other upon tho book, and about 17 prlnt

Ingmaehincs, besides hand presses. The follow ing is a cor-

rect statement of sale«:-Illustrated edition, 7s. 6d , nth

thousand ; original edition, 2s. Gd., .'ifltli thousand-Jiout

ledgo and Co., Hallway edition, ls.,U5tk thousand-Kout

lcdgo and Co., People's penny edition, UO.OOO weekly.

Thus about 150,000 copies of tills work aro already lu the

hands of the public, while still the weekly returns of

salo show no decline. In addition, alto, wo beg to an-

nounce that 100,000 copies or the publishers'trade edi-

tion handsomely printed in pocket size, and stitched, aro

now in the hands of Messrs. Piper, Brothers, and Co., for

immédiate issue to wholesale dealers In periodicals. But

at tlic Bim« time we must do ourselves the justice lo an-

nounce that Mrs. Htowe ha« a direct peouniary interest

in this extraordinary success. Our editions are tho real

" author's edition» ;" wo are In direct negotiation with

Mrs. Stowe, and wo contldcutly ho(ie that when accounts

aro made up wo shall be in a position to

award that tolcntrd lady a sum not ln

iorior in amount to her receipts in America.

Wo hope Hits statement will prove os «atlsÇartory to tho

public aa we find it duo lo ourselves.-Clark and Co.,

foreign booksellers, 148, Ficut-strcut,

J. Fenimure Cooper's best novels, Is. Od.

each, viz , Pilot, Spy, Pioneers, Last of the

Mohicans, and a variety of other popular


George-street, next the Bank of Australasia.

HMAF.S-H AND CO. beg to call

. the attention of the Trade, and

Musical Public, to» tl'P following List of

Musical Instrument», -Colonial Publications,

and late English Clasaiciii'. Operaticrand Dance

Muñe, now on Sale- at their Warerooms,


octaves, rosewood cane, fretwork, with all

the latest improvement», Joy SIOEBAUT

Elegant improved' cottage pianoforte, by

Rosewood cottage pianoforte, 6| octaves, fret"

Mahogany s mi-grand piuaofarte, by B«OAT>>- I

Second-hand square pianoforte, Gi octaves, by


For sale, ono flne-toned charch organ, 5

octaves compa»s, 6 stops, âf" &c.

©he elegant rosewood harmonium, 6 octaves

One harmonium, ß'oetaves compass, in hand-

One picólo harmonium, suitable for a school"

Just received a large invoiae of ver)' superior

L'Btruinents of evory.description.

Intending purchasers are informed that this

invoice of violins b the largest and best selected

One very fine toned violoncello on hand

Boehm's very superior itisümments, with all>

the latest impr ovements^. in morocco oncesj

Ditto ditto, with German ailver keys

Boosey's celebrated conoert ñutes

Siccama'B patent diatonic flutes

Williams and Co.'s one-keyed ilutes

Fifes, flageolets,, clarionets, &c, &c., of ovary.

i Cornopean, comet-ù-pistons, horns, &c, &c.,,

in cases, by the best manufacturers.


H. M. and Co.. have received a large in-

voice of these popular instruments, in rose-

wood and o theo cases, with Instruction Books

Music stools, violin bows, harmonicons, music

wrappers, music boxes, manuscript music

Best Roman violin and guitar strings


The undersigned have now on hand all the

latest Musical Publications from Messrs.

Jullien and Co., Messrs. Cramer, Beale, and

and Co., Jeffery and Co., Boosey and Co., and

Lee and Coxhead, with whom they havo made

arrangements for regular quarterly supplies.

Mourn for the Mighty Dead

" Written on the Death of his Grace the

Farewell to the Old House

"Ddcidedly two of Mr. Charles Glover's

"More than 30,000 copies of this delightful

composition met with immediate sale in

Dedicated to the Committee of Management

of the Anniveisnrv Regatta by Henry Marsh.

Tho celebrated Georgian Ballad, illustrated by

The Brides' Waltz, the Galop for Gold,

Chusan Waltz, Nugget Schottische, Crystal

Palace, Railway, Nightingale, Moonlight,

Sixth edition of the Australian Polka

The Spirit of the Ball and Sturm Marsch

The above Musical Publications will be

forwarded to any part of the colony on re-

ceipt of postage stamps tor the amount.



As performed at Winterbottom's Promenade

Concerts with immense success,

Wholesale Music sellers and Publishers,

Mr. Henry Marah is in daily attendance at the

above Warerooms, between the hours of 3 and 6

BUFFALO GALS, Boatmin Dance,

Ober de Mountain, Lucy Neal, Old

Joe, Old Dan Tucker, Dandy Jim, Old Taro

Rib er, Ole Bull, Lucy Long, Mary Blane,

together eleven Songs, with Pianoforte accom-

paniment, 7a. Gd., by post 8s.

Lilly Baker, Channin' Isabel, Who dat

Knockin' at de Door, Come Darkies Sing,

Chloe's to be my Wife, I wish I war at Old

Warginny, De Dandy Broadway Swell, My

Old Aunt Sally, My Skiff is on de Shore,

Uncle Gabriel, Coal Black Rose, together

eleven Songs, with Piano accompaniments,

Oh Susannah, Stop dat Knocking, Rosa

Lee, Charlotte and Chalot, Dearest Mae,

You'll see them on the Ohio, Coloured Fancy

Ball, The Coon Hunt, The Mistletoe Bough,

Zip Coon, Such a Get*.in' up Stairs, together

eleven Songs, with Piano accompaniment,

The three parts, containing 83 Songs, for

TWENTY of Russell's best Songs, with

Piano accompaniment, for 10s., by post

Tho Honorable Mrs. Norton's beautiful Song,



STEALING, 3S. 6d. j and Do NOT MINOI.E, 3s. Cd.,

from La Sonnambula, and of the last Song

in The Enchantress, " MY PHESENOB STILL IN

CALM OB STOUM," 2s. Od., and a variety of

other popular Songs and Ducts,

555, George-street, next Bank of Australasia.

A TIN TED lithograph portrait of

Drawn on stone by Mr. Gh F. Angas, from a

A limited number of copies having been

printed, an early application is requisito to

May be had at the stationers' ; also, of the

publisher, C. GODDARD, Engraver and

Printer, Castlereagh-street North. 913

PICTURES.-To Parties from tho

West of England. A gentleman, about

to leave the colony,' is desirous of disposing

of Two Paintings in Oil, and Four in Water

Colours, Scenes in the West of England. These

pictures are really good and handsomely

framed. . Will be sold cheap, and may bo seen

at Mr. T. E. RUDD'S, Watchmaker, 70, King,

street, West. Also, on sale, a small portable

Medicine Chest, beautifully fitted up by a first

" " CAMDEN BUTfÉïl !!!""*

THE undersigned bega to inform

heads of familcs that he has just received

a splendid parcel of Camden butler, tho first

in the market, on sale at WILLIAM

ALLEN'S, Grocery Warehouso, 3, Campbell

street, opposite Haymarket, between George

and Pitt streets, iggr Please observe the

EDWARD" H, JONES (late of 61

Cornhill, london), Working Jewelle*

and Watchmaker, No. 1, Hunter-street, on*

door from Georgostreet, Sydney, respect-

fully bega to inform the inhabitants and pnblio

of Sydney that he has- token the above pro-

mises, where he intends earrj mg on the abov»'

mentioned trades, nnJ Hopes try strict attend

tion to the quality, and' punctuality in ex»»

cuting all orders entrusted" to his hand», tfr

insure a share of their patronage. E. H. Jones

at the same Time begB to communicate that bft

will receive per Adelaide, steamer, hourly

expected, a largo and tfiotce collection of

Jewellery and Watches, of the very best work-

manship, whicli ho intends offering at prices

widely different from those usually charged ia

WATCH GLASSES.-Thebcs», end'©fall

dr-Beription«, fitted at Is. eoch, at' hDWAICDf

If. JONES', 1, Hunter-street, one door fro»

George-street. The trade supplied. 1071

155, HAY"MAÏ___ËT~155. ""

SL0P8ELLERS. N.B.-A liberal aUowancr

to wholesale huyera. 98fc

165, H A YM ARK ETTTÖ«. '

A GENERAD- assortment of gentV

¿jfc white and regatta shirts

.Beauford and Albert tit», black and coloured

Lambxwool and me-riito shirts, woollen and.

cotton hosiery, Star, Sic.

Hove just been opened, »nd are now ready

for sate, at H.« S-BLBY AND CO.'S

N.B".-Fine cabbage tree hats in- great

;Case> 172-Girls' and women's polkas, capa^

173- Long and ¡square caohmere sh&wla

174-Cachinere, delaine, and embroidered

175-Brocade and glacé silks, silk-tie«».

170-Ladies' white cotton hose

The above goods have this day been opened. ,

( and are well worth the attention of the Ladies- '

' of Sydney, and poisons from the interior.

THE cheapest house in Sydney« 13

H. SELBY AND CO.'S. where they

sell a good cotton stocking for OJd. N.B.

Every other description of hos'ery equally


qpHE EMPORIUM is the cheapest

M. House in Sydney for Winter Drapery

Delaine dresses, Iii y ard s.... 7.«. 9d. the dress

Cachmere ditto ._,_. 9s. Cd. "

Elegant ditto ditto .12s. 6d. ".

French twills, allieolours .. Is. 3_jti. per yard

Circassian cloth, all colours Os. Iljd. "

Flanuels from . Os. Od. ...

French merinos, all colours ; Horrock'n long

cloths, A, B,H_&c.,&c. ; wool polkas ; corded

coats; crcnoline, &c., &c, all of which will

be sold at tho-lowest possible prices.


Emporium,. 256, Pitt-street, near Market


g" M. MEltKINGTON has opened

I .> . three coses of Black Paris Hats, from

I 6s. 6d. to 12s. Cd ; also white and regatta

dreBseiLShirts ; a splendid assortment of fane«

Handkerchiefs and Neck Ties, French Kia

Gloves, Lnmbswool and Merino Vests, Pants,

Drawers, Hose and Half Hose, superfina

Frock Coats, 45s.,- and ready-made Clothing;

of every description, cheaper than any other

Emporium, 255, Pitt-street, near Market

cheapest and best stock of Ready-mad«

(nothing is to be met with at E. J. SCRI-

VENER'S, (frcm Lark and Bennett's) Hosier,

Glover, and general Outfitter, 613, New

Buildings George-street. 102t

HOHE Cheapest House in the Colony

4. for Shirts and Ready-made Clothing i

at 34, Hunter-street, 3 doors from Pitt-street.

N.B. * Shirts made to order. 1044




and want to buy TENTS, BLANKETS,

SLOP CLOTHING, &c, &c" &o, go to &.

M. i ITE'S Establishment, Waterloo House*

101, King-street, opposito Hill's Furnitur»

Warohouse, where you con save at least 39

rua CENT in the purchase of first-rate Water-

proof Tents, &c, of the very best description,

at a most extraordinary reduction for Cash.

i_3f Remember Waterloo House, 101, King

«». Storekeepers and Country Dealers BH_»

plied upon moBt advantageous terms in H$bg$-i

dashery, and Drapery Goods. "* IDCt

Clearing Sa'.e, and Alteration of Premise».

SAM L EL POTTEK, of Essex House,'

242, George-street, takes the present op-

portunity of returning his most sincere thank*

to his numerous customers for the very liberal

support ho has experienced since his com-

mencement in bubincss. Ho begs Icavo now U»

inform them it is his intention to make a com-

plete CLEARING SALE of his present atoet

of DRAPERY GOODS, commencing on Mon-

day next, the 11th April, for one month only*

As the premise, aro to be greatly enlarged to

make room for other good» thortly expected,

great BARGAINS ure about being made in

ladies' dresbes of every description-some quito

new material ; alto printed muslin drestes,

commencing at 3s. the full drcas. Ladies ora

particularly invited to inspect this stock of

Chene Silica, being only £1 10J. the dress,

in a variety of colours and designs ; cachmere

shawls, 3s. Cd, each, willi an assortment of thft

real Paisley bli iwlu ; rich silk and satin man-

tles, at 20s. each, quite new patterns ; with an

extensive assortment of satin bhoes, all at

3s. 6d. per puir ; with a variety of ribbon»,

lace, baby linen, blankets, stay*, slops, black

Paris hat*, ike, &c. The whole now being re-

marked and reduced in price, will commenco

on Monday next Helling iff,

H r. P. wishes it to be well understood that

this is no puff, but a true and genuine clearing

sale, for the express purpose of enlarging ita

S. POITER, Solo Proprietor,

Essex House, 242, Georgc-btrcet, Sydney.

ON SALE, at the ölore« of tUo

100 sides of light Kip Leather, of very superior

JOHN WOODS, Bathurst nouse,

.125, George streit, ii'xt door to Messrs, Wat«

kins and Dean's Auction Mirt. _ 105Ï

KAURIE~ PINE.- Kaurie Pine

Flooring Boards, Battens, and

Boards.-A splendid assortment on sale by tha

undersigned. Sawn in Sydney to meet th«

requirements of the trade. M. CAFFREYS

KENTLEDGE. - Ton Tons Iro«

Kentledge, ex William, for Sale. Applf'

on Flour Wharf ¡ or to HENRY VSSÏCÈ&

480, Georgo-street. *.,',", .**